Geopolitical Economy Report channel
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(It is not up to date, sorry. This is a hobby. Copy what you want. Make it your own words) you should be able to use the search bar which Blogger added 🥰 Thank you Blogger...
I have at least one other and will add it when I can ....8Jan2025
USA calls INVASIONS - offensives- now, using "We want to prevent blah blah blah" as reason! Once the wealth is taken away the wicked witches in my country will melt!
& Trump's uncle was a professor specializing in Explosives as a physicist - making laser weapons for CIA and military dark operations. They stole all of Tesla's files after he was conveniently expired!
Note, Muslim Brotherhood refused to acknowledge religious FRAUD Malcolm X's Nation Of Islam ...and Barack Obama is one of his many sperm-spread sons....Ann Dunham went to the UN to have sex with him as a cult operative! They may deem it a "ritual'
CIA Propaganda: the Assad family are terrorists ....
far from it!
What do you think, Ben?
I would not expect such propaganda from this channel! They are part of the problem! Overdramatic! Most of us realize we cannot trust Trump any farther than we can throw a stick.
Until this country wakes up - we will not see significant improvements!
And be aware, the FAKES say this same thing and played on that one string in Washington DC!
Be the problem -
Be the hero🥴
Ben Norton does top-notch reporting!
The fake
American Exceptionalism Agenda!
Posted 1/7/2025
Due to TWITTER retention, I am retentioning back until it resumes extension, serving the public instead of e-god 🙃 DOGE E-Lon Muskavite
It would be cool if this professor had some direct dialogue with the MFA of Russia - preferably Mr. Lavrov; yet certainly Madam Mariah Zarkova is very intelligent.
Mr. Lavrov WARNED US citizens that there is not a Democracy in USA; it's Socialism. Now I know Ben Norton has mentioned it's a Plutocracy.
I think it would behoove leaders to come up with a "uniform diagnosis " on what USA is - and how this weakness allows such corruption to flow through it.
Thank you.
Watch this video interview 💯
Sorry the pictures are reverse-chronological....this is a manipulation placed on my devices - my guess is Google Assistant or the like,which I consider to be MALWARE.
Posted 1/15/2025
CA Fires Update 😒 1/24/2025
Destroy CA, steal natural resources!
That's what Trump wants!
And now he's firing North Carolina!
Posted 1/24/2025
TODAY is brought to you by Soup....Superimperialism!
And look what the spineless technocrats did to this blog post but didn't get away with it:
They changed my screen to this with this black nothing - most likely that's Trump saying he's going to burn California all the more because I exercise my freedom of speech! Stay focused on the teachings of Martin Luther King for January 20 - not why the USA is going to hell!
Take a peek at DeepSeek👍 Chat is free! Twitter $hitter is dust! You watch! 🌅 #SunriseCT 🤗💛🤗💛🤗💛❤️🇨🇳 🎵🎶 Nothin could be fina than if it's made in China in the morning 🌅 #SunriseCT 🎶🎵🎶 Save resources because the technocrats delete them!
Posted 29Jan2025
His video is good at warning but not up to speed with "economic diagnosing" I commented to get Dr Michael Hudson's book on Super imperialism and subscribe to Geopolitical Economy Report channel.
Jokes on me! He's RICHARD WOLF, and he's made videos with Michael Hudson! Maybe more relate when he says capitalism,but does that really help?
It's like when "Muscular Dystrophy " was coined, and they said they cured Polio - which is really MD! Joe Imbriano has spoken about that and it makes sense. How about the Spanish flu? Remember that one?Made in USA, yet blamed on Spain? They did the same with "Wuhan Virus" which had more name changes than some famous movies stars .I gotta stop. YouTube is using ads to delete my notes here. They delete notes,as well as comments 😤
Posted 1/31/2025
Decide for yourself

Especially inspired by Prof Nick Zentner but I think you may agree with these thoughts:
Life is a learning process -
Not lusting process!
For it to be lasting
One must resist
What goes against the List
Of natural luxuries -
Which naturally breeze
Our way To remind us
We're okay; if we Notice
Just that first - and then when
We can burst with
Such motivation to
Focus on Purpose
And this is when
We realize our Eyes
Can see who we
Are- why we are -
As we travel afar
In thoughts and deeds - always weeding out what feeds
The Bad Wolf, And gravitate
Naturally to the good one; whose deeds are never done -
Whose Peace is a Promise
For Everyone.❤️
Posted 2/8/202
Video: Tao-ti China
By Lao-Tai ❤️ 6th Century BC
The superior leader gets things done❤️
With very little motion🐌
He imparts instruction not through many words📣
But through a few deeds 🐇
He keeps informed about everything 😎
But interferes hardly at all👣
He is a catalyst.⚙️
And though things wouldn't get done as well👍
If he wasn't there ☹️
When they succeed he takes no credit 🏆
Credit never leaves him.
