Bloom Vs Boom

 Give Peace A Chance 
Knowledge Is Power 

Notes I haven't been able to share 

Biggest Crime Ring In History? 
    This must have been written before #AlphaBay was created in the Deep Web; aka Dark Web after Edward Snowden disclosed how to tap in it! 
What you are about to read is powerful new information that could very well be some of the most important truths about the “Barr-Durham investigations” into perhaps the biggest political crime in our nation’s history.

Because you and many other Americans will now know this, “the likelihood MORE heads will roll on Capitol Hill and in the Deep State is now higher.”

What I warned readers about last week did indeed come true this weekend. (Click)

As you read and begin to understand this information, realize that a man named “Wolfe” was under physical surveillance for several months by an FBI agent who was investigating illegal leaks of classified national secrets to the media.

Also note, that a specific journalist (who was dating Mr. Wolfe and named below), by virtue of a legal warrant, was being tracked and evidence was gathered of her email, electronic communication and phone records. 

The Senator Who Scrubbed Secret National Security Documents

You will come to realize that forceful Virginia Democrat Senator Mark Warner is powerfully embedded in the Deep State. His phone number is  (202) 224-2023, for those who would want to demand more information after reading this article.

    Trump says Obama knew everything as a distraction because he's partner I'm crime - September 11 would be the biggest Crime in history! Titanic a close second! 
Senator Mark Warner has questions to answer.

This has yet to be seen in mainstream media (and barely mentioned in not-so-mainstream outlets), not because they intentionally avoided reporting it, but likely due to not knowing what you are about to learn.

The fact that you, and as many Americans as possible, will now know these secrets, can help justice prevail.

Last week President Trump said, “Obama knew everything. Vice President Biden, as dumb as he may be, knew everything, and everybody else knew.”

“They spied on my campaign, which is treason,” he continued. “They spied, both before and after I won, using the intelligence apparatus of the United States to take down a president, a legally elected president, a duly elected president of the United States. It is the single biggest political crime in the history of our country.”

Justice has to be demanded and served to Deep State perpetrators in order for law and order to be restored in American politics. It’s not going to be pretty, but heads must roll.

Who Is William Aldenberg?

The first thing you need to know is that a man named William Aldenberg is the most important investigator in the probe. He answers to John Durham, who answers to Attorney General William Barr. Remember his name: Aldenberg.

William Aldenberg

Publically, most know that federal prosecutor Jeff Jensen (Eastern District of Missouri) has been reviewing the case against Michael Flynn, while U.S. Attorney John Bash (Western Texas) has been tackling the deliberate “unmasking” of political and government insiders and individuals to place them in public and personal jeopardy. This is usually for blackmail, intimidation or control.

The “Political Silo” of Weaponized Politics

The second key understanding to know is the working definition of the term “Political Silo:”

A. These are the people who were initial participants in the crimes being committed to circumvent candidate/President-Elect/President Donald Trump.

B. These are those embedded, including former and existing officials in the Department of Justice (DOJ), FBI, Special Counsel, and Obama and/or Trump Administration who used weaponized politics in their corrupt and illegal investigations of President Trump.

C. In the current Barr-Durham investigation of the former weaponized political investigations, the primary avoidance filter is politics.

William Barr & John Durham

“As expressed by almost everyone in and around the issue, any evidence that comes from inside the political silo is considered unusable.  This sets up a rather challenging approach… hence the overused ‘delicate balances'” term being used in pursuit of truth.

D. To deal with this political silo, this investigation is strictly including facts. The investigation is excluding all “political influenced” information from individuals from both parties.

This aggressive stance of not using political information, is critical but frustrating.

This is how it was explained to me:

For far too long the “establishment “, “Deep State” or whatever term you want to give it have operated without consequences.  And it’s not just a Democrat “thing”. Republicans are just as deep into it. Trump came along and upset the status quo and people on both sides are fearful their power and influence had been taken away. We must get the word out. The problem is too many people are so fed up with all of the negative press they just tune out and that’s the worst thing we can have happen.

For instance, Republican Lyndsey Graham could be part of the political silo. Information offered from him could likely be tainted with political influence and would not be considered as facts. The same is likely with a Democrat such as Chuck Schumer.

Perpetrator James A. Wolfe

On Tuesday, August 18, 2020, a person in the know, with code name Sundance, met with the “main guy” Durham investigator William Aldenberg (The man I said to not forget his name).

Their primary topic of discussion was about the Senate Intelligence Committee Security Director of 30 years, James Wolfe (another name to remember: Wolfe).

Sundance informed Aldenberg that in 2018, an indictment against Wolfe was unsealed.

Six weeks later, the DOJ mysteriously declassified and publicly released the Carter Page FISA application which is the very specific copy of the  “top secret classified document” described in the Wolfe indictment.

Despite this overwhelming evidence, Wolfe was never charged with leaking the FISA application in March  2017. 

“Quite the contrary,” said Sundance. “Even to this day the official position of the FBI, DOJ and U.S. government is that Wolfe “did not” leak the FISA application.

“Agent William Aldenberg is a polite, courteous and friendly person,” Sundance observed this weekend. “He was well prepared with the materials prior to discussion and detail oriented on the specifics. He was everything one might hope from a solid investigator.”

“There was one month between first contact and our ultimate briefing/discussion on details.  He was well prepared, open and engaging.”

Ali Watkins, The Romantic Interest

I have asked you to remember two names: Aldenberg and Wolfe. Now, remember this one: Ali Watkins.

