Were Atomic Bombs premeditated murder?

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(It is not up to date, sorry. This is a hobby. Copy what you want. Make it your own words) 



               COLONEL PAUL TIBBET 



THREE? They surrendered after one, still were attacked! Melting people - many to ashes! The landscape was poisoned, synthesized. #WW2 #AtomicBombs

I took many screenshots based on this video. They are captioned, so you see what was Said. Most likely these pictures are not in order because ANDROID has now disrupted that ability...


I am having a very difficult time uploading these. FYI. 

1-50 of 468 

I was disrupted by this crap...

Book published by MiT: Limits To the Grove, 1984 - was it wordplay? 

51-100 of 468 

101 - 150 of 468 

151 - 200 of 468

201 - 250 of 468 

251 - 300 of 468 

301 - 350 of 468 

351 - 400 of 468 

401 - 468 - FYI, I haven't watched the last 10min approximately and I will share those screenshots when I get to it. 
There were actually 73 screenshots in this last bunch so my counting was a little off. I don't feel like fixing it. 

Last 10 minutes will be uploaded when I get to it. 


What should have only taken a half hour on this blogpost - took 3+ hours! Motorola kept nefariously turning on Bluetooth and my phone was aggressively hacked. 

So I am uploading all pictures - because the Cyber Criminals frame themselves! 

My conclusions on this WW2 war and atomic bombing are very firm. Mark Feldman has little sense of purpose - making money is his main purpose. 

Just from piecing what he shared it is obvious that those he said committed suicide did not! They were assassinated. 

Additionally, the USA...I need to stop for a few minutes....Few minutes turned to hours! To no avail!Cyber Crime on my phone! 


I noted here I would return in a few minutes due to a problem. That problem took hours and is still a problem! 

Cyber Crime goes unchecked! 


Here are ALL uploads of screenshots, which should be in chronological Order, 50 at a time, supposed to be last ten minutes - yet someone was causing the video to go way back and more -  and hacking my phone repeatedly! 



The USA invadedTinian island, massacred the tens of thousands of residents, all to use as a pivoting point for their intended mass murder using atomic bombs! I remember other films I watched about their raining papers that nobody could read because they were in English!

Additionally, the USA  kept bombing Japan after they so-called made peace negotiations!  The film reports it like it was a day at the park! 




201 - 250 


251-330  End ❤️πŸ’›

I may share more videos of relatesd matters here. 

COL PaulTibbets
He's no hero to me! He knew USA invaded & massacred the Islanders on Tinia just so they could drop the atomic bombs! That's premeditated mass murder - not diplomacy! @mfa_russia

Enola reversed is ALONE! Maybe his father was gay! It's all secret society bull$hi!! 

How proud of a job can that be? 
  a nation that likes to force - rather than reason! Consider how Washington DC setup the navy in Hawaii! Japanese attacked with no regrets all due to crooked politics, corrupted foreign policy!

And that's why "I see US's Underpants!" - while mine are vandalized by illegal intruders! All painted black in the vaginal areas! Apparently they figured it would make a good movie, especially if they could kill me! I would be the last one who would care to see it if I was still alive! The level of depravity is the level of sewers! 

I'm sure he had his nails done too! 

What about the taste of death?How many of the dead residents of the island of Tinia were his victims? And do you realize he kept bombing after that?

The war didn't simply end like the atomic bomb was a magic of peace! And USA wanted to drop 5 atomic bombs! 

USA was aware of the consequences! USA is also run by organized crime who ultimately only serve themselves! 

Bill Gates makes his Internet debut as if he, too is God's gift to the human race. Well, he certainly fits the Tibbets category! 

The button pushing cowards Cyber Criminals disrupt things on Internet look They keep turning Bluetooth on - on mothearthtoo2022 phone! 

That is how I saved it but CYBER CRIME altered it!

To this: 

Posted 11:07pm 

The face of a NAZI  Illuminati

murderer - is this a safer place? Not by  a long 

ENOLA is alone backwards!
Yet TIBBET claimed it was his mother's name! Gay - was probably an emphasis on the Illuminati #OrderOfBarbarians
In the early morning before August 6,the US Military Invaded the Island and massacred the citizens like NAZIS to use as a pivoting point to carry out their premeditated mass murder plan! And even after that TIBBET continued to bomb Japan! #MinorDetail

Posted 9/6/2024 

I am sickened! 


Inside Gorbechov 's USSR.

    BTW, Reagan took Colin Powell out of his command physically, ordered him to be NSA in the white House, while he was still in uniform. Colin Powell wrote about that in his book. He had to follow orders - and they paid him for both positions! He knew how crooked they were in the White House. All he wanted in life was to make the world a better place with whatever talents he had. RIP, Sir - such a fine leader and his son Michael is a chip off the old block! Michael was the best FCC Director this country ever had - and that is why Bush pushed him and his father out of the White House. Colin Powell wouldn't agree to a war! John Bolton, who obviously got the military explosives that were used in the drones that hit the WTC bldgs, was preoccupied with inciting a war with Cuba! Most likely as a distraction from what they did to the Middle East, blaming them for 9/11, when they caused it! 

