WINTER 2022 to 2023

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Several notes are missing. 

Most likely an illegal intruder intercepted my phone when I wasn't here. 

2/24/2023 @gpovanman - I understand @XiJimping 's administration has begun serious demand for peace #RussiaUkraineConflict - I wish Media would respect #RepublicOfChina bc #ILoveChina ❤️💛🤗

 MOTOROLA is making my phone DISCHARGE, not charge when I plug it in at my apartment. They've done this before. I go to another place and it charges. 


Tweeted with 2min video 

Testimony of "best friend" - attorney

Recorded at 1hr 3min  


@KingCharlesIII_ @gpovanman @bobforgovernor @mfa_russia @EbrahimRaisi2 @XiJimping
#MurdaughMurderTrial #OrganizedCrime  #ClientSecurityFund so it wouldn't come out of their pockets #liesincourt "my wife tells me";then says "wife asks what's going on"

So his wife comes into the room. 

      Not sleeping with him

     Rather than wakes him up in bed 

         Telling him his damn phone is ringing 

     Tells him they just called and said Alex Mudaugh's family was killed 

    Then asks him "What's Going On"???

The attorney is choking....he can't scramble enough thoughts to cover all this organized crime up... doesn't care because the BAR has his back! 

    After all, the insurance EXPENSES should have been reimbursed to the insurance companies! 

Instead, they go through the BAR Association and take a huge chunk out of the Client Security Fund! That way, they can start stashing money elsewhere because that law firm's ass is grass!  

    That's like Dr. Petit saying he sleeps on the couch rather than sleeping with his loving wife he adored; and his alarm system wasn't even checked "I forgot" and they bust through his OPEN PATIO DOOR like a Red Skelton comedy movie I watched recently - 



I just posted on 


America's Last Stand fell down - YouTube took the ad down - maybe you can find it by searching 🤗💛💚💚🦅


I see I have to resume taking all my devices with me again because illegal intruders are altering, deleting information - and then tell the public I'm their friend and share MY personal information as if I told them, when they TRESPASS, STEAL! My personal notebooks were stolen! 

#IStandWithRussia - USA is imploding on their lies. Just as @KremlinRussia_E warned. They are very eager to incite war now more than ever! We, the good people are sick of their crimes! They need to plea to @KingCharlesIII_ for permission to join the Commonwealth! 💙🙏 

Posted 3/8/2023

Trump was impeached! He burned ppl alive to ashes at Paradise, CA! He bought laser weapons 5 months B4 that! Jake Morphonios reported it then but clammed up when Trump massacred #ParsdiseCA! He's a liar, fraud, thief! Biden obv murdered his family in 1972, sleeping w Jill! 

Posted 3/7/2023  

I will begin a new blog post, March 2023 


      New Blog post: Native Peoples Notes 

Thousands of years ago, there was a fauna that no longer exists. Certain animals became extinct in the #Amazon
Like mastadons and horses

Posted 3/13/2023

- also  My comment: Child politics! "Russia pushed me! So what nobody was in the drone and IN RUSSIAN TERRITORY... I'm gonna have NATO attack them again!"
USA is imploding and it's because of organized crime in the USGov!

    There are more notes but I have no time now....
Posted 3/16/2023 

Update on weaponized technology by landlord 5/24/2023 

Yesterday they had an industrial drill or even jackhammer within one foot of my door! I called management and asked what they were doing and they refused to tell me, saying they would have to go up here. I said "You should know what's going on at any location in this building! Don't you have work orders you can pull up?" They are so freaking stupid! The answers I got were so stupid! 

Most likely they did something to spy on me- the pictures are rigged to not show the graph - which turned all red, which indicates most dangerous levels! 
The graph BEGINS from left to right....the scumbag technocrats altered the picture! 
The radiowaves were spiking  to 8.5 but my camera was manipulated to not take a picture! This time I balanced the meter on a book and took screenshots. The first spike I missed was over 13 volts! When I checked this before, it would go up to 1 volt, 2 volts if I walked in the hallway. 

So they obviously did something to my door area! 

Posted 5/24/2023 

and manipulate my devices all the more - they block me from using the building wifi, which is an AMENITY! They turned off my washing machine January 2023 - here I have a load in it that's been there 6 months! The maintenance supervisor took a dump the n my trash can in my bathroom! 

I took another set of screenshots....
9:40 am

The graph showed all red lines! It spiked to over 13volts - I couldn't get that screenshot. 

So they obviously did something and are now spying on me even more - and what's next? An EMP attack in my apartment ?I am typing large print right now, yet they show very small print! 

I still can't use Gmail because of their GotIT bullshit blocking me! 

GMAIL will not update though it says update is needed! 

Posted 5/24/2023
10:02 am 


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