April 2024

 April 2024    Free tax filing now ๐Ÿ‘

Link to this blogpost: 



https://thunderflower2021.bl byogspot.com/2024/01/table-of-round-tents.html?m=1

Hey Jimmy: 

Knock, knock. Who's there? Orange. Orange who? Orange you glad John Cena? 

I Cena what you're saying....

He promised to teach me some wrestling moves - this is my favorite : ๐Ÿ˜ค ๐Ÿ˜ I just had to say that. 

Eena meena Tina Faye
Got a horse and got some hay 
When it hollard she said "Oh Golly!'
I need Molly or Dolly and a hot tomale 
...stay tuned ๐Ÿฅบ

Search this phrase in Twitter....see for yourself! 

And @adamthewoo
Join Forces and brave the flea market! March 2023

๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿฐ ๐Ÿ’ฏ⭐๐Ÿ’ฏ⭐ That's all, folks! 
M7.4 EQ in Taiwan! 

Posted 4/3/2024 
My comment: Taiwan has a natural resource to make internet devices, even EV"s - Stupid US did no planning ahesd except try to mass murder - WE'RE STILL HERE, organized criminal government! Now it's your turn to disappear! ๐Ÿ˜ค

This video is set up for the hearing impaired. 50th anniversary of Little House On The Prairie.  ❤️

Motivation From Zero? 
Like September 11 Ground Zero?
Which was planned by 125 USA dirtbag politicians and other traitors?

That's the demented norm, alright - getting people to claim their divorce was THE BEST THING THAT HAPPENED TO ME. 

USMC career man turns into a civil intelligence media expert. Nothing like a good military scuffle to bring him business! 

Someone stated: The world is sick of America excusing atrocities
My comment: 
That's just the spin they want you tornado'd in! How many people won the White House Presidency using that spin over the last 100 years? Most, if not, all! 

My comments:
๐ŸŒžYou don't break out your INTELLIGE statement by PRETENDING. SO this video gets an automatic ๐Ÿ‘Ž People are murdered! For God's sake, just admit it! The Isreal sham was instigated by Isreal! Is this USMC man a CIA operative?  USMC General Smedley Butler said, "War is a racket" WTF - he couldn't be more right! Diplomacy has veen taken off the table because USA has funded Ukraine billions a year since 2014, just after Colin Powell oversaw the team that disposed of the WOMD that Saddam Hussein did make! They were transported to Syria by Bush-paid "mercenaries" who were really terrorists! The factory Saddam Hussein had was paid by USA - CIA's crime money!

You don't break out your INTELLIGE statement by PRETENDING. SO this video gets an automatic ๐Ÿ‘Ž People are murdered! For God's sake, just admit it! The Isreal sham was instigated by Isreal! Is this USMC man a CIA operative?  USMC General Smedley Butler said, "War is a racket" WTF - he couldn't be more right! Diplomacy has veen taken off the table because USA has funded Ukraine billions a year since 2014, just after Colin Powell oversaw the team that disposed of the WOMD that Saddam Hussein did make! They were transported to Syria by Bush-paid "mercenaries" who were really terrorists! The factory Saddam Hussein had was paid by USA - CIA's crime money!

Notice Scott Ritter, USMC man, turns up on the click baiter channel - I found him consistently deceiving. His guests are primarily CIA patios. 

Posted 4/3/2024


There are so many freaking trolls on Twitter, it's not worth spending time on it! 

Tweet response to @ChadPrather 

What the hell is your point? You want mass-murdering Trump? He SECRETLY purchased tons of laser weapons 5 months B4 he torched Paradise CA, including burning live people to ashes! He's a liar, a cheat! Still had a salary &used it to BRIBE certain departments! #StupidIsAWeapon


    Alexander Mercouris

Video, 4/3/2024 


Netanyahu is a slave to CIA terrorists! His brother was murdered by CIA in Turkey. The only IDF that was killed! US citizens used like Zelensky used Ukrainians, putting them in harm's way! It's not about purpose; it's about kill-kill-kill!

LARRY JOHNSON is a CIA psyop, pushing war, supporting NAZIS like McDougal! Traitors with money to pay to play! Hopefully Alex Mercouris doesn't compromise himself! Yet Johnson may have paid him off to plug his psyopping. I do not trust that sonar site. I viewed it. Do not trust NAZI ideology! 

At 35min - WTF - ask Larry Johnson how many Terrorist groups he worked with because that's what CIA does! 

Posted 4/3/2024 

Easter Bonnet Festival - NYC 2024! ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿฃ

Podium For Sale ๐Ÿ’ฐ
Keep ridin Biden ๐Ÿ‡

#BirdFlu ?
Says Who?
Did they stick a Q-tip up their noses? WTF #DeptOfAg doesn't care. They don't require inspection labels anymore! Give them some cocaine, they follow you anywhere!


Today, @rusmen
#BaklykovChannel is a #GirlWatcher for 13min ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿง‍♀️๐Ÿ‹️‍♀️๐Ÿ‘ฉ‍✈️๐Ÿ‘ฉ‍⚕️๐Ÿ‘ฉ‍๐Ÿณ๐Ÿ‘ฉ‍๐ŸŒพ๐Ÿ‘ฉ‍๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿ‘ฉ‍๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿ‘ญ๐Ÿ‘ฏ‍♀️๐Ÿ’ƒ https://youtu.be/mPpNlVWOa8M?si=LCZmbsvACcQYBjNT

Posted 4/4/2024 


It is 4/5/2024 10:40am

At 10:25am the building shook for 5 seconds! Nobody was available when I called! 

     Alexander Mercouris on Russia 

So far, the first 30 min seem to be stirring the pot, agitating, rather than emphasis on certain issues, such as Putin's confidence that Biden has good experience, and is wise. Putin also said he looked forward to speaking with Biden . I heard him say that.


RIP, Dick COPELAND❤️. Died this day. He and his wife MaryJo  founded SHARING AND CARING HANDS IN MINNEAPOLIS, MN 

Posted 4/5/2024






Mr. Sachs was a parasite to UN. He seems like a pathological liar. In today's interview on the Duran Blog, he claimed US did the right thing by "taking out a Soviet sub" RIGHT AFTER

 a Cuban nuke deal.

