May 2023

 Link for this blog post:

Table Of Contents 


It's a little early but I want to get my Pitstops back aligned with months. Cyber Crime got me off track. That's whooo...

Link for this blog post:

Link for other blogposts for May 2023 Pitstops of information: 

Oops, I need to post these ...

This is turning out to be a large blogpost 

Table of Contents, Alphabetized - all blog posts are not here; my most current ones not added yet. I do my best to keep up, though this is 100% hobby. Copy what you want, share as your own statement.

Thunder Flower 2021

I had several other screenshots by Lesley The Bird Nerd -  on my SD card on this device - yet my internet PROVIDER -provided one thing only! They corrupted my SD card! 

I know who damaged the storage in my other device now - they are obviously controlled by CIA! I spent literally hours just trying to get them to tell me how to RESTORE data to the previous day - which can be done on an Android - did they? No!!  And they told me to wait until tomorrow which helps them to make that feature obsolete! 

Posted 24April2023 

Spring 🌼🌱🌼 2023πŸŽ—️Part2

These notes are being copied on May 2023 blogpost 

1. @Scottymechanic @bobforgovernor @joeimbriano777 - speaking of #StupidAsAWeapon - they rehired the Ukrainian/US citizen who's in charge of the books and look what she did to my Section8 Ledger. They still claim I have TWO leases for same apt 😳 & lied about not getting my April ck 


2. There is no consistency or structure w that ledger! She skipped 2014-2022! This fraud ruins my credit! 

#DivineJustice is what Jesuit Illuminati Freemasons claim as a right to break laws! Listen to this 3-hr audiobook on NAZISM when you have time. 




This homemade ricotta cheese topped with rhubarb includes @MarthaStewart

Emphasizing deer do not like rhubarb - leaves are poisonous - and it's a good way to detract deer from your garden. #MarthaStewart #recipes 


My comment: 

What did the elephant say to the naked man? "It's cute, but how do you breath through that thing?" 


Which inspires me to say, It's cute, but how do you drive that thing? 🐈 




My response: 

Why? Because he's a CIA man? CIA are terrorists! They imploded the WTC bldg s, Americans mass murdered Americans on September 11! OK City Bombing was done by CIA! Robert Snogres refused the job and they best him to a pulp, left him for dead! Someone accidentally found him in an alley.. ambulance took him to the hospital. Trey Gowdy deputized to agents to issue a warrant and investigate Bill Clinton Library because he was using that Computer for paedophilia! CIA found out and beat THEM to a pulp, put them in plastic body bags, buried them where they died - because nobody gave a $hit where they were! They could have been saved! This country is run by organized crime. They are JESUIT Illuminati Freemasons! So wake up! Unless the USA seeks to join the British Commonwealth, this country is soon to become a third world country! USD has no value! 

Tweeted response: 

Do you realize the #WashingtonDCInvasion is a distraction from mass murders at #ParadiseCA? The bodies are gone! People were burned alive to ashes! Trump purchased tons of laser weapons 5 months before 8Nov2018!  He got YouTube etc to take down videos that reported it. 


@mfa_russia - Biden intended his whole family to be dead in 1972 after mafia rigged election for him to win, and his wife was poisoned. She saved her boys' lives by getting them to curl up under the front seat as she felt the poison working! Biden lies about what happened. 


So many $hitheads, so little time! Response to @FedUpWithSwamp 

Get you head out of your behind! The elections have been between Crook 1 or Crook 2 - at least Biden wasn't a #ParadiseCA mass murdering liar who fired great people in his admin so FBI couldn't carry out the largest sting in history since @jeffsessions took down #AlphaBay 



You claim that Prince Harry wants to kill @KingCharlesIII_ - his father? The USA is so corrupted and unable to FUNCTION as a government because of that! We should join the Commonwealth to be accountable for structure! @RoyalFamily 


What about Trump being tried for mass murder from using laser weapons on #ParsdiseCA - burning LIVE PEOPLE to ashes, except for maybe 50 bodies half-charred! This country is so damned corrupted, it cannot function! @accardi1921 


Tweet response:

@13adh13 YesπŸ‘ We need more decent scientists! Get the NAZIS out of USA! My neighbor Navneet Tyagi was badly abused 2011/2012 - falsely arrested! He won the case and I hope was compensated for #FalseImprisonment - the case had no merit! 


USA uses #StupidAsAWeapon in #ForeignPolicy and everything really @joeimbriano777 #StopTheCrime #CIAareTerrorists 


Twitter, stringed tweet 

@happyrepublica2 Trump is a very evil person! Soros paid him to change parties, campaign to LOSE to Hillary but she got sick from being a cannibal! #ParadiseCA - ppl burned alive to ashes using laser weapons Trump got 5months before 8Nov2018! So wake up! USA needs to join Commonwealth 








They are #Jesuit #illuminati #Freemasons #CULT - #KnowTheEnemy πŸ‘Ώ 

@truthstreamnews @mediamonarchy  

Posted 22Apr2023 


Most international? Ukraine is the largest int'l Sex-trafficking port for CIA! Hitler was Jewish! Zelensky has been murdering Ukrainian citizens to blame @Russia like USA murdered Americans on #September11 &blamed #MiddleEast - it was #illuminati #Jesuit plan! @KingCharlesIII_ 


     Glen And Friends - Their Charity is 

Hope With Wings


     Glen And Friends Channel

       Recipes from the past 

Anyone who can give to Glen and Julie Powell's link to 

(Search if I have the link wrong)

Every dollar is appreciated. 

They transport patients who would otherwise not have transportation in Canada. 


My comment: 

Everyone's wings count 

 Martin Tyner has reminded

Life is a blessing

Those who dishonor this gift

Dishonor themselves

With God, all things are possible

Humans are called to keep balance - that's why God gave us wings - literally, metaphorically 


  Response Tweet



Americans mass murdered Americans on #September11 #OklahomaCityBombing and #ParadiseCA (Trump purchased laser weapons 5months b4 8Nov2018! How many ppl were burned alive to ashes-they only show about 50 bodies half burned, Some w nothing around them burned! 


        The NY Times article was dated on or about  2/17/1992 - I looked it up...Bill Clinton was President - he got CIA to bomb the Murrah Bldg in OK City, to destroy FBI criminal investigation on him! He got Janet Reno to transfer all files to that building! 

    His tweet was about Israelis killing Shiite...

     (Picture of Tweet I responded to was deleted by CYBER CRIME) 

When did this occur? We know that Shiites are the war-mongers. Dodi Fayed was moving in to take over the Monarchy, using Diana, who got a gender REVERSAL and is a successful movie producer. No more a threat to monarchy. He was programmed by organized crime. 

    That occurred in 1992! 

     Israeli forces killed the leader of the pro-Iranian Party of God in Lebanon today in a lightning strike by helicopter gunships that reportedly also left his wife, his son and at least four bodyguards dead.Feb 17, 1992

And also, there are articles in the 80's repeatedly about shia aggression - the Iran-Iraq War was going on, incited by CIA - and Clintons highly profited by selling illegal weapons and picking up a C-132 plane of cocaine, making $100million a month -murdering anyone who got in their way, including two boys (Henry, Ives) in Arkansas who saw a drug drop using the state helicopter!  

     Mary Greeley channel


Has a lecture about the real formation of the Rocky Mountains. Islands, movements by continents,  were involved. I have no clue where this Raul island is. She says 7.1 earthquake. 






The #EconomicWarfare began when #ObamaCrimes 

Allowed #GeorgeSoros to give Ukraine at least $1billion of his money,to buy WEAPONS, πŸ’°rooted in #NAZICrimes helping Hitler steal wealth &mass murder!


Posted 4/24/2023 

This is what life has come to πŸ’© 

I thought, just what we need, another restaurant...but taking a look at the company profile, Yes, we need goodness in society. πŸ’œ

Truett Cathy was the founder and chairman of Chick-fil-A, Inc. He opened his tiny Atlanta diner in 1946, and, while he was famous for creating the Chick-fil-A® Chicken Sandwich, Truett was also known for his servant leadership and great generosity.


         FEAR PORN! 

     "It may be harmful" 

Same trick they use for a case for war: 

"We think they WILL harm us, so we'll attack first" #ForeignPolicySucks 

Posted 4/25/2023 

     @GeologyNick - Livestreaming Today -

But YouTube didn't send me a notification AND unsubscribed me - very possible done by my provider which obviously has a psychopathic district manager! 


I am blocked from comments 

Then it pulls up this TwitShit 
Limited? WTF they blocked the whole account because their mission is to protect the corrupted! 

They then pull up this when I select share block tweeting ....this would take a hands-on hacker to pull these tricks, so it's either my provider or CIA - I don't think YouTube because I have a good impression of the new CEO. But if he lets the CEO before him to have access, shame on him. I presume YouTube lost some lawsuits from their marketing corruption with the prior CEO; praised for GENERATING MONEY which probably got pissed away rightfully. 

I try to tweet this, it goes to hear, and disappears....

How do you like this? That spinning ball must be a spy camera and when I capture these screenshots, I was blocked from posting them! I restarted this phone twice; made no difference. So I closed the tab and opened the blog. And yes, I still have 85% suspicion that this provider's district manager gets his jollies by hacking the 2 devices I have their sim cards in! My tablet may be completely corrupted from hacking, including messing up my SD card. I thought it was something else till they pulled the same trick with my SD card on my other (this)  device. But they recovered it when I turned it on today. Strangle-release-strangle-release.....

Posted - release 4/25/2023 
I'll just post the actual video with no bitching - on the Geology blogpost . (Secret) 


When did slavery end? The civil war ended, but it continued. 

Video on Neoslavery:  (1hr long) 

My comment: 

Didn't the Mormon Church start about this time, too? Probably to capture as many women as they can, to be part of their "Christian" heirum since they were polygamists. Even now, they excuse it away as helping widows. (Who killed their husbands? Was this to break down family units?) 

Posted 26April2023 

Video on Neoslavery, above, continued...

One of my other comments: 

Barack Obama is part black, part white. Mother was white. She went to the UN hen Malcolm X was there, to not just spread his fake words but his sperm, claiming he considered himself to be the answer to the human race - a spinoff of Mormonism. There's never a straight answer from that lying sack of crap. Many have nicknamed him OCraphead. And the 30-yr old founder of TEMU, has a multimillionaire mother in Indonesia, getting rich from the septic system business! No doubt that's why the nefarious geoengineers caused a massive earthquake or tsunami there recently! To give her more business! I bought some things from TEMU. Why are their prices lower than COG? What are they doing on the side? I'll tell you one thing, because I saw the film that showed it! Child sex trafficking! And the child may have beed dead after they got their psychopathic high! ...The CEO of Cigna is obviously former child molester rapist from Waterbury CT! Phil Giordano! Using the last name of a crooked judge in this state! CIA obviously helped him become a fugitive from justice! His plastic eye surgery was obviously done by CIA man senator Rand Paul! He referes to those jobs as "charity" - yeah, his own charity! And Ron Paul is a CIA agent! He was kicked out of RUSSIA because Vladimir Putin discovered he was CIA. By rights they could have shot him! But he plays the "Imya good Christian" role so the country of sheeple would hate Russia! You think they do this country any good? Just look around! We're imploding from all this organized crime! 


A black man disguised as a police officer shot Martin Luther King - and what did his black "friends" do when he was shot? They gave the NAZI salute!


