My Condolences To The Monarchy

 Update 5/4/2023

The Coronation Service - Set Reminder, get notified

Update 4/18/2023

@KingCharlesIII_ @XiJimping @shanghai2188 @mfa_russia @EbrahimRaisi2 @JPN_PMO @AustraliaGov - pls review my notes because #WarIsHell #StopPoliticalCrimesOfUSA
Twitter removes President Putin


I have some notes here -Some which were typed a while ago. 

Link for this blogpost:

Notice her right hand had internal bleeding. Most likely there was an IV flushing out her system 😒 from being poisoned. 

This is being investigated by the medical staff of the Monarchy,
I did not state the above, my blog post is being hacked even though I changed my password - possibly by my Mobile Service. I wouldn't have any idea what the Monarchy investigates! I loved Queen Elizabeth II - and wrote her when I can. The Monarchy has been very bullied, manipulated unsuccessfully, and more - because the Jesuit Illuminati want to take their power and wealth! 
 in response to doctors coming forward about their opinion that it appeared she had a blood infection. That was nice for those doctors, including the NYU Langone Endocrinologist, to face public scrutiny by voicing I did not state VOICING! It was a comment made by a doctor, on the video, stating his CONCERN their opinions. The Monarchy was already checking into this. I could tell by the unfiltered pain on Prince Charles' face that indeed they worried their mother was murdered. 

"It is not how a man dies, but how he lives" - certainty the use of man includes both man and woman. Apparently the Satanists determined it "necessary" to have MTW's especially, as a way to mock the "man" references, when all it really does is reflect just how depraved they are. #DecideForYourself 

She's lost so much weight, not that she was big anyway,but her face appears much smaller. She must have known she was dying. Queen Elizabeth was not afraid to die - but if she was murdered, and probably Prince Phillip was also, I hope they catch these people and they cannot die enough times for justice, in my opinion! 

Today, September 12, I just sobbed when they began playing 

Long Live The Queen/King 

Which compelled me to study up on the song a bit. 

I was watching the three+ hour filming of Her Majesty's coffin and King Charles III with Dutchess Camilla greeting people, accepting condolences. 


Some Messages to Queen Elizabeth II


My video was cut off, but I hope you understand I resent the propaganda against you, The Monarchy - this is like when during Obama admin, Obama had Biden change his son Robert's name to HUNTER and they ran much propaganda about the Monarchy having hunting parties against children! I am so angry right now! God Save The Queen!πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’™❤️πŸ’šπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

      9/23/2022 - let me just add, the NY Post has a 17-page article on Queen Elizabeth II's last photo shoot with the new Prime Minister, and on the first page is US President Biden - why? He obviously poisoned his wife in 1972, causing her to crash - she saved her boys by getting them to curl up under the front seat as she felt the poison kicking in! I'm making those photos to be at the top of this blogpost.


The United States has infiltrated the global medical system, with intent to mass murder billions of people! Government's like China, Russia, Iran, Syria, and more--and at least a portion of England, which disagree with Boris Johnson's politik, are obviously working on turning the tables on the global and national medical societies, to stop their agenda. Decide for yourself.

Queen Elizabeth II's Christmas Message.
1/31/2021. I listened to the replay because I needed inspiration from Queen Elizabeth II, who loves people even in the darkest of times when the Monarchy is attacked with propaganda

He says, The Bible says tomorrow is promise to no one" - certainly a mockery of Hon. And Mrs. Colin Powell's achievement in creating "America's Promise" - this man is not worth the ground he walks on! 

I think Thoughty2 needs to correct himself
No real landowners in England?
Who are the largest landowners?
What about #BillGates buying up all the farms? See @reallygraceful

The Queen continues to legally own all the lands of Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, 32 other members (around two-thirds) of the Commonwealth, and Antarctica. Feudalism is not dead. ... In Britain the Land Act of 1925 allegedly gave British subjects the right to two kinds of ownership. Freehold and Leasehold.Sep 22, 2014
🌻 New World #AfterPandemic - please listen, communicate! @samvaknin

   I accidentally added my note on Sam Vaknin, but his lectures are pretty good.

     (His channel is probably compromised and it was taken out of context, deleted footage probably)

I was shocked when he mentioned a few months ago, of having sex threesomes for recreation.

      No, I didn't! This was hacked on my phone:
I wrote President Putin and asked if he's trying to get work from Washington DC since that lifestyle impresses many there.