[Notes insert] 
Posted 3/26/2024  12:50am 
<Insert 3/30/2024 bc the below note is disrupting the format of this blogpost 

@jamesmattis18 - What was #ProjectOvermatch? I couldn't block the ad or find out who's behind it since Yt duznt verify.Trump erroneously fired Hon. Mattis. Now they exploit him to get ppl to invest. USA needs a STRICT  #RegimeChange @kingcharlesiiib @XiJimping @KremlinRussia_E


Notes insert [end] 

2.  Did he assist the September 11 planners? $Trillions of profit, spread around! Loose Change video shares some of it! 

     My opinion; decide for yourself

<Insert>  @Jeff_264 - Tiktok backwards is Gotit - I NEVER select that Gotit crap! Notice how they extort you with it? Blocking me from the damn Gmail app for not okay'ing what? What the hell is "it"?  IT? The Technocracy are made up of delusional psychopaths that got rich because they proved loyalty to the criminal underworld! [End 4/20/2024]

Israel is a slave to CIA; Benjamin Netanyahu's brother was murdered by CIA. Why would Iran waste time & money going after Israel? They didn't go after USA when Trump murdered Gen Soleimani. There are better non-violent ways to handle this.

Notice how Twitter has a media agenda to help NAZIS in Ukraine; and CIA men have promoted NAZIS.  


Emphasizes Zelensky has no good options 4/6/2024
Will Iran Strike back at Israel? @KremlinRussia_E๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บ
@EbrahimRaisi2๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ท #StopUkraineTerrorism

I do not know why these were posted out of the order I took the screenshots since I selected them at the same time. 

Posted 4/6/2024


The UK backed out of EU; I hope they stand up to corruption by NATO, and UN! - Thank you ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ™ Besser ๐Ÿ˜˜ mon dernier, NATO and UN!
Dmitry Medvedev Wants 'Maximum Reward' Bounty for NATO Troops in Ukraine https://www.businessinsider.com/dmitry-medvedev-wants-maximum-reward-bounty-nato-troops-ukraine-2024-4


He just keeps giving and giving!


Posted 4/8/2024 


What food starves cancer? 


I watched it and see the link changed ...and also determine that he's more about role -playing. Still talks about COVID as if it was real, when it was a huge, huge fraud! The Chinese are watching and understanding the social behavior in this country! So the video has little impact on me. 2/3 is what I already knew from just life and learning. He touched on stem cells in a weird manner. Claiming stem cells rejuvenate our bodies. Yet I only have heard of stem cells in fetuses. This video was not enlightening, in my opinion. Talking about COVID as if it was a real disease tells me he has the capacity to lie as a priority. 


Posted 4/8/2024 


Happy total eclipse day...April 8, 2024 

It's April 8, 2024, the day of the Great American Eclipse. We explain how to watch it, how to get glasses, how to live stream the celestial experience and more. It's finally April 8, 2024, the day of the total solar eclipse. We've waited for this day for years, and we won't have another one like it for decades.3 hours ago



#SergeyBakylov gives ride-tour through St. Petersburg, including Albina neighborhood #ILoveRussia

9:15pm  on 4/8/2024 

     Russia-Ukraine military action 

๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘ŽVideo: https://youtu.be/8phwlbmxJuM?si=PpTDT09Sjxm--3ji

Congratulations! You just deleted my long message on how depraved the mind of military are, just going along with psychopaths running a horrible foreign policy! CIA infiltrates everything in pay-to-play agendas!
This is BS! They talk about Russia-Ukraine like it's a sport! Then have the audacity to say these 14 years that USA has funded terrorism on Russia actually created a dynamic that HELPS RUSSIA WIN. Win what? These so-called military officers don't care about WHY!
Jaques Baud is SWISS and his overview of USA and Russia -Ukraine has more holes than Swiss cheese! 


Jimmy and Heart ๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽต๐Ÿ’™ Sing Total Eclipse Of The Heart ๐Ÿ’œ❤️๐Ÿ’œ❤️ on Total Eclipse Day☀️๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ


CIA has no business in making military deals! Most likely those hostages are really CIA operatives who attacked Israel to begin with!


Why were there so many fires even same day of the #Eclipse2024
Were they meant to be a distraction?

This is Propaganda against the Monarchy! Diana deceived Prince Charles! 'She' was a transgender, posing as a modest virgin. The British Royals got her a gender reversal and HE, David, is married to a prominent celebrity, successful producer. 

Posted 4/9/2024 


The best defense is a good offense. @KremlinRussia_E
Is past that stage! They have been DEFENDING. Time for Ukraine to surrender! @mfa_russia https://youtu.be/ZaALoN7LvzE?si=hznMDi4YAGH6ub9T

Provides today's overview of the Russian-Ukraine military scuffle,which #UkraineIsLosing But FYI, Trump is a criminal and has no leadership qualities. He purchased laser weapons w/o approved of @Jamesmattis18 and used them on #ParadiseCA


3min bombshell on how to make Greek Yogurt #StartToFinish


They are FAKE Zionist supporters. For many, Christianity is just a cover for them to do even the most depraved things. ie, Warren Jeff's. @PeterSantenello interviewed Mormon polygamists. The offer kids for #childtrafficking #SexualAbuse bc it's big money ๐Ÿ’ฐ 

Stalantis fired hundreds of Americans; and meantime they cause fires to break out all over #SaranicRitual #AlgorythmManipulated @Scottymechanic



When Russia meets with Ukraine, I hope China may ask why Ukraine has terrorized Russia since 2014 to determine level of criminal intent. 