🎡🎢 My dog has fleas 🎡🎢🎡🎢

Problems come in threes🎡🎢🎡🎢



3. This shows you what Twitter does when I try to follow Fallon Tonight on my other account - on account the Technocrats screw me over on my other ones! 

Posted 4/26/2023 
BTW, don't trust TEMU 
They have no packing slips
Order is charged higher than total costs 
I found paedophilia images in the website. 
Victim may have even been dead! 
The app is aggressive, invasive, manipulative also! 

This pilot did an amazing job landing! 
Let's hope Dianne and her friend make it because they are in ICU. πŸ™πŸ’™πŸ™πŸ’™


I provided the link from Blancolirio channel - it separated from this screenshot...just look down a bit....

Lesley @TheBirdsNerd 

This pilot made a miraculous landing under the circumstances! She's now fighting for her life! Along with her friend in the plane! 

Prayers πŸ™πŸ’™ for Dianne 

Posted 4/26/2023 

    So this is where they got the name, Kewatin State Park...NY ?  I thought it was a Native American name. 

Link to full article: It disappeared off YouTube posting! 

DETROIT – Michiganders might be able to catch a glimpse of floating history on Wednesday.

According to the Michigan State Historic Preservation Office, the S.S. Keewatin, a passenger steamship older than the Titanic, will be making its way down the St. Clair River and Detroit River and eventually into Lake Ontario.

The Edwardian-era Keewatin was built in 1907 by the Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Company of Glasgow, Scotland.


@mfa_russia @Russia @XiJimping @EbrahimRaisi2 @KingCharlesIII_ 

#HereYeHereYe - new media spin to excuse USA dirt bag politicians for funding Ukraine to ATTACK Russia #DivineJustice is #OrganizedCrime  


All pictures below refer to videos on same channel by Sergey (I can't remember his last name) - He now lives in Michigan with his American wife. 


Chernobyl explosion - nuclear facility - 1982 - I think just after Jimmy Carter left office. This must have greatly bothered President Carter! 

Jimmy Carter was most likely advised to support the "intelligence" of the State Dept - and most likely they joined with CIA to incite this war on Afghanistan, so Russia would be sabatoged and framed as a bully; and of course, it would drain their economy and the leader Brezhnev would be distracted - and Chernobyl was attacked, obviously! 

Remember: Jimmy Carter took Iran's side to reinstate Sharia Law - CIA disrupted their government, forced a Shah they did not like, and more. USA bullying was not acceptable to Jimmy Carter and he literally stood alone in support of Iran! 

The US government is so manipulated by organized crime, we need to join the Commonwealth - this government is not working! 

Margaret Thatcher (imagined statement) : I know I'm more gorgeous than Queen Elizabeth, now that we have MTW - Dianna splitting up the Monarchy, calling them evil and saying what the Rothschild Empire programmed 'her' to say. 

After Chernobyl - great FAMINE 

😈 This is what USA wanted! 

Chernobyl video - what happened 

My comment/response 


1. Colin Powell was assigned to 60,000 troops in Soviet Union - to stabilize the Gov ❤

2. He made friends with Russian/Soviet leaders. One gave him a large antique sword as a gift of friendship - sword is our word ...and Cheney made him pay $3,000 to take it home. He paid it anyway. 

3. Colin Powell's son was a CPT in the army and was almost killed in a jeep accident - I told Colin Powell it's obvious to me that his brakes were cut! That was clearly my opinion. I told him I told a local sex trafficking stalker to leave me alone, he was a pig, and I was almost murdered by a local sander truck, filled with sand....I have to stop to get this damn poop ad off this screen!....

4. Colin Powell's son Michael had 16+ surgeries, recovery took long time. He became a successful attorney. And he was the BEST FCC Director USA ever had. 

5. Meantime, Reagan ORDERED Colin Powell to leave Soviet Union and work in the White House as NSA. It violated military codes. Reagan gave him salary for BOTH jobs and he had to check on his son. 

6. George Soros helped Reagan crush Russia's economy even though they were no threat! I believe they were trying to incite war yet Colin Powell was a strong force and had concentration on their wall. A silly focus but it distracted these evil secret societies members/politicians from inciting war to a country of real heroes! 

7. Ukraine was like Russia's "kid sister" but NAZI Hitler Soros kept spinning violence - with Barack Obama's approval! 

8. Now this huge political mess, caused by USA funding - results in refugees because Zelensky is not only not protecting citizens, he's been murdering them to blame Russia! Like September 11 when Americans mass murdered Americans! 


15-min Video on 

Jimmy Carter vs Brezhnev

(He says Versus yet seems to believe they had some kind of secret alliance)  - Jimmy Carter's body had no problem throwing him under the bus - neither party has morals and are far from running  a federal republic. This is NAZI SOCIALISM in USA.

1. Consider CIA incited ten-year Iran-Iraq war  - the years overlap

2. At about 5min Sergey mentions Chile leader murdered. The President of PepsiCo paid a hitman to kill that leader BECAUSE he refused to sell Pepsi in his country! I know because that President, Donald Kendall, was brother to Frederick Kendall, who approached my mother in ICU, expecting me to die from the neurologist prematurely moving me out of ICU to make blood clots from very severe injuries move to my head! And the good thing was that numerologist skipped town and the doctor on call was my orthopedic doctor - at least he was a good doctor but played along with corrupted politicians and attorneys. He did an artiogram and to this day I don't know what else they did and I'm sure they covered for the neurologist who tried to kill me since they weren't successful killing me using a FULL 20-ton sander truck, ON A SUNNY DAY, ROADS ARE BARE and even having a spotter - to tell him when to run into me when I came over the hill!All because I told a stalking sex trafficker to leave me alone, he was a pig! And they erected a restaurant where they tried to murder me, named Pig's Ear. This was obviously organized crime and sex trafficking made a lot of money. Especially for CIA. And Ukraine was the largest sex trafficking port for CIA. 

I never got my rights, but at least I lived through it because the hell has not stopped in my life! 

It was all about money for my siblings! I didn't matter! 

Today, we need to open our eyes and find the TRUTH. USA needs to join the Commonwealth - they prove to be run by organized crime committing both foreign and domestic crimes. It is the only way to fix this mess! #WarIsARacket - I agree with General Smedley Butler! These criminal politicians just use war to make money for THEMSELVES - and don't care who dies! In Russia, the economy is greatly harmed when they have to use military. The businesses pay.They don't get paid by Government. 


About Jimmy Carter:  He made the most of a very horrible political situation which the Democratic Party acted as NAZI SOCIALISM. In several cases his hands were tied. Nevertheless, he made Avery bold and brave move that could have gotten him assassinated by the criminal underworld.  He stood up for Iran. He supported Shariah Law.The CIA medled in Iran, causing Iran-Uraq War. The Clintons were not only selling illegal weapons to Iran to "help" them win a war they cared nothing about them winning; but made $100 million a MONTH trafficking COCAINE! That was the Clinton Crime Syndicate! Bill Clinton is half brother to GW Bush! That's why GW was not a junior! No doubt a Satanic Cult Ritual - yet in reality an Organized Crime plan! They were born when the WTC bldg s project broke ground! GHW Bush was a main planner of September 11 attack - drones shaped as planes, filled with military explosives hit the WTC buildings and they were wired for demolition, which CIA detonated! 

My main blog, which is all hobby - no cookies, no monitized attempts - is 

The problem is, Bill Gates has 'strangled' it with his Microsoft Windows! And the illegal intruders stole my charger to my laptop, to make things even more difficult for me. I have a federal poverty level income - and I'll be damned if I will try to make money off this hell they put me AND most of us in USA through! That is not progress! That's BARACK OBAMA bullshit, along with the other JESUIT Illuminati Freemasons! Barack Obama considered himself a legendary cult leader, like his real father, Malcolm X! But Malcolm X only developed that act because he was a two-bit criminal and found converting to Islam was a way he could maneuver in prison as well as through the criminal underworld! Consider those things! 

I will do my best to get a new charger as soon as I'm able. Then I will do my best to get Microsoft Windows off my back! 

Meantime, here's a table of contents to my other blogposts and feel free to maneuver in the blogs because I'm missing a lot of most-current blogposts. COPY ALL YOU CAN. 

- all blog posts are not here; my most current ones not added yet. I do my best to keep up, though this is 100% hobby. Copy what you want, share as your own statement. 

Thunder Flower 2021



Posted 4/27/2023 

Jimmy Carter was one of the modest percentage of people who deserved the Noble Peace Prize. 

Certainly Barack Obama did not - and there were others who didn't. Martin Luther King deserved so much more recognition! His own "friends" sabatoged him - giving the NAZIS salute to the black man-sniper dressed as a police officer - who murdered MLK - he was still alive, too, yet they delayed an ambulance! 

Notice how he refers to himself as "The Donald" like Donald Trump 😀

Stopping Socialism channel = WTF 
Video podcast: 
    They sound like housewives in the 60's and 70's - having coffee and saying a whole lot of nothing but enjoying each other's company. 
🐝My comment: How about explaining how this "free country" can mass murder thousands of people and get away with it? 

πŸ’₯ Americans mass murdered Americans on September 11 
πŸ’₯ CIA bombed Oklahoma City Bldg 
πŸ’₯ Paradise CA was burned by laser weapons that "The Donald" TRUMP purchased 5 months before - I saw the purchasing documents! Most victims were burned alive to ashes! They left about 50 bodies half-charred to allude that's all that died! Murder = PROFIT 

There are so many false flags in this country and courts and attorneys are so damned corrupted!

The President of PepsiCo had the name Donald Kendall - and he paid a hitman to murder the President of Chile just because he wouldn't sell Pepsi in his country! 

There's no description or bio of you two - that, along with your wishy-washy talk, leaves me  suspicious enough to not follow you   

Posted 4/27/2023

FP Minister, Sergey Lavrov speaks to UN: 1 hr+ Video 

My comment: 

Remember Soviet-Afghanistan War?

Who in USA convinced Brezhnev that Russia was threatened by Afghanistan anti-communist Muslims? Was it CIA? Russia invaded Afghanistan 12/24/1979. 

Who was the Afghanistan Leader? I suspect USA political footprints to be all over that! Their motive was to destroy their economy for more global trade. Additionally, if they could incite war with Russia, they would continue to profit, since Vietnam was ended. 

Brezhnev was only 75 when he died. He was still leader of Russia. He died of a heart attack. 

   CIA commonly poisoned victims with cyanide to cause heart attacks. And at some point they had a heart attack gun, which defibrillated the heart to bring on a heart attack. 

MSM claiming Brezhnev was ill with heart problems is beyond ridiculous. He was running the Soviet Union. He would have to step down if he was ill like that. 

The politicians blame Jimmy Carter for ruining the Russian economy 10-15 years before economy collapsed. I have no trust in USA government. They rely on propaganda for their foreign policy! 

USA should join the Commonwealth. They are not trustworthy. They cannot conduct their affairs with decency, or credibility. They are, in fact, an international threat to security. My life has been hell because of it! 

Please consider these things. 


Translation was nefarious and I took some screenshots, and translation changed. Mr. Lavrov is more than right by calling out thime lies and propaganda as fact - saying it with distinction. Not hostility.  


Reminder: USA FRAUDED Iran. Obama is a TRAITOR. Trump is a TRAITOR and mass murderer from Paradise CA fires caused by the laser weapons he purchased 5 years before that - reported by Blackstone Intelligence - yet when Paradise CA was destroyed, Jake Morphonios took down that video shortly after! Most likely the President of the Mormon Church told him to - the Mormon Church was created to divide and conquer! Encouraging polygamy and more! Though not all Mormons participated, they allowed it, claiming Moses and all the other Bible characters were polygamists. 


