Titanic Sinking


       Source: Titanic Films By Mark on YouTube - a steadfast researcher on films, notes, articles, photos! 

Titanic Sinking 

My Opinion 

Bruce Ismay and JP Morgan got a criminal operation going. Including looting the people stuck on the ship. Then burning them in the fire! Probably gave the NAZIS the idea of burning bodies of evidence! #DecideForYourself 

There are three blogposts on the Titanic now:

1.  Titanic


2.   Titanic - most likely you can't access this because of corrupted bullying government scumbags hacking and gangstalking me! 


3.  Titanic 1912 


4. I have one or two more too...

Even the photos I consider as fake evidence reflects the propaganda used as cover up. #Titanic - 51 photos



*Binoculars missing

Though CPT Smith's prelim inspection didnt note they were locked up & no key was available

*500 more ppl wb saved if CPT Smith had boats half empty 

*6tons of coal was probably used up& they had to use wood! 


Building The Titanic *** has very useful information


Video on Found Pictures, restored...


My comment: 

Preliminary Fire Theory 

   * Titanic only had 6 tons of coal on board at the time the ship left. This was Day 6! Even the smaller Lusitania used 850 lbs of coal PER DAY. Day 6 would be over 5 tons! For CPT Smith to order full speed ahead when he knew damn well coal was low, shows criminal intent! Many covered up this crime of mass murdering! King George was being poisoned and made very ill. No doubt they suppressed Queen Elizabeth II from giving her take, having been a mechanic in the military during WW2. 

Titanic only had 3 engines, and one of the four funnels was fake! 

Also the boilers and furnaces were not  made to proportion! They created as many setups as possible to make the ship sink! 1,000 bodies vanish? They obviously burned all or most of them! 


It wouldn't surprise me to know that the #Btitanic was hit be a British torpedo, secretly ordered by #WinstonChurchill 


Search "Violet Jessop" and Titanic Testimony - she was a nurse on Olympic, Titanic, and Britannic. 

More probable cause Bruce Ismay and JP Morgan sank Titanic 

Crucial Mistakes 

47min by @TheBrightsideHP



1. Supermoon was known to cause more icebergs 

2. Deliberate turn of Titanic to hit iceberg sideways 

3. Power of Inertia 

47min video 

Brightside channel


1. Blood red moon: supermoon. Known that it  can cause more icebergs. Affects tides - they become stronger - carrying more glaciers. Alignment of earth-sun-moon 

2. Iceberg warning by Musava ship, by Californian ship - ignored by crew 

3. Calm sea was eery

4. Black ice - topsized iceberg possibly - hard to see 

5. Engine reversal would bring vessel to hault. 

     a - was this the 'bump' people felt? 

      b - no mention that rescuers saw the iceberg

6. No rescue ships 

     Poaching boat seen 

         Probably the criminal crew working for Ismay to help loot and sink TITANIC

7. Titanic was previously going full speed ahead

8. Attempts to get help - poor issuing of flares sent mixed messages 

9. No huge gash on the Hull

10. What happened to the cargo? 

11. Criminal crew may have grabbed the cargo as it surfaced 

12. 1996 Mission Exploration of Titanic and attempt to tow it. Lead by unknown  This is probably when they determined There was an explosion because because the stern was a mile away. 

13. What happened to the 1,500 bodies? 

     a. Frankly, I think they burned as many as they could to loot and hide evidence. 

14. This video says nurse Violet went on a lifeboat but another video by Brightside  didn't share that. 

15. Tennis player from Switzerland, Harvard University prospect/grad - Williams; and Bear/Bare. Engaged to Helen Newsome. - apparently both tennis players. Williams won several trophies: Davis Cup, Wimbledon.. They apparently we're both lawyers. 

16. John Jacob Astor, passenger 

17. Margaret Brown, passenger. Almost became a Senator. Singlehandedly fixed an unknown problem in Colorado. Became an actress. 

18. Ms Ella White and Ms Marie Young were passengers - they took Lifeboat #8 . Unable to save anyone because the Titanic sank and NO BODIES IN WATER

19. Iceberg came from Greenland ..1 1/2 million tons - only 1/10th of size above water 

20. 5 compartments filled with water 

21. German ship took pictures when they traveled to Titanic area. 

22. People deny an iceberg


24. Vignaut from Armenia, passenger. This writer reunited with family in Boston. He said an explosive occurred. 

25. End  

Video on Olympic




This video was probably altered -- they use AI to alter PUBLISHED VIDEOS.  . Watch...maybe it will be reversed. 

Posted 8/1/2022 


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