Indian Summer 2022 Notes

 August to October 

Indian Summer - New England - photos by ALAMAY 


- all blog posts should be here but my most current ones may not have been added yet. I do my best to keep up, though this is 100% hobby. Copy what you want, share as your own statement. 

Thunder Flower 2021


August 2022
21min overview of Raising Chickadees by @TheBirdsNerd

Reply to @backtolife_2023 @Resist_05 #SkyNewsAustralia
"Before they are authorized to use these things" is too late! And consider microchips nefariously placed in bodies! Undetectable by x-ray! #WeaponizedTechnology

Warning: #JohnMagliano is a suspicious person. He must have seen my case, got my number and sent texts to me. I called him &though I realize how corrupted Stamford CT leaders are, he asked me to go to his hearing Friday or Monday bc "They may put me in prison" No case pulls up! 

      Recording A
  Storquest FRAUD

Storquest FRAUD B

      Americans Mass-murdered Americans on #Sep11
    My comment/tweet
    CIA detonated the buildings. About 125 actual, first-hand AMERICAN  planners mass-murdered that day! The rest of the political dirtbags were co-conspirators.
Copy notes, share #DecideForYourself
September 11, 2001 

The NWO is now on the menu = pew! 🦨

@gpovanman @joeimbriano777 @truthstreamnews @mediamonarchy  USA NAZIS incited the civil war in Ukraine, murdered the President of The Russian Federation by bombing the building he was speaking in, and give $billions to Ukraine bc the mission is #WorldWar
- #TakeDownCIA! 
@bobforgovernor #StorquestFraud
8Aug2022 Part 1 of 2
Note, Part 2 needs to be uploaded so it will be about and he and a half from now. 

Posted 8/8/2022

Response Tweet to Truthstream Media. Their tweet was spot-on about the evil TECHNOCRATS! 
    They refer to @sundarpichai as a "Tech Personality", despite his CREATION of Google Chrome. Frankly, I'm glad he's CEO of Google. Things cb so much worse with abuse of power. Yet these psychopaths have to be stopped! They've weaponized IT!
@bobforgovernor @Scottymechanic

I don't think that's quite the answer, considering the fact many people in Washington DC are crooks #NoAccountability #OrganizedCrime
#September11 was caused by USA!
There's media spreading that NYC will be nuked. Most likely the ones who do it will be CIA and dirtbags politicians - just like September 11!

    WION News
Who funds this India bullshit?
Dalet, a leading provider of software-based solutions for media organizations, today announced that World Is One News (WION), the youngest venture of Zee Media Corporation, launched WION underpinned by Dalet Unified News Operations.Jan 11, 2017**
27 Aug 1999- , 14th Floor, 'A' Wing, Marathon Futurex N M Joshi Marg, Lower Parel Mumbai MH 400013 IN)

 Zee Media Canada Corp. (Canada, 25 Jun 2021- , 225 Riddell Street, Woodstock, ON, N4S 6N2

Search on DALET

   Note, one of them is named Aleph bet, located in Wyoming USA! This shouldr4s create suspicion!
The similar name 
Alpha Bay - which was the largest crime ring in USA till Jeff Sessions and his colaborators shut it down!
This is recent livestreaming 20Aug2022:
    I blocked the channel and posted this comment on live stream chat:

YOU'RE a FREAKING TROUBLE MAKER! Liar! Shame on you! You are trying to incite war! You're full of crap! Obviously paid off by American crooks! #FollowTheMoney

Posted 8/10/2022

Bald blue jays vs Bald Eagle 🦅 - who wins the beauty contest? @TheBirdsNerd

@truthstreamnews #WION is lyin' - I block them, they are run by organized crime, NWOs, and they subscribe me to get their kicks! @XiJimping @gpovanman @shanghai2188 @mfa_russia @EbrahimRaisi2 @HassanRouhani 

Palestinians murder their own children, then blame Isrealis! Just like the NAZI Ukrainians have been doing,blaming @mfa_russia @Russia @PresidentPutinm #WakeUp! They want war because war is wealth and genocide - two of The Satanic #OrganizedCrime #IlluminatiGoals 😡

We need to #TakeCareOfMotherEarth but #StopGeoengineering that destroys - funded by Technocrats who got rich off being frauds & still fraud records, videos, audios - all to deceive the public. That's what #Satanism is @ElizabethUKRPG @truthstreamnews @gpovanman @RealDutchsinse

Provides the rundown on Red-Winged Blackbirds, one of the first signs of Spring.

