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Incase you want to see my tweets and more....https://motherearthtoo2022.blogspot.com/2024/04/wtf-politics-images-posted.html?m=1
Happy Valentine's Day
<Insert> Intriguing source I just learned about:
NEMUS/NAMUS is another crime-fighters org on Internet. UTAH POLICE use these, as well as citizens.
Posted 2/17/2024
https://youtu.be/b1G-jfUxcWw?si=JJriVKFUl5dZkn2L of insert >
Intriguing source I just learned about:
Posted 2/17/2024
<Insert> Intriguing source I just learned about:
Oh, I already said that....
NEMUS is another crime-fighters org on Internet.
Posted 2/17/2024 <End of insert >
You say NATO; I say NOTTO 🎵🎶🎵🎶
Posted 3/5/2024
Did Dolly attend the same school as my niece's daughter, Shawna, who was claimed to have died in a house fire, yet Red Cross just down the road in Sevierville said they knew nothing about it even though the house blew up! Were they trying to play their fund-me fiddle to entice Dolly? I'm wondering now, and hope the Truth came out, whatever it was. I didn't even get a thank you card from that niece for donating $50.
There will always be Paris🇫🇷
Posted 3/14/2024
He's from the Bronx....
Gerald Celente of the trendsjournal.com is guest - he's written books to inform, warn of the serious rabbit hole we face!
Your YT short was darkened by CYBER CRIME...my display on phone was at 87% - I keep it at 100% but not enough difference to look like that and the video I watched before that was fine.
😤 Nice to finger you, YT
MAYBE THIS USPS link caused it. I tried to open it and it was probably a Zuckface attack. CYBER CRIME.Yoo- whoo....🎵🎶🎵🎶 Where are you? I had posted a comment that YT is spreading Misinformation on Reba. I will post the video on one of my FT blog posts if I see one again.🐸 Hopefully I won't frogget.
Posted 3/16/2024
Fixed! I dunno nothin'
Who let the hogie out? Who-who?🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶My friend FRANKIE 🤗at Yale Post Office gave me a $20 gift certificate from Subway a while back...😋 I gave it to a homeless person and said it was from Yale Post Office. The economy 😞 sucks
ENTRAPPED? Seems to me that's what this is. @SnoopDogg and @MarthaStewart go way back. This seems like guilty by media and the attorneys are making the killing! 💲💵💸💰That includes the courts!
😳 WTF - Double Jeopardy
ABC Conviction? (already Been Chewed)
Hey @Scottymechanic - here's some #Clickbait inspiration for your #FleetOfTweeters 🐦 ...@FallonTonight
Posted 3/19/2024
Lots of buzz about Snoop killing Tupe but The Dupe was the 💩 - and how can the court pull more out of their @$$? 14th Amendment mends and that meant #NoDoubleTootieBootie but this ain't funny - a man's life was taken by a drive-by not Snoopy! Martha! Martha! Can we even get them to reason -stop pleasin' court hot 🔥 pockets - truth 😻
It was the lease they coulda done!
This $7M home was foreclosed on circa 2014- the family was involved with organized crime. Why isn't it being occupied? Problem with title clearing? The bank should have leased it!
@FallonTonight Special Message from Princess Kate #GetWellSoon @princesskate_GB @RoyalFamily #GodSaveTheKing
Jimmy and Heart 🎶🎵💙 Sing Total Eclipse Of The Heart 💜❤️💜❤️ on Total Eclipse Day☀️🎵🎶
LOLOL 😅 Five-Four-Three-Two-One Kung-FU for you! 😤 #JanetJacksonRocks 🎵🎶🎵🎶💙🎵🎶🎵🎶💙
Iran doesn't threaten! So USA threatens for them! #ForeignPolicyOfUSASucks
Posted 4/13/2024
Hey, @Scottymechanic -
can you loan him your super sunglasses so @ryangoslingcom isn't afraid anymore? I hope Jimmy can invite you to his show! https://youtube.com/shorts/Nh9Z1zpqLII?si=HKrUFnIc5O9pgURI
Posted 4/14/2024
Jimmy 🕺Blasts the stage to introduce @taylorswift13
Newest album 💃👯
Team up to generate the most moving music 🎵🎶 about love does not conform to society; it should define society. #NoMoreWar #Superimperialism
i"m policing people today. This is clearly a Kung-FU gesture! 😆
How to make rosemary infused olive oil - put it on your popcorn! 🇮🇹🍝
Today is brought to you by Rosemary's Olive Oil Baby
posted 5/20/2024
Doja Cat & Jimmy trying out for Chippendale, Trumpty Dumpty's high on #BeehiveTechnology, and Holy VeinerSchwitzle! The hat is going to Germany! @germaninvenice1
posted 5/1/2024
#Earthships seem to be a great solution for low income people who are not lazy and not wheel-chair bound. Nobody should be lazy in life. These buildings are works of art!
