Indians Can't Be Beat

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My highschool was called Sackets Harbor Central, Sackets Harbor, NY 

We were the Indians of the cheers made at sports events was "Indians - can't be beat!" 

I have had much stolen from me over the years, which has bern quite traumatic - though my siblings just used ut as opportunity to exploit me more. It is traguc to live right down the road from a brother and never be invited over, especially since he never took responsibility of cheating me out of the little money I got from settling an insurance claim out of court because my attorney was crooked as hell. I was close to that brother. His wife just saw me as a money-grab and obviously disappointed I didn't die when she began dating my brother - I was the jackpot she never got.... 

Illegal intruders slashed up this autograph book: as well as stealing pictures and even "Chief Ugh-A-Mug's" signature page. They stole everything else, and probably the yearbook also. I can't find it. And I was co-editor. Most likely my depraved uncle "needing to prove how incompetent" I was, stealing anything that he could of my achievements. He didn't have a college degree, yet his son did, so I didn't expect I would face the same shit I got from jealous siblings. It may have been in my Public Storage unit when they stole everything. Organized crime is everywhere on the East Coast. I was planning on moving to New Mexico to help my father, have a better life. My brother bragged he "came down to make him die". He claimed "Dad was not useful to us anymore". Admitting he lied only when he knew I had no legal power. 

...They had a third child and got a new car with the $30,000 he cheated my father out of, to give to me, since my store was quit claimed to him to help build his equity for a business loan - and he got it, promising he would turn the money over to my father, to give to me, but he didn't. His wife didn'tvwant him to. And Obama rewarded him with $500,000 free money to build his business. 

I graduated from Sackets, Joe graduated from the school that was in the district where my father purchased his retirement home in. So much for a retirement. I was almost killed by a 20 ton sander truck driver who didn't even need to be out sanding or ploughing. The attorney my mother secretly retained without my father's approval was disappointed I didn't die like these attorneys, et al wanted me to. To teach people a lesson - you can't tell a stalking sex trafficker to leave you alone, you're a pig. 

Attorney Kendall asked me: 

"Why didn't you get out of his way? It was a sunny day out and the rosds were bare!" 

My response (since paramedics told me what happened, not this crooked attorney, embedded in organized crime) Why was he even on the road, working a second shift, having filled the truck to the brim with sand before working overtime? Slamming into me head-on going the wrong direction on a double-laned highway, no passing allowed? Was he trying to kill me? 

And Ibdirectly said the same thing to Perry Hyde at a pretrial hearing! The attorney was not saying anything! He told me to shut up too! I said, "Well you aren't doing anything to defend me!" 

They had so much damn power in that city, I was constantly criticized for "not doing what you're told" by siblings, especially my older sister. 

All this proves is just how damn corrupted this country is, and how oftentimes people, like my siblings, only care about standing up for social and financial handouts - not the truth! So what he tried to kill me! It was all about, "You're lucky to be alive" 

The CIA relied on crime money, so they could be foreign and domestic terrorists. And my millionaire uncle in Washington DC  was an operative. Probably my uncle who was at White Sabds Missile Range was also. 

I do not want war. This only feeds the bad wolves who have tragically done all they can to OWN people. 

I will just share some photos now and at some point clean this up and add a little more. 

Many of my keepsakes were stolen from me when I was hospitaluzed 3 1/2 months. One of my siblings liked to help himself after that, too, even though I worked very hard for everything I had and he had a comfortable job through his father-in-law and made money on the side. 

Twice my storage units were stolen by FRAUD - they would not process my payments! T-Mobile decided to chime in and do the same thing to me! 

And my CIA operative millionaire uncle stole my ssn to enter in the purchase documents of the second luxury car he got! Without my knowledge, let alone permission! He was friends to Oliver North, who spear-headed the illegal arms deals and cocaine trafficking for the CLINTONS, who were CIA operatives. Bill Clinton is half-brother of GW Bush - but don't worry! For God, For Country, For Yale protected them both, yet sabatoged Raymond Clark and pushed the media narrative he murdered Annie Le, even though she was taken out of tge bldg and chopped up and put in a maintenance tool box, returned to the building 5 days later, and police lied like hell. 

My father was forced to die by relatives - and that was extremely traumatic. Most likely they profited both socially and economically. I left my job to go help him and not one offered to help me out and even complained I would do that. This was a dad who gave his all for his family, having grown up in an orphanage! 

