Geopolitical Economy Report

 Link to this blogpost: 

I didn't add that "free consultation", so be skeptical - I can't delete it. 

This blogpost got big, so I'm going to start a new one, Ben Norton Here It is:

Link to this blogpost:

Lolol, It uploaded 3 times πŸ€—πŸŽπŸ’šπŸŽ„

Ben is very diligent and informative! He's a nice young man who want peace to the world 🌎 πŸ’™πŸ™

<bird drone attack 12/30/2024 update> - they keep deleting my message if I share it at end,) 

Description. Although the great majority of reported bird strikes have little or no effect on continued safe flight, a small number of encounters, usually with flocks of birds and especially flocks of large birds, can damage aircraft or their engines so badly that they cannot continue to fly.

Posted 12/30/2024 

His website is 

This young, studious man tackles describing the tough economy TRANSITION ....Don't worry! Things will get better! But we cannot go on like this:  Feeding  the psychopathic elites!  People who consider themselves part of this dying economy are enslaving themselves to the immorality and greed that is never quenched! 

Watch the Red Badge Of Courage to

We are now facing a better Plan! The Red Flag of Courage πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ @MFA_China

Table of Contents: 

(It is not up to date, sorry. This is a hobby. Copy what you want. Make it your own words)  

Reference Blogpost 


🟒YouTube πŸ”΄BillyBilly 
🟒WhatsApp πŸ”΄WeChat; alipo 
🟒Google Maps πŸ”΄Fidu
🟒GPS                πŸ”΄BayDo 
🟒Facebook     πŸ”΄WeBo 

      I guessed at the spellings πŸ˜—

Update 12/12/2024 - I uploaded BiliBili and once I found the search mechanism , I entered "English Translation" and I am listening to music with English Translation on the screen. It is so soothing for me today. ..πŸ€— I'm not trying anything else for the time being..

The CEO of TikTok is from Singapore; not Chinese per say. πŸ”΄Duin is China's version of Tik Tok 

Google has contracts with CIA😀

Gmail collects your data and sells it! 

@GeopoliticaEcon @XiJimping
He is new in China and loves it! He is very smart! #GeopoliticalEconomy channel



@_whitneywebb - #BenNorton is A very interesting, smart guy who just moved to China about a month ago. I hope Whitney can communicate w him! This pace is what we need! Enthusiasm, intelligence, teaching public - counteracts those trying to incite war. πŸ‘

Modus Operandi: Wall Street is still trapping poor countries, sucking the life out of them. Reporting - @GeopoliticaEcon

Pitstop Of Info:
November 2024

 ❤️πŸ¦πŸ§‘πŸ¦πŸ’šπŸ¦πŸ’›πŸ¦πŸ’™πŸ¦Toot Toot! 

Subscribe To His Channel πŸ’š

Why did USA really drop atomic bombs on Japan - and BTW, they wanted to drop FIVE! #PremeditatedMurder I'm sure was intercepted by KING GEORGE - who had an untimely death! #KnowTheEnemy 

posted 2Nov2024 


US salivates  🀀over money they TAKE - not MAKE! They want Taiwan bc of their resources for the IT bizz! @GeopoliticaEcon

If you do not already realize it, John Bolton was part of the estimated 125 inner circle of Bush Elutes who PLOTTED AND PLANNED SEPTEMBER 11! HE GOT THE MILITARY EXPLOSUVES! THAT WAS HIS MAIN POWER! Just notice his career and what he was doing in 2000-2001! 



Trump flew to his office in Texas, as CEO of Exxon. Trump begged him to become the Secretary Of State if he won the election. Trump lined up other retired military generals in a similar way: James Mattis, John Kelly were two more. THIS WAS A DEVIL'S CHESSBOARD TACTIC - HE FIRED THEM ALL FOR NO GOOD REASON! THEY MADE GREAT SACRIFICES LEAVING THEIR LIVES AS THEY KNEW IT, RETURNING TO GOVT SERVICE!


TRUMP refused military backup to make the arrest sting by FBI!

He then fired Jeff Sessions rather than award him for taking down Alpha Bay! The largest crime ring in history! 

I had a lot of cyber crime hit my phone by sharing this! 


HE NEEDS TO FIX THIS OR I will unpublish this blogpost!

No he was not!!! So please remove that from the video or I will have to unpublish this blogpost - I hope you fix it. Youtube may have altered it; Nevertheless, remove it because it jeopardizes Hon. Tillerson's safety! Sue YouTube! 

<Insert> 12/15/2024 ☃️❄️☃️❄️☃️❄️

I watched this again because the prior time This video was sabatoged obviously - Rigged to say that Ben highly recommended that USA should print more money to solve it! They did this also to dialigue by Michael Hudson! Completely opposite of what he "preaches" for economic solutions! Now the video is spot-on and typical of Ben Norton's teaching. πŸ‘
Explains the seriousness of Global debt. "Printing money only creates a panacea "πŸŽ„We need ACCOUNTABILITY
Of fraudulent debt collectors too!😀


But Towards the end of his video, he made a big mistake! He needs to fix it! Completely false info on Rex Tillerson which could cost him his life! He beeds to correct himself! 

I said this: 
REX TILERSON SACRIFICED TO SERVE USA AFTER SPENDING MOST OF HIS LIFE IN THE MILITARY - BECOMING A GGENERAL! Trump was playing Devil's Chessboard! He fired the Generals he asjed to leave their well-paying jobs,buy homes in Washington, etc! HUGE SACRIF,ICES! 
Trump fired James Mattis, Rex Tillerson, John Kelly, and another one - I forgot his name! 
CIA man Mike Pompeo,who purchased Thayer Aerospace from John B Thayer IV (II and III were on the Titanic doing a clean sweep of financials and jewels belonging to the richest people in the world! They didnt die!) and obviously

 used it as a CIA front to crash planes abd murder people,like JFK Jr! Groups of intellects who were anti-NAZI! You need to correct yourself because you have a lot of influence becayse you're so spot-on with most tgings - but here, young man, you are going down  a deep rabbithole! Trump fired Hon.Tillerson in a freaking tweet and he wasnt even in the country! Because he needed to get Mike Pompeo EMERGENCY IMMUNITY - 

3. Pompeo was facing military charges that would either put him in prison for life or get him the deaath penalty! Pompeo was a worthlessness piece of shit! Even murdered Iran's beloved General Solameini lying about
him being on the terrorist list because
3.  WTF - my blogpost was hacked...he was the worst terrorist in the world!  He was not on any terrorist list! Pompeo &Trump were doing all they could to incite a world war! Rex Tillerson deserves our deepest gratitude! Your false info gives Trump et al "reason" to murder him! So fix it ! 🟒 WTF - Rex Tillerson resigned his $3M/year job to serve USA, Dont be a dumbDonkey! How could you not have discovered that just by Googling? πŸ’―Rex Tillerson. Rex Wayne Tillerson (born March 23, 1952) is an American energy executive who served as the 69th United States secretary of state from 2017 to 2018 in the administration of Donald Trump. From 2006 to 2016, he was chairman and chief executive officer (CEO) of Exxon Mobil.



I'm dambed if I do, dambed if I don't - cyber crime keeps switching orders of Screenshots! Sorry - at least they are numbered! 

@RexxTillerson @jeffsessions  @Mike_Pence @Jamesmattis18  #JohnKelly  @KremlinRussia_E @kingcharlesiiib @fr_Khamenei @XiJimping
He is very bright but he is very wrong about #RexTillerson  - maybe YouTube used #cybercrime  - He still needs to remove it!



Consider what happened in the 1910's! Satanic Eugenisists Bruce Ismay and JP Morgan sank the Titanic!


