Take A Brake With Scotty
Link for this blog post:
💥 https://motherearthtoo2023.blogpost.com/2022/09/take-brake-with-scotty.html?m=1
Reminder 👍 God helps those who help themselves! 💙🙏
This blog is being compromised 😤 1/20/225
Reference links
1. Other Scotty Kilmer Blogposts
Oops.... I haven't done this yet.
Sticks and stones may break your bones;
But broken brakes may kill you!
Whether from being vandalized or from wear and tear - CHECK YOUR BRAKES EVERY TIME - BEFORE YOU START DRIVING!
Posted 8/18/2024 - now wasn't this the best minute message you could ever get, besides "I love you" from your loved one? ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Copied from fallontalon blog to MotherEarthToo2022
due to cyber crime 9/5/2022
A cyber scumbag enlarged all this so I will put it here so you see it: Free tax filing now 👍
Alphabetized Table Of Contents
Not up to date, but you can navigate on blogger for the current ones.
Take A Brake With SCOTTY
Became a car atheist
A N N O U N C E M E N T 5/4/2023
Copy, share - that is, unless you don't want to help people...yes, I see they changed my spelling of Thursdays to Tursdays...maybe you can fix it - my devices are hacked and harassed on a continuous basis. I had to keep fixing this small, itty bitty notice
They keep changing what I type and I am fed up. I'd live in a cabin in the woods from all the corruption I'm hit with if I could
Scotty is livestreaming Q&A on
Saturday at 11 EST
Thursday at 2 EST
posted 7/25/2024
@Scottymechanic I updated this blogpost with a train trip documentary, incl his trip to a German car museum. Hope you like it - from a fan of #ScottyMechanic
Update 10/10/2024 - Scotty is back to the schedule below:
Here's a blank one, knock yourself out...
I cropped it first. Maybe you'll want to leave the beautiful people on it. Or should I say, "handsome dudes"...they may just ride horses. Sometimes you can tell by the way they walk. Ha! 😆🤣😃 I'll probably get hit with hate speech again..by the psychopaths...
BTW, the psychopaths have a dream: control payroll - especially since JP Morgan is Titanicking ...he was so good at sinking that Titanic....CK out my blogs on Titanic, listed in Table Of Contents...Dear Customers, says @Scottymechanic
Read my lips: you have a license for a reason. Drive it.
Interesting ad on scotty mechanic channel:
mrcooluniversal.com - heats and cools - upgraded HVAC
5 Trucks that Rock says @Scottymechanic
Three Worst - Hybrids are #HighMaintenance says @Scottymechanic
Says #EpicVin is better than Carfax - #KnowTheCar #TryBeforeYouBuy
Take A brake with @Scottymechanic
1. Don't break the bank paying for school! Doctors who end up owing $1/2million have sentenced themselves to financial bondage. The education system needs an overhaul.
2. Speaking of brakes....
Who's making batteries for Toyota? They are cheaper than usual now....also Scotty said
💚 "I didn't Build it, I didn't break it, I didn't buy it. But I'll fix it" 💚 #EverybodyIsTryingToSurvive
Says #BraceYourself The car crisis just got worse 🚗🚓🚔🚖🚕🚘
#ReligionForBreakfast mentioned the 5,000 ppl who were fed in the Bible... @Scottymechanic
Says Don't wait 5,000 miles to change the oil. #TakeCareOfYourCar #SavageScotty
If your car is shifty, arrest it - says @Scottymechanic
In the interest of honesty 🙏
Don't fight fire with fire 🔥
Buy products that last 💰
Says @Scottymechanic
Guess what I'm watching
Tomorrow with my fellow cinemaphiles?
Movie about car racing 🏎️ vroom! vroom! #RevYourEngines #SavageScotty
#scottyshorts @Scottymechanic
Check your battery terminals and spark plugs #ColdWeather
@Scottymechanic's condition is
He's got ants in his pants 👖
Wouldn't this world be a better place if more of us did? https://youtu.be/u6Xzc8BkpFM
Says, No applause, just throw dough 🍩🥟 https://youtu.be/wfWnQ0LgXLQ
Up and under we go! Says @Scottymechanic
Much better than up, up and away - which would mean car heaven.