Posted 10April2024



Response to YouTube comme

Sanctions by who? The F*king USA SABATOGED Iran Deal! In fact, they never planned to carry it through! Obama did nothing when Trump refused to pay anything! John Kerry used his daughter to play up to the son of the one they made the deal with, even marry him, and gets him to become a neurologist specializing in BRAIN CANCER so when they medically murdered Biden's son with BRAIN CANCER, they could infer Kerry's son in law, the Iranian, had something to do with it! Foreign Policy by USA is built on lies and crime! Iran's General Soleimani was not on any terrorist list like Mike Pompeo said AFTER he and Trump literally murdered him - never making a public demand for him to turn himself in, because he did nothing wrong! He was a great military leader! Pompeo should be executed and so should Trump for treason, murder! Ambassador DuWei was in great health, great shape, yet he died of a heart attack in Israel! A CIA murder, I'm sure! CIA have had heart attack guns for decades! Trump fired good people in his CABINET to cover up his crimes! Including mass murder, burning live people to ashes l, at Paradise CA! The laser weapons were secretly ordered for this ParadiseCA attack! 

๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บ  @derwinmitchell9947  CIA minions are even claiming sanctions and support to Ukraine is making Ukraine lose -  what the hell does that have to do with the price of tea in China  

Posted 10Apr2024


Was this a deliberately planted story by Media to instill hate on Russia? I'll place more screenshots on my blogpost

๐ŸŸข https://motherearthtoo2022.blogspot.com/2024/02/i-stand-with-russia.html?m=1





Why is media more interested in memorializing evil? 

Obviously click bait! 

Russia Seizes Over 650,000 Acres Of Farmland And Other Assets From Company With Ties To 'Unfriendly' Country. In a significant escalation of its retaliatory measures against “unfriendly” states amid heightened geopolitical tensions, Russia has seized assets of the agricultural holdings company AgroTerra Group.


So I turn my phone back on SEVERAL Times due to hacking by the spineless technocrats! 

Only when I get on YouTube does it mess with me on BS updates which is PURE CYBER CRIME! 

F*k YouTube! 

This is my f*king phone-you have to ask permission! 

What does the goat ๐Ÿ say?๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ Naaaaaan bread! 

Wow, I saw a recipe using just flour and yogurt. It's okay but I like yours better. I would add chia and flax seeds. I wonder if the dough can be frozen ahead  

Scotty's videos aren't here.....I shared them....This phone has no notes and screws with me when I try to download a notes app ....so I post and go - and the cyber criminals delete! 

Tweeted ๐Ÿ˜Š
(BTW, Joe Imbriano's wife ❤️was born in Korea) - Should have tweeted BTS - I'll do that now๐Ÿ˜…
Eeny Meeny Miney Moreeah
Loves #MadeInKorea


LOLOL ๐Ÿ˜… Five-Four-Three-Two-One Kung-FU for you! ๐Ÿ˜ค  #JanetJacksonRocks ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿ’™๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿ’™

Baklykov and his wife takes us through his drive in Russia, to Moscow, to see his parents 4/12/2024



Discusses the infertility crisis, the overall depravity that grips this nation. Don't pick apart his words, please. He speaks from the heart.

I have 108 blog posts and only half of them show! I tried to post this on my blog post with just messages by Joe Imbriano . It won't come up! I cannot download an app to put notes on like I do on my Samsung - because the Technocracy decides the order of power on your devices! They cannot since them! They cannot destroy my algorithms - but they do, with a bogus "yes we can" because Obama says so, attitude! 


Freesian Horses 

Hopefully the death was fake because that horse is such a beautiful horse - she lead the hetd that was recently purchased by the Canadian horseman. 
Still it gives me the creeps! 
I told her this was the last strange thing I wanted to see from her channel.


Status on #RussiaUkraine

Status on #RussiaUkraine

1. Putin is not settling for anything else but FULL SURRENDER
2. Zelensky is losing! Doesn't care about his military! Has no means to ramp anything, yet puffs hot air to scare ppl!


Posted 4/23/2024 





Iran doesn't threaten! So USA threatens for them! #ForeignPolicyOfUSASucks

Posted 4/13/2024 3:44am

Accountability begins at home, says #FullertonInformer

Posted 4/13/2024



Video: https://youtu.be/Da1G22HIsG4?si=BTH9soPQuzOTdOU-

See comments! 

Make yogurt from whole milk. Search Living Home Traditions for a successful, simple to make Greek yogurt. A half gallon milk yields me about 4 cups. They said 6c for a gallon. It varies but yogurt keeps a long time so make it ahead because it does take a while to make but so rewarding! You just need a crock pot, milk, and 1/2 c of culture (yogurt) Mine turns out so creamy. Staring for 8 hrs in the refrigerator makes a huge difference. Save all liquid! For making bread, for even adding to soup! Mary's Nest mentioned that trick! It's all healthy. Yet our bodies harvest a lot of probiotics from yogurt. 

Freeze, dehydrate, or  cook your fruits and vegetables before they go bad. 

Stock up on Oatmeal! If you can afford a little extravegancy - get some from Colonial House Inn located in Vermont. Either call or check their website - I think they have this online now. Get Lumberjacks Mush for a very tasty and nutritious breakfast! They have several varieties of oatmeal products, and maple syrup. Stock up on maple syrup and honey! To be sure the honey is  genuine, drop in cold water and if it drops to the bottom, it's genuine. 

Make sure you stock up on Cocoa, especially if you're a chocolate lover. 

Make your own cheese. Stock up. Use what you got. If you have a juicer, make juice ahead. Engineer your food - know what your limitations are for storage. 

Make sure you have enough laundry soap. I swear by Tide. Get another for light wash clothes, like Woolite. Have a stock up of dish detergent - I swear by Dawn. If you use the spray bottle, refill with 1/2 bottle of Dawn dish detergent and 1/2 of green rubbing alcohol. Voila! Have a lot of rubbing alcohol stocked up. 

We may face a need to stay home as this country goes through a major overhaul. We may have an unexpected emergency from geoengineering tactics. Stocking up, being prepared will give you peace of mind. 

Powdered drinks, tea, I a way to filter water Incase of emergency, are also very helpful. I think instant coffee is horrible! So I disagree with this video. I have a one-cup reusable coffee filter. 

Make sure you're stocked up on candles, and even make a burner relying on a small fire. Search "1776 homemade burner" - this guy from Australia is amazing! 

Stock up on flour! Paan bread is simple to make! It makes great sandwiches and more. 