This is all Churchill and his partners-in-crime - especially USA - not the Monarchy. Not the "British Empire" I think the videos made by @GeopoliticaEcon
are being altered by YT for CIA purposes!

So what happens to me for posting this? 


This just gives you a small preview of their discussions. This video is PRICELESS!  Thank you for publishing this, Geopolitical Report! 

At 50min these very intelligent global economists emphasize West's motive is to destroy Russia's economy using fake sanctions, etc. even if it destroys Ukraine (bc Ukraine is rich in natural resources which they can harvest easier if they destroy it!)

Tremendous insights from brilliant global economists who contend PEACE AND PROSPERITY IS THE ANSWER - USA INSIGHTS WAR TO PROFIT! 😀 we have to stop it! πŸŽΆπŸŽ΅πŸ’™πŸŽΆπŸŽ΅πŸ’™

CYBER CRIME messing with my phone..😀



--11 /4/2024 

@GeopoliticaEcon shares and teaches this macroeconomics truthon #Superimperialism



@theroots COL Tibbet flew the planes that bombed Japan w atomic bombs; after dessemating the Japanese Island they pivoted off of! Murdering Tens of thousands! He wanted to bomb them 5 times! They surrendered in Hiroshima! I'm sure #KingGeorge intercepted the 3rd bomb lined up!

At about 14min - you greatly   

misrepresent Rex Tillerson! He didn't know Trump! Trump hired and fired several competent retired generals and that was his plan - I hope they  filed a court case against him! Trump just wanted to get him out of Exxon to have more control! Trump was obviously facing serious mikitary charges for murdering General Solameini in Iran, and his attempts to incite war through other violent means  You are right 90% of the time but you are seriously offending Rex Tillerson withYOUR RHETORIC. If I see one more video with crap like this, I will unpublish the blogpost I made reflecting you. Slander gets good people murdered, that is why. So please do the right thing. Tillerson, Kelly, Mattison, Sessions, others - were all casualties of Trump corruption! 

Election is over - I did not vote! It is all rigged! The USA is not free! 

Get this on 

recommended book by CIS, Center Of Independent Studies. 

Mearsheimer was born in December 1947 in Brooklyn, New York City to a family of German and Irish descent. When he was eight, he moved with his family to Croton-on-Hudson, New York, a suburb in Westchester County. When he was 17, Mearsheimer enlisted in the US Army.


      In my opinion, Reagan tried to kill Colin Powell's son Michael, resenting the achievements he made in E Germany to RESTORE, while Reagonomics wanted to destroy the Soviet Union. 

Colin Powell even said in his book that he thought it strange that Reagan paid him two salaries. He was just following orders, and needed to visit his son, who was an army Captain in E Germany,   as he had 16 surgeries from almost being killed in a jeep "accident'. I told Colin Powell, "They probably were trying to kill your son, Sir" 

The highest casualty rate from one incident in the Kuwait Invasion (Operation Desert Storm) was FRIENDLY FIRE by USA - Americans killing Americans - bombing the Div Artillery barracks,killing and severely wounding enlisted soldiers!

@joeimbriano777 @Jamesmattis18 @jeffsessions @CarterLibrary @RexxTillerson @fr_Khamenei
Reagan BY ORDER doubled-up Colin Powell, as top General in E Germany with 60k troops, & also as NSA. So he made William Casey leader of BOTH  #CentralIntelligence & #CIA?

posted 11/7/2024

I didnt vote! Anything With Trump in it I will not watch! 

This was a futile effort; I stopped watching because narcissists like attention! 

Don't feed the bad wolf! 

George Soros' No.4 Wife is Chinese - young enough to be his grabd-faughter! Easy to use for manipulating China! 
Another bad one is Gao Wen Gei - in NYC - wanted dead or alive by China ladt time I knew; and JACK MA - parasite to USA economy, has been richest man in China, trouble for China! In my opinion, traitor to China from what I have learned! #DecideForYourself 
He owns Alibaba, and Ali Express, and more...

Neocon / Neo Conservative? 
"Order Of Barbarians" 

He is naming names, which is informative - personally, I am fed up with this US Gov - it has turned into organized crime 100% Hitler himself was described as FAR RIGHT, NEO- CONSERVATIVE! 

So I didn't finish watching his video

I am just too traumatized by life! 

That is why! This young man is diligent and I am convinced some of his past videos were compromised by AI used nefariously.

He is bonded with a great team of political and economic titans! And no doubt the thesis he works on for his phD will reflect their influence. πŸ‘ I mean DISSERTATION -HE WROTE A THESIS FOR HIS MASTER'S DEGREE.


Read the comments on this video,


Including mine!!! I was deceived!  This video is deceptive! Just as deceptive as your claim USA needs to keep illegals to keep up enslaving people! Trump is a freaking liar through and through! He claimed to be against Human trafficking! He also mass-murdered at Paradise, CA using laser weapons he got from the Pentagon 5 months prior WITHOUT James Mattis' knowledge! Trump is a freaking lifetime Democrat! You instead lie like he has been a Republican all his life! Deceivers are trash! You are trash! 

The USA economy is imploding! Neoliberal Globalization = Superimperialism 

Dont be stupid like I was! He is pulling the plug with a "Theres nothing you can do" #OrderOfBarbarians agenda! That is my opinion! Trump is a 1000% criminal! one person tweeted it well about him being US President - something about now we can eye out on him....humorously done....We cant keep an eye out on his partner in crime, Obama! He is the one who developed the current Medicare fraud scheme, I'm sure! The Medicare Advantage plan is a total ripoff! Planned to pull the plug on insurance

 as facilities opt out as participants! 


Millionsof cars in USA are being shipped overseas #FollowTheBarbarians


subscribe to ClearValueTax channel because things are getting uglier by the minute😀. Update: Brian wants to work for Elon Musk at DOGE, so I don't watch his videos anymore. Decide for yourself. 




explains Trump's Foreign Economic Agenda - which Sucks, in my opinion! 


#MichaelHudson 🀩discusses crumbling US economy with Richard Wolff😁 - over 3 hours, fyi  @GeopoliticaEcon @Scottymechanic


Explains that China's @MFA_China #BeltAndRoad project is now being copied haphazardly by USA! Using Eric Prince (brother to Dah-Queen Betsy Wetsy Dah-vos) BlackRock #CIA contractors = WTF

And This Phone was attacked And I almost lost this blogpost! Copy what you want! It may not be here tomorrow. I do the best I can - which is a lot of πŸ₯΅ swearing 🀬 πŸ˜‚

Understand that CYBER CRIME is what feeds the organized crime in USA! Purchasing online often turns into a nightmare for me! My bank just reissued a new card because of fraud! This new Google Pay should be Sued because we do not have honest people in Washington DC! I like the Google Chrome version!They let you protect it by not allowing a transaction without your pin number. 

I can't figure out the logic of posting the following not putting a lot of thought into it now....too overwhelmed with so many matters....

GEOLOGY NICK is above - I love his channel....why this stuff is here, I can't figure that out ....

Posted 1/21/2024 
2:44am -thiswas my nightcap. 😴 

Is Thinkspot just a 🦨Stinkspot? 
My luck, probably so! 

I have no more time to spend with it now! I have to prepare a deposition for a hearing coming up reflecting ILLEGAL EVICTION against me!!! This state is so damned corrupted! 

It's living in hell every day! 

So what Gmail marks it as SPAM - Gmail is Spam anymore! I only access it through Chrome here!

Gotit πŸ™ƒ TikTok - get it? All tricks! 

This whole article is PROPAGANDA! 

