Thyroid Health

 Link to this blogpost:


reference blogpost on Kidneys and Adrenal glands "Kidneys And Cortisol" 

I had to create yet another blogpost because hacking b*stards deleted what I created! 

video I am watching now:

My comment: As a former olympian, I am surprised you didn't take into consideration of injuries causing thyroid problems. (I made other comments too. Decide for yourself) - posted 8:42pm 5/2/2024 


He recommended iodized salt. No way, no how, people! 


I am only at 11min of 35 min and once I return here, you will understand why it took me a while. I expect to have everything uploaded in a few hours. As long as these cyber scumbags do not delete any more! - posted 5/2/2024 11:09am 

my comment was deleted by cyber crime... I will be back in an hour or two to finish this - 3:37pm 

pictures will resume here: 6:39pm /beginning at 8:42pm 


I took the screenshots chronologically yet they got their kicks posting them in the opposite direction. Therefore, when I add the rest of the screenshots, I will add them to the beginning of them since they are backwards.

5:52pm - I am watching the rest of it now. 

Unfortunately I am still battling with cyber crime. They restarted my phone! 

I took 15 screenshots. Hopefully they are here when I post what I have.  then I will resume watching to finish shsreing screenshots. The first ten minutes are NOT all I took. Cyber Crime again, deleted them so sentences are disconnected! 

There are four more pictures than what I took. - posted 6:38pm 

I took the screenshots chronologically yet they got their kicks posting them in the opposite direction. Therefore, when I add the rest of the screenshots, I will add them to the beginning of them since they are backwards.

5:52pm 5/2/2024 


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