If you like crackers, stock up! Keep them in very tight containers. Buy a sealed large tin of them for emergency situation. 

Dehydrate - freeze dry - whatever you can ....

Can foods - however you can. The old fashioned way just requires a large pot to put glass jars in. 

Place unprocessed jars in your fridge. I make cucumbers using pickle juice and put them in the refrigerator. Cook them in your crock pot, with the pickle juice. Or just leave them three days in your crock pot to form a brine. Do not turn it on ever for that method. They come out crispy, tasty and you use what is available. 


Ukraine is killing citizens  - its own citizens! #OperationFumDuck ๐Ÿ˜ค

Posted 4/13/2024

Posted after several problems from Google Assistant used as a weapon - deliberately changing what I selected! 



Iran did not attack when USA did many CRIMINAL things to incite war! They were not drinking the water that USA lead them to! They are peaceful and loving! And will not stupe to such depravity! 

1. USA murdered General #Soleimani; 2. USA sabotaged #IranDeal 3. USA -NOT Iran-threatens world that Iran will attack Isreal after Isreal attacked Iran!  #WarForProfit #USAIsCriminal  https://www.youtube.com/live/MOhF6V_nJKg?si=nFTCxFBRKiDHsvJK

@Scottymechanic - Today is brought to you by 1) Toyota Tacoma 2) Nissan Frontier and 3) Honda Ridgeline WITH a vibrating seat which was @ConanObrien's claim to fame when his studio was outside ๐Ÿ˜… @FallonTonight

Posted 4/24/2024.


Hey, @Scottymechanic -
can you loan him your super sunglasses so @ryangoslingcom isn't afraid anymore? I hope Jimmy can invite you to his show!  https://youtube.com/shorts/Nh9Z1zpqLII?si=HKrUFnIc5O9pgURI

@XiJimping @EbrahimRaisi2 @kingcharlesiiib @IraqiPMO @PMOIndia @ImranKhanPTI @KremlinRussia_E @mfa_russia  @JPN_PMO @presidentAssad @RoyalFamily
There's no confirmation from Iran! This media spin by psychopaths is out of control!

Posted 4/14/2024 WTF I will put time here bc the other is reflecting cyber crime, placing red background! 1:57pm 



Of course these 350 tons of drones & warheads were not confirmed coming from Iran! That's why Israel didn't close THEIR airports, but @EbrahimRaisi2 did! bc Israel attacked Iran already! #OperationFumDuck @mfa_russia

<End of insert>


@germaninvenice walked into a #PoliceStandoff #Shooter and @jamesOSTV
Was making a video. #NobodyGotHurt @FallonTonight

Posted 4/14/2024 



@curated_deals - I'm already a #GoodChop customer and just gave some burgers to a very nice, smart young man who looked like he could use some decent food! I hope he bc a customer! ๐ŸŒณI wouldn't watch this video attch bc all billionaires arent crooked. #ColinPowell wasn't! @chucknorris isn't! 


Video on Hollywood is dying: 


Pelosi et al made California a real mess! That's why her daughters chose this profession: Drug Dealers 

Posted 4/14/2024 


     This testimony is greatly lacking; due to mind control or pay-to-play 

Video: https://youtu.be/7cj5vOImTgQ?si=2GodeazWqTwT2dBM

My comment: 

WAR ZONE? Then why is it that the traitors to this country were not prosecuted? FBI determined sbout 125 actually planned September 11 for several years. Cover-up was half the planning! They wanted to use it to incite war with the Middle East! Annie Jacobson explained the US President has supreme power to release nuclear weapons at his command! If that part of the plan worked, there would have been a nuclear war! The USA invasions in the Middle East were ALL crimes against humanity! John McCain and GW Bush were hopefully executed. Even Barbara Bush, whose father was Aleister Crowley, was probably executed. But they lived such long lives,! Colin Powell was the key person who stood up to these salivating bastards and prevented a nuke war, and more! But he was obviously poisoned! I met Colin Powell. He did not want Operation Desert Shield turn to Desert Storm. In fact, several enlisted told me they didn't vote for Bush because of that. I didn't either. Yet the single incident attack with the most casualties was FRIENDLY FIRE! GHW Bush obviously had his CIA insiders callibrate the plane to fire at the wrong coordinates, or they looked like the right coordinates and they layered the programming to deceive the pilot. I know for a fact it was bot pilot error. Was there justice there? No! 

This country has been run by very depraved people, traitors to the country! Part of organized CRIME! 


The Gender Equality Agenda was created to distract, divide and conquer society with mass mind control! 

"It must be true; it's on internet" 

Thanks to Julian Assange, he exposed just how depraved the Deep State and the Shadow Government are. 

     Wuauquikuna! ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ

     Karumanda! ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ

This Awakening we're having is coupled with a major crisis. I hope my blogpost notes are helpful. Copy what you want. Share what you want. The sooner the better. No strings attached. I don't want any more war. 


I scream
You scream
We all scream
Ice cream ๐Ÿจ๐Ÿฆ

Posted 4/15/2024


15min of Kitchen Hacks you may not have considered ๐Ÿ˜

Posted 4/15/2024 


Quote Tweet:

I'm also waiting for the Houtis to come out of the closet, saying same thing, and they were organized by CIA. [Hutu's + Tootsi's = Houtis]


There's something strange in the neighborhood ๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽตWho you gonna call? ๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽต Sex Busters! WTF ๐Ÿฅด

Let's have some Houti ๐Ÿจ๐ŸฆCIA - ice cream, too! How many shots were really fired by Iran? Iran did not announce anything! 

This is all media spin....why is it that they do not broadcast anything from @EbrahimRaisi2
Because they want to blame Iran for sending 350 weapons to hit Isreal yet Isreal ๐Ÿฆธ‍♂️ intercepted them ALL ๐Ÿ™ƒ Sure, and my head is upside down on my neck!

Posted 4/15/2024 

10:49 pm 

@EbrahimRaisi2 @HassanRouhani @kingcharlesiiib
I agree! And don't forget the stabs in the back that Obama made regarding #RussianCollusion  CYBER CRIME: I didn't type Russian Collusion, I typed something else - and traitor-Trump followed suit with traitor-Obama to incite war! 