This article is a complete falsehood of who Donald Trump is. I am new to Thinkspot and believe you-me I resent TRAITORS like Trump! He fired great people in his cabinets a Devils Chessb I'moard tactic! He murdered General Solameini,beloved military leader in Iran - which he also sabatoged the IRAN DEAL, which was the OBAMA PLAN all along! The organized crime in the USA is reflective of the Order of Barbarians

New World Order

And nothing has any value except feeding the pockets of pathetic psychopathic elites who fuel SUPERIMPERIALISM 😀 22Nov2024

Excellent overview of expansion of BRICS

USA plotted #AtomicBomb #MassMurder in Japan after mass murdering tens of thousands of ppl to occupy their island! 😀Here they are blood-thirsty to destroy 7 Middle East countries!


#BlackRock is bad news - arm to CIA 😀

I binged on your channel yesterday! 😁

The US Military have weak leadership and The Commander in Chief just keeps filling Ukraine's And Isreal's Halloween bags with tricks and treats! @jeffsessions


Global debt is unpayable - he suggests forgiveness by countries involved. But USA is trigger happy &sabatoged @IranIntl 



My comment:  I typed a term paper titled "The Evolution of Sociobiology" centered on social Darwinism around 1982. I was shot down! The teacher was affixed on paedophilia sex and the like! Later I was framed with a psyche disorder regarding inability to adjust socially! 😀 

The underlying issue is the organized crime doesn't want to be accountable! So they harm anyone who fails to conform to THEIR society! 

Spot-on reporting on what is really going on with #GlobalEconomy @512_RWC713

Posted 11/272024 

Pictures are not in order; they are scrambled now by CYBER CRIME😀. I barely have time to share what I can now due to my life being such a shambles from corruption. 😒


        USA Christmas Gift 🎁 from Ryan Reynolds and his peeps at Mint Mobile 


Just some thoughts ....πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™Š

Trumpty Dumpty? 🀣 Now wants a  steel wall, says eggshells are extinct; Now he's back whacking golf balls- while Flower The Skunk 🦨 says he stinks!
On Dasher, On Dancer, On Vixen - where's Comet? He has an affair w Ajax who is pregnant w a grommet.
@theroots @FallonTonight


Subscribe to @GeopoliticaEcon
He's spot-on
Watch out for #CyberCrime  alterations in his video, completely contrary to the school of thought he relays so it sticks out like a soar thumb πŸ‘

I never sent President FRAUD anything and nothing was enclosed! 

Posted 11/30/2024 
Notice there's no note saying "enclosure" - this was created by CIA and planted in my apartment! 

15-min reminder that a nuke war would destroy the majority of the planet and people! Reporting @GeopoliticaEcon

I am a nervous wreck because my landlord is trying to evict me AGAIN, like 2019. 

As I go through papers which THEY, infact, illegally entered my apartment and placed here FROM the storage unit I had and they obviously stole from - I found the cutout article they obviously planted in my papers, from a New York Times paper obviously. I would have considered it PROPAGANDA if I read it back then. I took a picture of the frontt and back. ..

These papers date back to 2013-2014. I put them in my unit to look at later, sort out - but was overwhelmed by so much corruption plus injury to me: grade 4 hamstring tear which I was told needed surgery and I told the DR no way, I would be murdered in that hospital. ER Supervisor treated me like crap and said nothing was wrong, it was all in my head! 

I was bleeding internally! 

Excuse my emotions but my landlord is trying to evict me and I have so much going on! πŸ˜”

So much corruption! They planted this article about President Putin in my apartment with these papers from back as far 2014! 

There is this social security mail never opened. Most likely they stole it along with many other papers because that is what they do here! Then put it in my storage unit. I asked them to lock over my locks because my extra set of keys were missing. 
Months later the manager makes up stuff about me being required to purchase insurance from them when I had my own insurance, they had proof! He refused to let me pay for my rent! Stole my possessions! 

2013 - I figured as much ...they stole my mail and I been caught an employee doing it. She said she was given a key and told to by Dragana the manager. (She's Ukrainian) 

They stole my bank card and my payment was declined! Then put this in my storage unit! Multiply that by 100! They did these things all the time! 


I was illicitly arrested, greatly traumatized including a suspected group rape by police after being drugged up as punishment from calling an officer's voicemail about a young man who said he was suicidal and the psychopathic Dr said, "You just want to stay here longer because you like the food" and he broke the mirror and slashed both arms! I went to the phones and told him what happened via voicemail. I was drugged up and woke feeling like I was raped and fought off men! My bed was all tore up! 

I never got my money back! 

Lawrence Mark Hurley probably stole the check! 


I had a one-bedroom apt and only heated my bedroom with a Vornsdo heater I bought, not trusting their electricity. And see the rip-off billing! 

I cannot believe how crooked this state is! 
I am a nervous wreck because the last place you can be sure laws are adhered to is the courthouse! 

I can't work on anymore of these papers, it is traumatizing! I need to return the truck rental tomorrow. I want to get to the Laundromat since my landlord has remotely turned off my washing machine to further abuse me over two years ago, after I complained the maintenance manager pooped in my trash can in my bathroom! How dare me to complain! 

And he was the one coming at me after smashing in my apartment door while I was taking a bath! A federal agent must have ordered him out because the manager defended him! If I was armed with a gun I could've shot him lawfully but in this lawless society they arrest the innocent and keep the criminals in the streets! 


   πŸŽ€It's Christmas πŸŽ„ A time to remind 
Our Present is a present 🎁
This pitstop is just a poetry stop: 


I am not posting videos on my December blogpost.... so consider this a guest video πŸ“· ...thank you..

FYI, I am not especially drawn to Pascal's channel but he has some good content. I get turned off by clickbait when it comes to news.

It just isn't the time or place ..  

Scotty Mechanic 😎 has quite a sense of humor yet even now he's becoming more serious because he loves his country and see it being shredded to bits by organized crime right in plain sight! That's my impression of Scotty and I'm sticking to it πŸ‘πŸ™πŸ€—

The Truth about NATO
Peace can be learned
Stop teaching VIOLENCE

President Bottleneck Trump is taxing USA companies with his tariffs because THEY have to pay the tariff. Well explained by @GeopoliticaEcon
😎 @Scottymechanic
Has made videos on this 

Posted 12/4/2024 

The US is changing climate dramatically through EXPENSIVE Geoengineering! Weaponizing weather -  using what they know as a weapon! Pull the money, the plug will be pulled, and soon this country has to cry "uncle"! 



Great comments πŸ‘ Read them on his videos if you have time. 

Made this video a year ago. No doubt the bonds are tighter &Trump will not be able to murder Maduro he tried in former admin once he got rid of the experts in his cabinet! @jeffsessions

Excellent analysis on why China❤️ has climbed to the top of Global Economy.πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ #WuhanVirus was obviously intercepted by Chinese intelligence & replaced with common flu to diffuse the Bill Gates #MassMurder plan! Death Rates<Birth Rates 

Posted 12/6/2024 

The USA is facing becoming a third world country! Trump put Elon Musk in Government to syphon the government! This is not going to be a pleasant 4 years. No way, no how! How can we even keep hope alive? πŸŽ„πŸŽ€

The CIA probably really killed him for not playing along with Medicare Advantage or something like that! Medicare Advantage is an OBAMA PLAN, I bet - spinoff of Disastrous Obamaccare! 


I had to restart my phone to get Google shit off! They return with this! I swore alot, saying get the f*k off my phone! What's the use? The USA is a socialist country, run by a plutocracy! I am sick of the organized CRIME! I wish I could leave this pathetic corrupted state! 

