D Day Invasion of Normandy

 Link to this blogpost:   


Table of Contents: 

(It is not up to date, sorry. This is a hobby. Copy what you want. Make it your own words) 


Reminder: the largest single incident of casualties was FRIENDLY FIRE in the Kuwait INVASION (General Colin Powell and General Schwarzkopf were personally against it, so don't believe media! Reagan ordered Gen Powell to the White House despite overseeing 60,000 troops in Germany - to be NSA, which was a civilian job! Here he was still an Army General! He knew they were up to no good! But his son, a captain in the army, was nearly killed from an obvious rigged jeep accident which his driver lost control of - I said to Colin Powell, "Sir, they probably disabled the brakes! His son Michael had at least 16 surgeries! All in USA so being NSA gave him opportunity to see his son! They wanted him dead, obviously! That was supposed to disrupt Colin Powell's relationship with military and the dirtbag politicians - he never was interested in being President, yet much smarter than the ones we have had and the incompetent and criminal ones running now!) Americans mass murdered Americans! They calibrated the bombing to hit the Division Artillery Barracks - the pilot had no idea what he was hitting - the coward button pushers rigged that - certainly a war crime if the bomber doesn't know what he's hitting!) most enlisted didn't vote for Bush because they apposed this Invasion. It was a Saudi money/oil grab and Bush and Reagan profited by using military as a meat market! -9/14/2024

1min video - a WW2 vet saying he's ashamed of USA, run by #organizedcrime#SunriseCT

Reference Videos 🌞VERIFIEDπŸŽ—️

     This blogpost was recently added 9/14/2024: 








     This blogpost has a lot of references linked. And will continue to have more as I work on it. Today I had to rest because I was simply overwhelmed at the barbarism that existed when France 's  Normandy was invaded, ruined yet they claimed they saved it after even destroying citizens' homes with no warnings and obviously murdering the ones "guilty" for just being in their homes - citizens who were supposed to be saved from Hitler.  I was sickened. I am grateful that Static In The Attic channel informally brought this event up, at which time I began studying it and decided to make a blogpost about it. Something that he doesn't have time for because he's a building contractor as a living. And he does impressive work! 


  I have struggles due to cyber crime....so please see it For what it is as you come across sections which do not make sense. 

(Below was frauded by the spineless button-pushers who consider their cyber crime a day at the park!) 

This is the real reference: http://www.publiusroots.org/2018/02/September-11.html?m=1 

It is in the list above correctly, this was altered to f*k with your heads as well as mine. The Cyber Criminals took out the "-" before "11" to disable the link - 9/14/2024 

     I got this!  That was typed by the Cyber ba$tards! They also changed my thunderflower reference to disable the link, placing - between


But I checked it and fixed it. They are trespassing! So copy these references and whatever you want ASAP. This is a hobby. I am just one person. 

     This is Cyber Crime: 


I was so intrigued by what Static In The Attic shared, so I did a little research. 

Static In The Attic channel 

Referenced in Static 's video: NASDAP - consider NASDAQ - they do wordplay like this all the time - for the devil's chessboard tactics. 

In other words, it was an invasion - aka, #PickAFight 

definition of battle: "to fight against"; an intense competition...

I presume the "intense competition " was an add-on by the underworld that has been undermining USA for decades, possibly centuries. 

Get an old dictionary and see what the definition says. 

Also, correction to Static In The Attic: The USA never joined The League of Nations 

The League of Nations was good; the USA set up the United Nations centered on oil and greed and power grabs - and then there's nightmare NATO! 😬

Obama tried to become the leader of NATO when he and his transgender wife left the White House, looting it like no tomo! Including stealing 5 yachts! Chief of Staff John Kelly seized the yachts and sent Obama an invoice for the rest. TRUMP FIRED JOHN KELLY! He only wanted him, Rex Tillerson, The NSA (forgot his name, he was dragged through the coals for listing paedophiles as a major take-down agenda. Trump loved the sex offenders. Like psychopathic Hitler, sex was a great way to manipulate people, especially by attacking them! 


What was this to begin with? 

An invasion! On June 6, 1944! 

      Devil's Chessboard in Action! 

Planned For Two Years! 

When were atomic bombs dropped on Japan? 

The United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan on August 6 and 9, 1945:
  • Little Boy

The USA was already cooking up

atomic bombs - do you really think they wanted the war to end and stop funding Hitler - like they have been doing with Ukraine since 2014? Does the word "premeditated" ring a bell? 


On June 6, 1944, the Allies launched the long-anticipated invasion of Normandy, France. Soldiers from the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and other Allied nations faced Hitler's formidable Atlantic Wall as they landed on the beaches of Normandy.

Source: https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/topics/d-day-and-normandy-campaign#:~:text=Soldiers%20from%20the%20United%20States,on%20the%20beaches%20of%20Normandy.

Eisenhower, of GERMAN descent, was US President! 

These war games were just used to kill off people and make lots of money on the military industrial complex! 

The troops supposedly "snuck over" relying on intelligence that didn't care whether they lived or died! 

 They had the troops go in the water; that made cleanup of dead people easier!


American forces faced severe resistance at Omaha and Utah Beaches. Despite challenges, including mislandings and fierce opposition, Allied forces established a critical beachhead in Normandy.


In other words, the troops were f*ked! 

I stopped what I was doing to start this blogpost but I need to tend to my responsibilities first so I will need to get back to this. 

The "Fabulous Five" were Satanists and enjoyed war games, salivating over death! This isn't maybe they were called unless someone else "joined" by conspiracy after that. The leaders are Hitler, Stalin, Musalini, Mao Tse Tong, Churchill, and Eisenhower. They cared little or nothing about the people they were supposed to be serving. 

That's why few efforts were made to stop Hitler from mass murdering. Though they have been permeating society with altered facts, that nobody was mass murdered, I completely believe it is a propaganda campaign to cover their a$$es, since this has been discussed so much. 

Some people have discussed that the USA war tactics have consistently been built on corrupted USA Foreign Policy!

Here this was France's land yet their military wasn't involved...

Posted 8:31am 


I'll be back - the Cyber Crime I get hit with when making blogposts that Q - question the narrative - is real and also a setback. 

So I have to set things aside to do something like this. 

The below image is blocking me from accessing the end, so I will insert this here because I have no patience: 
My full response: 

I disagree! Your mindset only feeds the bad wolf so rethink what you said, please! People don't have to die to be heroes! My father was a living hero! He died from being murdered by a paedophile priest, my own brother, and a Lockheed Martin couple blood thirsty to kill him, as was the nurse at the hospice he was FORCED in - my brother was lying to people behind my back, resenting I left my job to take care of him after the paedophile priest obviously poisoned him with arsenic - a CIA favorite! His own brother was not just a military black ops SOB but obvious CIA asset, obviously a millionaire from it though he was a retired major in USMC, friends with Oliver North, et al - the ones who ran the drug trafficking of cocaine, incited the Iran-Iraq war for the Military Industrial Complex, and Iran was listed by the Illuminati as one of the five Middle East countries to destroy! They didn't win, YET have hammered Iran ever since, including Obama frauding the Iran Deal and Trump going along with breaching it! 

They layered the side with crap just because I was taking a screenshot. So it ended up in the screenshot. 



I think military could be used to restore and build countries! USA Politicians, and global affiliates just want war to get a big surge of wealth in their pockets!

Posted 10/2/2024 


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