Watch Later



   Incase these are helpful to access videos of a nerdy nature.....

    Note, I personally find the History Channel - History Hit TV - Dan Snow - worthless, feeding even deliberate lies. Timeline documentaries may be listed on that "TV" - Still, I say,  ignore ads you see. But Decide for yourself.  Watch the History Guy - he provides 10-15 min videos that have interesting and spot-on content.There has only been one or two I disagreed with and it was rooted in ideology. Anyone who doesn't realize what evil is in the USA and how massive of a Cold War we have going on - to solve and prevent a world war - better open your eyes! 

The CIA are depraved cultists who are thirsty for blood, money, power!) Decide For yourself. 


Quantum Mechanics, Part 1 

Exploration of Cosmic Phenomena ...

3hrs 17 min 

An Invisible Threat 



On Radiation Dangers of Microwaves - This is what @joeimbriano777 

@DrMadeja and others have been warning about. Keeping mind that a frequent playground of the TECHNOCRACY is frauding published videos! 

When watching this, consider 

#MindControl #Causes #Effects #Intent "Soak into your brain" he says #justsayin 

The Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Numbers

1hr lecture on history of numbers

The history of electricity - I think Part 1







Electricity is breathed in through the nose? I just woke from a nap and heard this 

    *How much natural conductivity is in the frog?


Programming The Nation 

Full Documentary on #SocialEngineering 

1 1/2 hrs 

Gematria Effect News with Zachary Hubbard Nov 2021 

Topic: 666

I stopped following him because he became all sports - who will win based on Gematria, which is more like predicted programming 

This video should interest you. Just make sure your device is a good distance away, like 6' or more - due to microwave radiation 

(The technocrats probably have their devices chipped to protect themselves, so keep that in mind) 

The Secret Power of NAZI Science - 44min 

     (USA and Britain funded NAZIS after Bruce Ismay and JP Morgan sank the Titanic, and through pre-planned tactics, swiped maybe even trillions from the economy. Though Winston Churchill was not liked by the general public, he became Prime Minister anyway. He incited a a coal labor strike - not to help the workers, but help Bruce Ismay get more to board Titanic since it had its capacity of coal, 6 Tons. (Was it even enough to travel to USA? The Lucitania used 1 ton a day, a smaller ship! And could they have even dumped or exchanged coal before the Titanic sank, when it reached its first port? Exchanged for wood to cause it to blow up! That was one comment I read in my video travels, which makes sense..and I certainly didn't read all comments. Subscribe to Titanic Films By Mark channel) 



Inside the War Factories of NAZIS 

2 1/2hrs 

(I saw this film and it's good to watch because the NAZIS are terrorists, still funded by USA. They give billions to The NAZIS in Ukraine!  Open your eyes, please. Zelensky murdered Ukrainians just to blame Russia! The Russians showed footage! Russia only announced a military action to destroy the weapons that the NAZIS were given by USA! Their intelligence knew where many storage facilities were. Nobody was around. The bombings we're planned at night. Vladimir Putin's speech was also transcribed. I think it was 2/21/2022)


50 min film on secret operations of the NAZIS

    (Reminder: USA took in thousands of NAZI murderers - no regard for life. Many stayed in NYC. 750 were scientists.)


The Hunt For Sunken Mysteries - USA Arizona 

Is Christopher Columbus who we think he was? 

Cristofer Columbus


Get out of jail free card

Spy for the king 



The Kong family are descendants of Confucius

USA movie #KingKong and claim word confuse as "Not Understanding" seems to be a mockery of China, Which referred to USA as "beautiful country" @wuauquikunaoff1

Exodus, the Founding Myth of the Israelites YouTube video 

EXODUS 1270 bc

Pharaoh Ramses II 

I've heard this before, that Pharaoh was brother of Moses - I think #ReligionForBreakfast or #LetsTalkReligion @history_yt 

Was some of that Nazi Gold Train from #FtKnox - carried on #Titanic with financial expert Jack/John Thayer II and college grad John Thayer III 

Conspiring?  Is the NAZI stolen loot in Poland? @wuauquikunaoff1 #luissalazar #fabiansalazar






#WheresTheTrain - Hitler stole it from Hungary-Supposed to have gold, other valuables. Note, #GeorgeSoros got rich helping Hitler in #Hungary

Incl telling him where Jews lived &where they hid their wealth!


How WW1 greatly damaged the world and proved to just be #PoliticalCrime #WarIsHell Satanic politicians #Genocide their own citizens 

Egyptian Secrets at the #Vatican - Full Documentary

From Jesus to Christ 



From Jesus to Christ

Part 2 

The First Christmas 

PBS Frontline 


At 50 min: "There's no evidence that the earth is going through any climactic major event" (yet the Geoengineering is f*king up Mother Nature!)

3hr video 

The Great factories behind WW2 #MilitaryIndustrialComplex 

This film has an unpleasant dynamic - approaching this as victorious rather than ruining the economy #Superindustrialism 

Look up Ten Seconds To The Future 


Doesn't this military #BlackOperative #Invasion seem familiar? It should! Obama incited a continuous civil war in Ukraine and @mfa_russia

Said enough is enough! 

#KnowTheEnemy USA stole #Guatemala -my phone lost this video bc hackers stopped it! 

    2.  2. The USA owned over 70 % of Guatemala land TO STARVE THE PEOPLE - like #BillGates is doing in USA - buying up all the farmland! Do not put up with this depravity! 

     Who was Secretary of State when they conspired with a fruit company and bullied Guatemala? 

Who was Benito Mussolini

Leader of Italy WW2



      Expelled from school: but women are drawn to him because he was charismatic. But he was nasty, brutal, short - he beated, raped women

      Benito has flaming relationship with step sister. Drops her, lives with another and has child by her but drops her too. Moves to Milan. Avanti Newspaper made him in charge. They liked his rebellious ways. He started his own paper. Italy Declares WAR. Musalini is seriously injured. People call for a revolution like Russia... Musalini seizes control...his fake warmth manipulated ppl. He murdered his 26 yr old son! Hitler adored him! 

Tyrannical emperor's that seized Rome - Documentary 


After Rome - 

The war for Britain



 Napoleonic Wars 

The Rise And Fall of Vikings 

Napoleonic Wars 


3 1/2 hrs 

Glory And Defeat

The Franco-Prussian War 

6hr documentary

Jim Rickards 


   2Min Warning 






Bidens Order 14067 

Sinister - total control of all US Citizens

54min documentary

    Sorry - this 2min warning is probably fake - he mentioned CIA; that's a huge indicator 

The Sea People's And The Late Bronz Age 


Posted 8/1/2022


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