I disable Google Assistant and anything else I can! It doesn't matter! Because the Technocrats all want to the same thing! All cause the same thing! Cyber Crime! 


I am posting videos that are aligned with this blogpost December 2024 because I want to leave my poem as the focal point on my "December 2024" blogpost. 

CONSTANT CORRUPTION using ads as a weapon! 

Internet is a cruddy platform because is run by cruddy corrupted people!  

@mfa_russia There are so many in the Media 😀 who are tools for the Technocracy! ANI included! Right when Mr  Lavrov spoke about 2014 as a focal point, they interrupted with an ad to stop his explanation that USA Funded $billions a year to terrorize Russia! It was at about 19min

Posted 12/8/2024 

I just had to restart the damn phone! They interrupt with bullshit about "I can put anything in my body I want to" 
And removed option to block it! 

And Google placed "insert image" when I tried to upload! I stopped uploading and selected it again, but I don't know if that will make any difference! 

They BLOCK the time when I do a screenshot of their abusive, invasive ads! 

--12:08pm - they make the time like date! Stupid a$$es! 

I am watching The Honorable Mr. Lavrov 
Trying to!!! 

Constant BS ads!!! That interrupt and block 'you' from typing, etc! 

Posted 12/8/2024

@mfa_russia πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί
Explains priorities, emphasizes PEACE, emphasizes #Terrorism and #DoNotNegotiate πŸŽ„ USA is run by liars, spineless organized crime!


@PMOIndia Your generals are obviously CIA extensions. Pakistan needs to take back their own country - India wouldn't want it with CIA polluting it. Yet India is your mother country. @ImranKahnPTI was helping Pakistan, who need to  support HIS freedom, lost bc of the coup!  



Excellent analysis on what happened to SYRIA!

Posted 12/9/2024

May not have been able to fix what was broken, but I do not believe he did the breaking. @mfa_russia
Much respect for the #WhiteHelmets in taking part in this transition. πŸ™


It is pretty well known that CIA ties with ISIS are strong. 

@KremlinRussia_E @mfa_russia
I do not perceive this military action by my country USA was appropriate. Why were they even there?

Posted 22/10/2024 

     Twitter hides your acct and I have to struggle to add it in tweets, FYI 

@KremlinRussia_E President Putin doesn't play Devil's Chessboard & doesn't have to "dance" with those who do anymore, like USA! So this video pissed me off & I didn't want to watch anymore. Like @XiJimping
They want peace & have proven this! πŸ•Š️πŸŽ€πŸ•Š️♥️

 I'm getting some really sour political reports on my feed and don't know why....calling President Putin a trickster, blah blah blah.. He makes bold and beautiful statements about peace! The ones who funded the
terrorists caused the fall of SYRIA and it was a cheap attempt to push a world War yet due to great leaders taking control, they suppress it and now the territory will hopefully be peacefully divided up. Whether these damn terrorists like it or not. 

And a former CIA agent discussed this? CIA are terrorists! 

Smart play??? More like DEVIL'S CHESSBOARD - CIA TACTICS! 

Mother Tucker Carlson - all news manure in my opinion! 
Posted 12/11/2024 

Putin Debunks Tucker Carlson 

My comment: 
Who even tolerates *ucker Carlson 's tone of voice? He is a CIA Asset, obviously! Where was he during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings and CIA Asset Christine Ford testified. They took the chat down because we discussed what an idiot she is. Trying to invoke support for Kavanaugh by using reverse PSYCHOLOGY yet we knew she had Devil's Triangle sex with him when she attended SCSU in New Haven, CT - and that school has been raided by FBI for Financial FRAUD - so to beef up their funds they take part in the Sandy Hook shooting FRAUD, hailing Organizer OBAMA! And what does Connecticut title their Housing Regulations? 
This video - press conference with President Putin - is all screwed up and I bet "Doomed Monk" is a George Soros cyber criminal....

This crap started happening after a Musk commercial...I mean "ad" - he is supposed to be Trump's e-God / DOGE now πŸ₯΄ WTF πŸ‡is not impressed 
And the OBAMA snap crap still pops up now and then😀 

I'm watching this today, πŸ€— reading my new book Turning to Stone - then submit my Motion For Disclosure on the Illegal Eviction case  against me tomorrow....gotta pace it out because I get terrible nightmares. 
Between you and me, you'd have a lot more subscribers if it wasn't for the CYBER CRIME by Technocrats.😀
My WTF bunny πŸ‡ agrees. 

@KremlinRussia_E @mfa_russia
Excuse my choice of words but people, STAY AWAY FROM TOXIC MEDIA!

She is a fine diplomat, fine leader! 
I consider her right πŸ‘ about everything! 


One small step for corruption; 10 backwards steps for mankind 😀
Several were commuted
Makes me think of what they did in SYRIA recently...


I will post a message about records fraud in the court system, regarding Juris lookups. 

Go here and the message is at the end of the blogpost, dated 12/12/2024


Excellent analysis on the Martial Law and coup attempt in South Korea @KimJungUnDPR

Posted 12/13/2024.

Posted 12/13/2024

Devil's Chessboard Politics  by πŸ‘ΏUSA (we know it's domestic too!) @kingcharlesiiib @XiJimping

Beware of imposters, fakes!

Several of the BRICS Twitter accounts are FAKES! 

This is great that Ben Norton gets so many of us commenting! Yet be aware of the CYBER AXIS OF EVIL

PsyOp,  if you ask me! 
One video 2017 animation of a leafin the air, falling ...why does he have just this one video?

Two bros taking different sides here, I think..we are lued to so much! PALESTINE was FIRST...Isreal claimed area they claimed was the real Jerusalem. 

There have been informative videos about this. Overall, as just a nutcracker, I have to say peace is not wanted by the warmongers anywhere - the New World is what USA declared themselves as...and in Germany, a faction of Satanists called themselves the Illuminati -amd USA created a Theocracy Society, which engaged several global religious representatives. 

They built the MASTER BUILDING in NYC, which is where they held meetings - and which Freemasonry was taking roots - yet Freemasonry has been roots to US Gov - the derelicts from the British freemasons took part in "Discovering America" was already occupied...many came from the ten list tribes of Isreal. 

Kurimeo Ahau 

discussed that in videos...I am getting sleepy....😴

This channel - weird name probably a code - @SciClonic suspicious! 

Cyclone - weaponized weather... Elon, notice letters - probable code to the cyber PsyOp underworld that wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the criminal TECHNOCRACY. 

ELON MUSK will be Director of Trump's new DOGE agency. Backwards it is e-God. 😀

These narcissistic Beehive Technology bullshitters consider them privileged because they IMAGINE it! Decide for yourself. 

Foreign Minister of Argentina voted against ßanctions, embargos - they fired her! She's a hero! 

Read comments to videos when you can! 

Posted 12/13/2024

Notes are missing! 
It is 12/14/2024 so not too many lost. I will post what applies to this video first. 


Today is brought to by #Neoliberism

My comment: 
 played it's role
 building the
 military to incite
 war! Yet people
 like especially
 Colin Powell
 invited peace! 
Many military
 wanted Colin
 Powell to run for
 President instead of creating AMERICA'S PROMISE. 


    Donald Kendall became President of Pepsi Co 

My father confided in me what he had recently learned in 1978 - that Attorney Donald Kendall paid a hitman to kill the President of Chile because he wouldn't sell Pepsi in his country! I believe that took place after what Ben Norton described as the 1973 coup. USA kept pounding Chile. Guess who moved out of USA to Chile because she loves the people? Whitney Webb! I started a playlist of her video efforts. She's written a number of books on the evils of US Government. I have to stop here. They are messing with my phone. V - why the hell is this V here?