The US Gov is run by #organizedcrime - they prove it again w UNCONSTITUTIONAL lawmaking while the US Supreme Court has their hands up their behinds! Doing nothing! @Scottymechanic
Says they now created laws to order us what to spend our money on!
"My wife has a lead foot. What's the cure, Scotty?"😎
"Tell her to get the lead out"...
Posted 1/3/2022
This Falcon Rescue will blow your mind, says @Scottymechanic
And now he flies with it!
#ClarkFamilyCreative does
🎵🎶Pump It Up!🎵🎶💙😎⛽⛽⛽⛽⛽⛽
2022 will be very interesting to see how it all pans out...says @Scottymechanic
Posted 1/6/2022
Today is brought to you by COOLANT 😎 Says @Scottymechanic
50-50 is good. But if you don't know, test it. Match it on the strip. May be too acidic.
Looks out for the little guy😎
@Scottymechanic The #NavajoNation make it a practice to bless their cars.
If you don't have a banjo on your knee when you go to California, your #SongAndDance doesn't count, says @Scottymechanic
Posted 1/17/2022
Mama told me there'd be cars like this...my mama said 🎵🎶💙🎵🎶💙 sings @Scottymechanic
Is having a #BadHairDay - his hair conditioner doesn't work.
ABC's of #CarInsurance processes #MustWatch only 10 min to help you #BePrepared by @Scottymechanic
Posted 1/20/2022
@Scottymechanic sings 🎶🎵🎶🎵 Old McDonald likes this gas, E-85, E-85, O🎶🎵🎶🎵 with loss of mileage here, loss of mileage there... 🎶🎵🎶🎵🎵
Today is brought to you by Lithium
Posted 2/11/2022
Do the #HokeyPokey and it will make your car last longer😅 says @Scottymechanic
Sad News?
- I thought, #NoMoreStress 😛
- tomorrow is Ash Wednesday - the Navajo Nation has rituals with earth songs that end with a baptism of dirt. Our beliefs are so aligned with each other. Religion For Breakfast and Let's Talk Religion are good channels....
I like that blog called DIRT.
😱Scotty has bad news and sad news. The bad is prices are going up. The sad is "You're never gonna get an engine that runs perfectly" ...
@ScottyKilmer sings
Will they pay or pray 🙏 when
They go low 💙🎵💙🎶💙🎵💙🎶💃💃💃💃💃❤️❤️❤️
#Prices #UsedCars
#JumpStsrtIt says @Scottymechanic #ScottyShorts
Posted 3/8/2022
Crossover - no 👎
SUV - yes 👍
Livestreaming Now!
1pm CST 1pm EST
Thursdays #JoinChat
@TheBirdsNerd - @Scottymechanic
Is defecting to Canada because of #GlenAndFriends, #ReclaimedHeirloom, and most of all #MapleSyrup
1985 Camry - #StillGoingStrong
Sings 🎵🎶🎵🎶Wake up, Little SUV, Wake Up! 🎵🎵💙😎😎😎😎😎
Posted 3/21/2022
Spell Honda backwards and do a search! LOL, A company named Adnoh Inc - dba "Howdy Honda" retails autos and accessories. Provides financing, repairs, and parts. 😎
Adnoh, Inc
5519 E Ben White Blvd .
Austin, TX 78741
Today is brought to by Delorian and GM with @Scottymechanic
Explains why China now owns Toyota, Ford, GM, ... 🎵🎶Nothin could be fina if it's made in lovely China in the mornin'!🎵🎶 #AllMineralsMatter
Posted 3/26/2022
Sings 🎵🎶These are four of my favorite vehicles 🎵🎶To #MaryPoppins
Posted 3/30/2022
So far so good. Right now, it's a giant diaper. I'll have it done soon.
