March 2024

 Link for this blog post:

Table Of Contents: 


Link for this TEMPORARY blogpost:

SPECIAL MESSAGE FROM PRINCESS KATE 3/31/2024  - please pray for her, for the Monarchy πŸ’œπŸ™πŸ’œ


Was deleted by CYBER CRIME; I will try again! 

Table Of Contents

This March is dedicated to my X's that live in Texas....🀣...((hugs)) 

Free tax filing now πŸ‘

I have a better shot but this is the best I can do right now. 

I'll be back 

45 min of building repair tricks Nosi=ptcyHk_ujty5pRps 

I'm not a ME....I'm a ME2! (That one was taken so I had to keep changing it till something simple  ME_24U Twitter

motherearthtoo2022  channel 

I'm sure the birds will find me. They always do.
No! My dental insurance contact was removed from my phone, and unwanted contacts I didn't have were added! That's why! 
It looks like you're right...

I want chocolate instead! Triple chocolate ice cream! 🍦🍧🍨 

No, no, no! 
It stands to reason that you grant a temporary access to upload when you upload! No FURTHER permissions should be necessary! They want a free-for-all to invade your privacy! 

Access is one thing - CHANGE is another! 

Posted 3/1/2024 



Posted 3/1/2024 


Who is the most banned American media man in Asia?


Yeah! I just realized this is a leap year 🐸 and I can take a nap before I finish my Table Of Contents. πŸŽ‰



It's incredible what a horse will do
when your horse trusts you

4hr video! 

I hope it doesn't give crooks ideas.  I believe USA requres building permit  Mobile Tiny Houses don't need approval, which I consider wrong bc they sb approved by DMV. πŸš™ 


My comment:

This Mafia media is trying to incite war! President Putin wants peace! Russia had been terrorized by USA-funded Ukraine terrorists since 2014 - just after Colin Powell's people in the military located the WOMD that Saddam Hussein made for CIA! That is what Hon. Powell wentbto Congress for! He NEVER recommended war - Bush wanted war! He framed Colin Powell! The incident at the Kuwait War that resulted in the highest casualties was FRIENDLY FIRE! Many troops I knew were bombed by USA! My friend Laurie called me crying about it! Her husband was and is a physician assistant and he was trained to use a helicopter. The enlisted in that Division Artillery Barracks had a general consensus: Don't vote for Bush; he wanted war! Colin Powell visited our HQ, old WW2 building. I was doing work of a GS-6, paid as a TEMPORARY GS-3 and when I was man-handled, I got the response, "You must have been flattered" by an officer who was probably a CIA operative because he pulled rank on the Colonel! I couldn't go anywhere! They had me where they wanted me! After 3 yrs, enough was enough! Colin Powell wanted to talk to me more after he was through with the Colonel. Instead he rushed out with a sad look, obviously ordered by GHW Bush not to talk to me. I stood up gladly abd saluted him because of what a fine leader and genuine father he was. RIP, Colin Powell. That was a crushing blow when I heard of his untimely death! I was reliving my father's death, too. Very traumatic! Incase anyone cares, My blogs are sdfree, not monitored or monitized. No comments are taken. Copy, share what you want. Make ut your own words. 

Find the link in "about" on my channel here. I can't write notes on this phone. It has been corrupted several times. I just post on my blog..  Look up "The Duran Blog" - they also have a channel. THEY TELL YOU WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON. 2/29/2024 

F*k NATO! USA traitors are ramping up their inhumanity! Mafia Media claim @KremlinRussia_E
THREATENED TO DEFEND ITSELF. This is so f*ked up! I want to send Russia some money! #WarIsARacket #CutTheSnakeAtTheHead

    Response to comment that NATO is underhanded: 

  That is putting it mildly! NATO should be disbanded! BTW, Obama tried to become the General Secretary - the highest position of UN just after he left office, stealing 5 yachts and so much more - grabbing anything they could like Clintons did! John Kelly, former General, was Trump's Chief Of Staff and he seized the yachts and sent Obama an invoice for the rest - did Obama pay it? Trump fired John Kelly! Trump fired Rex Tillerson in a tweet when he wasn't even in the country, then making up crap about Hon. Tillerson calling him a moron! Trump is a crook! A traitor! Has not one shed of truth in his veins! Mike Pompeo was in deep shit for murdering General Soleimani, and Ambassador DuWei was obviously a CIA hit too! I expect that Pompeo was facing military charges! Trump fired James Mattis too! All more capable of being US President than Trumpty Dumpty! 

No doubt Obama had Joe Biden's son medically murdered with brain cancer to frame the husband of John Kelly's daughter, who played up to him in Iran during the Iran Deal - and got him to go to Harvard University and became a neurosurgeon, specializing in brain cancer! 

And both Ocraphead and Tramp SABATOGED IRAN to invite war! When that didn't work, they murdered General Soleimani!  

Video & comment. 

This is #StupidAsAWeapon - US Foreign Policy is so corrupted! #Biden2024  Colin Powell supported him for President. Go crawl back in your hole with all the other war mongers who have no spines and just love the excitement of violence!