Screenshots are not uploaded in order thanks to CYBER CRIME 😀 

But the points Ben makes are well, articulated. 

This friggin' ad is one of the culprits! YouTube kept pulling me out of Ben's video and flashing this! 
Comments are well worth are a few examples: 


My comment (again): 

Bill Clinton is half brother to GW Bush, which is why he isn't a junior - Clinton was born a month ahead of him! Democrats - Republicans - doesn't matter! Jimmy Carter was the only one outside their circles and they used his reputation to deceive the public that the Government is cleaner now ..the had agencies up the 'donkey' to roll out the September 11 plan and more! Executive Service was a main one, explained ASAF retired pilot, who wrote "Gadget Bent" - Field McConnell. His sister was the manager there, clearly knowing they were planning a mass murder/destruction in NYC, Washington DC - on September 11! About 125 people were key players yet thousands covered up for their crimes! Obama is a CIA fraud also, trained to use the power of Internet. Michelle Obama is a MTW transgender! 

Posted 12/14/2024 

       Neutrality Studies channel 

I don't like his click bait and saw a video or two I didn't like,but this one is pretty good:

Screenshots are not in order, sorry. Caused by CYBER CRIME 😀 

My comment: 
Jackie Kennedy was a CIA transgender and shot JFK's head and went on top of the limo to rub the blood in 'her' dress to cover up the gunshot came from her! Zapruder film is the official film and the gunflash proved it was up close! Shame on USA for spinning the lies! Lee Harvey Oswald was living a nice life in Russia. CIA recruited him to get way with lying! They had him kill kind, Christian police officer Tippet just because he was a lookalike and they could exchange bodies with JFK's and spin he was shot once in the head, that was all! Oswald realized CIA lied to him but Oswald was silenced by illicit arrest and then murdered by the mafia attorney! 


This seems like it could be one of the Hooligans jets...from South Dakota station? #FieldMcConnell said their jets can make it across the country in a half hr.


Interviews Erin Donaghey, phD - Congrats on her new position at UNLV! Let's hope the wiggle room she's given before teaching in the Fall brings about great opportunity for her to do all these great things she does so well!

My comment: 

I'm just going to be blunt with my concerns since Trump is probably using laser weapons on CA right now - to harvest minerals.
Nevada is also a major producer of barite, tungsten, and mercury. Other important minerals include gypsum, sand and gravel, crushed stone, and magnesium. Plus GOLD and SILVER.
The richest  state in minerals is Arizona. Nevada is second; California is third, and I think Texas is fourth. That's according to INTERNET which can be fickle as hell with information.
USGS would probably have the most confirmed data/information on that.

I hope we got people who are keeping things secure because those laser weapons make life in general a great risk. Some have nukes even. There are a number of types and Trump will play Devil's Chessboard with them, as he did to Paradise CA - and behind closed doors claim it was for the good of the country. That's Depravity at work!

Peter Santenello visits a lot of places and there is a trend of abandoned homes - yet we have homeless people up the wazoo! That's misappropriation of funds! They prove they don't have their eyes on the ball - and considering what they got away with on September 11 - and so much more - all I can say is, "Who's keeping watch?"

Be safe, Erin! I hope this transition time into teaching may allow you opportunity to give some input on the need for Nevada's resources to be safe from harm - and for Nevada in general to be safe from harm - especially if it has lithium. Seems like Trump wants lithium the most. After all, he appointed microchipped Mr. Beehive himself,Elon Musk, to be e-God πŸ™ƒ Reverse is DOGE. The logic they use in Government is laughable but dangerous to us all.

I hope there's some sense in this comment I made.

From a rock fan
Happy holidays πŸŽ„☃️🎁❄️🧦🧱❤️πŸ€ΆπŸŽ…πŸŽ€πŸ¦ŒπŸšœ



When NATO was kicked out of the Indian Ocean/Red Sea area ...I was greatly concerned that Prof Mercogliano described it like a bullying of USA. He says he doesn't want war,so Give him the benefit of doubt and find him to be the most useful resource on shipping. 

That's based on Internet resources by a stump on the log, me. 

My bark is worse than my bite 🀣


Jake Morphonios has Blackstone Intelligence channel...he actually reported Trump's purchase of laser weapons 5 months before Paradise CA was destroyed. He or YouTube took that video down. He wouldn't respond to my questions about the connection since many experts and witnesses said laser weapons used by Blackwater destroyed Paradise CA and burned live people to ashes! 

CYBER CRIME puts my images in reverse chronological order, FYI 

Blackstone is a very dangerous entity.

Blackwater was "founded" by Betsy Wetsy Dah-vos ' brother Eric Prince, who GW Bush made a billionaire quickly as a USGov "Al Qaeda" parasite working for CIA! Now they're the largest owners of rental properties 😀

     My landlord is obviously financially connected to them!


I was pushed out of the recent video on former alQaeda leader and Devil's Chessboard tactic - after I tweeted this: 

SYRIA has many natural resources.  Ppl don't matter!
Crude oil
Iron ore
Volcanic tuff
Gold reserves in bank "gold dinar"
Euphrates River
No lithium
😀Trump can burn live ppl to ashes!

    The video wasn't finished. 

I'll find it again ...

Barack / Barok = no coincidence! 
Part of the crafted wordplay by CIA! Using AI to determine what "fits" for social engineering.  Malcolm X was his real father and he figures he's God's gift to the human race! Psychotropic drugs helps instill that bologna! 

Thank you Mormons, for supporting the child trafficking done by the polygamists, which the economy so desperately needs to be fed so more people can become billionaires 😀

Did Big Banks take over the Treasury? Reporting Michael Hudson and Rhadika Desei on @GeopoliticaEcon

Does this land have many minerals that can now be "harvested"? #Mayotte it would be no coincidence. Decide for yourself.

No, Mayotte, a French overseas territory, is not considered rich in mineralsthere is very little mining activity on the island, with the only significant extraction being coral for building materials like lime used in concrete.
Mayotte is a French overseas region and dΓ©partement known for its exceptional landscape, biodiversity, and lagoon: 
  • Biodiversity
    Mayotte's waters are home to at least 250 coral species, 760 tropical fish species, and many other marine species. The island is also home to protected native species like the lemur, the drongo, and the Mayotte sunbird. 
  • Lagoon
    Mayotte is home to the world's third largest lagoon, surrounded by a 195 km (121 mi) long coral reef. The lagoon is a popular destination for boating and diving. 
  • History
    Mayotte's heritage blends Arabic, Indian, European, Malagasy, and East African cultures. The islands were first settled by Arab seafarers about 1,000 years ago. France colonized Mayotte in 1843 and formally annexed the archipelago in 1904. 
  • Activities
    Visitors to Mayotte can enjoy swimming with dolphins, whale watching, encountering sea turtles, and exploring the lagoon. 


Understand what is looming - caused by the world's most active NAZI regime - USA! @MFA_China


I hope USA implodes very soon! Leadership should be destroyed! I am going through hell in court! The judge's Juris number doesn't even exist! πŸŽ„

Posted 12/18/2024

@Amtrak @MetroNorth @StateFarm @PriceRite @bobforgovernor @joeimbriano777 @Scottymechanic @zentner_nick
What a useful resource in the kitchen 😁 Next, I want2  get @JerrySeinfeld cookbook-tough times now though


Proof that USA created and funded the rebels who overthrew Assad and more!

I took a lot of screenshots. I will add them later. I need a nap. 

Though this claims contrary,it is my opinion The CIA's budget is in the trillions of dollars.
As is well known, CIA's budget is about $3.1 - $3.2 billion, with over 17,000 personnel. The NRO budget is somewhat in excess of $6 billion, with somewhat over 1,000 on staff.