Posted 27April2023 

        History Guy: Once Upon A Time, There was MIT and the Morris Worm πŸ›..

     Mark Zuckerberg is obviously Robert T Morris - CIA rigged his change of identity...How many more fugitives from justice are there? Most likely Epstein is at large! Timothy McVay had nothing to do with the OK City Bombing - CIA paid him to be a stooge. He either was successfully executed, making him believe to the end that they would get him out - so CIA wouldn't have to pay him - or he was further indoctrinated into CIA ops, with change of identity. ...

Posted 4/28/2023 

MARY GREELY - speaks out, as a victim TWICE by drug users ...

President Biden is granting pardons to several - some sentenced to life imprisonment....I agree with Mary: They're making a lot of money for somebody - most likely the Clinton Crime Syndicate! And they probably are hookers too! 

Posted 4/30/2023 

Video discussion on state of economy:

My comment:
Just what we need - FIGHT. I disagree! WE NEED SOLUTIONS to make it RIGHT!
The Presidential Election is FAKE - "you play this role; I'll play that role" and their allegiance to their secret societies - organized crime is all that matters!
Why the problem exists is twofold:
1. USA cheated Iran Deal - complete FRAUD by Obama-Trump. Nobody died at Sandy Hook Elementary school -Adam Lanza didn't even exist! OBAMA's father was Malcolm X! He considers his actions DIVINE JUSTICE - he's a crook through and through!
2. US dirt bag politicians want war - war is profit πŸ’°πŸ€‘πŸ’°

You teach politics.

I realize you try to be neutral yet you obviously get pressure to push the political underworld Agenda -;which has everything to do with money.

I'm harmed on internet on a continuous basis. It only frames the corrupted. Not me.
Hello @StandForGod -
I presume you don't mean "We have been doing piracy" - internet TECHNOCRACY does piracy on our communication!

I hope the ISIS HQ is no longer in Syria. The President of Iraq bombed them heavily. Right after that, US President Donald  Trump bombed Iraq much worse! They have obliterated Iraq! Don't trust USA!😒
Michael Cowan's channel
JP Morgan wants to buy up more banks and get bigger and bigger! Who loves this? The TECHNOCRACY!

Bruce Ismay and JP Morgan sank the Titanic!


1.  Titanic - Microsoft Windows disrupted this blog and my charger to my laptop was stolen out of my apartment. Best Buy has sent me one and I'm so grateful for their speed! I will contact the service I have contracted once it is charged up. My landlord disconnected WiFi from me so I will just enjoy a nice large tea at Vivi Bubble Tea and get things fixed. πŸ€—πŸ§‘

 They also stole the charger to my Ryobi drill PLUS the box to commit insurance fraud, I'm sure. I made Home Depot aware of it. 
I expect to recover this blog, with over 200 blogposts. Just keep trying.

2.   Titanic

     (Replaced by motherearthtoo202 blog - I don't know why the link isn't here. It should be)

3.  Titanic 1912 (This blog)

4. I think there's another blogpost, too

Tony Unearths Hitlers Lost Fortress
Canada is pushing attacks against China - rather than developing solutions. Remember when Trump got Canada to arrest XiJinPing's daughter, CEO of Huawei? Trying to incite war anywhere! We need to be aware of how much US Foreign Policy Sucks!
Michael Cowan's video:

     The History Guy
Stubs are better than subs?
Why didn't they just remove the L since flucky isn't a word and it's obvious what they intended - to celebrate F*king the Japanese over. USA scumbag politicians knew the Japanese were going to attack BECAUSE the USA made no negotiations when Japan communicated to USA. They didn't send out a warning to Navy, especially Hawaii (since, after all, USA invaded and conquered Hawaii to use as a pivoting point to Japan!) And considered all the MURDERED Navy personnel as collateral damage for their $hithead foreign policy.

The USA needs to join the Commonwealth because they fail to be accountable!

The History Guy
Famous submarines

My comment: Why didn't they just remove the L since flucky isn't a word and it's obvious what they intended - to celebrate F*king the Japanese over. I realize the Admiral's name was Flucky and the word Flucky was named after him. USA  politicians knew the Japanese were going to attack BECAUSE the USA made no negotiations when Japan communicated to USA. They didn't send out a warning to Navy, especially Hawaii (since, after all, USA invaded and conquered Hawaii to use as a pivoting point to Japan!) And considered all the MURDERED Navy personnel as collateral damage for their $hithead foreign policy.

The USA needs to join the Commonwealth because they fail to be accountable!
5-star Admiral - Nimitz was serving as Chief of the Bureau of Navigation when the Japanese Imperial Navy attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.
Only four men in American history have been promoted to the five-star rank of Admiral of the Fleet: William Leahy, Ernest King, Chester Nimitz, and William Halsey.
What did Admiral Nimitz say about Pearl Harbor?

The next day, Christmas, Nimitz took a boat tour of Pearl Harbor to assess the damage. A young helmsman asked Nimitz what he thought of the destruction. The admiral replied, “The Japanese made three of the biggest mistakes an attack force could ever make, or maybe God was taking care of America.Dec 7, 2018
- WTF, they blamed the Admiral at Pearl Harbor when he had nothing to do with it; Admiral Nimitz did, yet HE was rewarded as the best Admiral in WW2! Why? Because if he didn't exist, there wouldn't have been a war making the corrupted in USA filthy rich off the Military Industrial Complex!
Yet who was the donkey they pinned the tail on?
Relieved of his fleet command in mid-December 1941, following the the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, Kimmel reverted to the rank of Rear Admiral and retired in March 1942. Rear Admiral Kimmel died at Groton, Connecticut, on 14 May 1968. This page features a selection of photographs of Husband E. Kimmel.
My opinion, Operation JP Morgan!
Morgan and Ismay sank the Titanic, but what was blamed? A freaking iceberg! As if they weren't common in those waters! The California ship actually anchored, waiting for an ice cutter or for the iceberg to move apparently. Do you know Titanic had an ice cutter on the front of the ship, the bow? Why is it an obsession for the political underworld to use bow-bowe sounding words? Think about that.
Collateral Damage for US politicians:
The attack killed 2,403 U.S. personnel, including 68 civilians, and destroyed or damaged 19 U.S. Navy ships, including 8 battleships. The three aircraft carriers of the U.S. Pacific Fleet were out to sea on maneuvers.
On December 7, 1941 the Japanese military launched a surprise attack on the US Naval base at Pearl Harbor. The attack killed 2,403 service members and wounded 1,178 more, and sank or destroyed six U.S. ships. They also destroyed 169 U.S. Navy and Army Air Corps planes.
How many Navy men survived Pearl Harbor?

Honoring a Final Request During the Pearl Harbor attack, 1,512 officers, sailors, and marines were assigned to the battleship USS Arizona. Only 335 survived the "Day of Infamy." Many of these survivors were aboard the Arizona during the attack.
Most likely, the actual number of casualties was much higher. My opinion.
Full movie:
One more story shared by The History Guy. Involving Japanese submarine, sunk by USA.

My question is: why the hell did they even "need" to drop TWO atomic bombs on Japan?
Posted 4/30/2023 

Here are some screenshots reflecting above topics: 

Plus special SHORT about The Catholic Church providing King Charles this special gift to carry at the Coronation. 

Lolol πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜‚ - got any joke ideas? I sure do!!! 

This train is the Scottsman in UK...I happen to catch livestreaming and more - YouTube sent me this in my feed and I thanked them. They have a new CEO πŸ§‘πŸ€—

The full movie of HOSTILE WATERS - Reagan obviously had the navy hit the Russian submarine - TO INCITE WAR. See my notes above. Colin Powell was pulled out of the Soviet Union/East Germany troops he was leading - because he was making friends with them! That's my observation; nothing Colin Powell said, believe me. 
 Full movie, HOSTILE WATERS: 

They probably murdered him this past year. Richard Armitage is a CIA man. He was appointed as Deputy Secretary of State by GW Bush - Colin Powell was in Peru when they mass murdered Americans on September 11! He quickly returned to USA when he was notified. 

 The CIA was created by secret society politicians to develop organized crime to the point of a complete takeover of the government. AKA DEVIL'S CHESSBOARD; and they are promoting DIVINE JUSTICE as reason they are so corrupted. 

Obama is a CIA man. His grandfather was a CIA agent in Hawaii. His real father was obviously Malcolm X; Ann Dunham went to the UN before going to Hawaii, and was late registering for classes. She wanted to bang Malcolm X. And she was ovulating.  I've seen a lot of info on social media about that. The social engineers take it down but the truth prevails. 

Decide For Yourself

Copy, share what you want; make it your own statement. 

There may be repeated information here, I just don't have time to check 

.Incase you don't realize, USA is having an economic collapse and countries are fighting about who will put USA under their umbrella πŸ–️: 

     You take them .....No, YOU take them!

My dream reflected that! Nobody wants this huge blob of corruption! 


Documentary: The Hunt For Red October
Full Movie, based on Tom Clancy's book, which should be construed as nonfiction, many military who were there or knew people there - claim.
1989 Documentary on Hunting "red" subs
     (He posted the windmills were hard to spot and there were only like 100 of them)

I realize now you were using sarcasm. It was 4am when I responded. Sorry ((edited)
WTF - hard to spot? They are supposed to have someone in lookout all the time. Most likely the ship was bombed and they are keeping it quiet because Russia doesn't want war. (I posted the movie, Hostile Waters)
Video of Sal Mercogliano:
πŸ’¦πŸ™πŸ’™πŸ’¦ - time to pray because USA is facing its Music!

Perversion Of Justice: The Jeffrey Epstein Story

1 hr discussion of this book on 

The Commonwealth Club channel

Posted 5/1/2023

Fun concert for Labor Day - Cristofer Cordova and friends πŸ’™πŸŽ΅πŸ’¦ 

Going Stag? Stagflation

Pablo Ship just has a typical fire? WTF
Great time for leaders to WASTE MONEY - USA is the best at that! Americans mass murdered Americans on September 11! 
We don't know if it was bombed or not! That other ship with a hole, claiming it ran into a windmill like the didn't see it - is another possible bombing - and CIA are notorious for inciting war, blaming another country! Americans mass murdered Americans on September 11! 

Ship has a large hole yet Prof Mercogliano sides with them saying "They didn't see the windmill" when there are 100 windmills and someone is always required to watch where they are going. 

    Who's ship is Petra L? Poland's? 
My comment:
It's not like they were trying to hide it. WHEN WAS THE WINDMILL ERECTED?
No damage to the windmill? Why don't they show the windmill?  Someone on the video comments claims no ship can hit a windmill like that without damaging the windmill. 
Phillipine ship almost rammed China's ship
1min video: 
My comment response: 
You just used #StupidAsAWeapon - those of us who keep up on the news are well aware how corrupted Phillipines are! Look up Mike Aquino! Dancing toe to toe with Clinton Crime Syndicate - is a Phillipino who managed to get an intelligence job in the USA military! He created the Satanic Temple Of Set in San Francisco! He's a career criminal. The Marcos Family are back in Phillipines and are trying to recover their wealth which was nefariously obscunded. You don't think USA politicians didn't steal it? They've been trying to take down the British Monarchy for Decades - to steal their wealth and power. What these American elites fail to realize is - the Monarchy serves the UK and has real bonds that cannot be matched by the fly-by-night politicians in USA who consider anyone as collateral damage! Americans mass murdered Americans on September 11! 