One of my comment/responses: 
Hon. Colin Powell, then US Army General of 60,000 troops in East Germany, actually made friends with officials in Soviet Union and Germany. They wanted peace and prosperity. They were not NAZI-Illuminati like thousands, probably tens of thousands in USA were since USA brought in thousands of murdering NAZIS after WW2! When you understand the Satanic strategy and watch documentaries relating to WW2, you realize how much the devil's chessboard was in place, particularly with the organized crime of CIA. The 1999 BLACK's Law Dictionary defined License as permission to do what would otherwise be a crime! Who licensed GW Bush to mass murder over 3,000 people? There could have been 6,000! Bodies were definitely burned to ashes! And that is why lifetime Democrat Donald Trump got tons of laser weapons five months before he torched Paradise CA using BLACKwater, owned by USGov-Made billionaire Eric Prince who was brother to Amway billionaire and total idiot Secretary of Dept of Ed (she only had a bachelor's degree in sociology πŸ₯΄) Betsy Wetsy Devos. And Trump claimed it was a "wildfire" fire-fire-fire..."You're Fired!" See the demoralizing behavior? And Trump is a pathological liar and rewards pathological liars! His wife is a transgender - Kamala Harris is a transgender...Michelle Obama is a transgender! Yet my apartment gets vandalized all the time and all my possessions were stolen by Storequest even though I paid for my rental unit timely each month! I filed a lawsuit -they didn't even appear, which is automatically a default judgment in my favor - but it wasn't! This state is nothing but organized crime! Run by the most corrupted attorneys who file pro hac vice to evade taxes and fudge their books! Pro hac Vice means they operate out of town and are given permission by the court ONE TIME to represent a case in Connecticut! The FBI agent I knew and I expect others on the force took the Stillman Law office down because the damn judges in this local court system only allowed this crime! They sued me for medical services FOR AMAZON! Jeff Bezos is corrupted as hell, just like all the other Technocrats! Synchrony bank was created by the Thayer family - there were two John B Thayers on the Titanic and I believe Both survived, both were by then financial experts and could mess with all the personal documents stolen out of safes, etc! 
The one who has acted stupid, Mark Zuckerberg, is actually the brains! He is really Robert T Morris, who destroyed tens of thousands of computers in December 1988 - as Reagan and GHW Bush rolled out the take down of the Soviet Union! But they can have their own enterage/Commonwealth and Britain has its Commonwealth. The Monarchy are really the ones who have saved Britain economically and SOCIALLY. King Charles is an amazingly intelligent and kind man. He believed he married who the public were excited about, FAKE virgin Diana, programmed MTW Transgender by Rothschild's. A very tough situation when he realized Diana was a tranny on their wedding night! God has carried him through because he is indeed a very fine Monarch! Yet the Monarchy are shock absorbers for the evil that permeates society. Diana was never killed! Dodinal Fayed only wanted to marry Diana to hook up to the wealth and power of the Monarchy! He was a Suni Muslim. That's like a mafia Catholic. Kashoggi, his father, lead a very criminal and depraved lifestyle. And he was partner in crime with Onassis, for instance. Onassis was who MTW Transgender Jackie Kennedy married. Jackie shot JFK in the headband rushed to get on the limo to smear the blood so it could not be determined that the shot came from "her" CIA a$$! Yes Jackie was CIA and JFK made a deal with the devil and in return they followed through with their promise to make him President!
Lee Harvey Oswald was happily married to a Russian woman, living in Russia. So CIA tapped him and lied about the need to kill officer Tippet in Dallas because he wanted to destroy JFK in a planned coup. Officer Tippet just happened to look like JFK. Oswald realized he was deceived but the CIA got him arrested and blamed. The Mafia attorney was allowed to prance along with media, armed with a gun even though police were taking Oswald to the police station THROUGH A CRAFTED TUNNEL so nobody could see! Except the liars, of course! They wanted tippet's body to replace JFK's in autopsy so it would be reported that he was killed with one bullet. And who pushed that obe-bullet Bs even though he knew better? Many did, but I am thinking of fake Dan Rather - who also helped GW Bush cover up September 11! 

It is all pay-to-play! That's probably why the Technocrats named the source for apps as a play Store! 

29-yr-old COL TIBBET was the one who dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki!he actually wanted to drop FIVE in total! 

They love to play with words and names! For one thing, it makes a game of it and soothes their lying - a$$ consciences! 

 Feel free to check out my blog posts. The link should be in "about" on my channel. Unfortunately this phone doesn't have a notes app and when I uploaded a really good one, Google Play store loaded it with abusive ads that disrupted it's functioning AND returned my money which I paid for that app, for lifetime use! All complete cyber Crime! And that is what the technocracy 😀 is made of! I uninstalled that app which they turned into a cyber crime
 weapon. My blogs are a hobby. Not
 monitored or monitized - Copy and
 share what you want. Hopefully the
 good wolf grows and the bad wolf
 starves to death. πŸŒŽπŸ™

The Cyber Criminals are doing all they can to disrupt my blogs, so I suggest you copy and save what you agree with ASAP. 

🌞Posted 9/8/2024 


This 100 min film on WW2 focuses on #EnolaGay and #PaulTibbets - Consider J Edgar Hoover's depravity and Enola backwards is Alone!.





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