Many military operatives get paid on the side! Q'Anon was very active to socially engineer the public. There had to have been tens of thousands of paid psyops. My opinion. And there are still so many Trolls on YouTube alone😀

Consider why they choose the number 19..
(9/11/2001)...a gematria number..
Referring to "tiers" which the Housing Authority in CT use IN PLACE OF THE LAW WHEN CALCULATING SECTION 8 RENT! THEY CALL THIS "THE PLAN" - NO DOUBT ROOTED IN OBAMA, BECAUSE HE'S ONLY TURNED EVERYTHING INSIDE-OUT! HIS FIRST BOOK WAS "THE PLAN"  - DECEIVING US ON EVERYTHING HE WAS GOING TO DO FOR USA AND WE ALMOST HAD MARTIAL LAW IMPLEMENTED - a crucial time was when Obama caused a lockdown in Washington - refusing to sign off on the budget I think. He was costing the US Gov many millions of dollars a day! Many discussed he was trying to implement Martial Law - a NAZI plan! Russia brought a stand-by submarine to the shoreline of USA to literally start protecting the civilians from that if Obama ordered it. 

They probably can't help us now due to the Ukraine War! 

I am not confident that this article is legit.....

The World’s Worst Human Trafficking Offenders

Human trafficking – a human rights offense often likened to “modern slavery” – is estimated to affect more than 27 million victims worldwide at any given time.

The crime – which the United Nations recognizes every year on July 30 as World Day Against Trafficking in Persons to raise awareness for victims – has two forms, according to the U.S. government: forced labor and sex trafficking. More broadly, it is defined as a crime where “traffickers exploit and profit at the expense of adults or children by compelling them to perform labor or engage in commercial sex.” The U.S. State Department notes that victims do not need to be “physically transported from one location to another” for a crime to be considered human trafficking, and that when it comes to commercial sex acts, it is a crime when the victim is under the age of 18 regardless of “whether there is any force, fraud or coercion involved.”

Human trafficking takes place in dozens of countries across the world – and in some cases, governments are not doing enough to combat it. In its annual Trafficking in Persons report, released most recently in June 2024, the State Department assesses 188 countries and territories on the “extent of government efforts” to meet the minimum standards set out in the U.S. Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 to eliminate human trafficking.

In evaluating each country’s efforts to fight human trafficking, they are placed into several tiers. In the lowest – or worst – group, Tier 3, are 19 countries and 2 territories that the State Department currently deems are not fully meeting those minimum standards and “not making significant efforts to do so.” The State Department clarifies that a country’s placement in Tier 3 is not based on the size of its problem, but rather on the extent of its government’s efforts to meet those standards.

U.S. News focused on the 19 countries within Tier 3 (leaving out the territories Macau and Sint Maarten which are also in Tier 3). These are the worst countries for human trafficking around the world, according to the State Department:



The department notes a pattern in Afghanistan of employing or recruiting child soldiers as well as a pattern of sexual slavery by the Taliban, which the U.S. does not recognize as the country’s government. Since the Taliban took control of Kabul in August 2021, “vulnerabilities to exploitation have continued to intensify,” according to the report.



The State Department reported “labor therapy centers” where authorities made individuals with drug or alcohol addictions perform forced labor. The report says the government is looking to increase the number of centers in 2024 to allow space for 10,000 individuals. Ukrainian children transferred to Belarus were also said to be especially vulnerable to trafficking.



The State Department reported that the Brunei government convicted no traffickers for the seventh year in a row and held fewer investigations for traffickers. The government also deported potential unidentified sex and labor trafficking victims and promoted efforts to catch “runaway workers.”



The department described the Cambodian government’s human trafficking law enforcement efforts as “official complicity,” even though an online trafficking victim training course was made available to government officials in 2023. The report says “authorities did not investigate or hold criminally accountable any officials involved in widespread, credible reports of complicity.” All of the nation’s 25 provinces are sources for trafficking, according to the report.



The Chinese government took some steps to combat human trafficking in 2023, including “cooperation with foreign law enforcement to extradite PRC nationals suspected of human trafficking abroad.” But the department notes the presence of a “government policy or pattern” in China of “widespread forced labor,” including mass detentions of the Uyghurs, ethnic Kazakhs, ethnic Kyrgyz and members of other ethnic and religious minority groups in Xinjiang.



The Cuban government has a “policy or pattern to profit from forced labor in Cuba’s export program,” according to the State Department. The government also decreased its efforts to identify trafficking victims and did not address crimes even with an increasing number of allegations from survivors.



2023 marked the seventh year in a row where the Djibouti government did not convict any traffickers or sufficiently screen vulnerable populations for potential crimes, as reported by the State Department. Djibouti law enforcement officials were also said to sometimes not understand the 2016 anti-trafficking law and that the nation’s political officials lacked the political will to combat trafficking.



The government in Eritrea failed to demonstrate “any efforts” toward addressing human trafficking, according to the State Department in both 2023 and 2024. It also has directed policies that “perpetuated the mobilization” of children for forced labor on public works projects.


And this is what my phone did!
Snap is an Obama word,by the way: 

Resuming, sorry if information repeats: 

The Chinese government took some steps to combat human trafficking in 2023, including “cooperation with foreign law enforcement to extradite PRC nationals suspected of human trafficking abroad.” But the department notes the presence of a “government policy or pattern” in China of “widespread forced labor,” including mass detentions of the Uyghurs, ethnic Kazakhs, ethnic Kyrgyz and members of other ethnic and religious minority groups in Xinjiang.



The Cuban government has a “policy or pattern to profit from forced labor in Cuba’s export program,” according to the State Department. The government also decreased its efforts to identify trafficking victims and did not address crimes even with an increasing number of allegations from survivors.



2023 marked the seventh year in a row where the Djibouti government did not convict any traffickers or sufficiently screen vulnerable populations for potential crimes, as reported by the State Department. Djibouti law enforcement officials were also said to sometimes not understand the 2016 anti-trafficking law and that the nation’s political officials lacked the political will to combat trafficking.



The government in Eritrea failed to demonstrate “any efforts” toward addressing human trafficking, according to the State Department in both 2023 and 2024. It also has directed policies that “perpetuated the mobilization” of children for forced labor on public works projects.



There is a “government policy or pattern” in Iran of human trafficking and the recruitment of child soldiers – and officials “perpetrate trafficking crimes with impunity,” according to the State Department. The Iranian government also failed to report any anti-trafficking law enforcement efforts, or any efforts to identify or protect victims.

Next:Myanmar (Burma)

Myanmar (Burma)

The military in the country formerly known as Burma, still named by the State Department as such, has a “policy or pattern” of using children and adults for forced labor, according to the report. Additionally, Burmese ethnic and religious minorities, including Rohingya communities, face discrimination making them further vulnerable to trafficking.


BTW, it's 23 pages - another red flag for gematria Devil's Chessboard psychopaths....


The Nicaraguan government “did not identify any trafficking victims” or “prosecute or convict any traffickers for the second consecutive year,” per the State Department. The Nicaraguan government “minimized the severity” of human trafficking, according to the report, worsening public awareness of trafficking. The government also failed to provide special shelters or protection services for victims.

Next:North Korea

North Korea

Forced labor in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is “part of an established system of political repression,” which was mentioned as a pillar of the economic system in the State Department’s 2023 report. There are an estimated 80,000 to 120,000 people in political prison camps there, according to the State Department. It was noted that the North Korean government made no significant efforts against human trafficking.

Next:Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea

According to NGO research cited by the State Department from prior years, about 30% of sex trafficking victims in the South Pacific island nation are children under 18 – some as young as 10 years old.