Posted 2/29/2024 


How about MAFIA MEDIA that should be taken out of society? They constantly lie, instigate - all to feed the MONEY TREE! 
They have been harming my phone so much, I give the no permissions! I had to do a system reset  yet still manipulate like hell!  Using OUR phones as THEIR WEAPONS against us! 
They wouldn't save the screenshot I had the freaking tools to crop! This is not a storage problem! This is a CYBER CRIME, WE DO AS WE DAMN PLEASE PROBLEM! 
I didn't save it twice, the technocracy did! 
It said I couldn't save the screenshot, then asks if I want to exit without saving! 
Then they interfere with this when I try to take a photo of my note, since they rig everything to 

PROTECT ORGANIZED CRIME! That means they are traitors! 

They want to protect TRUMP because he protects the crooks - and that includes himself!

I had to keep shaking the damn phone to shake it off so I could take a damn picture!  Good time to sing Taylor Swift's song! 

Posted 3/1/2024 




 Sheila LaBarre

Video (begins at about half-way)

She was transferred from Florida Correctional to one in Massachusetts....I don't know the name. I tried to find out where, if she is alive. INTERNET Scumbags are obviously protecting her. Could be she's dead or secretly got out, like Eric Floyd did, then he was arrested in PA for a gang burglary and murder, which by law means they can all be convicted if no one knows who did it. If they all fired or keeping quiet.

He showed intent! Smashing his head from behind, a cowardly murder! 

MURDER is not funny!

My comment: 

First this film says Felicia was assaulted, then claim she was a virgin, as if a virgin cannot be raped. I stopped watching! Had you said there was no sexual activity, then you would have made some sense - yet no explanation why you say she was assaulted, then not say it! I think you're too wrapped up in humoring yourselves! 

Subscribe to this channel!
My opinion to add,
That PIA Flight 8303 - recent VIOLENT CRASH, no doubt involved requests to CIA by EU! Several Flight 8303's crashed --- all BOEING planes! My hunch is, #FollowTheMoney 

Posted 3/2/2024 


My car was hit head-on; the driver tried to murder me! They didn't care about internal injuries because they wanted me to die! That was my punishment for telling a stalking sex trafficker to go to hell, he was a pig. 

My Maverick car looked like this in the front when I was hit head-on by a 20 ton SANDER truck on a sunny day! In a coma for 2 1/2 weeks, hospital 3 1/2 months. Crooked attorney only helped driver who tried to murder me! He told ME to shut up when he laughed!

      Comment: Fight or Flight excited, GIV ....That white car in the wreck looks like my Maverick  after a sander truck driver, 20 tons, tried to murder me on s sunny day, rosds bare, and my brakes were disabled so I couldn't stop! My brand new shoe was split in half from trying to stop! The attorney was so crooked, usually represented insurance companies! I said that was conflict of interest. He said too bad. No other attorney would talk to me abd ny siblings didn't give a $hit about my riggt. They just labled me as winning the lottery and couldn't wait for that money to roll in! That's what attracted my brother"s wife. She cheated on him after they got married. My father sold his business to him to try to help stabilize their relationship. That brother promised my father would get the money from my store, which my father quit claimed to him to help build his equity and get a higher business loan. He cheated me out of $30,000! Instead of turning the money over, he got another new vehicle and had a third child! Never inviting me in when I walked to his home a couple times to visit.I lived a few blocks away.  I do not miss living there! My father said he couldn't sue his own son. My father sold his dream retirement home to give me $10,000  cash - and had to live in an upstairs apartment with my mother as hard as stairs were for him! He hardly ever used the stairs in his home in the country or the dream home. He was shot in the knee at WW2. He protected his crew! Colin Powell said my father greatly downplayed it as "falling off the truck! His knee was filled with shrapnel! - We grew up attending church - I never expected my siblings would've been so evil,  to kill their own father.  I had a 50-50 chance to live from  that truck driver trying to murder me -and he isolated my mother to get her to sign a lawsuit and my mother kept telling people she prayed I would die! My father didn't. He didn't like her doing that. Well, that paved the way for my life of hell. This corruption has to be eradicated! People's lifestyles are often depraved, following the Epstein style.

Posted / edited due to corrupted keyboard from cyber crime. 

Ist story could be a psyop, subliminal message. Brigadier General Robert Edward Galer (1913 - 2006) was a naval aviator in USMC. HE RECEIVED THE MEDAL OF HONOR, WW2. 


@JohnKelly (former COS, White House)
Ist story could be a psyop, subliminal message. Brigadier General Robert Edward Galer (1913 - 2006) was a naval aviator in USMC. HE RECEIVED THE MEDAL OF HONOR, WW2.  

Posted 3/3/2024 


Three trains in Pennsylvania derailed into each other! Does anyone else think it may have been caused by laser weapons?

Posted 3/3/2024 


This FRAUD #Tillman who bc pastor of the church in #Alabama was finally convicted of murdering his wife. He told Molly in #Washington state that he was a navy Colonel. 

Posted 3/3/2024 


       UPDATE on Russia-Ukraine 

          Russia will win!

Posted 3/3/2024

11:26 pm 


WTF - they mention TRUMP - that's enough to realize he's not a trusting person!. This is badly reported! Her mother is lonely yet has all these friends? 18 years dating men, then she asks a man to live with her? WTF.