My comment:
Has anyone considered that the man who woo'd Princess Anne may have been a plant to extort the Monarchy? His cowardace was impeccable when the attempted kidnapping occurred! He was probably in on it!

Can you imagine how much she must have cried at the palace discussing this with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II? Is it not conceivable that a man who knew her and cared about her would place himself in a corner of her world, understanding what she goes through? They probably had no sexual relationship. She just knew he was her favorite person and IF he wrote letters to her - they were to console her.  I'd say he was truly a blessing in her life as she was probably sleeping with the enemy, literally. The monarchy is very discrete. They take care of their own problems and do not want media to have a Frenzie over their lives

Diana was a human weapon of extortion - stands to reason that CPT Phillips was too. Setting her up to be kidnapped, tortured, killed even. And CPT Phillips would have been heir to her wealth.

My deepest love for the Monarchy and great disgust for the depraved persons who cared nothing about producing and everything about STEALING.

This film has carved out what they want Princess Anne to be. #FollowTheMoney - diplomacy by the Monarchy should not be construed as bff! Trump is a career criminal.
    The following blog post was created when I created this petition,2017 -
not 2020!

Remove Trump Now

RIP Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

God Save The King πŸ‘‘


1. God save our gracious king!

Long live our noble king!

God save the king!

Send him victorious,

Happy and glorious,

Long to reign over us;

God save the king!

2. Thy choicest gifts in store

On him be pleased to pour;

Long may he reign!

May he defend our laws,

And ever give us cause

To sing with heart and voice,

God save the king!

Text: Anon., 18th century

Music: From Thesaurus Musicus, London, 1744

Song was written when? I think the best source would be

The Royal Society

Here are some notes:

1.   Paganini's variations were written in 1829 on the tune of the British national anthem "God Save the King". In 1837 King William IV was succeeded by Queen Victoria, and the title of the anthem was changed to "God Save the Queen".

2.   1745

According to the website of the royal family, 'God Save The King' was a patriotic song that was publicly performed for the first time in London in 1745, and which came to be known as the National Anthem at the beginning of the nineteenth century.3 days ago

3.  Word Origin. origin for the complete words and tune of the British national anthem. The ultimate origin is obscure: the phrase “God save the King” occurs in various passages in the Bible, while as early as 1545 it was used as a sign for safe conduct in the navy, with the reply “long to reign over us.”

4.  Word Origin. origin for the complete words and tune of the British national anthem. The ultimate origin is obscure: the phrase “God save the King” occurs in various passages in the Bible, while as early as 1545 it was used as a sign for safe conduct in the navy, with the reply “long to reign over us.”

5. My Columbia Encyclopedia says this:

       ⏳....πŸ“ Please be patient.... I'll post asap

6. ''My Country, 'Tis of Thee'' is an American patriotic hymn written in 1831 by a Baptist seminary student, Samuel Francis Smith. Smith composed the lyrics after being inspired by a German Lutheran hymn, and set the melody to the tune of ''God Save the King. ''J


God Save The Queen/King πŸ‘‘

       Source: Columbia Encyclopedia, copyright 1940 

(FYI, The word paedophile did not exist! It was created thereafter by Americans, combining two Greek words together: peado (child) and Phileos (love) - Abnormal Sex has been around since the English derelicts arrived! Ben Franklin was a polygamist)

The English National Anthem.
The words and music are both of doubtful origin.  The air, possibly derived from a folk tune, has been attributed by Henry Carey (whose claim to authorship seems the strongest), Lully, and John Bull; it is used in AMERICA, and in the Danish Hymn, Heil Dir, dem libendum.  See Clarke, Account of The National Anthem; Kinston Minstrelsy Of England; Cummings, God Save The King. 

Comment I made on YouTube: 
I had a pen friend named Cathy Farrel who lived in Dublin, Ireland - we lost touch when the violence increased - about when QEII's uncle was murdered there. 

     A couple of the chat comments on livestreaming: 

@Jeanette - Diana was a Rothschild FAKE, only marrying Charles to destroy the Monarchy from inside out. She got a gender reversal and is David Furnish, much more likeable.  

@Harun Barucja - is that BARACK OBAMA S SATANIC CULT NAME, having the Order Of Jesters founded in Hawaii? SHAME ON YOU FOR REFERRING TO QEII as BOZO! 

Posted 9/13/2022


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