@joeimbriano777 @BovierDon @PeterSantenello
@BlancolirioYT @mercoglianos
Impressive! It has two means of egress🤣 incase of fire! I wonder if he got any emergency blanket etc from @PreparedHero
If anyone has papers on #GhostVolcanoes
for the following regions, they will be helpful to @GeologyNick for his upcoming series on Cascade Volcanoes: Washington, Oregon, California, & British Columbia.
posted 7/14/2024
That includes military sources. Hon. Colin Powell's first degree was a BA in Geology. So the military must have some good stuff on ghost volcanoes.
They got what they wanted! All of Alec's money, I bet! After all, Timothy Geitner is now in deep $hit for printing illegal trillions of dollars for both Obama and longtime partner-in-crime buddy Trump! @BricsHome
@MetroNorth @FallonTonight
-Good Morning 7/15/2024 - No shots🍾today😂. My fan was remotely turned off in my sleep by this magical place 😤 I woke up overheated and underloved🤣 and went back to sleep. How do you like Trump's 'you're fired' modus operandi?
keep doing it until the dough has nonmore elasticity....every half hour for two hours, then let rise - usually takes overnight....then put it in a bread pan and let rise. Takes maybe 2 hrs.
Then bake it. I am going to try the Chris Kimball method. preheat oven 350°; place empty pan in it to heat up; when dough has risen in pan, put in oven, pour hot water in the empty breadpan. bake 30-40min. Sourdough bakes faster. Dont forget to put a shower cap (preferably unused) on the bowl, then on the bread pan when rising. The End
I hope you can get your money back, Scotty. I bet it doesn't have a theft
alarm either, so you have to babysit it. Chinese products are made to contract specs by US vendors, as I understand it. Good ol' American plutocracy-sticking it to us. 😤Tweeted
@FallonTonight should put this on their show! 😂 @Scottymechanic https://youtu.be/HOtvHRs6UP0?si=uwuBFCX0gHIW2a2a
Love is Blooming 🌼🌸💐🌷
My loft bed is fixed. I now feel high and mighty.
I was trying to find my favorite song Sam Lyons wrote, "It's a beautiful day - I look out my window" and came across this one. Of course I love it! I'm a boxer! Tim Conway taught me everything I needed to know. 😁
Don't forget that over 400,000 Ukrainian men left the country to dodge Zelensky 's draft; and he's pulling in young men to join his terrorists.
Lemon Posset recipe - QE2 's and Prince Phillip 's favorite
Can easily be expanded to make a pie with graham cracker crust. Three ingredients: heavy cream, lemons, sugar 😋
He's related to Foxie on Mint Mobile ...
Celebrating his birthday -he got an ice cream cake shaped like a whale 🐋🐳
Like your Whale Cake made by #VinmansBakery! I hope Jeff, et al are
doing well! Gotta love it! What plate
techtonics can Jimmy's represent?
Ha! 🍨
Make your own #WhippingCream by emulsifying 5T melted butter in 3/4 c milk 😁
@NBC reported 10 yr old boy is rescued #HurricaneMilton
Posted 10/10/2024
This is like the Mafia attending the funeral (and crying) of someone they murdered!
HAARP- High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program-located at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. They "study" the ionosphere - the ionized atmosphere.