Video on "The economy doesn't appear to be crashing and here's why" πŸ¦…I'm impressed with Clear Value Tax channel. He's a great speaker, very organized; engages more thought in comments. I think his optimism inspires hope that we'll get through this. But I also think we are facing shtf 

My comment:
The UI is not high because people's UI expired - niw rhe politicians are pulling a SCAM by obscunding Medicare Funds ADDING Medicaid to MEDICARE - it's completely Fraudulent! Additionally, they tell MEDICARE recipients to APPLY! If they are already recipients, they already qualify - this is a CRIMINAL TRICK to drain MEDICARE!  Tell Ibama to put back the $1trilliin+ he stole from the economy with the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting FRAUD. 

Adam Lanza wasn't even a real person - the name idea obviously came from the name of a prominent NAZI! Adam Lansa! 

Follow up by Michael Cowan - this is the calm before the storm 
(Charlie Munger warns)

Posted 5/1/2023 

4min news video
Australia is hopeful because a large trading partner, China is doing well economically. 

Posted May 2, 2023 ??? 


     Some screenshots at end of this section, which may interest you πŸš‚ 

Blame it on the Suisse - makes JP Morgan look like a virgin bank!

    Cold Fusion channel

Bank's leader was first non-Swiss ...this fallout seemed to help Obama get a free NObel Peace Prize for NOthing!
tidΚ’an tiam]; born 29 July 1962) is a French and Ivorian businessman, and the executive chairman of Freedom Acquisition Corp.
Comment regarding the repeated "This is Cold Fusion" audio...
My response Comment:
Yes, a few times on my device too. Though I consider over 90% of his work, spot on, I'm not impressed with this one. The corruption in USGov is so deep and constant. I was actually angry that USA sued Suisse Bank - WTF is it their business? Lewendowsky in NY  sued FRANCE and enriched his pocket and the USGOv - during OCraphead admin! Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was FAKE! Obama stole over $1Trillion!

     πŸš‚ Lewendowsky accused France of having trade with Iran without paying international fees of some sort.
πŸš‚Obama claimed publicly before that, that he was against those fees!
πŸš‚ Lewendowsky got big awards for the shit mess restructuring NY echelon Gov including sending all insurance claims to Chicago, IL - deleting the Insurance Dept! Yet they said "Economic And Security Dept handles insurance cases now" ...I said, so why the hell did you send MY New York case to Chicago IL, which has no jurisdiction? They didn't do a damn thing about it! I filed a claim against the Illinois department that had my case--I was almost murdered by a man getting on the train in front of me! I'm targeted by the criminal underworld! Giving me "popularity" gives THEM popularity! It feeds their narcissism! Also, like with any disaster created by dirt bag politicians, the media have a frenzy and use it as a distraction!
πŸš‚ #JPMorgan-ChaseHeaven is where the claims went!
Understand the #DevilsChessboard!
Obama used it as a another fake reason that Obamacare will save the day, when all it did was enrich the crooks, destroy society all the more! And people like Trump enjoyed a lot of easy money - he was democrat! He switched to being a Republican to help the Democrats! A type of trick Hitler did, to Trump the 2 parties with the NAZIS - and they are salivating like a "creature from the black lagoon" (movie) eager to destroy everything in their path, like was done to Germany by just 10% of the population!
More notes to consider:

1.  BTW, the Suisse Bank leader was first non-Swiss.
   Born in the ivory coast of Africa.... family were elites...I don't know what they did... remember Jeffrey Epstein was called an elite! ,(NYTimes article: The Short Tenure And Abrupt Ouster of Banking's Sole Black CEO -;written a few months before 9/11/2001, so think about that, too!)
tidΚ’an tiam]; born 29 July 1962) is a French and Ivorian businessman, and the executive chairman of Freedom Acquisition Corp.

2. Prior to this Suisse collapse, three unnamed banks collapsed in USA (and when was ENRON taken down? Consider that)

3. Alfred Esher, founder of Suisse Credit Bank - first priority was the train business πŸš‚

4. They established their presence in USA after WW2 (no mention of they funded Hitler like USA did!)

5. This was instrumental in RESTRUCTURING EU's economy. They became larger and larger (after the huge genocide of 11 million people in Germany,  6+million Russians murdered by Stalin himself, how many murdered by Mussolini as part of the Satanist peoplescaping as eugenics is applied...) And millions who died from WW2.

    a. Common political thought to wash it all away: If it wasn't for that, USA wouldn't be friends with Japan and Germany - no mention of Russia, after all, the dirt bag politicians resented Russia for being the only ones who conquered NAZIS! Another narcissistic/criminal underworld reason to fund Ukraine to attack RUSSIA FOR YEARS, beginning with Obama letting George Soros to give Ukraine $1Billion FOR WEAPONS, which is a deliberate international crime!
   b. USA was known for beating slaves even to death! πŸš‚What kind of person kidnaps even people native to the land and does that? πŸš‚ Kurimeo Ahau channel provides truth on the use of slavery for profit in USA as well as other parts of the world. 

6. 1980's and 1990's - more prestige, influence built in USA, by Suisse Bank.  At 3:08min CF says "Rapid Growth:
    *risk abandoned
    *It's growth at all costs

Leading to dangerous behaviors

7. Accused of Hiding Iranian transactions from authorities in 2006
πŸš‚Obama accused! #KnowTheEnemy #EnemyWithin #DevilsChessboard by JESUIT Illuminati Freemason Satanists πŸš‚

8. What parallels with that? Lewendowsky in NY. Becomes first Director of Economic And Security πŸš‚ After deleting the Insurance Dept!

9. UBS - the closest competitor to Suisse Bank
     a. Not JP Morgan - Chase, which only wants Monopoly, downplaying risks to make money the criminal underworld fashioned way-they steal it!

10. Suisse Bank recovered after 2008 crash
     a. I wonder if the billions OBAMA gave to CitiBank overflowed to them

11. Reverse Psychology or Guilty by media? scandals on taxvrvasion emerged. Article: "Credit Suisse hid over $700 million from US Dept Of Justice, claims Senate" employees were arrested in
(They were probably the good employees and Obama was peoplescaping for the criminal underworld he's a part of: Jesuit Illuminati NAZI Satanist FreemasonsπŸš‚

12. #Major Scandals BEGIN " (Sure, now that they got rid of the good guys!... Welcome Lois Lerner, et al!) Eric Holder "investigates" (obviously with the help of the TECHNOCRACY frauding records!)
    a. How the flying f*k can this be illuminated now - when mandatory audits would uncover it all - where are the audit reports and auditors?
    b. Eric Holder, 4:22 min: They failed to take even the most basic steps to ensure compliance with tax laws"
    c.  Obviously the TECHNOCRATS had an easier time frauding records at the basic steps!
To FRAME people!

13.  Credit Suisse was found guilty in US courts - WTF πŸ˜’
"After pleading guilty" (They had a trial! They must have pled not guilty!) , The court ordered them to pay $2.5Billion (to whom? IRS? How much was given to the scumbag senators? Jeff Sessions may know...and when he became AG of DOJ and took down Alpha Bay the largest crime ring in the world, resulting in tens of thousands of sealed indictments,
Trump fired Sessions! TRUMP PROTECTS THE CROOKS)

14. How the hell can anyone consider Trump of any worth? He's done so much harm - got tons of laser weapons 5 months before he torched Paradise, CS - mass murdering people by burning them alive to ashes!

15.  Article: "Credit service Spied On Seven Executives, Broke Swiss Rules, Regulator Says"
    a. What did he regulate? Constipation? Considering how dishonest MSM is, most likely!

16. Note, Obama altered news articles from the past! I compared with my notes! NSA should have been all over this - but peoplescaping by the criminal underworld solved that!

17. Cold Fusion, 7:12min "Then something extremely suspicious happened"
     Trial/death of the private investigator. Last name Khan/Kahn - - that name popped up as frequently as
Boe/Bowe/BO/Beau did --when Bowe Burgdahl abandoned his post!

18. Cold Fusion was ok with the suicide story
   a. No executives were found guilty, CF wasn't ok with that πŸš‚

19.  Article: If Credit Suisse Tailed Anyone, Its CEO Didn't Know"
   a. "The absence of evidence is evidence of absence" - quote by US Supreme Court Justice - think about it! Did they intend "Finders keepers losers weepers"?

20.  7:28min, CF says "Everyone knew at Credit Suisse the CEO hired the spies" (film shows a black man profile)

21.  The Chairman, Head of Bank Security, and CEO all resigned (poor babies!)
   a. Does that mean whoever resigns their job are guilty as hell?
   b. If they were crooks, who protected them? CIA?
    c. No names of the resigning officers was given.

22.  CEO who resigned:
Tidjame Thiam
(prior ones were Swiss people, so who peoplescaped that?) I provided some info on him in notes above.

23. Article, NYT, by Kate Kelly: The short Tenure And Abrupt Ouster Of Banking's Sole Black CEO"
   a. Supposedly, Tidjane Thiam made Credit Suisse profitable again

24.  Look up BABAK ZANJANI
   a. He gained power through CIA and Clinton Crime Syndicate obviously.
   b. ZANJANI became an acclaimed billionaire through organized crime, CIA, Clinton Crime Syndicate, etc

25.  Consider when Obama embezzled 4-or-5 hundred million dollars in cash to IranπŸš‚Claiming it was to pay ransom for USMC  Amir Hekmati and others IN PRISON. Obviously a lie! The prisoner cases were reviewed and they were released when the cases were deamed insufficient.

No ransom! So who got that money? BABAK ZANJANI? They still executed him about a year later, as I recall.

26. Hassan Rouhani was an excellent leader and continues to advise replacement leader, Ebrahim Raisi.

I hope these notes provide insite for researchers to review, research, share to the public once everything is in order. πŸš‚

Posted 5/2/2023 

I just threw this in as a reminder, you may want to check his channel out because nobody does it better to inform like a firefighter; and he does want to put fires out. 
I don't always agree because he slants things, but he's a political science teacher and his wife is an officer in the Navy. He wants some meeting of the minds, besides dodging YouTube bullets. I don't think this new CEO is armed and guarded like the prior paranoid one. 

A person becomes paranoid when they stop defending themselves,or know what they're doing is wrong.  

These pictures were combined with Pablo Explosion - this is COLF FUSION report, which to my surprise, was faulty. He's always spot on. I took a long time - hours! - preparing notes about this. . where are they now? I don't know! This story on the Suisse Bank has a lot of twists and turns which he skipped over, yet play a big part in why this story was not sufficiently reported. 

Posted 5/2/2023 

Clear Tax channel

Video, 5/2/2023:

πŸ’²My comment: 

Expect the worst; hope for the best. Thank you very much for your information. But if JP Morgan is allowed to keep building their nefarious empire, we are in deep$hit! 

Michael Cowan is also on top of his contacts/information: 



I watched latest interview with Charlie Munger. Obviously Michael Cowan got "recent nuggets" from his communcations to insiders. He's 99 years old, and a very powerful person in the market. 