The department notes reports of Russian officials “forcing, deceiving or coercing foreign national adults to fight” in Russia’s war in Ukraine.” There were also reports of government officials “forcibly separating” some children from their parents, which “greatly increased” the former’s vulnerability to human trafficking.

Next:South Sudan

South Sudan

South Sudan’s government security and law enforcement officers have forcibly recruited and used child soldiers. Additionally, the government demonstrated “negligible” law enforcement efforts for human trafficking, according to the department.



For the fifth consecutive year, the Sudan government did not implement standard operating procedures for trafficking identification, according to the State Department. Additionally, both the armed and rapid support forces of the country employed or recruited child soldiers, for which officials were not investigated or prosecuted. The government did not investigate or prosecute any human trafficking cases in 2023.



The department reports that displaced Syrians are “extremely vulnerable” to traffickers, and children are reportedly vulnerable to forced labor, abuse and forced early marriages – including to members of terrorist groups.



The State Department notes a “government policy or pattern” of forced labor in Turkmenistan. Additionally, as in previous years, the country’s government did not identify any victims or fund any victim assistance programs.



Human traffickers in Venezuela allegedly recruit migrants – mainly women and girls – into trafficking networks by using false promises of safe migration, according to the report. Victims from the country have been identified in 24 other countries over the last five years.

Next:The Worst Countries for Human Trafficking

Elliot Davis, Jr and 
J. Arden Pittman are the "sources"
Which I anticipate as paid propagandists 

Not believing this either! I searched "sex trafficking" they converted it to human trafficking...


Which U.S. States Have Had the Most Human Trafficking Victims Over the Past 5 Years?

Human Trafficking Statistics 2024

We, the team at Joslyn Law Firm, reviewed the number of confirmed cases of human trafficking between 2019 and 2023 in each of the 50 US states. Comparing these statistics to census data, we identified which states had the largest number of human trafficking victims per 100,000 residents in this new analysis.


Click to view the full-size infographic

Which U.S. States Have Had the Most Human Trafficking Victims Over the Past 5 Years?

What is Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is defined as the use of “force, fraud or coercion to obtain some type of labor of commercial sex act.” Victims are often lured into the situation through violence, false promises of compensation or deceptions of love. Human traffickers often take advantage of individuals who are not fluent in English, or are emotionally vulnerable or economically unstable.


Types of Human Trafficking

It is a common misconception that all human trafficking involves sex. This is not accurate. Human trafficking can also involve nonsexual labor in deplorable conditions for little to no compensation. Sex trafficking and forced labor are the two primary forms of human trafficking according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

There are, however, different types of forced labor including domestic servitude – where an employer has complete control over someone’s housing, food and transportation. Another form is forced child labor where children are under the custody of someone who denies them food, rest or education unless they are working.

It is also a misconception that the vast majority of human trafficking victims are women and girls. Young men, especially those who identify as LGBTQ, are estimated to comprise at least half of the sex trafficking victims in the US.

Human Trafficking Ranking by State

Nevada has the largest number of human trafficking victims per 100,000 people. With 3,194,176 residents, Nevada is ranked #32 in population, but between 2019 and 2023 there were 1,868 confirmed human trafficking victims in the state. This equates to 58.48 out of every 100,000 people, a significant amount more than even the state with the second-highest number of victims per capita.

According to the National Human Trafficking Hotline, roughly 90% of human trafficking victims in Nevada are female and roughly 21% of them are minors under the age of 18. Additionally, 40% of the human trafficking victims in Nevada are not US citizens. The vast majority of the human trafficking in the state is sex trafficking.

Georgia had the second-largest number of human trafficking victims per 100,000 people. With 11,029,227 residents, Georgia is ranked #8 in population, but between 2019 and 2023 there were 5,140 confirmed cases of human trafficking in the state. This equates to 46.60 out of every 100,000 people. Interestingly, in 2019, the Attorney General created a statewide Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit to rescue victims and convict human traffickers.

States with the Highest Amount of Human Trafficking per 100,000 Residents:

  1. Nevada
  2. Georgia
  3. Mississippi
  4. Missouri
  5. Louisiana
  6. Florida
  7. New Mexico
  8. California
  9. South Dakota
  10. Oregon

Human trafficking occurs in every US state. However, it should be noted that Rhode Island is the state with the lowest number of human trafficking victims per 100,000 people. With a population of 1,095,962, Rhode Island is ranked #44 in population, but between 2019 and 2023 there were just 89 confirmed cases of human trafficking in the state. This equates to 8.12 out of every 100,000 people. Statewide efforts to combat sex trafficking in Rhode Island include the creation of both a Human Trafficking Task Force and a Sex Trafficking Law Enforcement Task Force, however, it is not difficult to find new articles about sex trafficking occurring in the state. It is important to remain vigilant no matter where you are.

States with the Lowest Amount of Human Trafficking Per 100,000 Residents:

  1. Rhode Island
  2. Massachusetts
  3. Vermont
  4. Connecticut
  5. Minnesota
  6. Wisconsin
  7. Virginia
  8. Alabama
  9. Idaho
  10. Pennsylvania


How to Stop Human Trafficking

There are many ways to become involved with human trafficking prevention, including, but not limited to:

  • Taking training classes to learn the signs of human trafficking. These are available for law enforcement, educators, first responders and other concerned citizens.
  • Electing political candidates who promise to enact common sense laws to combat human trafficking.
  • Donating your time or finances to anti-trafficking charities.

Human trafficking is a federal crime, meaning it is taken very seriously. False accusations can lead to a lifetime of judicial and reputation-based consequences for innocent men and women. We at the Joslyn Law Firm aim to ensure everyone under investigation for federal sex crimes has appropriate legal counsel.

50 U.S. States Ranked by Number Human Trafficking Victims per 100,000 People

RankStateTotal human trafficking victims (2019-2023)Population (2023)Human trafficking victims per 100,000 people
7New Mexico6442,114,37130.46
9South Dakota264919,31828.72
24North Dakota181783,92623.09
28North Carolina2,39210,835,49122.08
29South Carolina1,1575,373,55521.53
30West Virginia3771,770,07121.30
35New Jersey1,7209,290,84118.51
37New York3,57619,571,21618.27
39New Hampshire2271,402,05416.19
50Rhode Island891,095,9628.12

The 10 States With the Most Human Trafficking Victims from 2019-2023

RankPopulation rankStateTotal human trafficking victims (2019-2023)Population (2023)Human trafficking victims per 100,000 people
54New York3,57619,571,21618.27
89North Carolina2,39210,835,49122.08

The 10 States With the Fewest Human Trafficking Victims from 2019-2023

RankPopulation rankStateTotal human trafficking victims (2019-2023)Population (2023)Human trafficking victims per 100,000 people
244Rhode Island891,095,9628.12
547North Dakota181783,92623.09
641New Hampshire2271,402,05416.19
846South Dakota264919,31828.72


National Human Trafficking Hotline, Signals and cases by state 2019-2023

United States Census Bureau, Population estimates July 1, 2023


Use the following embed code to post this infographic on your website:. 

Mitt Romney promotes polygamy; polygamists sell their own children!The pervert politicians consider it useful to the economy! 

Posted  12/21/2024

When I wonder why the Elites use "X" in so many brands and title,one thing I realize is they are MOCKING President Xi. 

X is probably a new NAZI -style symbol 

Elon Musk is Leader of DOGE/reverse it and you get e-God... He's part of Beehive Technology, I'm sure! They tell him what to do! What to say! 

That is my impression. They must use a computer with built in AI to decide the COVID FRAUD, etc.   