Please share this blog - copy, make your own blog and share notes from here...thank you. 

     Bloom vs Boom


Bloom 🌺 🌹 vs Boom 💥

    Just because I post this, the organized crime is coming - obviously caused by nefarious Geoengineering
   Mary reports Booms over Utah = Morman Heaven - who promote William Warren Group (look up their large article) even though one of Its co-founders (Warren Jeffs) is SUPPOSED to be in prison for life for raping and molesting children!
Like Molester and Rapist Phil Giordano, former mayor of Waterbury, CT, sentenced to life but last minute ruling changed it to 37 years and voila, he gets plastic surgery on his eyes and becomes a multimillionaire - CEO of CIGNA,alias Dan Cordani, making the company a cesspool of corruption! My question is, where was Rand Paul, CIA-man and dirtbags politician in Kentucky - because he may have performed the plastic surgery for CIA in 2007!

Right Now, says #PoorminaWagh to #RegisTrombley, @Russia
Is fighting the Bolcheviks who are masked as NAZIS -
#KnowTheEnemy @shanghai2188

This video is bending towards sarcasm! The etiquette regarding greeting @ElizabethUKRPG
Is so she doesn't end up a statistic like many prominent, adored leaders such as #ShinzoAbe #GeneralSoleimani & more! Whatever precautions it takes to protect her! ❤️🌹

17Aug2022 FYI:  this is still happening. My emails to you are diverted - I bet that's why they wanted you to move! To harm your internet connection! @reallygraceful @gpovanman @joeimbriano777 @RealDutchsinse @GeologyNick @Scottymechanic @bobforgovernor

The Transgenders are probably rigged to be considered aliens - but we exposed this agenda. Now we need to isolate it because MOST are mutilated when children! 

😍I Love Russia 😍
Guest on @RegisTremblay6
Says @Russia military 🎖️🪖
Is 30 yrs ahead of USA - they stand down to avoid nuclear war! Even when NATO destroyed their great Navy warship carrier about a month ago! @gpovanman


Recent video:

See the current picture of

 Mark Zuckerberg?  - CIA man - who destroyed all computers BUT Apple's 🍎🍏 in 1989? 

          He's Robert T. Morris - #DecideForYourself 

PhD from Cornell University - ten years older than ZUCKFACE says he is....not a Harvard dropout! Changed image because he committed a huge felony for GHW Bush 

    AND made Bill Gates become a billionaire too! ....ramped up the ramp up economic takeover! 

How many times do they do this?? 


Here's another one: 

CEO of CIGNA: Dan Cordani - 

They changed his name to DAVID now, WTF: 

Really Paedophile Phil Giordano, former mayor of Waterbury, CT 

"Now I lay me down to sleep,

I pray the Lord will kill those peeps;

If I should die before I wake,

I hope like hell they aren't allowed: 

    Let Them Eat Cake" 

William Warren Group made a 7-story mural to Celebrate Bill Gates ' bioweapon Mass Murder Plan: 

       Love Me Before You kill me?

Paedophile was created by Americans but they put two Greek words together: 

     Love - Child 

        The ones who do are 

  SCUMBAG - Sick F*ks! 

WARREN JEFFS of William Warren Group: 

      Same as Phil Giordano, 

Sentenced to life for raping and molesting children....did CIA also help him get a new disguise? It's all in the eyes! 

