June 2023

Link for this blog: 





 What Day is Today? 


Happy SAVE OUR SHIP Day ....and don't forget about the movie: Hostile Waters, when Russians were attacked, and preserved their nuclear sub so they not only survived but the submarine did not leak nukes! 

We have a lot of ships to save - Prof Sal Mercogliano created his channel to keep us informed on 

What's Going On With Shipping 


Many of us tell him we're so glad he did! Feel free to copy anything from my blog posts, share. Make it your own statement. 

Also subscribe to



      Don't Forget: Scotty live streams Thursday, at 1pm EST - 12pm Central - 11am Pacific - time will change when they go back to Tennessee but for this month, that's the time. 

       Also livestreaming on Saturday at 10am EST...time will change when he and his wife go back to Tennessee. 



Ride a horse 🐎 too! 

Thunder Flower 2021
🌼  https://thunderflower2021.blogspot.com/2021/10/table-of-contents.html?m=1

And Fallon Tonight! "He who laughs last, laughs best" - Jimmy Fallon 

     (Big Squeeze πŸ€— for Drew Barrymore)


Posted 1June2022 

Valery turned 9 last monthπŸŽΈπŸŽ»πŸŽΊπŸŽΉπŸŽΌπŸŽ΅πŸŽΆπŸ€—πŸ§‘

Clark Family Creative 🎡🎢 https://youtu.be/xPSJih9cnms

Loving Memory: Mr. Salazar, untimely death about 2 years ago - heart attack. Beautiful family πŸ€—πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜♥️πŸ’― SALAZAR πŸ’₯πŸ™πŸ’™Wuauquikuna πŸ’™πŸ™πŸ’™πŸ™

Sunday Concert 6/4/2023 #CarlosSalazar 


Loving Memory: Mr. Salazar, untimely death about 2 years ago - heart attack. Beautiful family πŸ€—πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜♥️πŸ’― SALAZAR πŸ’₯πŸ™πŸ’™Wuauquikuna πŸ’™πŸ™πŸ’™πŸ™

Sunday Concert 6/4/2023 #CarlosSalazar 


The Titanic was sunk by Bruce Ismay and JP Morgan! Mike Brady is way too naive and if he doesn't grow out of this quickly, I will unsubscribe and block him. I will not put up with sympathizers to murderers, rapists, and paedophiles! 

Video: https://youtu.be/Ry-PmtX_wtc 

I gave it a πŸ‘Ž because he's removed from the fact over 1,500 people were murdered that day, and an estimated trillions of dollars was captured/stolen from the economy in many ways, including stealing from the bank accounts of the richest people in the world! These same ones have been government parasites and money is no object when they spend the USD government budget! 

My comments were being deleted - one after another! Over an hour's time! 

Last comment: 

Bruce Ismay and JP Morgan sank the Titanic. If anything happens to this comment, Im going to unsubscribe and block you. My other coments were deleted right in front of me - nobody had read them.
TITANIC blog posts

1.  Titanic

2.   Titanic

3. Titanic 1912

EMPRESS of IRELAND livestreaming? I didn't get a notification.... I requested it. Is this social engineering by the channel? 

 Video: https://www.youtube.com/live/tJyVisUC8gI?feature=share 

My comments

1. Supposedly the Empress was split in two (which mirrors TITANIC) yet there was no proof it actually hit between the funnels. Not even on the Norwegian freighter, Storstadt. Photos and video shows the ship in tact as one unit. Buried in the ocean floor, most likely deliberately pushed to get it started. My opinion.  

     CPR = Canadian Pacific Railroad 

A million dollars of silver was just one of the valuables on board. Supposedly CPR returned the silver. No mention of all the other valuables, money. Very few explored following the money from TITANIC passengers. The rich people had one accountant and a finance expert could unravel the accounts, and steal from them. Both Jack Thayer II and son III had that knowledge. 

2. More people on TITANIC died than Empress of IRELAND. 1,000 were locked in the lower level and couldn't get out because of CPT Smith not goving them the chance. So you're wrong. People getting murdered is not entertaining. Mass murdering false flag events have been occurring regularly and the ones who cause these false flags get away with it. Donald Trump purchased the laser weaoons via order as Commander in Chief through the Pentagon, 5 months before he torched Paradise CA. Including burning live people to ashes. That hides evidence. People witnessed it, even uploaded videos on the laser weapons torching homes, yet the home next to it was not even cinged. All those videos were shut down, just like Bill Gates Wuhan virus, that changed to coronavirus, that changed to COVID...and so on! Are people really this stupid? 