I sent a letter to Yale's President - only to be harmed more in my life since Skull & Bones rule, not truth! 

Randy reminded me I still have memories I can appreciate. He and Nick Zentner made a tour of Moses Coulee. It is a 4-part series, I have been placing in my "Being Native" blogpost. 

pictures are raw, victimized by AI and hacking, so keep that in mind. 

This was my art teacher, Mr. Montford. When he heard Ivwas in ICU, he created a huge poster and many at the schopl signed it, some with notes. When I came to, it was the first thing I saw. I had that in storage, along with the hundreds of cards I got from churches abd school - all stolen, like all my memorobilia. Most likely my uncle stole it or arranged for me to lose everything, since he was connected to organized crime! He did nothing to help my father, his brither, eirher, after the pedophile priest was unsuccessful killing my father with arsenic - one of the CIA favorites. His son became a computer technician, most likely following his father's footsteps. Only when I moved to this high-rise bldg which was obviously built by organized crime, Jan 2013, did he try to connect - BY STALKING ME. No kidding, and I ignored him yet contacted a person I trusted in law enforcement, leaving a message I was being stalked! 

This was my math teacher, "Chief Ugh-A-Mug" Lol🀣

My brother's wife demanded I change my brother's name from Joe To Steve, "because it sounds more professional" - all the more reason I consider Obama USED Joe Biden and soon will throw him away if he doesn't win the election. Biden needs to see it for what it is. We dropped the "Joby" and just called my brother Joe when he began working at the same restaurant I did. I gave him rides to and from work. He didn't get a license until he was older. I gave my father my car, which he gave to Joe. I bought my first car on my own but was happy my father could afford to do that. He did all he could for the family, only to be sabatoged. Last thing my mother said to him when he was not aneasthetized, was "I'm looking for a boyfriend" and my father cried very much - here he was recovering from that arsenic poisoning! 
Shelly's father owned a beer plant! lol! She was very smart and never took what priveleges she had for granted. Down to earth. 

Someone took the pictures of my parents out - another reason I figure my uncle was up to no good. The family crest was also stolen off the wall of my apartment. My uncle most likely said I stole it. My father gave it to me, taking it out of his dresser drawer. I had it framed and gave it back to him, as affirmation who he was - was important. When he passed away, I went to his apartment and the bldg manager said my mother complained and I needed to leave, giving me $250 "a gift from your brother" which was money he cheated me out of 20 years before that and told everyone I gave him pine cupboards to replace his kitchen cupboards - always taking, claiming I owed him for seeing me in ICU! After all, he expected much more from my death! 
my nick name was "Toots" because I played the cornet. I became First 'trumpet' in jr high, but because they scheduled band out to make me sit through 3 periods - study halls and lunch - I decided to go to school half days and work for money from school. I never did get my Scholarship S money until AFTER my semester was paid for.  That was probably rigged by the community college. 

My farher would write, "Please excuse Anne from school. She was sick" and he would laugh to me and say "Younwere sick of school" 🀣 My father would be shorthanded and I would gladly help out. Also my mother would say she was too sick to do house chores and I would stay home, then call friends to find out what my assignments were. 

Cheri was the best singer in school; and she was so nice and I was glad she won Queen of something, I forgot. Probably prom. I was co-editor of the yearbook with Tina. She was a Queen also. 

Donna and I were in band together. Played trumpet. Donna was moved to first Trumpet when I couldn't stay for band, sitting in study halls. I left at 11:30 each day to get work hours in. My father had me driving a commercial paper route. I loved it. Yet strangely he told me he needed me to get work elsewhere. It may have been that's when my older brother started telling people that Dad molested me. I did not know for years he was doing that! He did a lot of horrible things to me, and I screamed his name in ICU - most likely he was eager for me to die. I grew up forgiving and forgetting, not piecing things together. 

BFF! Linda was part Indian, part Mexican. 

Well, I better get back to finishing watching the series on Moses Coulee . ..And I just found out the cyber criminals removed all my notes on The first to third videos! 

Link for this blogpost specifically:

Nothing about Moses Coulee is there now! 


 πŸŽ€It's Christmas πŸŽ„ A time to remind 
Our Present is a present 🎁
This pitstop is just a poetry stop: 



So who is hacking this phone? ORGANIZED CRIME! 

Check that link from time to time. I will make it again! Kung-FU 😀 To the scumbags! 

posted 4/30/2024 


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