      Was this a Merry Christmas present from CIA man, Rand Paul? You don't think he's really serving the public, do you? His father, Ron Paul, was/is a CIA agent! Russia kicked him out because of that! He posted as an elected official!

WTF: Operates? 

Is this a mockery to the Medical Field? Emphasizing what? 

If you research you will find, 

Storquest owns William Warren Group AND 

     William Warren Group owns Storquest ....

    And Warren Jeffs is in prison for life for raping and molesting children..  unless CIA gave him a new identity and he's a fugitive from justice! 

      The William Warren Group (WWG), a privately held real estate company that operates the StorQuest Self Storage brand, recently unveiled a seven-story mural at its Oakland, Calif., facility urging people to care for the earth. Titled 

“Love Me 

Before I’m Gone,”

Rape, Molest before you murder your victims? #Childtrafficking #SexTrafficking #CIA and more...

 the artwork at 2227 San Pablo Ave., facing Interstate 980, is intended to urge the community to help heal the planet, according to a press release.

People's Bodies Make Great Compost! #NAZIS #Illuminati 

“This mural is a reminder for all of us to come together to conserve and sustain the beautiful world we all share,” said Michelle Bakva, vice president of marketing and sales.

     Who helped THAT disguise change? 

     Greater New Haven Chamber Of  Commerce? 


       Those are my two suspects, and just like Americans mass murdering Americans on September 11, 2001 ----

     People become co-conspirators by covering it up! 

How to bootleg 😆 🍺🍻 by @GlenandFriends #DrewBarrymore #BrewDarrymore 😆 

      Zero Hedge 

Article on Japan creating own government -backed monetary system....Dec 2021...Notice they kill Nationalist who loved his Japan: Shinzo Abe after this! ..... someone tweeted it was a ponzi scheme. 

    My response: 

Central Banks are the ponzi  finance. @japan is taking their country back after USA has owned it for decades, bombing them to hell with 2 atomic bombs - as a distraction from NAZIS since USA was funding NAZIS! #KnowTheEnemy @truthstreamnews @pepeescobar1 @RegisTremblay6 

Posted 21Aug2022

      I hope all links are "stompable"

👟👟 💃 Because

This is 

The Dawning of




My opinion- I hope Juan Browne and his pilot affiliates would take this into consideration:

Note, they can't verify if the flight engineer was really at fault because he was killed! He  never neglected that b4- HIS PLANE NEVER CRASHED. The Satanic organized crime like CIA hb building nefarious weapons to take over as Traitors to USA,the world!
  💰 Exception on stories - who doesn't care about money, right?
The Mormon Church Claims William Warren are great pioneers of USA, taking their "company" across the country to Utah. OMG 😳 Their company was their polygamist clan, of course.

    They don't acknowledge this is  globalist-economist with phD, Michael Hudson, who speaks at 40 min
    Search #Superimperialsm
Roy Ovid Hall sought laws to hold accountable this financial corruption on paper - politicians said "We're a Christian Country; they're errors and omissions" WTF - not agree with by Michael Hudson!
Economist John Christenson ---- shares good info too! Tax evasion, offshore accounts, etc.
     Corrupted Elites - what they don't mention at 35min is when Hillary Clinton murdered General Mohamar Kadafi, leader of Lybia, then stealing all his wealth using CIA, who   murdered #AmbStevens &spread propaganda about the ppl.of Lybia tortured him.

Richard Cole's, finance director in Caman Islands, said "We have no secrets here" 🤣😂😆
Tragic fatality when high-wing and low-wing collide in Las Vegas. @BlancolirioYT
Discusses what may have prevented this.

Ferry, Ferry
Quite contrary
How does your C-172 grow?
Says @BlancolirioYT 😆pretty much 🤣

Posted 29Aug2022 

Notes are missing, so I'm going to post everything here today, Sunday, September 4, 2022💙🙏💦

I just added your notes to my notes on my new blogpost 🧡🦋 @jimmyfallon


Understanding Minsky Moment


     The Minsky, Minsky Spider went up our water spouts .....but is the rain 🌧️☔ gonna wash it out? 