  Duran Blog - 

Alexander Couris   3/4/2024 


Donald TRUMP committed so many crimes in his life, and during presidency! Including MURDER of General Soleimani, Sabatoging Iran Deal, which Obama was in on, and Murder of many people at Paradise, CA - usung laser WEAPONS he purchased 5 months before they burned Paradise! YouTube makes it very difficult for video makers to speak the truth. Thank you! You are very helpful! 



Based on my discoveries, my impression is the ones which exist are created for self+serving purposes! 

ie, World Peace Foundation, 1910
    And we have a world war - Estab Federal Reserve...and when was the Titanic sunk by Bruce Ismay and JP Morgan? ....oh, sure, lots of Peace πŸ•Š️ ✌️ - Nixon Peace - 😳 

In establishing a WORLD RESET, which we obviously need, this is something to consider. And the fact the League of Nations collapsed via USA, which replaced it with UN - which almost collapsed until Jane Fonda's husband, Ted Turner, gave them a billion dollars....

Hanoi Jane, who secretly passed the ssn numbers of the soldiers who shook their hands, as POWs, and she gave the papers to the N Vietnamese, who spoke fluent English {since USA was grooming them for war - like they did with Iran-Iraq, etc!  And Americans mass murdered on September 11! The only Middle East Country that was engaged in deceiving the public was Saudi Arabia! 

This screen is impossible to see now. Thanks to good ol' cyber crime! 


No reply expected 

Posted 3/5/2024



My comment:. Much of the British Media is owned by USA! #MurdochGroup #TrafalgarGroup and more, I'm sure! 


There are so many fake ads - on "prepare now" - "the end of the world is coming" ...My "favorite" a so-called former CIA operative, who is obviously a CIA psyop - selling his how-to-survive crap then claiming The end of the world is probably coming " .... All crap-all crap-all crap! 


Hey, crooks! This vehicle was made for you! Bulletproof and more ... 


1.  It is unknown how much time lapsed yet certainly they must have this kid's DNA since he has a criminal record. They could have PREVENTED a lot of time just having evidence saved off this lady's corpse, as well as rape victim in the carjacking!

2. I haven't finished watching yet is certainly good for  #CriminalJustice Students to consider and discuss, as long as they're not desensitized. This is a real story. Some have not been on YouTube, though they lie about it.

 Added comment: 

They could have looked at the phone before he left! WTF - so much for #PublicSafety and Three Cheers for #JobSecurity - that's my impression! 

    2 1/2 min video on his sentencing:

My comment:

He must have pled not guilty to have trial, or maybe the trial was for sentencing. The investigation was so damn slipshod - and why didn't the parents search his room the first damn time he was questioned? Why didn't police get an arrest warrant after the first time? Why didn't they run the evidence? They had his DNA on record! He has a criminal history! This was more cat&mouse and the cat was high on catnip! Really sluggish! Releasing a rapist from the carjacking - not charging him! He raped the elderly lady before she died obviously! 

2d comment: 

     (My father was a deacon in the Catholic church; obviously poisoned with arsenic by the pedophile priest in his apartment! I called to check up on him and he said he was bleeding out! The priest refused to take him to the hospital or call for an ambulance! I called police! I said I suspected the priest was trying to kill my father! They did nothing but protect the pedophile priest - But at least got an ambulance for my father! My siblings didn't give a shit about anything because they lost their chance to keep taking advantage! Fr. David Bentley was a very repulsive person who has obviously murdered many! Yet all the Catholic church in Albany did was have him removed from the priesthood! He molested a reported 26 victims in the years he was there and a class action lawsuit was issued! The church sent him to Deming, NM to hide him! My brother lied about coming down to help me get him in a nursing home! Instead he bragged he came down to make him die! My relatives enjoyed gifts and donations and life insurance - the medical examiner said they didn't have enough money to investigate even though I sent them and a letter to the pulmonary specialist right away! It was indeed a very traumatic situation! I have nothing to do with them! Last thing I said to that brother was, "You killed Dad!" He already knew he did! He admitted he came down to do just that! This country has corruption ruling! Not the law, never the law in Connecticut! To get any rights an attorney has to go through an immense amount of work because these judges are corrupted as hell! 

​​@ntandosekay What the criminal underworld that primarily has gov officials and ELITES in, want is like what drastically happened in Haiti recently: all prisoners were released! And there is the issue of convicting the innocent so the murderers get off Scott free! There is so much of that in Connecticut! Their Lois Law system also proved what damn liars and crooks the judges are! I was foolish enough to take a business law class and the attorney wanted everyone to ANALYZE cases. Providing no structure for analysis, which is really kiss-my-ass homework! I looked up the cases! The courts frauded the cases, I printed the files, and the teacher looked at me like he wanted to kill me! He criticized me. He said, "All you had to do was provide History, Facts, and Law" I said, "That's a motion, not analysis. I find no logic in your class" Another teacher, Marketing, decided to gang up on me by posting a degrading ad on Google using my name, etc! I told him that was harassment! And another teacher took part in a false fire alarm, which lead to more abuse. Meantime the whole state of Connecticut pulled Lois Law out of the system and extracted court files in every case only leaving in what the crooked judges reported!
My blogs are a hobby - never monitored or monotized - copy, share what you want. Make it your own statement even if you copy what I say. I want peace and justice! I have gone through do much hell just for being a law-abiding, moral person! My Siblings served the ELITES who had control of the economy! 