Shares 3ways to make your auto last 400,000 miles - vandalism not included! #RestoreHumanNature #BeGoodNeighbors
@cottymechanic says 'Bless me, Father, the car is sixteen"
Posted 5/17/2022
Have I got a deal for you! Says @Scottymechanic
Search unboxing - China's new carration is just a $grand!
My comment:
What did the elephant say to the naked man? "It's cute, but how do you breath through that thing?"
Which inspires me to say, It's cute, but how do you drive that thing? 🐈
Steven has been moonlighting - that's why he's getting special treatment from Sharky. @Scottymechanic
Picked him up in Rhode Island 😆@FallonTonight
Posted 4/20/2023
12min video on what cars and public transportation was like in the Soviet Union - https://youtu.be/-C6im6VWpHw
Posted 4/27/2023
This one is for King Charles...same stitch...black for "call to duty" AND RIP QE2 - I hope to stitch a silhouette of her on it ... slow going...I get sidetracked trying to solve my problems with a needle in a haystack. Plus, Incase you haven't heard, our economy is falling.
Check out my playlists - I have blogposts you can copy, too. Not monitored, not monitized. Ever. Anywhere.
Do what you want with my notes. Make them your own statement. Most importantly, take them to a mechanic wh knows what they're doing 😁
Recent ones:
This proposed tweet is up for grabs but warning, I have fallontalonitis that is incurable 🤫
Terrible News vs Renewable poopoo's - costing 💲💰🤑Billions to the Texas taxpayers 😮
Warning: if you use this as a Tweet, TwitShit will lable ypu as a danger to the community since this was my idea.
Twit$hit says they need to protect the community from me. WTF 🥴
If I could tweet, Id say "Up your valves with a rubber hose" says @ScottyMechanic
So I said this on Scotty's livestreaming
Don't forget to ASK SCOTTY on GOOGLE and check his store on AMAZON 😎😎
They posted I could not make that comment. I took a screenshot of it but it was deleted from my phone.
Posted 5/8/2023
@Scottymechanic says
Canada just made their economy bumpier by the billions and USA is following suit! #SleepingWithVolvo - #WhatsTheirAngle
Mama Mia, nice Kia
Keep a scan tool handy and go car hunting! The dealerships are going belly-up!
"Hey, Scotty! I saw your dentist in Missouri!" Now I want to go to China and see Choo-Choo's friends (Choo-Choo's story channel-could be too deep for some to watch 😅)
Posted 5/17/2023
...and some Q&A in Scotty's 10min video 😎
https://youtu.be/YFiA8d9M5X0Posted 5/19/2023
So....this is the moonlighting that Prof Nick's @GeologyNick wife does....🤓.....a smarter battery made of salt #MadeInChina
BABGEON - that's the magic word for today, for anyone looking for a used car. 🚗 ...and renting robots is only $9/hr.... Starbucks, eat your heart out!
Posted 5/21/2023
Cars have the flipping virus, says @Scottymechanic
Posted 5/22/2023
How to replace the gizmo that gasoline goes through and more
Don't Forget: Scotty live streams Today, Thursday, at 1pm EST - 12pm Central - 11am Pacific
And I missed it! 😱
Here's a chitty-chitty choo-choo story:
My comment:
That's awesome! Meantime USA is spreading propaganda and fear porn like crazy! I just shared this blogpost on a channel. It is not monitized or monitored. It is a hobby. Most recent is at the end of blogpost.
@Scottymechanic says
Canada just made their economy bumpier by the billions and USA is following suit! #SleepingWithVolvo - #WhatsTheirAngle
Posted 5/8/2023
Any solutions to help move sales for auto industry? Offer a consultant's proposal for a modest fee - which keeps economy running? And can be a good notch in the consultant's belt!
Scotty Kilmer
Ford is taking out AM Radios in cars
My comment: They hijacked our TV's too! Michael Powell was developing a doctrine that would prevent the egg jumping after yhe chicken. But they crapped on Colin Powell with media propaganda. And when Colin Powell resigned, Michael Powell did also.
Posted 5/30/3/2023
I came, I saw, I went....