Sweet! #BuildingProject for his two daughters 💕💯
Posted 10/14/2024
Prof Rossi teaches in NYC - he is an assistant professor and does a marvelous job in being part of this global transition we are experiencing - with peace as the driving force!
Thank you, Prof Rossi. It is great to know what's going on with BRICS. A very delightful and refreshing aspect of global progress. 🤗💛
Posted 10/24/2024
@CarolBurnett3 @jimmyfallon Today is brought to you by Carol Kung-FU!💯❤️💯❤️💯
@CarolBurnett3 @jimmyfallon Today is brought to you by Carol Kung-FU!💯❤️💯❤️💯
@FallonTonight Today is brought to you by Bubbles.. and belly buttons..and bursting 💲bubbles😁 with great deals found by @Scottymechanic @CarolBurnett3 @ViviBubbleTeaNY @RossiSci
My Lecture is over. The End.
A star ⭐ is born! 😆⭐🤣
27Nov2024 Happy Thanksgiving 🦃
It's all bc the President didn't pardon the turkey this year 🦃
Happy Thanksgiving 🍽️
🙏💙🙏💙🙏💙 Give Thanks, take cheese-filled tanks ...when all's said and done
Including Sandor Katz yogurt fun,
Know dairy Queen won
And you are No. one!
There can be no two
When you gotta be you 🤣
Hey, Powerful - meet Floweful
Thunderflower woman!
Thunderflower man!
Nancy Jevonan - Drew Barrymore
Posted 12/5/2024
By Pettycoat Extension to
Fallon Tonight Junction 🚂🌙🌕 #MoonshineWA
Cat babysits chickens for free and do you think mama chick is appreciative? 🤣
12/5/2024 g
I could see Jimmy and Conin O'Brien doing this gig!
Don't ask me why I don't have a picture of her wearing it...I thought I did!
They make my pictures backwards now....aka REVERSE CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER...
I set my phone to auto play 🍁 Fallon Tonight and it does other stuff. ...I need to get Jimmy's album at Target 🎯
...and then ride in one of Jay Leno's cars...and go visit Scotty Mechanic 😎 and his wife in Tennessee so I can sing bluegrass with Dolly Parton....🌟
My reality is if I can just manage to take a safe bath....
🎀🕊️🎀🕊️🎀🕊️🎀 Happy holidays 🎄
Posted 12/7/2024
They rescued 82-yr old parrot 🐦 🦜 and he's a new "man"! 😁
Superb 😋🌹👨🍳💯
Seinfeld #CaptainCook
My marketing is a little rusty 🤣 overdosed on McDonald's burgers...
Hungry for German chocolate? These recipes are made in the bowl, good for the soul, makes you feel whole
Except Jerry Seinfeld and Martha Stewart are even closer to God 💯😋 #MoonshineWA
These tarballs may stick to your esophagus because the nuts are all ground up. Maybe I should try it. I prefer peanut butter, honey, red ce krispies. 🦌🎄🧱🧦❄️🚜🎅🤶☃️ #DontSwimInTheOcean
Three Wheelers are popular 😎
Call them Festus 🤠
So true! Trump's sanctions will be pd by US companies, watch. #OperationStupidIsAsStupidDoes Trumpty Dumpty is a Democrat wearing Republican clothing = FRAUD who conspires with Obama! Sabatoged Iran Deal! @IranObserver0
4:50am 🥺
Orange you glad to see me?
So this is where silverware came from.....That's what I would tweet if I could. They say my account is unlocked but I have to "click the this tab" - I goo to my account page and it does the same amn thing! Get rid of the malware, I will tweet again. 🐦
Which one belongs more to the underworld?
The Red Badger Of Courage ❤️
Use this code. $10 for you; $10 for me
Thank you 💓
Dear Google Assistant,
Kiss my ASSistant!
I was watching this Livestream, and GA interrupted...I said 😤 Kung-FU! That's Chinese for you -know-what...
And GA said I had to be respectful to it!!!
I went into my apps and did a hiya! On Google Assistant 😤
I was
<Insert 2/25/2025>
I can't get to the end....Google Assistant has been occupying it....
This dough ain't gonna roll. Just sayin '
Blah blah blah-
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