The videos refer to his name FALSIFYING what his name is, no explanation! His last name is RAMSAY. See comment that was screenshot below, further down.  
Where is he now???

Check out what this person shares about follow-up on the case! 

This is his worthless enabling mother who didn't even search his room while police were questioning him! And police could have gone to the home for permission when he was at the station! 
They are probably ELITES! 

He raped a woman in a carjacking before that!....They missed the body??? In a f*king closet and they only had to open it, and her shoe was sticking out under the door! This is like the murder of Annie Le in New Haven, CT - and they illegally charged her friend Raymond Clark! Both were getting married. Both were going to each other's weddings! Annie Le was taken out of the building and chopped up, probably blood drained for the satanists who saturate this society! The Freemasons, the Skull & Bones Society - are probably the main ones undermining government, ruling the society! Raymond Clark pled not guilty! Was forced in prison two years so these corrupted courts could squeeze out a guilty plea! Media lie they found her in a wall! No! She was in a maintenance tool box, chopped up! I spoke to a good friend of the best man for wedding, scheduled to be the next day or in two days! The satanists wanted her diachrome, a substance in the blood, "happy hormone".  See my ad-free, not monotized blogs. I referenced the Table of Contents here as well as in my "About" page in my channel. I don't make videos. LIFE has been hell! Accountability Matters!  

Posted 3/10/2024 


I was curious about where GAVIN RAMSEY is today. I searched inmate locator and was deceived. So I will search again. 

Screenshots of first search: DeadEnd 

Criminal Records, not inmate records ...

Posted 3/10/2024


Ramsey was arrested same time frame as when Trump burned down Paradise CA along with burning many alive to ashes, Nov 2018!


The Epstein List - 150 on the list 

Similar to how many were actual planners on September 11 - with GHW Bush as the main planner!

The depositions in particular contain accusations of sexual misconduct by figures in Epstein and Maxwell’s circles, narratives on how Maxwell and others in Epstein’s employ recruited girls and young women to work at Epstein’s properties, and details of sex acts at least some of those recruited were coerced into, often under the guise of giving massages or participating in lingerie modeling jobs.


New video by Alexander Mercouris


YouTube is blocking my ability to obtain the link! Here is a picture of the video: 

I am blocked! The cyber bastards do not want to be accountable for cover-up of criminals! 
My comment is blocked! As if that doesn't make it true! 
ThIs is the title of the video! YouTube blocks me from accessing the link! 

WTF - "Requested Entity"? I tried to comment! 

My final comment: Ukrainians were sent to the city where Yale University is, years ago, around 2005-2010. One (of 2) who I met in public familiar things about President Putin yet said he was Russian, and made evil comments about President Putin and wouldn't tell me their occupations. I heard others in public speaking what sounded like Russian...thereafter, Raymond Clark's beautiful fiance, who was going to marry him after Annie Le returned from her honeymoon, was Russian. Joshua Komisarjevsky was an American who was adopted by a very nice, considerate Russian couple. Joshua was being shaped by someone else in public, they could not help it. 

 No one was murdered at the Fake Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, as reported.  (FBI Supervisor In Charge Agent Aldenberg reported NOBODY DIED! One of the Sandy Hook fakes, David Wheeler, Impersonated Agent Aldenberg, which should have resulted in imprisonment yet they refused to even arrest him! I saw a federal lawsuit filed by Agent Aldenberg using the federal courthouse computer-- against this criminal - but the case was literally expunged! I don't know the particulars. Most likely Agent Aldenberg was threatened._To_this day these dishonest political leaders still claim Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting took place and 19 children were murdered, 7 adults murdered! ALL LIES, ALL The events that raised money was Embezzlement - Fraud! Over $one trillion was cheated out of the economy! Organized by Barrack Obama! 

Posted 3/10/2024 


Posted 3/10/2024


@Peter_Dixon Ukrainians were sent to the city where Yale University is, years ago, around 2005-2010. One commented very negative things about President Putin yet said he was Russian, and wouldn't tell me their occupation. I heard others in public speaking what sounded like Russian...thereafter, Yale scientist Annie Le was murdered, Fake Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was announced (FBI Supervisor In Charge Agent Aldenberg reported NOBODY DIED! One of the Sandy Hook fakes, David Wheeler, Impersonated Agent Aldenberg, which should have resulted in imprisonment yet they refused to even arrest him! I saw a lawsuit filed by Agent Aldenberg since FBI refused to arrest the criminal - but the case was literally expunged! I don't know the particulars. Yet to this day these dishonest political leaders still claim Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting took place and 19 children were murdered, 7 adults murdered! ALL LIES, ALL The events that raised money was Embezzlement - Fraud!

       Will The Service Provider Do Anything? They used to before shi-T-Mobile bought them out! 

Why is it that this phone keeps switching to wifi and other manipulating features on its own? I constantly have to change the app features back! Is it because we no longer get a VPN? That's like selling someone a house that isn't even locked! 

Posted 3/11/2024 


Sunset Boulevard! On a Saturday Night!