Livestreaming on SCOTTY MECHANIC Thursday at 1pm EST for month of June ...also Saturdays at 10am EST for month of June.
Posted June 1, 2023.
Why do they allow such BS uploads? "Landon single-handedly investigates a FORD graveyard of trucks".....
Posted 2/2/2024
9:39 am
<Insert> Intriguing source I just learned about: https://www.websleuths.com/forums/
NEMUS/NAMUS is another crime-fighters org on Internet.
Posted 2/17/2024 <End of insert >
Is there someone you know in law enforcement who can re-investigate this murder? No reply expected 🕊️
Video has several episodes. You will notice where it is located in some of the screenshots....I would get up and do things, come back to it to find the episode started all over again...so the pictures aren't in order. I may make a few notes on some.
The big deals are:
1. How could the Harbor Master just ignore a dead body? When LIVE people are terrified, they give off a heavy, noticeable odor usually.
2. Was this a rigged murder ? Microbusts can be geoengineered.
3. The video didn't say he even called out for anyone UNTIL it played again! No check for someone unconscious. Obviously they would be covered due the storm - but he didn't even kick anything that was covered, or call police or coast guard to check boats
4. Where was the coast guard? Just because I state it here, they will probably tweak the video again! I may add more...
I'm being blocked from adding more to the end of this Blogpost - they have pulled this sh*t on me before!
"We couldn't tell if the Decomposed Body that didn't stink - was a male or female!"
I wish I stopped watching!
Enlarging screenshots is a royal pain in the a$$! The scumbag techs rig it so I can't! I have try different things to counteract their manipulation!

Cyber Crime is screwing up screenshots when i post them!
But they said there was nothing to alarm them of any danger to a person's life! 🙏 WTF Some a$$hole keeps pushing me off and someone else seems to be saying "not so fast!" ...I feel the struggle! And more added to insert:
Captions were still on, but they tried to keep it off! TIME TO BE AN Exorcist - shake the fum-ducks out of my phone!
A 12 yr old could have done better than them!
YouTube injected this ad to disrupt my efforts in getting captions to work for that section! Poor baby!! 🥴 And a big Kung-FU 😤to all these crapheads from having their heads up their a$$es! OBVIOUSLY COVERING UP THE CRIME! My head hurts! What about wearing a freaking bra? Good grief!!!Hello, crapheads: No fingerprints can EVER be taken from a dead body! The blood stops running and affects the print! Did anyone dust the boat? Or was that "none of our business" 🥴😠😤
Posted 2/16/2024
9:17pm AFTERMATH??? Next Day? Day2, when did he recover the boat? WHERE WAS THE COAST GUARD?
This was in the video first time. Nevertheless, I find it absurd he doesn't check for unconscious people covered up due to the storm.
OBSCUNDING FUNDS: MEDICARE FRAUD - using a company with no proven or achieved authority/certification results in giving money to illegals! Again! No mention of him contacting owner; vagueness in time lapses! No investigation to find out who owns the freaking boat? What are duties of Harbor Master? Obviously this was evidence someone was on it! Well, I'm probably done with comments - I get so upset when these circumstances occur! Deathly weather - no big deal? Now it doesn't block me!!!
HUGH LA MOUNTAIN changed to MATTHEW LA MOUNTAIN - ABIG No-No for attorneys to pull! They are a freaking member of the Bar Association and it is mandatory to use their legal name, as per registration!
Bubba doesn't work either, BTW!
They deleted Atty Craphead's pictures and the Uf showed - no doubt backwards for FU 😤
The ad was to f*k with what I was doing again!
HHOW About BREASTS, or NO BREASTS, which would have been a quick indicator of male or female? A hacker did this
Hello, my name is Hugh when it's convenient; Matt when it's convenient.... Weren't my parents wise to name me this?
That's how a CIA agent got in Gov, after he obviously murdered retired FBI Section Chief from New Haven FBI Field Office, Ted Gunderson! DeFrank - won the Johnny Gosh lawsuit case for a young man who was kidnapped and brutally sexually and physically tortured! He won a million dollars -:DeFrank refused to collect, and Ted Gunderson died from arsenic poisoning!