And when the work is done 🏁
The people are pleased 😄
Because they think they did it all themselves. 🇨🇳
Posted 2/9/2025
Dr. Wolf mentions Trump doing an End Run" - what does that sound like? ENRON! If it wasn't for Colin Powell, that company wouldn't have ever gone down, and still be cheating the state and country, feeding ELITES 😤
Chief FullaShit Trump is on a Greedy
It's not like Ben Norton hasn't told us so ...
Yes, this charger works very well. Use your charger cord you already have.
Ben Norton reflects this:
See what Cyrus Jansen explains about the salivating elites destroying land to access NATURAL RESOURCES!!!!
Yet --- Zelensky cannot take credit for all this! He's just a willing puppet who jumped in midstream!
Narcissists love the attention!
Benjamin Norton has explained this dynamic thoroughly on his channel! Subscribe to
Geopolitical Economy Report!
Note! If you can only afford one book -get Michael Hudson's book on
Posted 2/18/2025
Read the comments! Here's mine:
The scars left caused by the Hillary Clinton brutal attack on Lybia, all to steal wealth when nobody's looking,murdering Ghadafi - and falsely accusing Lybi a of torturing and dragging Ambassador Stevens in the streets when CIA murdered him with a bullet to his head - and the propaganda Hillary spread was actually picture of a known serial rapist in India!
I post this here because I think Ben Norton will greatly appreciate it:
This orchestra is made up up Isrealis and Arabs who want 🕊️ peace 🕊️
The Euro -Arts Channel fails to explain this orchestra was created to inspire peace in the Middle East. Go figure - and because I'm posting this YouTube is putting ads on my phone. Yet this video has had no ads.
Trump claims he owns Ukraine! WTF Another world war tactic-using US Military as Mafia!
This happened for 4 years when Trump was President-by-SOROS My comment: Trump funded billions of dollars to Ukraine to terrorize Russia, to incite war! Trump s continuing Biden (Shadow Obama) agenda in many facets. This is how the NAZIS rise to power. was achieved!
Excellent, informing discussion!
Posted 3/5/2025
Geopolitical Economy Report Video:
My comment: Musk~skum is a Transhuman; They will use him and throw him away - if they get that far in their plans! They've probably cloned him many times so he's roboticized as a microchipped human. This shit goes so deep! We need to disseminate BlackRock, whose Mafia is Blackwater! And poisoning our water is another trick up their sleeves! Geoengineering as a weapon - messing with the ROCKS - that's why it's named BlackRock!
Ask for King Charles ' help! Send him letters! England should be restored to the Monarchy. They are a good family and have been for decades. People really don't want to be bothered with the goings on in government as long as it's legitimate and we're informed! Here in USA, we have to keep hammering and hammering - only to find out we're unsuccessful because it's steel, not Wood. Just think about how rigged our language is! Steel-steal vs wood-would ...just saying. King Charles speaks 7 languages!
They took down the Trafalgar Group - multi trillion to few million! They broke them up! No doubt the Technocracy lie about that! BlackRock is BlackBlechhh. Pull the plug on them, and voila-people can breath again!
Another comment: What is sovereignty? It's first a choice! It can be a positive or negative thing.
🌞Sovereignty can generally be defined as supreme authority. Sovereignty entails hierarchy within a state as well as external autonomy for states. In any state, sovereignty is assigned to the person, body or institution that has the ultimate authority over other people and to change existing laws.
🌞The Christian Bible teaches that God is sovereign
🌞Shariah Law teaches that their law is sovereign, inspired by God - so in essence, they don't go rogue and say "The Lord lead me to do that" for instance...just saying...
Holy war? You first need actual devout PEOPLE - Washington DC is rampant with Illuminati -Order of Barbarian crooks!
Thank you, Benjamin Norton for letting us know!
And Linkin, Blinkin, And Nod-God were there before Trump's Secretary of State admin! Our country is run by psychopaths. President Putin gives Trump a most compassionate offer under the circumstances since USA funded billions of dollars a year to Terrorists in Ukraine! 500,000 men left Ukraine, against the NAZIS. More civilians than military have died there because Zelensky is murdering them, directly and indirectly! Zelensky sent videos to President Putin of him shooting the POWs in the head! I saw a short clip!
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