Fred Astaire horses around on stage😁At the Emmy Awards


I am listening to ALEXANDER MERCOURIS provide updates on Russia Ukraine conflict and while I am, I am CYBER ATTACKED! 

Posted 3/13/2024 



Reports 3/13/2024 
Ukraine conflict - Russia progress

I wish I could share more but UTube keeps deleting and interrupting using nefarious ads! 

Still saved in my clipboard:

My comment was just deleted by Crooked YouTube!!! They keep using CYBER CRIME! Certain nefarious real estate ads delete my comment before I cand send it! 
I have to share this, you just caused me to remember a tweet I found as I was cleaning up my Gmail..
1. Zelensky bans the Ukrainian Orthodox Church... Ukraine bans religious organizations with links to Russia "....tweeted by @TRHLOfficial - The Red-headed Libertarian
2. @CByder tweeted about Bakhmut (2023) referring to a UA soldier
3. @rybacen "Rybar in English" mentioned battle of Bakhmut 3/2/2023
4. @UAWeapons tweeted false information on Russia- Ukraine conflict

2014 is when Colin Powell secured the disposal of Saddam Hussein 's nuclear weapons, found in Syria. Saddam Hussein was a CIA asset, making them for CIA - then Obama ramped up funding weapons for terrorism in Ukraine, first letting George Soros give them $1Billion and after USA funded billions every year? 

Posted 3/14/2024


Miracle Baby? How about test-tube baby? Melania is obviously an MTW transgender!

Gerald Celente of the is guest - he's written books to inform, warn of the serious rabbit hole we face! 

WTF is this? A cyber weapon? 

They sent it in notifications, Looks like a CYBER WEAPON! 

The one below came up First; then turned into the one above 😳

Posted 3/16/2024



The USA is run by traitors tied to organized crime! They do not have right of way to the World! They have to stay in their own territory! They sabatoged #IranDeal!

Posted 3/16/2024


The page will not print with the Microsoft B's - they made as ghost messages! #NoLegalResponsibility 

They do this many times! 
Most likely the so-called security is a 3d party parasite to government contractor! 
Do not respond to their GotIT crap! Save what you may have copied - close their damn tab - restart phone if necessary! 


YouTube is delaying the video so the can scan my device and probably ME too! Great channel, #AlexanderMercouris!! πŸ€—πŸ’›

Russia will find the snake heads to cut off if France or anyone else so dares to invade!  

As you may notice, I have to post things as quickly as I can due to CYBER CRIME by the TECHNOCRACY! 

Posted 3/17/2024

HAPPY ST PATTY-CAKE ✋DAY! #Five πŸ‘©‍πŸ³πŸ§‘‍🍳 @jimmyfallon

Posted 3/17/2024 

The media scandal makes me sick! I want to tell them to get a life! Many diagnosed with testicular cancer have mild to moderate recovery. My prayers for HRM King Charles III and Princess Of Wales Kate. May God carry you through. πŸ™ 

Posted 3/17/2024 


     Is this another fake Newsweek article? 

An effort to help solve Ukraine's ammunition shortage problem has received a much-needed boost from a European ally.

Portugal's Ministry of National Defense announced on Friday that Lisbon was joining a Czech-led effort to deliver over 800,000 artillery shells to Ukraine as the war-torn country continues its attempt to fend off Russian forces more than two years after being invaded.

Ukraine has suffered a series of recent setbacks on the battlefield due in part to a massive deficit in artillery ammunition when compared to Russia. A European diplomatic official told Newsweek earlier this month that the discrepancy was "the greatest acute danger" Ukraine is facing.

The Portuguese defense ministry said in a statement on Friday that it was "vital and urgent for Ukraine to obtain additional munitions to respond to Russia's continued and more intense attacks," stressing the need for additional 155mm artillery shells in particular.

The driver may have a problem with peripheral vision. If your station actually cares, see if the driver had experienced a head injury in the past 6 months and the driver's peripheral vision should be examined by a neuro-opthomologist. Eyeglasses can correct this, yet in this case, the driver may be not managing their health well, or could have a crappy doctor. This factor should be placed on the table!!!

POSTED 3/18/2024 
More CYBER CRIME!  I couldn't watch the whole video for hours - due to CYBER CRIME! 

I tried to post I got an ad saying YOUR free podcasts were on this app - made in Germany, I discovered - at a $3.99/month COST AFTER it was uploaded! I took pictures/screenshots of everything and they are deleted! And Google has sinc'd my devices WiTH MY EXPRESS DEMAND THEY STAY THE HELL OFF! Even changing pin numbers to MATCH! I have been swearing up a storm! They have no right to do this! None whatsoever! I have different devices for a reason! This is cyber rape!