Posted 2/16/2024
Posted 2/25/2024
10:01 pm
I can't fix the gap here: hackers did something to it so I can't delete excess space.
@Scottymechanic mentions somebody at Toyota wasn't keeping their eye on the ball for these two cars....
Hey folks, @Scottymechanic and his son will be giving away fixed up cars soon. I hope there's a way they can determine incomes to help people who struggle and have families. Face it. These times are even going to get tougher. How nice of them to do this!
Hey folks, @Scottymechanic and his son will be giving away fixed up cars soon. I hope there's a way they can determine incomes to help people who struggle and have families. Face it. These times are even going to get tougher. How nice of them to do this!
Posted 4/6/2024
Hey folks, @Scottymechanic and he's on will giving away fixed up cars soon. I hope there's a way they can determine incomes to help people who struggle and have families. Face it. These times are even going to get tougher. How nice of them to do this!
Posted 4/6/2024
II tried to comment this tweet yet Google's pain in the ASSistant invaded my phone - like the others do on my devices: co-pilot, Alexis etc etc
Happy kung-FU 😤to them!
Hey Google, with only one ball, GET IT OUT OF MY JOINT!
Great talk by @Scottymechanic
1. Can't cars be made in China too? (Don't fight the right!🇨🇳)
2. Ukraine bombed #Russia's oil reserve; that increases
💲oil. (PS @AMercoulis just shared Ukr was hit back today-I hope this battle ends soon!)
Tweeted 😊
(BTW, Joe Imbriano's wife ❤️was born in Korea) - Should have tweeted BTS - I'll do that now😅
Eeny Meeny Miney Moreeah
Loves #MadeInKorea
Posted 4/12/2024
EV ain't Ever anything! Except pain in the wazoo!
PS, I didn't get a notification and nothing in my feed for live streaming today, Sat 11am EST 4/13/2024
@Scottymechanic - Today is brought to you by 1) Toyota Tacoma 2) Nissan Frontier and 3) Honda Ridgeline WITH a vibrating seat which was @ConanObrien's claim to fame when his studio was outside 😅 @FallonTonight
Posted 4/13/2024
I also put this in my NAZIS in USA blogpost:
#NakitaDavidson is missing in Alabama, and more #PoliceStandoff
Please see my blog posts for notes. https://thunderflower2021.blogspot.com/2024/01/table-of-round-tents.html?m=1
Share what you want. Thank you. @jeffsessions
Posted 4/14/2024
Tweet 🐦
@KremlinRussia_E @mfa_russia
Consider this article I found by chance - and consider the almost-free professional welders that TEMU (Indonesia company, FEMALE owner who invested bc rich from sewage industry) #ISmellARat which means #TICkingBomb which means #CreateDisaster
The LINK was taken off by CYBER CRIME! So I look for that Newsweek article and the Twitter subapp makes sure I can't find it!
1. Here is a screenshot I managed to take Incase they use CYBER CRIME.... because they constantly use CYBER CRIME!
2. Here are other recent screenshots to consider
3. I found the article: I typed this, so I hope it opens :
Here ye, Here ye! 🔔
Cyber crime can't cover up for Crimes anymore! Your days are numbered!
@XiJimping @EbrahimRaisi2 @KremlinRussia_E @JPN_PMO @PMOIndia @presidentAssad @IraqiPMO @InsiderWorld_1
Today is brought to you by knees ....Chinese ...🇨🇳 @Scottymechanic #ILoveChina
Says #BallardPowerSystems is going down the tubes bc they are part of the #EVAndME bizz acumen that ran out of supply source 😱 PS the name of Titanic oceanographer who began in the 80's is #RobertBallard who claimed he was The First 🤣
Posted 4/18/2024
Wheelin' and Dealin'
@Scottymechanic - all fired up and watch out for YouTube - bitch when needed! Stay on top of the game even if you're an old kitty 🙀😻😹 @GeologyNick @FallonTonight
stop and smell the sunrises 😁☀️🌻
The agenda is to switch the economy. Nixon changed it based on oil. He really f*ked things up by taking all the gold from Ft Knox. So the plan is to make the USD based on something else and Taiwan is targeted and funded with craploads of money as the CIA tries to upheave the gov - they've been rattling China for a long time and China is a ticking volcano about to erupt - most of us don't want war and yet the Washington DC psychopaths could care less about what we want!
what about Trumpty Dumpty? Both parties are crooked as hell!