But don't ever see him say 

COVID is fraud; because death rates were lower than birth rates = no crisis even 


Americans mass murdered Americans on September 11

Trump torched Paradise CA with laser weapons he got 5 months before

Probably most financial experts are slaves to the US Government run by NAZI Socialism - Decide For Yourself


Comment on YouTube:

​@FleeTheScene 2030  You're supplying people with food to be prepared. Potatoes are a staple. Onions can be pickled - Martha Stewart shares a very tasty recipe for them. I can't can, I can't freeze-dry food. So I use my dehydrator, especially frozen vegetables. I should get frozen fruits too. Mary's Nest Channel gives a lot of information on being prepared and just enjoying life to the best of your ability. Fresh lemons can be placed in jars  and last for months. I just learned from Martha Stewart that some salt should be added to the jars, helping them preserve better. Keep in refrigerator. Glen And Friends Channel teaches Depression Recipes. Awesome. Fun to watch, too. I have a lot on playlists. I do what I can to save time for people to be part of the solution. I don't like living in this corrupted state, and am grateful to good people who have fended the organized crime off in my life. They love bullying me.  I had a teacher who said it best: 

God helps those who help themselves 

My prayers for those who lost their homes in Missouri, Alabama, Georgia, Arizona, Arkansas - from tornados. The financial model of Eden Homes in Missouri should be duplicated or simulated. We also have Jimmy Carter 's Organization, Habitat for Humanity. Resources need to be pulled in ad the same time this country needs JUSTICE.  Seize the wealth of those who have been career criminals! 

Remember, God helps those who help themselves first. You need a good foundation before you can reach out to others. Because some will take advantage of everything you have, no matter how poor you are. My father quit claimed my property to my brother. He promised to give him money when he sold it. He not only enjoyed a hefty

Business loan due to increased equity, low debt, but helped himself to the real estate money. My father sold his home and gave me $10,000 of the $30,000 I had invested (one of my two mortgages was paid off in three years) My younger brother enjoyed the power and with his wife's encouragement, enjoyed cheating my father and me.Yet my father would not even talk about it because he wanted to help my brother's marriage. I realized how badly he was cheated over time, picking up information when I could, having to work three jobs to just survive on, disabled from being almost killed by a sander truck filled with sand, 20 tons, having an attorney who talked my mother into signing a lawsuit after they got the neurologist to have me moved out of ICU prematurely SO I WOULD DIE. And it was touch and go. My mother signed the lawsuit documents, figuring or wanting to believe it was my fault.   I never had a conversation about my loss with that brother because I was unable to establish any relationship with him. That's what society rewards! Obama gave him $500,000 free money to increase his business. I read about it and it made me sick. He sold Amway too - which got him "in" with the elites. Trump made INCOMPETENT Betsy Devos, Amway Billionaire. Secretary of Department of Education! She only had a bachelor's degree and talked like a valley girl hooker. This country is on its last leg! 

The Commonwealth is the only answer! They are trying to incite war with CIA terrorism and more. Obama works in the background of Joe Biden as much as he can. 

China is not our enemy! Iran is not our enemy! USA has cheated them both! Even murdered good people! All to incite war! Watch the movie, Hostile Waters. Russia's submarine was obviously ATTACKED by a trigger happy Navy submarine, which had less right to those waters than Russia! Reagan probably ordered it! His spending was out of control to build the military, and now "needed" war! Russia was above that! They weren't stooping that low! Decide for yourself! 


ITM Trading 

Big Banks won't absorb losses, the public will have to! Scotty Kilmer makes sense! 


WARNING by   @ITMTrading "Consolidation of Power...when this thing explodes, the losses will be massive ...This is a club, and you and I aren't in it..

Wealth never disappears, we just need to shift it our way...Most people have hopium...If they want to close the market, there's no way out!...FDIC struck a secret deal with JP Morgan....JP Morgan absorbed Bayer-Stearns...This is all to put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig! BTW, on June 1, the debt ceiling will run out and Janet Yellin claims only it will run out....people taking money out of their equity just to survive...Charles Schwab is failing... Who's next to fail--Pack West? Western Alliance?...BE PREPARED" πŸ˜’ 


Titanic was sunk as a plan by JP Morgan and Bruce Ismay - my conclusion! 

Reminder: Americans mass murdered Americans on September 11! 

Modus Operandi 

 I created 3 or 4 blogposts, one which was tactically disabled by MICROSOFT WINDOWS. I need to take the time to get this fixed with my remote service's help. My landlord BLOCKED me from wifi! For months they lies about having repairs. An employee slipped by telling me it works. After finding out the new password etc I connected. As I was opening my Gmail, they disconnected me! They also haven't turned back on my washing machine and my clothes have been in it since January, when the maintenance supervisor, Victor, took a dump in my trash can in my bathroom rather than do his job by replacing the filter! 

And Yale University posted "Jesus is Victor" on the wall in the post office - frankly an obvious CIA/Skull And Bones Psyop. I could say more! 


Watch this, look for my comment with references to my ad-free unmonitored unmonitized blogposts (links) if you can spare the time watching. 

 Titanic Secrets Revealed - don't worry, this isn't Robert Ballard nonsense. Note, when HIS documentary first came out in the 80's, it was more revealing, truthful. Now it's 50% nonsense.


Posted 5/3/2023

So I Was checking my Playlists my YouTube channel and discovered the made them all PRIVATE πŸ₯΄

I changed them to PUBLIC, but YouTube stopped me..."You are changing too many playlists"....

I will finish this later..

Response to Prof Sal Mercogliano, What's Going On With Shipping
You reported that EMPTY ships were a PROBLEM; just yesterday an EMPTY ship was blown up! Most likely Iran saved the crew on board! 

Posted 5/3/2023

Sky News Australia praises TRUMP 😀

My comment

You disgust me to no end!
Trump is a liar, fraud, criminal!
Jeff Sessions was the best AG     
in Dept of Justice! He collaborated with other countries and took down Alpha Bay THE LARGEST CRIME RING IN THE WORLD!
Trump was pissed! Trump protects the crooks! He fired Sessions because the FBI had tens of thousands of sealed indictments,! Trump was bound to be arrested with plea deals! And the evidence would  be in plain sight!
Trump purchased tons of laser weapons to mass murder, 5 months before he did mass murder, burning live people to ashes! Obliterating Paradise, CA!
Trump fired Rex Tillerson  when he wasn't even in the country! All because he needed to get Mike Pompeo emergency immunity because Pompeo was facing military charges for having an opium factory in AFGHANISTAN so CIA can make $hitloads of money!
This country's elites rely on organized crime to feed their wealth - not progress! Not talents! Fraud! Obscunding funds! Embezzlement! Bribery! Extortion! Racketeering! And like Smedley Butler said and wrote about, WAR IS A RACKET.
Trump sabatoged Iran - which Obama was in on!
Trump murdered a beloved leader in Iran WHO WAS NOT ON THE TERRORIST LIST, like lying Mike Pompeo said, even claiming he was THE MOST WANTED TERRORIST IN THE COUNTRY! This is 1000% Organized Crime and you are fascinated with it? How much money were you given to say that? MSM is all about Pay To Play!

There are repeated notes and I will fix it later. It's 3am....

5 months ago, Michael Cowan said this, which is very important today:
What takes place at  the Coronation
Election -shmelection 
With Knowing Better channel
My comment:
Speaking of 
They all get their paychecks from the same place ..

And rents should go to the same place ...

And taxes should just be estimated and taken out by "U S - us....cuz

 we know what they owe 

Their tax program tells us so...

So we can tell the tax program users to use the same program made by Joe Blow....

After all, money comes and goes

Right through your fingers .

To our toes  πŸ€‘πŸ’²

I'm not sharing the video because I disagree. 
My comment: The WAR started with Obama funding Ukraine - an 8 yr civil war ensued.... LoL, wtf - Zelensky blackmailing USA? For you to even mention that is laughable! The CIA got this two-bit actor in power - forming a coup against the prior leader because THE USA WANTS WAR; #WarIsProfit 
Sky News Australia praises TRUMP

My comment: You disgust me to no end! 
Trump is a liar, fraud, criminal! 
Jeff Sessions was the best AG      
in Dept of Justice! He collaborated with other countries and took down Alpha Bay THE LARGEST CRIME RING IN THE WORLD! 
Trump was pissed! Trump protects the crooks! He fited Sessions because the FBI had tens of thousands of sealed indictments,! Trump was bound to be arrested with plea deals! And the evidence would  be in plain sight! 
Trump purchased tons of laser weapons to mass murder, 5 months before he did mass murder, burning live people to ashes! Obliterating Paradise, CA! 
Trump fired Rex Tillerson  when he wasn't even in the country! All because he needed to get Mike Pompeo emergency immunity because Pompeo was facing military charges for having an opium factory in AFGHANISTAN so CIA can make $hitloads of money! 
This country's elites rely on organized crime to feed their wealth - not progress! Not talents! Fraud! Obscunding funds! Embezzlement! Bribery! Extortion! Racketeering! And like Smedley Butler said and wrote about, WAR IS A RACKET. 
Trump sabatoged Iran - which Obama was in on! 
Trump murdered a beloved leader in Iran WHO WAS NOT ON THE TERRORIST LIST, like lying Mike Pompeo said, even claiming he was THE MOST WANTED TERRORIST IN THE COUNTRY! This is 1000% Organized Crime and you are fascinated with it? How much money were you given to say that? MSM is all about Pay To Play!

Australia and Canada are mesmorized by nefarious USA, which is failing, collapsing - wake the hell up. The USA needs to join the Commonwealth! 

1. Michael Cowan reports Packwest just collapsed and here's his current warnings 

2   Here's Clear Value Tax channel's take, showing as much positivity as he can - yet has a painful look like he's concerned people will commit suicide. That's my impression. 

3. Michael Cowan now says DEPRESSION vs RECESSION - chopping block is going to work overtime 
The economy is falling off a cliff!

4. Sky News Australia
Basically say 'Camilla is stellar, like a German tank' - completely ignorant of the loving support and understanding around her! 
And she should be referred to as Queen Consort #NoRespect 

5.  The MSM emulated Transgender Diana, who got a gender REVERSAL. What's disgraceful is they keep the spinning lies going! MSM moguls have diarrhea of the mouth! 

6. Australia and Canada are mesmorized by nefarious USA, which is failing, collapsing - wake the hell up. The USA needs to join the Commonwealth! 

1. Michael Cowan reports Packwest just collapsed and here's his current warnings 

2   Here's Clear Value Tax channel's take, showing as much positivity as he can - yet has a painful look like he's concerned people will commit suicide. That's my impression. 

3. Michael Cowan now says DEPRESSION vs RECESSION - chopping block is going to work overtime 
The economy is falling off a cliff!

Graham Steven talks  about 
Great Recession .....

The Coronation Service - Set Reminder, get notified

Posted 5/4/2023 

Video honoring a British soldier on Memorial Day 
My comment: Hastily buried? 
What about the two deputized FBI agents that were on their way to the Clinton Library with a warrant, since he used his computer for paedophilia/child-trafficking - and Clintons caught wind of it and had them beaten to a pulp, buried alive - and nobody even kept track of them with a gps to make sure they were safe, and by the time they were found, they were very dead? And Clintons got off! I know, "It's all in the past" 

And now there's a disgusting sex ad about men  enlarging their penis! Yet show a woman's hand!  And it appears to look like blood, speaking of "ritual"! 

🐦Trey Gowdy deputized them. What did he do? Say, "Call me if you need anything"? WTF How about wiring them since they were acting on behalf the FBI? Was this just a notch in his Freemason belt to get a higher degree with Freemasons? 
#WeWillNeverForget - those of us who actually cherish life over MONEY πŸ’°

 Posted 5/4/2023  

Copy, share: 
They are keeping me from enlarging it....