John Kerry was obviously in on it! You don't see him sticking up for Iran! Yet he got his daughter to seduce the man's son, who he made Iran Deal with, and he married her, went to Harvard, bc a neurologist specializing in brain cancer - so Obama could play DEVIL'S CHESSBOARD by having Joe Biden's son killed by a cause of brain cancer! 



Corrected Tweet: 

@EbrahimRaisi2 @HassanRouhani @kingcharlesiiib
Yes! Plus stabs in the back that Obama made to  #IranPrisoners, sending $400M in cash  [& deceptively calling it random 4 hostages] to give bribe money for #BabackZanjani 


Posted 4/25/2024 


Saudi has a completely different and complex govt, since Sunni Dodi al Fayed was up to no good, trying to gain access to the @RoyalFamily - his father, Kashoggi,  was a billionaire from being part of organized crime! - see @_whitneywebb 

Posted 4/15/2024 


Trump plays #OperationFake throughout his whole career...why do they let him even run for POTUS, since he was impeached! 

This should go viral! @patriotmama22 @PatriotMama @patriotmama775 @PatriotMama5 @Mtloves4 @PatriotMAMA67 and more!
Copy Anything you want! Make it your own statement

This is the LIE about Hitler by the NAZIS in USA! 

Posted 4/16/2024


It's NOT Truth! It's PROPAGANDA! 

Odyssey is a CIA psyop platform! 

Posted 4/16/2024 


@Scottymechanic @bobforgovernor @joeimbriano777 @BovierDon @KremlinRussia_E @XiJimpingBurner @JPN_PMO @EbrahimRaisi2
This propaganda promotes Hitler - NAZIS! Consider the source! 

Are they encouraging ppl to destroy buildings? 

@jamesmattis18 @jeffsessions @RexxTillerson
How can they sell and even give away such a dangerous tool without requiring certification? @HomeDepot

Remember the story, "Where's Waldo"? 
Especially since everyone is talking about him as if he actually said something but there is not one video in which Iran's leader @EbrahimRaisi2 comments on the Israeli scuffle which me be they did it to themselves to blame Iran! #OperationFumDuck! 

@XiJimping @EbrahimRaisi2 @KremlinRussia_E @JPN_PMO @PMOIndia @presidentAssad @IraqiPMO @InsiderWorld_1
Today is brought to you by knees ....Chinese ...๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ณ @Scottymechanic #ILoveChina

I stick, you stick; we all stick with plastic! 100 ways to reuse๐Ÿ˜

Posted 4/17/2024

C V S ๐Ÿ“ฃ๐Ÿ‘ra-ra-ra-shish-koom-ba 

Somehow they are converting to a Bank - do they have transbank operations now? 

They handle transactions through US gov - Medicare - and my landlord sent any aPB 2+ years ago that our rent could be paid to CVS down the street! WTF
A total violation of privacy! 

I searched CVS on Twitter/ X 

Try it, you won't like it! ....
I put some humor into it ...


Posted 4/17/2024

WTF ๐Ÿ˜’

My response comment on YouTube, may be relatable by some who read it: 

This was about Sotomayor. The NBC article had referred to the Justice in USA Supreme Court; then changed it to CT Supreme Court - big difference. It should have been a red flag because Ginsberg was the FIRST female, not Sotomayor. I forgot. Yet actually I read the article and it said Sotomayor. I thought it was nuts because another celebrity with "mayor" in their name died also. But the article was altered after that....They alter things we read, they change videos. One time I was watching a respectable rabii explain something. It was a teaching video.

They literally made him sound like a rabbit - rabii - see their demented behavior? They didn't know I could record it and did! I shared it with a celebrity I trust and hope he was able to pass that on! My doctor is Jewish and a very very good doctor. 

 @nerag7459  I thought she was a transgender. Most of them are forced, sold by their parents or under mind control. The Entertainment biz considers them "more obedient" - I hope they all have full control of their wealth and safety because they will use people and throw them away! aka MURDER. 
Whitney Houston was coming out with how 'her' parents sold her and transgender operation was forced. I was a big fan of Whitney's. A great actor, but always struggled being comfortable in "her" own skin - because she was not accepted as a MTW transgender. She had to be secret about the most intimate thing about 'her'. So life was 100% theater and 'she' didn't like it. And there is the issue of mutilation. 
The whole concept of being good looking has nothing to do with attraction. Those are two separate issues, so when someone with the same gender says you are good looking, it is a compliment, not a come-on. 
Nevertheless the article from MSM was posted on my laptop. Source:NBC
"First Woman To Serve as Chief Justice of .... WTF, now it says 
CT Supreme Court - 
Not US Supreme Court. 
Don't let them mess with your head ppl. THEY are the problem!

Says #BallardPowerSystems is going down the tubes bc they are part of the #EVAndME bizz acumen that ran out of supply source ๐Ÿ˜ฑ PS the name of Titanic oceanographer who began in the 80's is #RobertBallard who claimed he was The First ๐Ÿคฃ


Two doctors discuss iodine levels in the body and how it harms health when they are out of whack.

Posted 4/18/2024

Says #BallardPowerSystems is going down the tubes bc they are part of the #EVAndME bizz acumen that ran out of supply source ๐Ÿ˜ฑ PS the name of Titanic oceanographer who began in the 80's is #RobertBallard who claimed he was The First ๐Ÿคฃ 

Red Meat vs cooked meat....that is the question ❓ A meat by any other name could smell so sweet....

    I don't subscribe to channels that have blocks on comments! Do not go down that rabbit hole created by Technocracy! It is a trick! ๐Ÿง

My answer to this is: contact Good Chop or maybe Boar's Head....

Meat industry is not as trustable as it used to be! I just thought I would bring this up as a topic to consider. Today, I don't recommend you eat any beef unless it's medium well or well done. All meat should be thoroughly cooked. They have contaminated the environment - poisoning is to help the medical Industry make money and screw you,your life doesn't matter! 