Posted 6/4/2023 

My comment was deleted! 
Oh, sure. And Wuhan Virus became Coronavirus, which is the flu, so Public Health had no problem with Bill Gates changing it to COVID-19 and killed patients. Even still the death rates were lower than birth rates so there was no crisis but who gives a flying f*k , after all you're here and paid to 'help". πŸ₯΄ And the psychopaths will get more violent because we're sick of their cowardly crap. Force over Fix; acting over acknowledging. Caveman over can-man. Stalk over talk. Violence over Silence. I get it: I don't get it. 
PS. Raw eggs are good for you. They made a delicious egg nog and I ate that alot with some ice cream and milk as a kid  I just had raw salmon and didn't get salmonella either. 
The End. 


  Those were the days.....

​@Not Me Rough stuff! I also remember cranking my car window instead of pushing a button. Technology has its place, but the technocrats are trying to get it to replace us! They did not become technocrats because they deserved it. The politicians picked them and ever since relied on them to fraud records, audios, phone call recordings, and so on. I'd say probably 2/3 of what they do is illegal. They call it DIVINE JUSTICE when they implement "Justice us Mine" 


The real definition of pandemic means world wide. As with many words, Obama administration resulted not only in peiplescaping but wordscaping, thought-scaping, religion-scaping, and gender-scaping! πŸ₯Ί 


Update on Canada Fires, 6/7/2033. 160 fires are active. 


My opinion, Donald Trump was involved! He torched Paradise CA to the ground and may have murdered as many as thousands of people, burned alive to ashes! He purchased tons of laser weapons through the Pentagon five months before he torched Paradise CA. 

Playlist of 49 videos showing Donald Trump torched Paradise CA using laser weapons. Unfortunately Jake Morphonios took down his video made 5 months earlier about Donald Trump purchasing tons of laser weapons through the Pentagon! Purchase Documents were shown! 



Trump torched Paradise CA! 

Many made videos like the above - showing evidence that people were hit with laser weapons as they were stuck in traffic! Most burned to ashes! Yet some charred  bodies still visible! This reminds me of the photos on Jennifer-Hawk Petit and her two daughters! Steven Hayes and Joshua Komisarjrvesky poured accelerants on them and poured the accelerant down the stairs, on the floor, including on Jennifer-Hawk Petit. ALL OF THEM WERE ALIVE. Smoke was in their lungs. Yet police were outside and JUST WATCHED! Not one damn officer entered the house, fully knowing their lives were at risk, and those probationers only had a 9mm gun they got at Walmart - which was cleared by the CT Government! Yes, they did a security check! The records were frauded, the media lied for the career criminal politicians, and other dirt bag POLITICIANS kept the spin going rather than tell the truth! Dr. Petit clammed up when he had opportunity to speak out! My conclusion is that he took part in the murders! 

Many testified AND showed in videos that potentially thousands were burned alive to ashes - an extreme form of NAZI takeover! YouTube took the videos down! 



Au Contraire, Juan! Dana Wiggington explained the geoengineers prepped forests by killing trees, which made the fires accelerate. A fire forensics expert would be able to explain the CRIMINAL FOOTPRINTS.
Video: https://youtu.be/n4ZmxmrVCaQ


Explains how the forests are prepped, killing trees! 

Posted 6/8/2023

I Γ§an't even access my own Gmail account because Gmail invades it with this bullshit! Is there an "x" to just make the damn popup disappear? No! Because they have hidden intentions and claim you selected Gotit so that gives them permission to put the screws to you! 

They are MOCKING TikTok using this method, also! TikTok backwards sounds like Gotit! Got IT - John Gotti IT! Whatever! They are Jesuit Illuminati Satanists! 

Posted 6/9/2023 

      Trumpty Dumpty shouldn't be put back together again! 

Video: https://youtu.be/7rKoe5W5awg

My comment: How about adding mass murdering people at Paradise CA? Trump got the laser weapons five months before he torched Paradise CA, including burning people alive to ashes! 

Why the hell blame DOJ? So Media can protect the crooks LIKE TRUMP! 

Jeff Sessions was the best Attorney General this country ever had! He took down Alpha Bay - the largest organized Crime in history! THEY FEED WALL STREET! The dirt bag POLITICIANS want the wealth keep running in their damn pockets! 

Posted 6/9/2023 


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