September 2022

 This is from 


He is one of the SALAZAR Brothers #Wuauquikuna - Look at his tie! Wow πŸ’›πŸ€— Incase it doesn't jump out at you, that's a grey wolf. 🐺

This is the design for his channel πŸ’›πŸ€—

SEPTEMBER 2022       
Pitstop Of Information

 These notes came from......... 

      You may like these notes too; Copy what you want:

........Webinar 2021 


September 2021: 

In Quest of A Multiple Economic World Order with Michael Hudson and Pepe Escobar - 2hr webinar

Rama Hadsuck, moderator

Henry George School

International Union For Land Value Taxation

Michael Hudson
Professor at Univ of Kansas in MO
Researchers at Levi Institute at Bart College
Former Wall Street analyst
Political Consultant

Teacher at University of Sustainability in Hong Kong

J is for ---- economics
πŸ–€Killing the host, the bubble, and beyond
πŸ–€ Superimperialism - the economic strategy of the American Empire

Trade Development and Foreign Debt in the midst of Aid

His books have been translated to Japanese, Chinese, German, Spanish, Russian

Pepe Escobar
Born in Brazil
Writes for Asia Times
Column for Consortium News And Strategic --- Moscow
--Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, China, Iran, Iraq, The Wider Middle East

His book
   ---Liquid War
Editor To The Empire --- Crescent

The Raging 20's - his new book

New Silk Road mentioned

Pepe currently lives in Bangkok

Superimperialism, pub 1971
   America dominates the world

Once there was no gold --- Americans invested in US Treasury bonds -- to finance war

How To Do It book mentioned
Defense Dept.    And.   CIA

This superimperialism has become a new beast

US rivalry w/ economic systems.

Conflicts don't change - type of economic system is the challenge

Since 1980: Financial Sector said, "We need liberty" .
    They put all duties in the hand of Wall Street
    'Free Market"

    "It's a kind of RESURGENT"
    (Not good!)

One of the holy people wasa #SpiderWoman bc her talent to weave and knit made wonderful clothing #NavajoNation

Living Web Farms 

Keifer is whey, from milk, I'm pretty sure....just Google it. 

      Who let the Myths out? 🎢🎡🎢🎡🎢🎡🎢🎡🎢🎡

Was #AlexanderHamilton a Myth-Maker? Says @truthstreamnews 

Flies to #BelfastIreland where they continue grieving for the loss of our real #QueenOfHearts #QueenElizabethII 

@blancolirio reports STABILIZATION, CONTAINMENT on Mosquito fire 13Sep2022
Why are these earthquakes happening collectively in
Consider #Geoengineering #WeaponizedWeather

Posted 13Sep2022 

      Just a few silly pictures πŸ˜ƒπŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

Today is brought to you by: 

Gothaab, town (pop 1,315) 

Capital of S Greenland, and colony district. Several Eskimo (Greenlander)  periodicals are published at Gothaab; it has a radio station, a seminary, and an agricultural station. Founded in 1721 by Hana Egede, it was the first Danish colony in Greenland; near by are the remains of the 10th century Norse settlement. Vesterbygod. 

      INSIDE EDITION blames collapsing from "shear torture" = BS!

I'm so sick of you MEDIA LIARS! The guards changed every 20 minutes! He collapsed because of grieving! I almost passed out yesterday. King Charles struggled with staying strong, yet also has a Commonwealth to run! I'm sure many collapsed! Many cried paying respects!

@Tracey Benna - QAnon is a CIA operative! No way, No how! My uncle was probably CIA -yrs ago, He stole my SSN, used it on purchase of Mercedes Benz to evade sales tax! I have nothing to do with him! 

Thing is, our history has always been rigged, but love this video you guys made. #KumireoAhau channel has unfiltered TRUTH. Something many politicians have a hard time swallowing. 

Thing is, our history has always been rigged, but love this video you guys made. #KumireoAhau channel has unfiltered TRUTH. Something many politicians have a hard time swallowing.  


Film: Elizabeth II: A Life Of Duty πŸ‘‘πŸ™πŸ’™

    I unsubscribed to Really Graceful - she's not only proving to be a snob, but defeating her acclaimed purpose.

Someone probably paid her to make this video.

My comment: You leave me no other choice. I'm unsubscribing. Kicking the fine Monarchy King Charles III while he's down is way below the belt. SHAME ON YOU, GRACE. 

Posted 9/18/2022

Sunrise channel

   Discussion on King Charles III 's first speech and immense emotional load - the people's response: 


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