Yet I ate red meat for a few years after being in the hospital for 3 1/2 months, on crutches for 3 months, and having to go right to work because of a crooked attorney! I needed the iron. 

My siblings were sick of me being at home; always telling me how lucky I was! 

I don't subscribe to this channel because it pisses me off to be blocked from comments! And his topics are delivered in a way that make questionable solutions. 

Gotit is bullshit! Don't answer it! It's a trick! Say it backwards - sounds like Tictoc! They rigged their channel like that - stay away from harmful tech tricks! 


This is in Russian only - no translation. The Russians are working very hard for peace! Despite the fact they've been terrorized by US-funded Ukraine since 2014! @KremlinRussia_E

Michael Rossi is a professor and oftentimes translates videos like this..please support his work if you can. Check out his channel. It's very helpful. I don't always agree with things he says in his lectures,yet the politics in USa are corrupted as hell and he does a great job toggling the line. 


Next, the issue of 
              FREE  MONEY
By US gov = WTF! 

They are pay-to-pay BRIBES! 


How about YouTube services contracted to a known hostile and corrupted country that could give a rat's ass what the cyber laws are in USA....process THAt 5 times...WTF = unfair trade practices, for starters! 

Oh yeah, the Technocracy claim "we are not of this world" 

The Czech Republic (Czech: ฤŒeskรก republika, short form in Czech: ฤŒesko), also known as Czechia, is a landlocked country in Central Europe. The country borders Poland to the northeast, Germany to the west, Austria to the south, and Slovakia to the east. The capital and largest city is Prague (Czech: Praha).

My phone was frozen๐Ÿ˜ค so I couldn't access the answers to copy and paste in this FREE COUNTRY ๐Ÿฅด

Kung-FU๐Ÿ˜ค corrupted TECHNOCRACY! 

It looks nice, but I would ck with Martha Stewart. Cuisinart seemed more versatile - from cooktop to oven, for instance...

I never used either, personally. 


There were more than this ... 

I just didn't feel like taking any more screenshots. 
Posted 7:53

This is my May2024 theme: 

Team up to generate the most moving music ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ about love does not conform to society; it should define society. #NoMoreWar #Superimperialism

Superimperialsm ๐Ÿฆธ booth - I want YOU, not fiction. I'm not just wishin' 
YOU and ME can let it be. 
What is this power we have - 
And why do they want to snatch and grab? They take not my soul, those fools who are cruel - and I go on as ME who more than ever wants intimacy with reality. This is ME. 
X's and Y's disguise as W - and it's fun in play but when my body becomes astray - I can only grasp my soul - this black coal is ME and I find I can define my path, my happiness from the mess of X's and Y's - I feel are healed when I realize I am ME and WE are the new W.
Don't question ❓ ride the quest - it's the best trip ever - say "yes!" 
XXOO ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿค—

Our vibe is our Internet... that's why we get typewriters without the jet propulsion...causing thought convulsions...we lose our notions...and find motionless devices cause us to connect - we forget - and set our pace forward, ME + YOU = TRUE ❤️

Nothing else matters but what I share..

Words to wear - words to share - words ..drop the w...
and Koffee is alone at the W hotel on Union Square
...and get ORD Chicago O'Hare Airport ..
Your words are written on my face...
Take the pill - conform (to chaos!) 
No room for anyone else because of bondage....

Brian with #ClearValueTax
Says Don't be surprised if interest rates increase by #FederalReserveBank but he's getting #MixedMessages 4/19/2024

Posted 4/20/2024

Brian gives advice to homeowners April 2024

Does it really matter if I say anything? My relatives got away with killing their own father and enjoying it. I am constantly harmed by corruption - No matter what I say, it doesn't matter! 


Armenia the next Ukraine?

The USA separated the Soviet Union - not them; by crushing its economy.

Both Armenia and Ukraine separated yet did not like it.Stalin murdered a total of 6 million so Ukraine was not singled out.

USA used Ukraine as a pivoting point to incite world war. There are other places of interest in which they have done and still do provoke war through violence. Iran was greatly sabatoged by the Iran Deal - which Trump alligned with Obama on. Is Biden trying to fix that? It's so hard to tell since Media lie so much.

2014 Ukraine broke from communism - thanks to the investment by Obama administration, to divide and conquer, funding billions of dollars for terrorism each year ever since. Russia decides to announce they are destroying many arsenals which USA funded - since diplomacy was not reciorocated.

Meantime the USA becomes more of a socialist country, which aligns with NAZIS, and thousands of Nazis were given amnesty after WW2 - many were mass murderers. If that doesn't prove this country has been run by traitors, I don't know what would! Had it not been for the few politicians who actually are loyal to this country, this country would be much worse. Murder has been even enjoyed! Exploitation is enjoyed and encouraged, to suppress the ones who show disdain for corruption!

Nevertheless, the DIVIDE & CONQUER social engineering, using deceit, is indeed active and a disgrace.

Socially - speaking, the liars are preferred and rewarded in USA.

Over the years, USA did what they are so good at - collapsing any society, anything including the World Trade Center Buildings. It was NOT the Middle East.

This country needs to come clean. Traitors have been in power for decades.

Just because I say it needs to come clean, doesn't mean at all that it will. In fact, it is just more reason to attack me. 

FAKE is in. 