This young man,
He played one,
He knows how
to have lots of fun
With a TikTok
give the dog a bone
He drives safely back to home
I ranted and thanked, not in that order🤣 🙏💙
This young man is going to continue to succeed in life! He's well-grounded! Keep it up! I subscribed but I'm an info hog these days so I don't know how many videos I'll catch. Please feel free to check out my blogs, copy what you want. Make videos. I do not want a world war! What's going on in Russia is very tragic - all because US dirtbag politicians have been funding terrorism to Ukraine NAZIS to terrorize Russia since 2014. Russia saud enough is enougg, We are going to destroy their weapons, and when they did, Zelensky placed citizens who didn"t know any better where some were stored, knowing President Putin's military would go there! They are going full speed ahead now, no turning back - no compromising with terrorists! Zelensky must surrender! The military should revolt, abandon post, surrender to Russia! They are dropping like flies and Zelensky is taking in teenagers for military! Barbarism is the trait that resonates with NAZIS. Their warfare has no strategy or skill, they just kill, kill, kill by dropping bombs! a cadence should be made of that!
posted 4/22/2024
this should be the picture attached to the tweet, but now that cyber scumbags CLAIM they can f*k up your camera whenever they want, take pictures whenever they want - it may not have been the correct aattachment.
says, This MAZDA is a pretty good drift car as long as you don"t mind putting a new engine in it every 60,000 miles. Tranny holds up well!
posted 4/23/2024
4:32 pm
@Scottymechanic 😎
says, "If it walks like a duck 🦆, and talks like a duck 🦆, it is an Inflation ReDUCKtion Act 🤣
Dear Cyber Morons, if it looks like you F*k up, it is a F*k up and Kung-FU4U 😤 .....I will paste it again and see if it works ...@Scottymechanic 😎
says, "If it walks like a duck 🦆, and talks like a duck 🦆, it is an Inflation ReDUCKtion Act 🤣
They really need to go back to writing on bathroom walls!
The scumbags hacking my phone changed it back! I should have taken a picture of what they did!
posted 4/24/2024
@Scottymechanic Great livestream today Scotty😎 thank you😁 Thurs at 1pmEST, SAT at 10amEST
<end of insert: 3 screenshots added> posted 4/16/2024 at 11:28 pm
@BlancolirioYT -
Explains #China is dropping prices to keep sales up. 🚗 What is USA doing? Still feeding greed, my opinion! ...OMG, Maggots fell on passengers on #DeltaAirlines I knew Trump was up to Make America Maggot Again!
posted 4/29/20249:05am
@@Scottymechanic @germaninvenice1
I wonder if those cars belonged to @EltonJohn💙 or @BoyGeorge💙or #Liberacci💙 🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵💙
reminds us, You can always move. Prople aren't trees🌳
posted 5/4/2024
i can't get past the welder ad...
X-tra special!
Facing idiot x's in UXA
you didn't notice,
the cyber crime virus is back on my blog....
So Twitter is named after President Xi! First Xi the technocrats did that makes sense! Safe Travels and #HappyMothersDay to your wife and daughter!
posted 5/13/2024 3:32am
Reports on Russia-Ukraine
and The Inkin Blinkin Spider Rock Star 🎶I thought we went to Qatar, We are stucknin US-fabricated War, I want my mommy, we're too Far🎶😚 @FallonTonight
@MayaRudolph @kingcharlesiiib
Competing w #LadyPeng @XiJimping
posted 5/15/2024
There are 5 - yet blogger placed them side by side so they literally go off the screen. WTF 😒
I tried it again, it does the same damn thing....wtf - screenshots side by side! they never allow that! And much info is lost from this cyber trick! I cannot post anything under it because there is no space!