#UkraineMilitary should walk away from Traitor Zelensky! @Russia will welcome you with open arms! Zelensky's arms are only kill-kill-kill!
Watch update by #AlexanderMercouris


Because of the YouTube abuse here, I

 tried to login to the Duran Blog. Google

 intercepted! I refused to save my

 password so in retaliation they block

 my ability to see the blog I logged in


Posted 3/18/2024


   One more comment on that video: 

*@mercoglianos reported a month ago that the ROBERT G BRADLEY ship destroyed an alleged "foreign invader" while in seas that the USA has no jurisdiction in being in without permission! I thought WTF, that's my uncle's name...he stole my SSN and used it to purchase a Mercedes Benz for his wife, even though he had a Rolls Royce. Maybe they DID have an "open marriage"...I was turned Down for a furniture loan because of his fraud! I called the bank involved and he confirmed that it was my SSN! He then told me to call my uncle. I said, "No! Prosecute him!" He treated me like I gave him my SSN! In fact, he stole it and to get me out of the way, asked me to take his shit-dont-stink  niece to upstate NY because the plane was cancelled from Li'l Ol' Washington DC! Like no other planes were leaving! I thought, this uncle is up to no good, I better look for work when I go up there...And he purchased the Mercedes Benz while I was gone! He had to have been a millionaire with all he had, an obvious CIA operative! Naming a ship after HIM is nothing for me to be proud of! He wouldn't even help my dad financially when he was obviously poisoned by the paedophile priest David Bentley from Albany, NY! Dad was bleeding out! I called police and said I think the priest is trying to kill my father. At least the police got an ambulance to pick my father up (he had 3 transfusions, yet was not treated as if he was poisoned!) uncle was probably in on it, figuring he will get some public sympathy if he helped kill his own surviving brother! Anyway, THE ROBERT G BRADLEY ship was decommissioned and sold for scraps a long time before that professor reported it attacked a foreign country... WTF! Please, people, do not give this public attention because that's what the psychopath - narcissists love! Attention! They  don't care how they get it! I suffer a lot of trauma from all this. I only share it because this criminal crap by USGov has to stop! 

Posted 3/18/2024


           FALLON TONIGHT 


Hey @Scottymechanic - here's some #Clickbait inspiration for your #FleetOfTweeters 🐦 ...@FallonTonight 

Posted 3/19/2024 

12:21 am

WTF 🐰 was the comment? Nothing, that's what. The documentary was on seeds and how they are treasures of Mother Earth. I mentioned GEOENGINEERING and weaponized weather interfering with weather, and the thousands of NAZIS that USA gave amnesty to are at the root of that evil, taking away the livelihoods of many. I shared my opinion. Threatened no one.  These tech psychopaths removed it because I uninstalled CORTANA and if they invade my laptop with COPILOT, same thing will happen! Anything else that walks like duck will be ducked fup too! 

This spider is traveling! πŸ˜„

Posted 3/19/2024


Please, people, if you can  give some time to the Duran Lolcals blog - this will contribute to our efforts for WORLD PEACE! THANK YOU πŸ™πŸ’› Former Russian President 's statement is SPOT ON! FRANCE'S President is treating his military like Zelensky does in Ukraine! That they are expendable!


Please, people, if you can  give some time to the Duran Lolcals blog - this will contribute to our efforts for WORLD PEACE! THANK YOU πŸ™πŸ’› Former Russian President 's statement is SPOT ON! FRANCE'S President is treating his military like Zelensky does in Ukraine! That they are expendable!

ENTRAPPED? Seems to me that's what this is. @SnoopDogg and @MarthaStewart go way back. This seems like guilty by media and the attorneys are making the killing!

Subscribe πŸ€—πŸ’›πŸŽΆπŸŽ΅πŸŽΆπŸŽ΅

@POTUS - Trump fired @jeffsessions @Jamesmattis18 @RexxTillerson @JohnKelly and more! Trump protects the crooks! Tens of thousands of sealed indictments - stopped after The takedown of #AlphaBay

Posted 3/21/2024 



She just needed a little WIGGLE Room, got Opera Help 🎡🎢🎼 And he got

 invited to the party πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰ and maybe he and @taylorswift13

Can ha-chew some fat!

@germaninvenice shares 50th

 anniversary of Little House On The

 Prairie cast reunion πŸ’›πŸ€— Just Melissa Gilbert - not cast ...

@kellyclarkson The ad doesn't go to the video - or anything about the rice technique. Rice, BTW, absorbs toxins - that's why it should be in our diets now more than ever. Because the GEOENGINEERING has poisoned society.

 Posted 3/24/2024 

Posted 3/24/2024


  2hr video - Mourning For Russian Victims of Terrorism 


Today is declared a day of mourning for the victims - please include the military - please pray that Ukraine military will walk away from NAZI Zelensky! 24March2024 