Posted 4/20/2024

Coming Up - set reminder

With Salazar brothers
Peace and Love ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜˜

Does anyone have a yogurt song?๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿ˜‹

posted 4/21/2024 


It's not that I don't care, but this country is made from migrants! There is more underlying reason, I expect. I don't have the resources to research. So I didn't watch.

posted 4/22/2024 - 5:04am 


response to a comment I made: 

Ha! I had an uncle like that! obviously a CIA man. I stayed at their mansion for a couple months, gave a free ride back to NY to his niece (I was really just his brother's daughter) plus later left $300 on the table, tempted to say "thanks for nothing" since he flipflopped and told me I couldnt get a job nearby, just wait to be called by OPM in Washington, DC  He was a retired major in USMC. He slipped by saying his son (that mysteriously died in a car wreck ) was autistic from Agent Orange in VietNam and he got benefits. Thing was, he was my age, born before VietNam broke out! I just said okay, and logged it in my head. Meantime I had bills to pay and he was draining my savings by not letting me work around there. As it turned out, when I left, I found out he purchased a Mercedes Benz and used MY social security number destroying my credit and evading taxes!  The bank confirmed he did use my ssn on it, telling me to call him. I said WHY? Prosecute him! You know that is my ssn! But he was obviously CIA and the bank wanted to frame me as a conspirator - wtf - I am not a fraud! He saved himself thousands of dollars! I left money on the table  $300 for nothing! Except room and board, refusing to let me even get a job! He worked at the Pentagon after retiring from USMC. Still, a one salary family living high on the hog. CHEATING ME  My father had him come over to his apt and wouldnt tell me what he said. He probably lied to my father, saying I was a hooker when at his place  But he obviously didnt like his older brother catching him in the act, and my father almost died on the operating table from a bursted gall bladder!  I was glad my parents  left the state! Yet when they returned, my brother conspired with a paedophile priest and killed him. They got away with murder and my siblings didnt care. They looked forward to the public symparhy . My father was much liked by many, and they basically stole his thunder. Probably profited as well.

Ads Are more of a weapon to attack your device - not to be useful in promoting good services! This is a two-way street! Yet YouTube considers themselves above any law and will target anyone who claims corruption, organized crime is wrong! That is the NAZI agenda! 

Instead of getting angry, yelling this time, i took a screenshot! They also rig screenshots to have a white side-widget pop out from the side and literally takes a picture! THIS IS CONSTANT CYBER CRIME! 

The USA is lawless! They sabatoged the IRAN DEAL, obviously never planning to implement it! Obama is a CIA man - CIA are terrorists! Trump murdered  General Soleimani! This country is run by traitors! 

Isreal was  obviously attacked by US-paid terrorists. US funded terrorism in Russia since 2014, after Colin Powell lead the team disposing of the WOMD Saddam Hussein DID make, found in Syria! 

Today is brought to you by #BakeryDiet bc #YouGottaLoveIt ☀️๐ŸŒป❤️๐Ÿ’›❤️๐Ÿ’›

Baking With Fire ๐Ÿ”ฅ
๐Ÿ˜‹ You won't feel crumby! ๐Ÿค—

update on this blogpost 

There is no such thing as  emergency killing a baby! Any medical reasons such as tumor in the womb or baby has no kidney, etc - are already justified! 

Livestreaming Now: World Leaders Discuss #CyberSecurity and need for worldwide uniformity to protect users and hold #cybercrime accountable, and use #counterterrorism measures successfully  https://www.youtube.com/live/_NGVLFvYHRw?si=lidpNlOBvse9ne76

Livestreaming is over but may be available on replay. 


The ones involved with the Green Energy Scam are scams themselves, based on my discoveries.  Mark Carney, for instance - claims to be Canadian - English but has USA accent! And every time I look up info on his bio/history, it changes about where he's  even lived! His father must be a CIA operative. My uncle was obviously on

e - very rich, acting poor! Had a Rolls Royce, bought another luxury car when I was there two months, hoping to secure a life there, my life was so rittled with corruption since the sex stalker was turned down by me, and I told him to leave me alone, he was a pig! In fact, my uncle was so crooked, he asked me to take his niece Cindy (I was just his brother's daughter) to upstate NY because her plane in Washington DC was cancelled. WTF, like they had no other planes flying that way! It was a final message to me, this was not working out! He had kept telling me not to look for work when I went down there to secure a freaking job! Get a stable life! He was obviously involved with organized crime through CIA! I had sent letters to a number of relatives and they were the only offer that came back! I was punished for being honest! While gone for two weeks, on MY dime, he gets a mercedes benz using MY ssn! His wife"s name was like mine but I always knew her as Aunt Dody, so I forgot! I left his house, tried to get a loan, and was turned down. This woman said, I'm going to bend the rules because you obviously don't deserve this. It says you own a Mercedes Benz. I said, WTF, my Uncle owns one, not me! I called the bank and told them to prosecute him! My father lived an honest life working hard to bring up a family of 7 kids, never regretting despite being disabled from WW2, always walking with a limp, having such sore legs, especially his knee. Self employed because he knew he had a better chance making money than being slave to a greedy bastard. My siblings treated him horribly behind his back because they were rewarded socially! I never missed living there because what was my life was taken away when a 20 ton sander truck tried to murder me "on a sunny day, the roads were bare" - and the attorney asked me why I didn't get out of the way WHEN HE drove opposite direction to hit me head-on! He was ticketed, a paramedic told me, and my attorney  obviously ripped it up! Making backdoor deals with the town's attorney who, accused me of bankrupting the town! So I had to apologize for not driving out of my lane in a no-passing highway! And it was all a big, sick joke to them, because depravity was their business!

     My uncle probably planted poison in his house-kitchen,  based on my experiences being poisoned where I live! 

 My father almost died on the operating table, having to have emergency gall bladder surgery - AFTER he confronted his brother on why he used my SSN to purchase that Mercedes Benz! I just wanted to disappear because corruption laced my life all this time and my siblings only cared about hand-outs! 

   And he got $500,000 FREE Govt money from Obama because he was friends with Betsy-Wetsy Devos Amway "family" ....he sold their products. They are all part of the same organized crime! FAKE DEMOCRATS, FAKE REPUBLICANS.... 

My younger brother cheated my father out of $30,000 on the sale of my store - I never got anything - the only money I had! My father sold his dream house to give me $10,000 at least! And my brother's wife obviously figured it was due her because after all, she began dating him expecting I would die and my family would get $750,000 to split up! Her father was an alcoholic and thereafter her parents and my relatives exploited the hell out of me, with one constantly claiming I had to forgive the bastard who tried to murder me as payback for telling one of their big money-makers off! So what if it was sex trafficking! Probably for CIA, too! I hope I can get out of this corrupted side of the country. There is no stability. My uncle had the audacity  to stalk me here, probably had his dirty money flowing through this real estate. They vandalize my place almost every time I leave it, to teach me a lesson, crime DOES pay. They have an $89billion mortgage on a $2.2 billion building! The city and its govt doesnt care because its money!

posted 4/25/2024 

If you see any website like GoFundMe try to raise money for me - it is FRAUD! Most of those stories are fraud, and they become billionaires from it! 