A Minsky Moment is based on the idea that periods of bullish speculation, if they last long enough, will eventually lead to crisis, and the longer the speculation occurs, the more severe the crisis will be. Hyman Minsky's main claim to economic theory fame was centered around the concept of the inherent instability of markets, especially bull markets. He felt that extended bull markets always end in epic collapses.


Minsky postulated that an abnormally long bullish economic growth cycle will spur an asymmetric rise in market speculation that will, eventually, result in market instability and collapse. A Minsky Moment crisis follows a prolonged period of bullish speculation, which is also associated with high amounts of debt taken on by both retail and institutional investors.


The term Minsky Moment was coined in 1998 by Paul McCulley, of PIMCO fame while referring to the Asian Debt Crisis of 1997. A dissection of the causes that led to this crisis put the preponderance of blame on speculators putting increasing pressure on dollar-pegged Asian currencies until they eventually collapsed.


Perhaps the most famous, or at least the most recent, crisis that brought Minsky Moment to the forefront, if for no other reason than as an example of the dangers of profligacy, was the 2008 financial crisis, also called the Great Recession. During the height of this crisis, a wide range of markets reached all-time lows, triggering a wave of margin calls, a massive selloff in assets to cover debts, and higher default rates.

Minsky Moment Catalysts and Effects

Minsky Moment crises generally occur because investors, engaging in excessively aggressive speculation, take on additional credit risk during prosperous times, or bull markets. The longer a bull market lasts, the more investors borrow to try and capitalize on market moves. Minsky Moment defines the tipping point when speculative activity reaches an extreme that is unsustainable, leading to rapid price deflation and unpreventable market collapse. What follows, as hypothesized by Hyman Minsky, is a prolonged period of instability.

As a hypothetical example, consider a market in the throes of a bullish surge that sees investors borrowing funds aggressively, often to the limits of their capabilities, to participate in the economic boom. If the market retraces slightly, which is normal market behavior, the valuations of their leveraged assets could decrease to the point where they might not cover the debts taken to acquire them. Lenders start calling in their loans. Speculative assets are hard to sell, so investors are forced to sell less speculative ones to satisfy the lender's demands. The sale of these investments causes an overall decline in the market. At this point, the market is in a Minsky Moment. The demand for liquidity might even force the country's central bank to intervene.

Is Another Minsky Moment Looming?

In 2017, several experts issued warnings of an approaching Minsky Moment in China as debt levels increased while equity market valuations maintained their bullish trend. The Chinese government has also issued warnings to investors of an impending Minsky Moment if debt levels continue to rise.

         😳 😳 😳 😳

Meanwhile, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) joined the chorus in issuing global warnings of high debt levels that had the potential to result in Minsky Moment crises around the world. While this has not come to fruition yet, the warning signs are there. The U.S. has been experiencing an extended period of economic prosperity, debt levels are rising, and speculative activity is robust, although it does not appear to have reached the extreme levels that presage a Minsky Moment.


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Take the Next Step to Invest


This article came from Investopedia on TWITTER 😳


So my question is: 

Why are they creating



    To launder money? 

     To sicken productivity as the root of economy -all the more? 

     Enhance #Superimperialism?


    Now, on the nice smell side:


N1 oil, it's a natural anti-microbial oil: clove, cinnamon, thyme, rosemary, oregano, lavender, and more! 

#SunriseCT - enjoy 

Grand Central Terminal when you take @MetroNorth to NYC 🤗🧡 I wonder if @jimmyfallon will sell his #Gobstompers there 🍌Where everyone has a peel 😁 @GCOpticalNYC  🤓👓


@truthstreamnews A funny thing happened to me today, as I was fixing to go to sleep. This ad came on and I'm still listening. Here's the first part. @bobforgovernor




         PART 1 recording 


We are born to love; We learn to hate 



@truthstreamnews @bobforgovernor 

@Scottymechanic @gpovanman @mediamonarchy 





We are born to love; we learn to hate 💦



      PART 2

Posted 9/4/2022 

Free Julian Assange - he reported -- they snorted! 



