March 2025

 Pitstop of information - March 2025

Link to this blogpost:



Will Bijoux get a bunny πŸ‡ for Easter, like Mint's fox has? One that says, WTF on a continuous basis? 

Only Carol Burnett knows! 

this is snickers and her best friend paperclip! does anyone else’s cat snuggle with your rabbit that much

...I'll be back.

This is Prof Nick's (Geology Nick Zentner) and his wife's Bijoux: 



Another world war tactic-using  US Military as Mafia! 


 This happened for 4 years when Trump was President-by-SOROS My comment: Trump funded billions of dollars to Ukraine to terrorize Russia, to incite war! Trump is continuing Biden (Shadow Obama) agenda in many facets. This is how the NAZIS rise to power. was achieved!

Let's hope President Putin can form an alliance with Trump. He's trying to. 🀎


     This is not a Ukraine-Train! The USA 

is deliberately desemating the people using Zelensky! More citizens have died than military! 500,000 men left Ukraine because they don't agree with the NAZI-Zelensky war! 

The USA has ISOLated Ukraine to take everything from them! Watch the video! 

I'm sorry, the link is missing. 

The fight with Zelensky is 

role-play! Trump had years of practice doing that on TV! "You're Fired" has turned into setting fire to wherever he can! Trump's uncle was a physics professor at MIT and made Laser weapons for CIA and military black operations - that means they were under-the-wire! Nobody knew! 

Reminder: September 11 was caused by Americans in both the "Deep State" and "Shadow Government"! 

The highest casualty incident in the 1990-1991 Kuwait War was FRIENDLY FIRE = Americans killing Americans! 

Trump burned Paradise, CA! He desemated Hollywood! He is setting fire wherever he can - including North Carolina! Most likely the real estate is  rich in minerals! 
      People who lost their homes are fighting back! They put up signs saying their land is NOT for sale - they will rebuild! 

Trump wants to do the same thing to Canada! 

And if Mark Carney becomes 

Prime Minister,

it will be like 

taking Canada candy from a baby! 

 ......speaking of candy, Mint Mobile is still running their special discount πŸ’š

Zelensky went to France to help Trump take over Canada obviously!

Trump is admitting the USA has funded terrorism against Russia - using Crimea like Gaza - since 2014! Indeed USA has funded over $400 billion! And consider the loss of life!

Chief FullaShit takes back what USA gave! And Yes, I get hit with cyber crime by sharing these things!


     Why is Crux being so cruxed-up now? 

The πŸ’© is flying! Where it lands, is your guess as well as mine.....

It's all smoke and mirrors! 

It's all fake! Zelensky and Trump are 
conspiring, deceiving, distracting! 
Zelensky is in France to help Trump take Canada!
And cyber crime hits my phone again! 
They won't win!!!

Decide for yourself! 


I couldn't upload my response to objection of APPELLEE as a response. I had to select other motions and selected"Motion For Judicial Authority to take notice" something like that. - it only gave me options to select MY pleadings. to upload a response. Crazy! The court is encouraging us to be schizophrenic 🀣 I happen to talk to myself a lot since I started watching Geology Nick Zentner 😁 who's so funny to boot πŸ₯Ύ speaking of Itchy Boots...check her out! She's a geologist from Norway who loves people, lives traveling in her motorcycle. Amazing trail blazer! 

3/2/2025 update - Get a load of these notes,too! 

I am so bogged down with their efforts in illegally evicting me, with court conspirators! 

This below isn't even all the blogpost! Search or navigate on publiusroots - I share what I can when I can...

Reference blog, with typed complaint that was submitted into court: 

     Weaponized Housing

My Samsung phone is missing since 2/27/2025! 

Update 3/3/2025 - I was gone a few hours and someone put it on the bike seat with the back pulled down. This place is so small, I noticed it right away. The problem with them deleting all my notes, stealing all my data, and no access to Chrome was still there😀 This company is so damned crooked! 

WTF πŸ˜’ 

The case seems to be rigged in favor of Atty crackhead! 
I made no headway in my Motion For Rectification, which is obviously what Atty crackhead wanted to cause anyway

WTF - cyber crime! 
My Motion For Rectification is submitted in Appellate Court 3/1/2025 
     Pending! Not "made no headway"! 
I just happened to catch this....

This is all so damned tiring! I need to resume working on my Motions for Rectification on transcripts, to upload by Monday, I hope. I need to get affidavits notarized. My case manager on one of 2 cases said I could refer to an affidavit and attach it. I said due to the legal formality in submitting Rectification of transcripts, and the enormity of problems, I will find it less daunting to make affidavits and let the court sort out how to handle it with the lower court. 