Here's a blank one Incase you want to make a better one, which would be nice πŸ˜‰ it needs cropping. 

Posted 5/4/2023

5 months ago, Michael Cowan said this, which is very important today:
What takes place at  the Coronation
Election -shmelection
With Knowing Better channel
My comment:
Speaking of
They all get their paychecks from the same place ..

And rents should go to the same place ...

And taxes should just be estimated and taken out by "U S - us....cuz

we know what they owe

Their tax program tells us so...

So we can tell the tax program users to use the same program made by Joe Blow....

After all, money comes and goes

Right through your fingers .

To our toes  πŸ€‘πŸ’²

Posted 5/4/2023 

Man takes role of mama for orphan cubs

Posted 5/4/2023 


Reminder: Bruce Ismay and JP Morgan sank the Titanic! 
(Americans mass murdered Americans on September 11, 2001!) 
Titanic, The TRUTH
Look for my comment sharing my blogposts on Titanic - or - look for Titanic Blog Posts in this TOC:
Thunder Flower 2021

History Of Money, 7Min
Really Graceful channel 
(I was angered by her belittling The Monarchy and Queen Elizabeth II; so I unsubscribed) 
This video is about the EVILS of money; yet we all need it to live on so keep that in mind. Put πŸ’° money on the table. Does it hurt anyone? 
My comment: Bitcoin is nothing the Monarchy has supported - and have done all they can to head them off at the pass. 

Man takes role of mama for orphan cubs 

Two months ago, President Putin's Speech πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί 

2min video, emphasizing UKRAINE INVADED FIRST! 

My comment: Yes, finally I see reported the Truth - Ukraine Invaded FIRST! USA funded it starting with Obama! 

 πŸ”₯WION TV  
Video interview - one year after President Putin had his military destroy weapons to drive out the Ukrainian terrorists.

πŸ’₯Fred Weir? Journalist? Reporting as an expert? How much did USA pay for his spin? He's lying. 
My comment: This man is lying. President Putin specifically told what he was going to do and had no intention of invading - that's typical Foreign Relations by USA - lie, lie, lie -- Putin set out to destroy weapons supply units - BUILDINGS, not people! Ukraine and Russia are like Canada and US as far as relationships go. USA contracted Zelensky to be a CIA asset to INCITE WAR with Russia because #WarIsProfit #WarIsARacket - See it for what it is!
 Ukraine INVADED FIRST - OBAMA's administration funded it after he let Career criminal George Soros  pay $1Billion for weapons - an international crime!  
Posted 5/5/2023
Just past Midnight of 5/4/2023 EST 

(Suggestion: subscribe to Michael Rossi)

Comment on video (link below)
You need to clarify the statement. Then again you could be a bot or CIA Psyop. The statement has no value and nobody should respond - but another Psyop may to generate interest.
My comment before I fell into this nonsense hole: Give me a freaking break! Cedric Leighton Associates is a MILITARY CONTRA'CTOR - they "need" war for profit! This is all role-playing! I can't tweet this because ELON MUSK has blocked my account for over a month! "To Protect The Community" which is really to COVER UP LIES, DECEIT, FRAUD! Congratulations, Colonel, you must be buds with Phillipino Mike Aquino, former Intelligence Officer in the USArmy . Just guessing.

You need to clarify the statement. Then again you could be a bot or CIA Psyop. The statement has no value and nobody should respond - but another Psyop may to generate interest.
My comment before I fell into this nonsense hole: Give me a freaking break! Cedric Leighton Associates is a MILITARY CONTRA'CTOR - they "need" war for profit! This is all role-playing! I can't tweet this because ELON MUSK has blocked my account for over a month! "To Protect The Community" which is really to COVER UP LIES, DECEIT, FRAUD! Congratulations, Colonel, you must be buds with Phillipino Mike Aquino, former Intelligence Officer in the USArmy . Just guessing.
Posted 5/5/2023 at 1:10am 

​@ChiefGangMusic  You think he's a bot; I think he's a Psyop who has other Psyops role -playing . If you have time consider that. The QAnon BS is probably still flying around. After all, these psychopaths enjoy the name - CIA HQ is on Q Street, as I recall. CIA are terrorists. 


Speak for yourself, Stansbury FRAUD. - yeah, I saw that long video ad on Stansbury Associates. You must be "hurting" watching collapses which Stansbury Associates contributed to. 

I stand with Russia! Vladimir Putin is the best leader they can have! And he's got great people in his administration. 

   This Military Contractor claims 

It's Russia's Fault; now make me a MULTIBILLIONAIRE like Bush did for BLACKWATER, terrorizing the Middle East and Africa! 


I see a retired USAF Colonel making his media jabs about the drone and also notice, WTF, his company is a MILITARY CONTRA'CTOR - War is Profit! #WarIsARacket said Smedley Butler! 

The USA needs to become part of the Commonwealth Now. There's no accountability. It's constant organized crime! Americans mass murdered Americans on September 11! No plane could have hit the WTC buildings - Boeing 747 planes are PROGRAMMED to not fly that low in areas like that. They are AUAP - auto uninterrupted auto pilot. UNINTERRUPTED - the pilot can't shut it off. Their wing span is WIDER than the WTC - they don't shed wings. See my blogs - I think they're in the description of my channel. Check out the playlists I created and keep adding to. 

Do you know this journalist who speaks as an expert? He could be a CIA operative. Nevertheless, he's falsifying facts. 

Posted 5/5/2023 1:54am 

      RFK Jr - Running for POTUS - does Mafia have a grip on him, too? Keep that in mind. He works for Morgan & Morgan. He could just be good publicity for them, so they LET him run. Is he a slave to ORGANIZED CRIME? 

The problem is, any revolutionary event could align with COLD WAR

And we need to FIX THE ECONOMY

Stop the bleeding - don't add salt to the wound! 


Commonwealth Club of California

Maybe not really Commonwealth

I can't even comment without saying "Yes mastah" to their GotIT BS...#NoTrespassing! 


Who is Senator Wicker? 

He was Congressman when September 11 occurred! As I recall, Congress was in session that day! 

Websitehttps://www.wicker.senate.govContact425 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510

(202) 224-6253

ContactPartyRepublicanSenateMississippi 110th-118th (2007-Present)HouseMississippi, District 1 104th-110th (1995-


He was and is on the Military/Arms committee and in my opinion will fight like hell to incite war!

I'll be back - I suggest you do your own research. 

    Prime Minister Imran Khan treated like Adam Hussein! People in chat even said he was such a nice man! They injured him and it is reported as a bad injury! CIa will murder this nice man if they think it will incite war! Look what they did to Mohamer Khadafi! 

Video is on WION TV - which needs to put their Big pants on! 


I tried to open my audios made by a different app. 

When I try, it goes to Spotify, so I tried to take a screenshot, and IT BLOCKED ME. I took a picture with my other phone. And it won't let me enlarge it! Why? Do to security reasons? Certainly it isn't MY security! They require me to grant permissions to everything or the Hi-Q app can't be used! I have never had a problem - and could always retrieve audios on other phones, but this one - it is obviously manipulated by a BLACK HAND!

When they offer you a promotion, and have you sign an agreement THAT THEY CHANGE TO FIT WHIMS, that's reflective of NAZI Socialism! 

It still won't enlarge! I tried! The options will not show when I tap on it! Nothing above it, nothing below it. I moved it around -the PROBLEM phone is manipulating THID PHONE! See what they are doing? 



Now THESE screenshots enlarge but the PICtURE will not!

I need to stop using the camera app that is FORCED on this phone and the PROBLEM PHONE! 

A hacker changed my screen to make my letters WHITE, to cover up the crime I am sharing! So I change the text color from white to Brown here! 

See my blogpost; it's a hobby - not monetized or monitored EVER. If you see anyone soliciting for money for this blog - or a facsimile (I take my chances and invite anyone to copy) IT IS FRAUD. You could find the same info if you had the time. I'm just trying to save you time. #DecideForYourself 

    Also this comment: 

Noncombatants? They are psyops - either trained by CIA or CIA themselves who incite war. 

There's nothing wrong with being a noncombatant! Queen Elizabeth was a noncombatant! 

War is hell! 

War is profit! 

And like USMC Smedley Butler said, 

War is a Racket 

    (Political Organized Crime) 

The hackers reversed the screen color, to alter color of my text, manipulating what people see! These are camera pictures - using a separate app because the technocrats are manipulating the camera app - once this problem is given attention and fixed, they will do something else! They are organized crime! 

Posted 5/9/2023 

Posts are being deleted on my phone! 

Gmail is blocking me so I can't even use it! There is no way in hell I will fall for their Gotit CYBER CRIME! 

My shielding curtains went up, the meter showed great improvement in radiowave activity. But TODAY they are spiking and the construction is still going on outside. Are they building WEAPONS? 

MARTHA STEWART endorses this beautiful cookware set πŸ€—πŸ’›

Posted 15May2023 

         More political Propaganda and spin by media!

My response:

1. First seizure! The ship ran into Iranian ship!
Yet USA claimed they hit a windmill, which was not even logical. 

2. Second Seizure. USA confiscated an Iranian vessel! USA claims to be police of the world, when they even mass murdered over 3,000 on September 11 on their own soil, lying about it being the Middle East! Even a ship expert would know that no Boeing 747 could have even hit the WTC bldgs,! The CIA bombed the Oklahoma City Murrah building, ordered to kill as many women and children as they can to use as a distraction!

On Friday, the Reuters news agency reported the seizure of the vessel came as a response to the confiscation of an oil tanker by the US in an effort to enforce its unilateral sanctions on Tehran.

3. No reports yet  on internet; most of which is propaganda! 

     Note, my word spelling is nefariously altered by Artificial intelligence! 

You had mentioned Shipping companies hold the same address as other companies, to dodge lawsuits. Obama rolled that out, rewarding as many as ge can with US taxpayer dollars! 
My storage unit facility was purchased by Storquest - they have no agent of service; their so-called HQ address is shared by about 20 other companies, right to the office number! 
Storquest charged me insurance out of the clear blue, after having a unit there 10 years, and ut wasn't part of the contract. I said remove the charge so I can pay my rent! He said he would, but didn't. Instead the moron sent me a "Termination of Lease" which was illegal, beeach of lease! The lease specified my rent would have to be over a month late. It was nit even delinquent! There were a number of other stipulations also! Such as sending the customer a late fee notice and warning the lease would terminate if not paid by a certain date. 
I told them they firvedbme to file a small claim. They didn't even file an appearance, which is automatic default in my favor ACCORDING TO LAW - byt tge hudges break the laws gere all the time! It is a cery kawless society here! The Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting was a HOAX! Obama cheated the economy by iver one trillion dollars! Adam Lanza wasn't even a real person!

They frame themselves! Technocracy are Organized Crime! 

Posted 5/16/2023    

Enjoy this 14-min video of adventure bird πŸ¦πŸ•Š️ watching in Wisconsin! 

Posted 5/17/2023 

My Comment on video (link below) 
You need to clarify the statement. Then again you could be a bot or CIA Psyop. The statement has no value and nobody should respond - but another Psyop may to generate interest. 
My comment before I fell into this nonsense hole: Give me a freaking break! Cedric Leighton Associates is a MILITARY CONTRA'CTOR - they "need" war for profit! This is all role-playing! I can't tweet this because ELON MUSK has blocked my account for over a month! "To Protect The Community" which is really to COVER UP LIES, DECEIT, FRAUD! Congratulations, Colonel, you must be buds with Phillipino Mike Aquino, former Intelligence Officer in the USArmy . Just guessing.