They Take money! ....these crooks keep deleting what I type now. I try to change the lettering size and color - they remove the widgets! 

So I figured out how to get them to return, by turning my phone - my out-tricking them lasts about five minutes and they do more CYBER CRIME! 

no heading on my blog, so I turn my phone ...

heading appears! 
I need to repost the screenshot...of my phone turned, showing the widgets back in the heading...

I was then INTERRUPTED by this storage message, blocking what I was doing! I turned OFF the backup they had on! I tried to remove the BS on the screen but had to SELECT CONTINUE! they do that on purpose to FRAUD the reason for their cyber crimes! 

they just deleted that screenshot...so I have to insert it again! time is 3:15am - I woke and started doing this and of course, CYBER CRIME makes it a mess!  

and they hit me with this random popup above,  to use as a nuisance, distraction obviously! 

I get so sick of this constant 

My CIA-man uncle's son specialuzed in computer technology! 

    repeated by a hacker, copying and pasting: 
If you see any internet website like GoFundMe try to raise money "foe me" IT IS FRAUD! Most of their stories are fraud!!! The technocrats TAKE money, they don't MAKE money - unless you count the fraudulent printing of money that OBAMA did! 


The video may not be available in replay - excellent press conference today 25April2024 #SunriseCT

posted 25April2024 

ISREAL- Palestine Conflict 

my comment: 
The Devil's Chessboard is at work, so you need to look at things from all sides....I just commented: There is Interpol, now ICC - any more global police? Bibi is a CIA puppet. His brother Yani was obviously murdered by CIA. He spent some years living in USA. If I recall, it was more than just college years. It seems like the CIA is doing things mafia style here - using him and now throwing him away. He may leave his career as a villain. 
I figure the ones who attacked Isreal first were CIA-paid terrorists. The Russia-Ukrain conflict is fading because USA is running out of money. They even want to steal money from Russia's bank accounts here in USA! So then they do this attack on Isreal to incite war over there! And the walls are closing in on the warmongers in USA! 

Live at 2:45 pm today 4/26/2024 - @GeologyNick
Has a Glacier Guest

posted 4/26/2024

WTF - the propagandists are USA about @tiktok_us
China owns so many USA companies, incl Motorola US, owned by Lenovo, owned by China. US is imploding, just as @KremlinRussia_E said it would. These tech morons created a satanic curse on TikTok: GotIT

posted 4/27/2024 

12:59 am 

๐Ÿคซ I must have gained 10 lbs just from watching all these! 

Ginger Cherry juice #Recipe
Dehydrate the pulp!

posted 4/27/2024

This Hungarian politician is a piece of crap! Please note these screenshots! 

Geoengineering causes disasters to help businesses to make money! 

Interrupted to delete my comment! 

Youtube had several ads, besides this one, including Motorola Mobile US to disrupt AND delete my comments! 


posted 4/28/2024


Livestreaming Now - please watch!
President President Putin
speeks regarding BRICS innovations and more ๐Ÿ˜

posted 4/28/2024 


Before I get sick to my stomach and watch the rest of this video by JERKS who support traitors to USA, I want to share this Tweet: 

To: @cyrusjansen
why dont you ask #DavidPyne of the #HomelandSecurity #GovParasite why we have no justice for #September11?

Who is David Pyne? 



placed on this blogpost with screenshots, which was compromised by hackers; probably programmed AI! 

It is 4/29/2024 
I did not consider this meeting transparent, so I removed it from my tabs. This is my opinion; 

CIA obviously hired Yemen people to CREATE Houtis. Barack Obama re-established Order Of Jesters in Hawaii Abbreviation HA. He likes to joke about the underword's crimes, which he is part of. Hutus + Tutsis = Houtis

However these criminals evolved, the ultimate reason they are there is CHOICE. They are involved with murders, including mass-murders. They are criminal, probably all microchipped with beehive technology! Thatvwas why it was important for Jeff Sessions to set up an arrest sting! 

Instead, Trump fired Sessions, probably threatened to kill him as well as Rex tillerson and james Mattis, and John Kelly, and even General Flynn, who was made NSA,  found much crime, including paedophilia in USGov and billionaires and millionaires. 

AND - they recreated Alpha Bay in the Deep web, which would not have been known about had it not been for Edward Snowden! 

And The Silk Web which was created for organized crime, was shut down. the creator was sentenced to life in prison. Has anyone checked to see if he, along with many other dangerous criminals, are still there - or did CIA directly or indirectly help them escape? The US Gov is rittled with traitors who only care to hijack the country!

posted - 4/29/2024


5 screenshots, I upload one at a time to avoid cyber crime: 

1.  notice how cyber crime did this to my screen: I closed out of the blogpost, not saving changes

2. Also caused by hacker: 

3. This is the video I was on, livestreaming chat (above screenshot) 

4. This reflects most or all my comments on the video, before i left the chat. Please consider these things! I had 5 screenshots yet one was deletedby a hacker. 

Why is my keyboard changed frequently, without my permission?

The Technocracy are organized crime! They work for CIA directly! They use our devices to manipulate, enslave us! They belong to us! NO TRESPASSING! Decide for yourself! 

reference link: 

posted 6:17am

IDF wants to FREE GAZA? Only after it is obvious Ukraine has lost their reign of US-funded terrorism! 

      I used wrong Twitter accounts ...๐Ÿคซ

She makes homemade peanubutter, guaranteeing they are safe and tasty for her kids! Make Buckeyes candy w this ๐Ÿ˜‹ rolled w variety:
oatmeal, rice krispies, conf sugar, melted butter, etc - then dip in melted chocolate ๐Ÿ˜‹

posted 4/29/2024


USA ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒshould have laws like Iran๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ท to PROTECT the public from the lies, which our Constitution is against...The Elites in USA  consider lying as #FreeSpeech @EbrahimRaisi2



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