For instance, 


✈️πŸš‚πŸ›₯️πŸš™πŸš— 🏍️🚴‍♂️

The more American Elites could get killed, the more the country would want to attack Japan! Japan told Washington they would attack if USA didn't respond! They were provoked so USA could use their atomic bombs on them! Officer Tibbet bragged and was proud of dropping them, even want to bomb them 5 times with atomic bombs.


      😰September 11, 2001was a repeat of Pearl Harbor...Americans murdering Americans, blaming another country. US foreign policy sucks! Colin Powell made giant progress, created a Doctrine, and all of it was washed away by Hillary Clinton! They wanted no traces of accountability of September 11!

The Moonshine Line! πŸ˜…

Brilliant! Foldable staircase, attached to wall: opens over doorway 


Wireless Modem 

Dongle USB WiFi wherever you go 

Need a wireless modem? This is a three-in-one. I am trying to figure out how to took me a half hour to figure out how to remove the lid where the sd card goes 🀣


Professor Nick Zentner πŸ’š

This rock lecture is at 


...and the rocks dance in your heads - ha!! Kidding !!!😁


Colin Powell went to the UN to draw attention to the WOMD factory, not for war. The CIA paid Saddam Hussein to make the factory and WOMD. I'm sure Colin Powell knew that. He also addressed the need for monetary support from Congress to take the factory down. YET he couldn't rely solely on Congress because the CIA were involved!  Many Congressmen are CIA operatives, and many senators are as well! ...And GW Bush sabatoged him even more by slandering him saying what Colin Powell did in 1988-1989 was FAILED INTELLIGENCE 😀 No it wasn't! The CIA took the factory down and transported the tons of Weapons Of Mass Destruction (nuclear weapons, nukes) to Syria! It's all Devils Chessboard tactics! In 2014, Colin Powell oversaw the milii operation to take down ISIS in Syria and they got the WOMD, placed them in a sealed multi-ton container and placed that container on a retired navy ship and sunk it in an undisclosed part of the ocean. Then, in 2024, USA began funding billions of dollars to Ukraine terrorists to harm Russia and it's territorial allies!

How much is too much
Artificial Intelligence 

Maybe I can share the playlist I 


My comment: 
There's nothing glorious about this crap! It splits families, relationships, and bots tell you to respect THEM. Dehumanizing Humanity! 

Elon Musk is a Transhuman! Microchipped puppet! 
      He sells vehicles for four times or more than that of homes...Make your own tiny home! He will fill them with spy weapons and more! 
Decide for yourself! 

On a tastier note,,,Do you like Boston Cream pie? 

Posted 3/4/2025 

What bullshit! They let BlackRock form a monopoly; they encourage the PLUTOCRACY TAKEOVER, and Conspire with Trump but lie to us about how the want lifetime Democrat NAZI Trump to be put in his place. WTF 
I marked it as spam! 

Sky Cooley and Nick Zentner 

My comment: 

I had to stop to make a few calls and warm up my coffee. Hey, look at this YouTube short and see comments πŸ‘
BTW, I heard that gardeners are also on the road with tractor trailers as greenhouses. The Technocracy wants to LIMIT THE GROVE, as stated in a book published by MIT in 1984, pushing Orwellian way of Life. Trump's uncle was there as a physicist professor specializing in explosives. He made Laser weapons for CIA and military black operations. 

I'd rather hear about USA politics from Russia than anywhere else because they candycoat for good reasons, to soften the economic BRICS blow to come. If we join now, we can adjust much better than if we try to jump on the fast moving train. 

Posted 3/5/2025 

🌞. Happy Googly eyes to you 🎡🎢🎡🎢 πŸ™„

Shortcut to refinishing furniture...


They may have murdered them just to change the algorithm! 

Today is brought to you by GEOENGINEERING as a weapon 😀


Was this purchase even legitimate? Blackrock now owns Panama Canal? It happened!

Geology Nick 
Professor Nick Zrntner of CWU 
Vinmans Bakery made a whale out of bread for them to eat - the whale image is about a moving section on the Pacific Coast. This teacher is one of a kind - and he wants everyone to be one of a kind, too! 

Terrible flooding in Argentina now! 


Holy war? You first need actual devout PEOPLE - Washington DC is rampant with Illuminati -Order of Barbarian crooks! 
Thank you, Benjamin Norton for letting us know! 

And Linkin, Blinkin, And Nod-God were there before Trump's Secretary of State admin! Our country is run by psychopaths. President Putin gives Trump a most compassionate offer under the circumstances since USA funded billions of dollars a year to Terrorists in Ukraine! 500,000 men left Ukraine, against the NAZIS. More civilians than military have died there because Zelensky is murdering them, directly and indirectly! Zelensky sent videos to President Putin of him shooting the POWs in the head! I saw a short clip! 



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