You need to clarify the statement. Then again you could be a bot or CIA Psyop. The statement has no value and nobody should respond - but another Psyop may to generate interest. 
My comment before I fell into this nonsense hole: Give me a freaking break! Cedric Leighton Associates is a MILITARY CONTRA'CTOR - they "need" war for profit! This is all role-playing! I can't tweet this because ELON MUSK has blocked my account for over a month! "To Protect The Community" which is really to COVER UP LIES, DECEIT, FRAUD! Congratulations, Colonel, you must be buds with Phillipino Mike Aquino, former Intelligence Officer in the USArmy . Just guessing.
Posted 5/5/2023 
     Who is George Gammon? Just someone who learned how to play the market and get rich off it! I subscribed and then unsubscribed. 

Decide for yourself

Oil Market - why USA is imploding 

My comment: Fraud! US Foreign Policy sucks! 
They made tornados to destroy many homes! Where I live Housing inspection process is made SECRETe - they dont even publicizevthe housing codes! That way they can rig it get rid of people who have the nerve to expect accountability, administration of the law, and OMG - DECENCY! The highest paid person in Connecticut is obviously a fugitive from justice, thanks to the CIA giving him a bew identity, to prove what? "Yes we can" Not production. Not ability. Not intelligence! Former Waterbury CT Mayor Phil Giordano was sentenced to Life for raping and molesting his victims! His sentence was underservingly reduced to 37 years - and voila, he's in two prisons at the same f*king time and nobody cares because the judges were paid off! A month after sentencing, he looks different from plastic surgery on his eyes - obviously done by CIA operative RAND Paul! Ron Paul is a CIA agent! Two uncomes for the same time! Russia kicked him our! They could have killed him for espionage! But the liars would say Russia killed a good Christian man bla, bla, bla. 

Dan/David Cordani (he apparently can't remember his own real fake name) took on the last name of a crooked kudge - so darn crooked he could care less about the law when you even cite it to him! CORDANI - and there's no freaking resemblance! 

Has Phil Giordano been picked up and this organized crime arrested? No! Not tet! And it's been two years that I gave said this over and over - and I know they try to kill me, poisoning my food, illegally entering my apartment, and more! Where was JP Morgan born? Connecticut! OMG, they make him an icon here! He and Bruce Ismay sank the Titanic! They made at least a trillion cooking the books of the richest people in the world, WHO DIED - looting the ship, having access to their safes! They were assured they can return to the ship but need to get off because it was uninhabitable. It won't sink. What's more, CPT Smith turned on the watertight doors. Literally locking 1,000 people in the lower portion, drowning the ones who didn't die of explosions! 
I gotta say, It's refreshing you aren't pushing the end of the world - the social engineering of that idealism is designed to lead the horse to poisoned water and make him drink! 

Video on how money is made
You said the Fed  can't print money. I realize that. Timothy Geitner was so good  at counterfeit printing for Obama that TRUMP, who is a Democrat in Republican clothing (aka FRAUD) kept Geitner on, firing a lot of Republicans! Including Rex Tillerson who he flew to his office and begged to be his Secretary of State! He had to get Pompeo the crook emergency immunity since he was facing military charges for not doing away with the CIA opium factories in Afghanistan! The USMC had to bomb them! TRUMP fired James Mattis! How the hell can't anyone see all this? Trump purchased massive laser weapons 5 months before he torched Paradise CA, burning LIVE PEOPLE to ashes! ..

Yet in this video 3 min later you inject that the Fed can print the base money - that was a bad choice of words,Sir. Just want to point that out.  
This is the last time I'm watching his videos. Who the freak even cares what Zolton P says? He's really saying, "Dang! They caught us with our pants down!" 

My comment: 
I'm just kind of creeped out you made so much money wih a "everybody's doing it," image - apparently you learned how the books were cooked by the crooks. And Martha Stewart gets the book thrown at her for what - nothing different than anybody in her circles were doing. I'm just picturing the dynamics. If you really want to get to the bottom of it, this begins with the freemason derilicks who King George didn't miss when they left England to "settle" what used to be known as "The beautiful country" and a genocide of Natives took place, including enslavement - very few were actually Africans. 

Lol,but not really LOL. i just heard you claim Russia invaded Ukraine. 

Ukraine invaded for 8 years! Russia announced they were going to stop it by destroying their US-funded  terrorism weapons! Beginning with Obama letting George Soros give them a billion dollars to buy Weapons! That's an international crime! 

Your idealism is based on FASHIONED IDEOLOGY
Not expertise - snd thus proving how successful the dumbing down of USA  has been successful! 
Posted 5/6/2023 
The notes below have not been marked as posted. I am not taking time to check, so I apologize if there are repeats. 
I am also inserting this recording I published. Though was purchased by Spotify - and nobody's available including contact information not working, I can only say I tested it and the link still works - unlike what was done to my blogs at times! 

This is one hr of an illicit arrest, 2/4/2016 - it was at this time when the landlord moved the generator for the elevator facing my apartment, increasing the radiowaves - they use this as a weapon!...I made a sufficient explanation on this recording of when I was assaulted and illicitly arrested by Trooper Jon Naples, an obvious secret society member because he has murdered unarmed people on the job! 
The title was "Gangstalking police" - they changed it after I posted it, to "gangsta king" and I could not fix it. 

πŸ’₯ If you have time, keep listening. The next recording with Dr. Vernon Coleman explains that COVID is FRAUD...

if you look for him on internet, a NURSE named Vernon Coleman shows up - most likely FRAUD! They can be very convincing with their nefarious use of software that creates mimicks, etc. It can be very entertaining for entertainment purposes, such as Spiderman walking up a highrise, LoL...But the courts and law enforcement have an underground which frauds records. Keep that in mind. Dr. Coleman is NOT nurse Coleman! 

    I need to block REALLY GRACEFUL
My comment: YOU ARE MEDIA, WTF. And I REALLY resent your ungraceful respect for the family of history's best leader in the world. 

    Why do people keep asking why fewer attended the Coronation as if it was a discovery? 

My comment: 
SECURITY was tight. Look at how the economy is collapsing. WHO CAUSED IT? Certain people in the Aristocracy! Many of us don't believe Jeffrey Epstein died. See

 - I agree with her.

Whitney Webb has been a professional writer, researcher, and journalist since 2016. She has written for several websites and, from 2017 to 2020, was a staff writer and senior investigative reporter for Mint Press News.

Good morning! I missed it! Google stops my notifications when I screenshot. Was on Carlos Salazar livestreaming, was able to catch this after he finished. Very interesting spot! What a diverse terrain - and it's so cool your students love this πŸ’›πŸ€— I hope to send you some mail this week. They keep vandalizing and stealing out of my apartment when I'm gone. They stole a bunch of kitchen tools, one which was given to me 30 years ago, a spoon - And tongs - . They took some stainless steel bowls.  They took mixing spoons, wooden spoons, and more! All purchased at some point! 
    Most of it was recovered. I hope that if there is an international (not Made in USA) police declaring martial law--or other noble investigators --they certainly can have anything of mine they need! This country is so rittled with corruption! 

Roger The 6-foot invisible Rabbit? 
In hiding from the Truth? 
(Revised 5/7/2023)
Why isnt Roger Wicker pushing for housing for the tornado victims? His BS to help Connecticut is more proof of ORGANIZED CRIME in USGov. 
Where was he when September 11 happened? He's obviously a co-conspirator covering it up, just like he covers up the paedophile parties GHW Bush had when President - literally kidnapping children and taking them to the White House! Bill Clinton is his illegitimate son! That's why GW Bush isnt a junior!

Operation Co-conspirator! 
Wicker was a Congressman when Americans mass murdered Americans! Specialty is ARMS/military!  They used Military grade explosives when wiring the WTC buildings AND loaded the drones that hit the WTC! Probably buds with John Bolton, probably ring leader getting the explosives because he had direct access!
Russia intercepted 22 drones? Media reports Russia claimed to say that.

(Pic) RMS Lucitania (sinking) 
Post in YouTube feed 
My comment:
Looks like it had 4 funnels - yet many claimed Titanic was first to have 4 funnels (but one was FAKE and it only had 3 engines, not 4 because Bruce Ismay cut the budget. The original designer got mad and quit, saying he was jeopardizing the safety of passengers. The  large fan was designed for four, not Three engines, and no modifications were made.) 
 Comment on video - link provided...Are media withholding important information as much as they can?


Would you wear fungi clothes? 
     No, I was wrong😱...I was misinformed on internet and didn't question it because I was working on a number of things....😳
NOVA is wrong.
Tonga was FAR from being the greatest explosion that ever occurred. Only a minor tsunami resulted. 
Correction 5/15/2023 - I was wrong,there was a major tsunami; yet the clever natives lost only 3 people. 

Video on putting up shade cloth over the greenhouse

Video? Did I forget to post it? Was it deleted from these notes? 

It's a great video - search for it. 

My comment on GOSHEN FARMS:  (edited for this blogpost) 
I had to get curtains made with radiowave shielding. They have silver and copper in them. That would be a hoot if it also reduces temperature because I don't like the HVAC - everything is internet connected and they literally remotely control my appliances, turning them on and off at will at times. They won't admit to anything. They also illegally enter. I have Section 8 and miss living in the Midwest. Life has been so awful here in Connecticut. My curtains work well, but were $200+ each - I got a discount from - well, afterwards, my landlord must have been ordered to install grounding devices. The radiowaves are not danger levels, much lower, and I am having like withdrawal symptoms from DANGEROUS RADIOWAVES -  being so keyed up for years - and hopefully the damage to my nervous system will recover. One of the symptoms it causes is sleeplessness. See Joe Imbriano's website, - or try to go directly to - I shared it in a few blog posts. I will look and provide the links here.
πŸ€—πŸ’› Happy Mother's Day ❤

I don't recommend your children look over these links. Life has been made so manipulated and complicated. I pray πŸ™πŸ’™ for a successful, blessed by the heavens, reset - not the hijacking which is occurring now, including wanting to force us to use digital currency, aka CBDC. I pray for better days from this cold war. US politicians are trying to incite war with any country they can - to feed their beast they call the economy. Foreign countries are literally standing down and watching USA implode financially since the structure is built on lies. For months I couldn't use Twitter and YouTube was disabled too - I'm sure by the former CEO. Though she was replaced by a more reliable one, She's been allowed to still access accounts as a "consultant" - just now, I see I can now post my comment for the first time in a while. I worked on creating playlists and my blogposts. FYI ❤
Link for this blog post: 4/5/2023 - someone or some thing (AI) placed this date here! 

Table of Contents (not up to date) - but I have updated 65% or more since I had some free time. I need to finish it up yet. 