I read the Red Badge of Courage twice . Yet what's going on now leaves little inspiration to draw from that book. 


"He was Made a man" because he killed a man!
The Mafia teach this plus the Freemason/Illuminati teach this "made man" ceremony to get a 33d degree. This person was an Illuminati member: John Todd


"He was Made a man" because he killed a man!
The Mafia teach this plus the Freemason/Illuminati teach  "made man" ceremony to get 33d degree. John Todd was an Illuminati member. πŸŽ„

You can search "John Todd" on YouTube 

US kills it's own Pilot bomber. Will we ever find out if it was deliberate? Who wants to be in the military now?

     I don't know what this link is for:

πŸ’š πŸŽ„πŸŸ’πŸŽ„πŸŸ’πŸŽ„πŸŸ’πŸ’š



@MFA_China @mfa_russia Most of what is trending on @KremlinRussia_E is Propaganda reflective of They are TOXIC; Stay Away from them 

Posted 22Dec2024 


The Devil πŸ‘Ώ made me do it...not my fault 

Today is brought to you by: Booga Booga! 

The ancients used spirits to explain what science was not known. Mountains with buffalo heads - clouds in the shape of a warlord, etc. THOSE WERE THE DAYS.  It makes a distraction for CYBER CRIME by Technocrats! 


Joined BRICS a year ago and this greatly elevated the plain for world 🌎 peace πŸ•Š️ and prosperity! Reporting @GeopoliticaEcon



A Saudi Arabian kills two people and more? Was this a CIA #MindControl job?
Who did Bush blame for #September11? Saudi Arabia! Americans mass murdered Americans that day!



Donald Trump is a terrorist who conspires w/ Obama, CIA terrorist who organized ISIS & the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting FRAUD stealing over $1 Trillion from the economy! RIP #GeneralSoleimani and Iraq's Beloved General 😒

Read comments; they, too are an experiof information as well! Yet Ben's videos are a tremendous resource! I will post pics here to give you a glimpse. Here is my long comment: 

🟒 The highest casualties from one incident in the GULF WAR was FRIENDLY FIRE - obviously deliberately done by CIA, as a depraved show of superiority - because the enlisted in the Division Artillery had a collected consensus that it was an invasive act of war, not defensive. They didn't vote for BUSH! Many people didn't, including myself! But the Colonel pushed for BUSH so I remained silent about it. I left that job because of all the corruption. The major pulling rank on the Colonel was affirmation nothing will change - yet they wanted to keep me there like a pet! I requested a transfer!They would do nothing saying "Sorry, We don't deal with Civilian Personnel ' though they freaking hired me! Three years of high achievements all down the drain! I could say more about that but let me tell you, bombing the barracks using CYBER CRIME so the pilot didn't even realize he was dropping the bomb on his own "side" is the ultimate indicator:

THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT US - like Michael Jackson was conveying using his talents.

And the CIA are terrorists! I made a blogpost on Robert Snogres 'story
I don't know how much is there now because of my notes, FYI:
A Section was deleted by CYBER CRIME! I AM FIXING IT NOW (Robert Snogres, others) 

Robert Snogres

My blogs are a hobby only - I never seek money and if someone else does on fraudulent GoFundMe etc - it is FAKE!! I have a low income but decided that minimizing what I am really just passing along is not only unfair but causes distraction and intercepts the purpose,which is ultimately WORLD PEACE. So have at at, please- because my blogs get hacked and the more you copy and share,the better it will circulate. 

OMG,he just made a video 11min ago: about BRICS growing in leaps and bounds

I need a nap! I will be back to finish my notes with screenshots...

Posted 12/24/2024 


Trump admitted he killed General Solameini, claiming he was not only on the terrorists list managed by NSA (a lie! John Bolton is a career criminal and liar, September 11 planner) but he was not on that list! Mike Pompeo takes "credit" for requesting the murder of General Solameini first! 

That collapse happened years ago, if you ask me!

 πŸŽ„ Happy Holidays πŸŽ„ πŸ’š 


Times of India is rooted in USA. TRAFALGAR GROUP was a multi-million dollar media/travel  conglomerate set to hijack the world using propaganda. QE2 and her administration gave it a haircut! It is worth a few million now...No doubt they rear their ugly heads wherever and whenever they can still. 

Posted 12/25/2024

Happy holidays πŸ’š πŸŽ„ πŸ€— ☃️ ❄️ @FallonTonight

Today is brought to you by 🎡🎢Hoot, Hoot, Houthis, Goodbye!🎡🎢🎡🎢

Posted 12/25/2024πŸŽ„πŸŽ€πŸŽ

Guess Who πŸ¦‰
Houthis are Indigenous people; real title is Ansar Allah. USA math nemed them Hutus + Tootsies= Hutis booga-booga - listen to Ben Norton 's intelligence report, please. @GeopoliticaEcon 

One of the current cyber CRIME tricks they play is disabling my keyboard...

I stand with CHINA! The USA is manipulated by a plutocracy; not democracy! #Superimperialsm causes one thing: economic suicide!
RIP Ambassador Du Wei πŸ™ ONLY 50 years old, healthy.

GBoard may be the one causing my screenshots not to load! 

--12/25/2024 πŸŽ„ 

Has reported warning about this terror to resonate in Syria since President Assad was forced out. @mfa_russia @KremlinRussia_E @bobforgovernor #SunriseCT emphasizes everyone needs to be prepared for emergencies bc Trump has no regard for life. 

I tried to comment with emphasis I

didn't vote because it's all corrupted! YouTube CYBER CRIMINALS repeatedly mess with my keyboard so I can't type! 


Make America Hate Again😀
Make America Late Again 😀
Make America Take Again 😀
Make America Berate Again!

TRUMP BURNED LIVE PEOPLE TO ASHES AT PARADISE CA - 2018! HE PURCHASED THE LASER WEAPONS FIVE MONTHS BEFORE, WITHOUT JAMES MATTIS' ENDORSEMENT! Satanists love to kill people! They only need to make up a reason! Search videos on John Todd's public speaking, former Illuminati witch/warlock . Also:


Some interesting screenshots which you may find compelling....

He's a Trump troll 😀


Lololol! We can find that out now! This is like suggesting a library system! Hello, anybody home? Go to 
Trump conspires with Obama! 
Trump pushed the COVID-19 agenda after Wuhan Virus was intercepted by Chinese intelligence! Replaced with common flu 🀧 

USA has caused much destruction to countries it occupied and this should be considered an international criminal operation - they are doing this to Ukraine to alse steal resources at the cost of lives! #CrimeAgainstHumanity 

Posted 12/29/2024 

Trump is no Jimmy Carter!!! He's trying to steal his thunder! 

And now, 

Another Plane Crash!
CIA up to no good, I bet!

Posted 12/29/2024 


@BlancolirioYT FYI, regarding the S Korea plane crash - I posted a link from analysis by a pilot who flew for that airline plus screenshots of first 5min for quick reference. FYI, thank you for making the world a better place! 😁


South Korea follow-up - Bird strike - obviously a drone by CIA terrorists! #DecideForYourself 

After all, South Korea is just collateral damage. 

    If a real bird was sucked in the right engine, what would it do to the plane? make it continue to fly? Keep flaps from going down? Are they not engineered to prevent such affects? 


Posted 12/30/2024 

CIA probably used a bird drone to incite anger for war. If a real bird was sucked In, would it disable this plane that severely? They are engineered to keep birds away from controls.

I lost interest in the rest of the video. He's obviously in a pay-to-play circumstance! 

Posted 12/30/2024 

This is getting very difficult to upload and type on. I will start another blogpost titled BEN NORTON 


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