   They discuss the world comment: This NAZI project of destruction includes SUPERIMPERIALISM, as described by global economists Michael Hudson and Pepe Escobar. Yes, politicians are $hit. CIA are terrorists. My uncle was obviously an operative. He stole my SSN to use on purchase documents of the Mercedes Benz he bought - he already owned a new Rolls Royce! Didn't even offer any help to my father after pedophile priest David Bentley obviously poisoned my father wuth arsenic. He was bleeding out! I had to call police to get him to the hospital! The priest wouldn't! Albany Diocese transferred him to Deming NM to hide because 26 victims filed a class action lawsuit against him! Why wasn't he arrested? Why didn't police take me seriously when I said he was obviously trying to kill my father? Dad had 3 transfusions. A Muslim doctor saved his life. I was the only one who spoke to that doctor. I left my job to go help my father. I was supposed to get UI according to the Al Gore Law. Not only did my relatives counteract my efforts, refuse to be helpful in any way, but they made sure my father would die! My brother called around telling the medical people that my father molested me and I liked it! My father was against molesters, wouldn't have anything to fo with them! I wonder if that brother was the one who disabled my car brakes to help the sander truck slam into me. ... Atty Frederick Kendall asked me why I didn't get out of the way, it was a sunny day out and the roads were bare. I snapped at him and said, Why was he working a second shift after filling up the truck with sand when he wasn't even needed? I was staring at an attorney my mother hired when I was in a coma in ICU and she prayed I'd die. My mother would follow anyone who just said a few lines to her! But this was about money, investment! My sister's family moved to a dilapidated home wuth two small kids - to be near my parents, and me, as I was waiting for the lawsuit settlement! 'Jesus told her" of course it had nothing to do with wanting money....abd I was still on crutches, helping to clean up that damn house, dangerous for her kids to be in! Her older one had severe asthma! That corruption has literally ruined my life. 


Listen to the above leaders(I believe UK is coming around too) πŸ’›πŸ€—
Russia is not over-reacting; they respond w defense πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί

The Table Of Contents is here: 


@XiJimping Comments off=NAZI socialism? Please keep doing what you're doing, #China @XiJimping
This cold war against organized crime needs you πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ 🟠

Why is it the richest man in Ukraine, a banker,  promised to restore the country 'when it is all over' rather than demand Zelensky step down? Did he pay off the 4 terrorists? 

      The Underworld in USA

Secret $50B+ budget

There's lots of hype, a little info. No list of DUMBS that exist. Talks about the #BlackBudget -consider #Blackwater which changed its name to "Academi" WTF when #EricPrince's sister Betsy Devos was made Secry of Dept of Ed even though she's an idiot

Black Budget: only top security clearances allowed. 

54 Titan bombs - ea are 600 times stronger than the atomic bombs USA hit Japan with TWICE! Nicknamed "Fat Man" and "Big Boy" 

I made notes on DUMBS:

I understand China's White Knights destroyed some of them. Thank you, CHINA! πŸ€—πŸ’›πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³

Posted 3/24/2024 


It is my conclusion that there are more traitors than patriots in the top brass of the military. 

Here are screenshots of the video, not necessarily in order. 

Another fake channel bites the dust! 


My comment: 

Plus - nobody can be a special agent unless they are an attorney. So this video, this channel, is pure bunk like much of internet - since anyone can post anything - but the Technocracy target those who actually expect truth! I know all too well! Yet Elon Musk and his minions threatened me on Twitter! Including demanding I "Get out of town" - a typical threat when someone wants to kill you! 

This video is bullshit! Do you think KGB would let Hanson spend all that money, while Russia was facing economic collapse CAUSED BY GEORGE SOROS AND OTHER ORGANIZED CRIMINALS IN USGOV....Use some logic - none of what he says checks out! 

     Whole town sold off - people abandon homes! WTF

  Ropollo Realty/ Ropollo Estates doesn't even exist in Open Corporates website. WTF 🐰

That's why the USGOV is irreversibly dysfunctional and we need a real government! 

BTw, YouTube has a new trick: THEY KEEP YOU FROM Blocking ads! 

Posted 3/25/2024


I couldn't respond to Frances Sanchez because they messed up my keyboard! 

πŸ™Very interesting commentsπŸ’™
This is why YT sucks. See attached keyboard abuse.  Constantly invading my device using CYBER CRIME
#AlexanderMercouris reports on Russia-Ukraine conflict 3/26/2024 

Posted 3/26/2024 


Baltimore Bridge πŸŒ‰ Collapse 

New Details?


    I posted @germaninvenice visits Little House On the Prairie 50th was deleted by CYBER CRIME....I will reconstruct it on the blog post named after him, GIV a little loveπŸ’›πŸ€—πŸ™πŸ’™
Michael Landon - autobiography 


Gerald Celente of the is guest - he's written books to inform, warn of the serious rabbit hole we face! 

So GOOGLE 's YouTube makes it look like: It's not you, it's the food! She doesn't like the food! 

Oh, really? Is that why it's okay to steal $300 of food I got from you people - out of my apartment - so you can enjoy your MORMON Redistribution Of Wealth? πŸ₯΄πŸ’±πŸ’Έ

Kung-FU to you! 😀

Posted 3/28/2024.6:41pm

WORD RECIPE: No "F" in Whey! 

Though I find this channel naively interviews CIA psyops who try to incite war, indeed, this is true: Ukraine is on its last leg.  Its military need to walk away from Zelensky, my opinion.. 

Posted 3/28/2024 


Easy, quick steps to troubleshoot your car when it loses power.


"Ukraine is Finished...." 

Guest is a former USMC intelligence - he shares some helpful, interesting facts yet I disagreed with his description of ISIS. If this is not ISIS, It's CIA directly who caused the Russian terrorism attack. 


He is covering up for CIA. They organized ISIS thru Obama. They FUND ISIS. The depraved ideology is that society NEEDS this element of evil in order to progress as a society! 


3/29/2024 Reporting by @AMercouris
Russia-Ukraine Conflict

They are over marching πŸ’° money - it is bound to be obscunded! 