I do my best to keep up, though this is 100% hobby. Copy what you want, share as your own statement. (someone had to decide to make notes available without hitches and no cookies, etc, so I decided to. I'm disabled from being hit head-on by a 20 ton sander truck after telling a stalking sex trafficker to leave me alone, he was a pig. They set me up, calling me to work when I was on vacation, destroying my car brakes, and using a spotter so he would know when to drive the wrong way on my side of the road. I was cheated by the attorney who was obviously connected to this organized crime. I was 18 years old and over the years, have suffered more because of the injuries and having such a very hard life from corruption following you have an idea where I'm coming from. God bless) 

      C O M P R O M I S E D
Update on CORBETT REPORT: he is compromised and maybe his prior videos are still useful, but he really made the BS fly when he recently did his hatchet job on the monarchy! 
     C O M P R O M I S E D
Really Graceful must have been paid off as well! 
     πŸ’₯A great way to prep viewers with social engineering BEFORE QE2 WAS POISONED! I'm sure that is what killed her! She had been in good health! πŸ’₯

Thunder Flower 2021

Posted 5/18/2023

I am blocked to tweet this but I am sharing it on my blogpost:
Russia destroyed large US-Funded weapon before they could kill more people! 
Posted 5/18/2023 
4:24 a.m. 

2 hr Video with Whitney Webb, guest 
PBD channel - I'm not subscribed
My comment: 
The questions that PBD made about Trump leads me to believe Trump gave his channel money. Trump is a career criminal! George Soros gave him $250 million to run "against" Hillary, Soros also paid Hillary! Soros wrote off $250M financing Trump Tower!
Soros ' wife is Chinese! His criminal ops have been suppressed since XiJinPing became President - so Trump got Canada's PM to arrest Xi's daughter, CEO of Haweii! She did nothing wrong! They do all they can to incite war! Iran's General Soleimani was murdered by Trump, so is PBD in a pay to play with Trump? Hopefully not! But he needs to do his freaking homework and not sleep with criminals!  
5/18/2023 - posted 8:40a.m.

11 min with Graham Steven - on What's Going On With the housing market. 

My comment: 
Bill Gates is evil, a liar. Why donyou even waste your time with this? Did he pay you off? His wife is a MAXWELL. Good grief! Follow what he's doing - not saying! Satanism - Illuminati -Jesuit Freemasons -- they are so reliant on Technocracy! They use beehive technology! And more!  You will never know what he's thinking! They are telling him what to say in his head! Take the red pill, take the blue pill...they are microchips they swallow! 

Rant/comment I made on YouTube: 
That's like strangling, stop, strangle, stop - the contracted killers did that NAZI torture to Jennifer-Hawke Petit and probably her 2 daughters. Yet even though the forensics expert made sure the court knew she was still alive when they burned her to death - not even Judge Blu gave a damn! And they kept the spin on wht Steven Hayes strangled her to death because of RAGE - angry the police called the house! It was all rigged right down to the police! A LOT of state troopers, and probably police,  I'm sure the good ones, left their jobs because of this haneous multiple murder! Not because of not being able to investigate murder but because their "comrades" were co-conspirators to murder. #CheshireCT (And Judge Blu put INNOCENT Raymond Clark in the Cheshire Correctional Facility!) Sorry for this rant...I really get pissed off by the liars who are parasites to the USGov.  They don't care. They will make a movie to glamortize it like they did with September 11 when Americans mass MURDERED Americans! 
(Most current ones added have frog 🐸 or tree 🌳 ticked on them - copy, share whatever you want - I don't take comments. Trying to save pro's time with resources to consider. 

Posted 20May2023

DEVIL'S TRIANGLE - made their own corner from their Superimperialism virus! πŸ”Ό▶️⏩⚠️πŸ”ΊπŸš©
 All blog posts are hopefully here; including my most current ones (frog 🐸 or tree 🌳 posted next to them) . I do my best to keep up, though this is 100% hobby. Copy what you want, share as your own statement. 

Thunder Flower 2021

I just don't get it how Ukraine is so forgiving to US for causing Chernobyl, they bombed a Russian nuclear submarine during COLF WAR (movie, Hostile Waters) and it"s okay to let the USA manipulate Ukraine to terrorize since 2014, and they get mad at Russia for destroying their weapons in 2022? Makes no sense and I believe Ukrainian soldiers are as confused as Germans when NAZIS took over.  

Posted 5/21/2023 

11min video on Borax, Boron, Boric Acid 
Posted 5/24/2024

Update on readings got worse 
They vandalized my door or what is near it. Repeated volt readings = very dangerous. 

I walked down the stairs for some exercise, and they remotely locked the door! They also did this to me when I responded to a false alarm (They have had MANY here) AND they turned the lights out! 

Posted 5/24/2023

         May 25, 2023 
Now this blogpost WAS previously hidden from me this morning πŸŒ… 
Happy #SunriseCT 

I made this comment:

I had a part-time job with a gift basket shop. Her brother committed suicide, she said, because lost his job with  in Detroit from the collapse in the 1990"s. I told her GM had a huge lawsuit with the US Customs. I worked for "s broker. I was the last one hired. The manager ineptly fired me without giving me any documentation. And I was refused thereafter! They had been bought out by a large book publishing company in NYC . I was refused UI and forget about UI doing a damn thing, I had corruption all around me. Even my 'Jesus Loves Me This I Know" sister refused to testify, saying "I wasn't there'I said, You Know I tell the truth and you say that? You we'rent there when Christ was crucified and never met him but that doesn't seem to be an issue! ...Frankly, I think the gift basket woman"s brother was planning to sue or something else, to report GMC. And they murdered him. His sister probably got his life insurance. He wasn't married. This poop ad keeps coming on when I share things like this. They also tried to get me to lose all this comment! The offensive Technocracy at work programming AI! Now a "Hello Fresh" ad is on! Depravity is their "Thing"

Then everything went haywire on my phone! 

My point is that CIA have gotten their jollies mind controlling people who allowed it - the bait was probably money. Or power. Or both. 

The poop ad came on to interfere with my comment - pretty damn gross, and they use it to hack my device! They kept trying to delete my comment! 

When that didn't work, they used "Hello fresh" - a Food ad! 
The Technocracy is nothing but organized crime! And they Are Dangerous! They are cowards who have no spine, and resort to FORCE. 
What a pig she is!!!
I took more screenshots but the technocrats deleted them! I say the continuous flashing as I took screenshots - I knew some a$$hole was enjoying their Cyber Crime - could be CIA terrorists! 

Posted 5/25/2023 

The construction workers are out there much earlier today. AfTER I posted the above! (7 - 7:30 am)

They began hammering...7:30 am 

They stopped after I posted this. "The absence of evidence is evidence of absence"! 

Two videos: 

1. First time my washer went on - since January 2023! - Because I was taking a video!    

2. It STOPPED after 8-sec video stopped! 


Posted 5/25/2023

Don't worry. Robins don't rob. They just like to play with the flower. 🌺

Coming up!

Premier on 

Empress Of Ireland
Sinking - by creator, Oceanliner Designs channel 

May 28! Subscribe, request Notification

Comment on YouTube:

My phone is hacked aggressively! I just responded to you with resources on why I have the opinion I stand with Russia πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί - that Ukraine invaded Crimea in 2014 and continued a civil war for 8 years, first funded by George Soros gave them 1billion dollars in private money, approved by Obama to fund
Terrorism.  President Putin gave a concise speech that he was causing a military action on Ukraine - I posted it in my Economy blogpost, since many want to blame Russia πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί for bad economy when USA has been funding terrorism for years - they want a world war to reduce population and KEEP THEIR NAZI-made wealth! 
My whole comment was deleted! Obviously proving the spineless way they control the population, which is blowing up in their faces! And I hope all their wealth is seized very soon - this will fix the economy and I hope they are taken out of society! 
These blogposts are not monitized or monitored. Share what you want. Make it your own statement. This is a hobby. I do not seek support πŸ’² from anyone. I hope to save people time in learning the truth and shared enough of myself to reflect I am a real person. 

🐸Ukraine Invasion Began in 2014!  

Ukraine On Fire 

Posted 5/26/2023 

I suspect NAZIS are also in South Africa - they refer to it as ZA! 
SerpentZA channel is obviously a NAZI! 


Queen Camilla visits Ireland school Library πŸ’š
My comment:
Queen Elizabeth II didn't go to Ireland for a long time. Her uncle was murdered. He was PM of Ireland, as I recall. I think Bruce Ismay hired someone to kill him! He and JP Morgan sank the Titanic πŸ˜’
Posted 5/25/2023

     SerpentZA channel - he's a f*king NAZI serpent from South Africa, claiming on the channel that he's an American married to a Chinese woman! Oh, so SHE didn't get citizenship in USA? But you did, you fake, fraud! Who funds you?


My comment:
The real disgusting thing is YOU, from Africa - not America, yet you claim to be American. Who funds you? Washington DC organized crime?
You should be removed here! Your hate speech on China is what's disgusting! Yet YouTube handpicks those like myself, who are against war, considering war is a racket, as General Smedley Butler wrote!

People, here is a small part of this fake American - propagandist:

In 2019, Sterzel moved to Los Angeles because he felt that he would lose his life or be incarcerated in China allegedly following threats by ultranationalist Internet users, who apparently accused Sterzel's wife of being a spy and a threat to national security.[17]

Following his departure from China, Sterzel's YouTube channel took a sharp turn into criticism of the Chinese government, using hyperbolic video titles such as "How China is slowly KILLING us all."[11

I gave this video a πŸ‘Ž

My comment:
USA contracted sweatshop after sweatshop making clothes! USA has done very underhanded things using slave labor, and child sex trafficking, adult sex trafficking! So your unpleasant reporting is blowing back in your face! The USA obviously bombed Chernobyl! They bombed Russia's nuke submarine yet Russians on board survived but 3 - due to their expertise. Movie, Hostile Waters comes from Tim Clancy's book, which was made as realistic and reflective of facts as possible. Yet they categorized it as fiction. USA contracted cheap China factories, with low-key specifications! They gave USA what they wanted. I feel sorry for you.

    More of the Serpent from ZA (South Africa) PROPAGANDA:

I have to retrieve and post my comment again because some asshole cyber criminal deleted off my notes on this phone, which is typical on my other phone - and what they have in common is the same service provider, T-Mobile and I suspect the District Manager bullying me for the Greater New Haven CROOKED Chamber Of Commerce, who serves and protects ORGANIZED CRIME! πŸ‡¬πŸ‡³
Around , Around the mulberry bush 🎢🎡🎢🎡 The monkey chased the Wintzel; 🎢🎡🎢🎡Pop goes the Sterzel/Wintzel 🎢🎡...
The real disgusting thing is YOU, from Africa - not America, yet you claim to be American. Who funds you? Washington DC organized crime?
You should be removed here! Yiur hate speach on China is what's disgusting! Yet YouTube handpicks those like myself, who are against war, considering war is a racket, as General Smedley Butler wrote!

People, here is a small part of this fake American - propagandist:

In 2019, Sterzel moved to Los Angeles because he felt that he would lose his life or be incarcerated in China allegedly following threats by ultranationalist Internet users, who apparently accused Sterzel's wife of being a spy and a threat to national security.[17]

Following his departure from China, Sterzel's YouTube channel took a sharp turn into criticism of the Chinese government, using hyperbolic video titles such as "How China is slowly KILLING us all."[11

He's FAKE! He says he's an American who married a Chinese woman. He's South African! Apparently got citizenship for himself only because he continues to describe his wife as Chinese! George Soros ' wife is Chinese. Mark Zuckerberg, who is Really Robert T Morris, Hasan Asian wife.   This is all a Devil's Chessboard agenda!
See through the FAKE, people! YouTube claims to be against hate speech and if targeted people say "boo" - it's hate speech. Meantime this propagandist spews hate speech all over in his videos, but that's okay, because he's obviously funded by organized crime, Technocracy 's "favorites"! Happy WTF Day!

Posted 5/27/2023
10:09 pm 

Posted 5/30/2023


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