The Sky ☁️used to be our image of heaven, love, hope, confidence that God's looking over us But now, with all this plastic - plasma geology, we look up and don't recognize it. 

This 13min video of music is #BlastFromThePadt inc The Stylistics 


FACT: The Nation Of Islam was a CULT, not recognized by Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. America was Atlantis; populated by Egyptians and Indians. #MalcolmX was a CULT Leader; obviously the real father of FAKE, FRAUD Barack Obama! #DecideForYourself 


#BeReal app could be feeding the bad wolf - part of roll-playing - AND cb part of mass programming - Does it have subapps? See what @coldfusion explains 


The Evolution of Healthcare by #DrJohnBergman 



Explains in 25min why there is proof of an ancient GLOBAL CIVILIZATION - which broke down. 




        LaPalma Island 🏝️ 🌋


Shows beautiful footage of LaPalma, starting with oldest tree and highest mountain 🌄🏔️ - There's active lava streaming to be cautious about. 

Posted 9/7/2022


CIA steals files, then classifies them to withhold the truth! The depravity is obvious! #LostCivilizations in USA, etc by @BrightInsight * Search #DeadMensSecrets #AmericaIsAtlantis 

    Search: CIA Adam And Eve Story 

Good channel to subscribe to: 
Suspicious Observers 

Posted 9/7/2022

They steal things out of my apt regularly -probably to help the 2million illegal aliens. And #StorquestFraud is trying to steal my possessions! Set to Auction on 13Sep! Look up #WarrenJeffs-is he in prison or like #PhilGiordano
My dear, if it wasn't for the Monarchy, we'd be in FEMA camps right now, as they head them off at the pass.Princess Anne's husband was obviously a traitor with PM's blessing. Reason why he didn't help her when kidnappers attacked: he was scared. WTF Monarchy's security saved her.

What about Trump being a career criminal, Bush had about 125 key planners causing #Sep11, blaming Middle East to make even more money on military supplies, instigating hate on USA. #SecretSocieties are #OrganizedCrime Deception is their favorite tool.

@reallygraceful Bush insults QEII & laughs: "She gave me a look that a mother would give her child" He said something about QEII being around since 1776. This invited the public to hate her! @ElizabethUKRPG And later Bush& his cabal mass murdered Americans #Sep11 #SunriseCT 

American Bresse Chicken
Cooked in smoker 😋

I miss you dear Queen Elizabeth II. Your family has endured the evils as a shield for the world. Praying for healing and God's Grace to get you through.

#PlaneCrash #Fatalities #Beechcraft made in 1980's - great shape! What happened? Says @BlancolirioYT

Was #AlexanderHamilton a Myth-Maker? Says @truthstreamnews

So tell me, how is that #Superimperialism agenda of whining working out for you? Ruining the economy,creating more homeless, hoping a massmurder occurs so you don't have to care for your neighbor! 
Posted 9/13/2022

       B L O C K  Y A H O O 

For them to bully the Monarchy, particularly King George III, just because he wants his employees to clean his desk off - is absolutely grounds to sue for slander - but they won't because it doesn't solve anything and dirtbag attorneys make tons of money! 
In only two days, King Charles III has already gotten some backlash for a clip that’s making its way through Twitter. On Sept 10, many people uploaded a video of King Charles interacting with his servants, with the most viral tweet coming from a parody account named Laura Kuenssberg Translator, who’s garnered over 22 million views on the now-viral clip. They posted it with the caption, 
“The servant must clear my desk for me." I can’t be expected to move things.”

                      Storquest Lawsuit

WILLIAM WARREN GROUP claims they own Storquest. Co-founder, Warren Jeffs was sentenced to life in prison for raping and molesting children. But he's probably at large as a deliberate Fugitive from Justice, like Phil Giordano, made CEO of CIGNA! 


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