@jamesmattis18 - What was #ProjectOvermatch? I couldn't block the ad or find out who's behind it since Yt duznt verify.Trump erroneously fired Hon. Mattis. Now they exploit him to get ppl to invest. USA needs a STRICT  #RegimeChange @kingcharlesiiib @XiJimping @KremlinRussia_E @EbrahimRaisi2

πŸ’₯ Posted 3/30/2024

Accumulated nPictures:  will be posted here πŸ’₯

Update on #RussiaUkraineConflict - Ukraine has few air force bombs #TimeToMakePeace #PeaceIsTheAnswer

Twitter comments

#DumpTrump bc he's a career criminal!


They lie like Trump does! Part of the CIA psyop agenda! Other Presidents have been wiretapped! Nixon is a FAMOUS example! Trump is guilty as hell and as long as he spins white collar crimes, he won't be indicted for multiple murders! He was  obviously facing military charges!

@christys_voice This is probably a fake acct pd by Lifetime Democrat Donald Trump #OpenDemocracy+ #OpenCorporates+ #OpenSociety = #GeorgeSoros He only bc Republican to run for #USPresident πŸ’°- he's a criminal, but those li'l ol' murders he committed cb  shoved under the rug! 

Posted 3/30/2024 


Video is referenced below. . 

Matthew Hoh is following HIS principles.Good for him. His family must be proud. This country needs a regime change - I don't think an overhaul would do it.  NWO psychopaths need to be held accountable, my opinion! 

He mentions the rhetoric that USA is going to send them a wonder weapon, which is probably a nuclear bomb ..

Matthew emphasizes the Washington DC "need" to align with the military industrial complex. 
The click bait is not impressing - and he interviews CIA psyops - who hook people with truths to reel them in on their nefarious agendas. ie, McDougal promoted NAZI ideology. They mass murdered over 11million people! 

Unfortunately this channel keeps using click bait on these serious matters. That's my impression. 


His guest criticizes Russia for not ending their military action, as if Zelensky is the victim. He shares some good points yet boxes himself in trying to make excuses for corruption. Yet he has personally done things to show he's a man of principle. He was only 13 when Americans mass murdered on September 11, 2001. 


RUSSIA ANNOUNCED THAT THEY WERE TAKING MILITARY ACTION BECAUSE Obama & Trump refused to do anything about their funding terrorism in Russia!
There is no real Democrat or Republican, especially in Washington DC.
Colin Powell lead the team that disposed the WOMD that Saddam Hussein made for CIA in 2014. The Underworld's playground was disrupted!
The board game Matthew refers to is DEVILS CHESSBOARD - but don't give any credit to Michael Talbot! He's a CIA psyop - full of crap!
Matthew Hoh was only 13 when about 125 specific planning Americans mass murdered and maimed thousands of people and  enriched themselves for it. I hope he may ck out my blogs. The Table Of Contents should be in "about" on this account. They are not monitored or monitized. It's a  hobby. I see in 2009 - Matthew was greatly against the Afghanistan War. I know the military ran out of bombs because Obama😀 had them bombed so much.
The USA is run by traitors tied to organized crime! They do not have right of way to the World! They have to stay in their own territory! They sabatoged #IranDeal!


I need to catch up on screenshots; I will just post them all here. They go with various notes above . I will be back..

Well for starters, I will share a few I just saved ....I don't know how far I will get with the rest...after all, I got a new gesture notification. If I dare move the phone may surprise me 😀

Consider the source, people! I haven't checked it yet but my hunch is that this media is owned by a USA company. Probably a Rockefeller Group! 

Can you believe this? Dirt cheap brand new SUV's? 

Happy Easter 🐰🐣

I will answer that question with another YES-question: Is Trump a clone? 

@MAGA_Montgomery You're either a PAID πŸ’°CIA psyop or on mind control. Try concentrating on Truth!
Trump Protects the Crooks!
Lifetime Democrat wearing Republican clothing. WTF


Alexander Mercouris - Russia is advancing more 3/31/2024

πŸ₯ΊSONAR 21 by Larry Johnson pushes A NEW AMERICAN REVOLUTION - which makes sense since CIA operatives and agents are terrorists! 

They support NAZIS! 

How can you even breath in the same room with them? Are you freaking kidding me? I'm unsubscribing if you continue to praise these traitors to USA! 

I will not believe at all that you are seeking peace, diplomacy! 


(Below) So keep your head up your National Inquirer @$$. You have no freaking idea what the Monarchy goes through, as they try to serve the people. $MultiTrillion Trafalgar Group was dismantled! They are only a political pole service now. @RoyalFamily Much gratitude for #PrinceAndrew

​@user-ul9dv2iv9s  Sonar 21 is reflective of CIA psyopping because THEY WANT WAR.
Larry Johnson and ? McDougal have been plastering themselves on Internet to pitch for war. Say a few truths, to get you hooked, then deceive like hell to reel you in! CIA are terrorists! How the heck can Atty Mercouris have anything to do with them? I am truly baffled! They both promote NAZIS too!


@germaninvenice - subscribe! You'll be glad you did 😁A visit through his itty bitty apartment. Showing his artwork.

Posted 3/31/2024 

See you in April's pitstop


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