Who is @erichunley?
He made this big revelation that Lee Harvey Oswald died - is this person chipped vy Muskovite himself?
Get a load of this too! I uploaded 6, it only posted 1 = wtf
I have to cut in here because I cant get to the end. Cyber Crime
Elvis' car found in junkyard....
posted 7/15/2024
Thats the best I can do here.. what a pain to just share a pic!
@Scottymechanic - "Train travel across the world"
While on his train trip across Europe, he drives the most current version of Mercedes. He actually said that the car was invented by Benz. I thought Model T Ford was first invention.
https://youtu.be/FS_AHXJbebQ?si=PqfpO4VNgTFtQ0Biposted 7/25/2024
I enlarged this pic, and the peanut wallery was removed = wtF
Reviews 3 cars that will last 500,000 miles+ - with help from his peanut gallery 🤣 #RevYourEngines
The pictures will not upload. i will restart my phone to see if the bugs go away....at least they got uploaded now...
posted 7/28/2024
Says there is a ton of good reasons to like it but a battery of tests not to like it. #FordF150
posted 7/29/2024
Incase anyone is interested...on sale at Amazon....I saw it in the window and couldn't resist!
🌻🌻🌻7/24/2024 - I have to squeeze this in because this blogpost format is preventing me to go to the end
has a store on @Amazon - here are some new additions, incl "Don't Guess - Test" & a sledgehammer - LOL, 😉good for making homemade sauerkraut-to-almost-die-for that phD @SandorKatz has taught for years 😋 Among other things like yogurt!
a few word screw ups were edited out on this comment. I get sick of the wordplay by technocrats. They should mind their own business!
posted 7/24/2024
Emphasizes the more dirt in your oil, the more wear and tesr on your engine. CHANGE YOUR OIL REGULARLY, and more
posted 8/6/2024
< @Scottymechanic
How to make your car cool😎😎😎 Literally 😅
https://youtu.be/4DRr7womaQ0?si=HGVRCtRQ1_CZONRz >
end of insert 11/6/2024
I had to insert this due to CYBER CRIME ~8/16/2024
Is anyone else besides me still in shock on how prices of vehicles have tripled and quadrupled in the past decade? We owe it all to Obama rolling out this rip-off agenda. Decide for yourself.
Gives a full review of this #BlackIsBeautiful #Pontiac
posted 8/13/2024
What the hell is this doing now....I had to insert this:
Says: Mary had a little lamb, she tied it to the heater; every time he turned around he burned his little seater. 🐑
That's how she tested it.
I had to insert this due to CYBER CRIME:
Is anyone else besides me still in shock on how prices of vehicles have tripled and quadrupled in the past decade? We owe it all to Obama rolling out this rip-off agenda. Decide for yourself.
Posted 8/16/2024
Says 🦨
Spray your troubles away!
Say no to nitrogen, says @Scottymechanic
You won't be able to just use air to fill your tires after that!
Posted 9/24/2024
.Google Assistant is hacking away - I disabled it seems they made it disappear so I couldn't make sure it stays disabled.last minute efforts to feed the order of Barbarians agenda! --10/14/2024
Says Today is brought to you by the Number 3 - 3 additives that make your car last longer👍
Posted 10/25/2024
Looks like the cyber criminals messed with my blogpost format after I said Temu sucks. I go by my experience on that one!
professional tool - no certification required - can it be used to destroy structures?
This is the welder that is 88% off.... 🟢 next: Cyber Crime:
These three
Ingredients will help your engine from losing oil:
Temu sucks but decide for yourself...so this jumps up rather than down, when I select the return key which is supposed to mean page down, not return to where you were typing 🟢 @Scottymechanic 😎 @Scottymechanic
How to make your car cool😎😎😎 Literally 😅
🟢That would be cool if Scotty or his grandson , etc could meet those young men, in Pennsylvania , aspiring to be electricians auto mechanic 😁 Video by @PeterSantenello
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