James Wolfe & Ali Watkins

In March 2017, FBI Washington Field Office Special Agent Brian Dugan hand delivered the “highly classified” Carter Page FISA application from the FISA Court to only two individuals with the strict “read and return” policy. Those two were Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Security (SSCI) members:

1) Security Director James Wolfe

2) Vice-Chairman Mark Warner

Factually certain and proveable, is that Wolfe leaked it to journalist Ali Watkins.

Both the New York Times and Washington Post (the usual go-to liberal publications for Obama Administration and Democrat leaks) began reporting on the FISA application.

“As soon as Ms. Watkins wrote an article for Buzzfeed, April 3, 2017, outlining Carter Page as “person one” in the application, Dugan knew the FISA had been leaked,” said Sundance.

“Wolfe sent Ali Watkins 82 text messages (pictures), and later that evening had a lengthy phone call about it.  Dugan put Wolfe under physical surveillance for several months as he gathered more information.”

Christopher Steele, author of phony Trump Dossier, was paid by Hillary Clinton campaign and DNC.

“Dugan obtained enough evidence surrounding Watkins participation to gain a search warrant for her email, electronic communication and phone records.  At the same time it appears Dugan obtained the text messages between Chris Steele’s lawyer, Adam Waldman, and Vice-Chairman Mark Warner.   The dates of both captures are very similar.”

“After more investigative paths were followed; and after more surveillance was conducted; eventually Wolfe was confronted.  He lied three times over two dates until eventually Dugan put the direct evidence in front of him, and on December 15, 2017, Wolfe admitted to the leak.  He was fired from the SSCI.”

Everyone Was In Cover-up Mode

In January 2018, Dugan revealed the trail of evidence showed “blood on the hands to SSCI members,” one source said.  “They knew it. As soon as they received it they began tearing it apart like vultures. Warner is the highest ranking Democrat in SSCI.”

Sundance said the SSCI “began providing cover for their political allies.  That’s why the Mark Warner text messages were released on February 9, 2018.”

“The Wolfe leak was toxic to the purpose of the special counsel.  There were also serious issues with an intelligence compromise, a national security compromise, an SSCI compromise, a gang-of-eight compromise, and a compromise between the legislative and executive branches of government.  The special counsel was in damage control mode.”

Warner’s text messages were released.

“Despite recommendations and normal procedures, ‘Top FBI leadership,’ including FBI Director Chris Wray, made decisions not to do a national security damage assessment based on the identified intelligence compromises.  The ramifications are rather stark.  Everyone was in cover-up mode.”

“The transfer of the investigative file into Main Justice is how the  special counsel gained custody of the exact March 17, 2017, version of the FISA application which they released on July 21, 2018.   Additionally, only nine days earlier, July 12, 2018, the special counsel was telling the FISA court the Carter Page FISA application was adequately predicated.”

The Real Threat Was To Mark Warner

When the SSCI returned the Dugan investigative file, the evidence of the Wolfe leak was scrubbed.  Wolfe was only charged with lying three times to investigators.  

Because it was now scrubbed, Wolfe’s lawyers had leverage and threatened to subpoena the SSCI senators. The real threat was to  Senator Mark Warner.

According to Sundance, Jessie Liu of the D.C. U.S. Attorney’s Office agreed to a plea deal and reduced the three federal lying charges down to just one.

The media went into hiding mode and kept this news quiet.

“This evidence was directly provided to special investigator William Aldenberg who was very apt at asking questions as each document was reviewed,” explained Sundance, of The Conservative Treehouse. “By the end of our discussion there were no questions remaining; and none of it was based on supposition, innuendo, speculation or inference.”

“Mr. Aldenberg could not affirm or attest to the implications of the information as provided,” Sundance said. “However, he did accept the briefing was clear and articulately grounded on the evidence within the documents provided.”

Demand Answers Today

The current members of the SSCI are:

Majority Members (10)
Rubio, Marco (FL), Chairman
Burr, Richard (NC)
Risch, James E. (ID)
Collins, Susan M. (ME)
Blunt, Roy (MO)
Cotton, Tom (AR)
Cornyn, John (TX)
Sasse, Ben (NE)
McConnell, Mitch (KY), Ex Officio
Inhofe, James M. (OK), Ex Officio

Minority Members (9): Democrats
Warner, Mark R. (VA), Vice Chairman
Feinstein, Dianne (CA)
Wyden, Ron (OR)
Heinrich, Martin (NM)
King, Angus S. (ME)
Harris, Kamala D. (CA)
Bennet, Michael F. (CO)
Schumer, Charles E. (NY), Ex Officio
Reed, Jack (RI), Ex Officio

Good questions for constituents to ask these senators are why did they allow Senator Warner and others to scrub information from the Durbin report?

What were their individual roles in aiding the scrubbing of this compromising information?

When are they going to come clean and what are they going to do about this cover-up?

For latest posts of more free articles like this, please click “NOTIFY ME” below.

(There is no "notify me" below; this could all be Trump poppycock, to get elected even though he was impeached!) 
Clever Journeys - link will not paste
Is what is visible, but won't copy. 

Here is the "article" which could be propaganda: 

Are You in Danger Because of This List of Controversial People?


President Donald J. Trump released this statement today.

“I immediately call for the release of all text messages sent to and from Barack Obama’s Chief of Staff during their attempt to overturn the 2016 Presidential Election. They spied on my campaign, they spied on my transition team, and they even spied on the White House while I was in the Oval Office. They did everything they could to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power, and stop the “Will of the People” with their Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, Mueller Scam, and more. I wonder what the texts would reveal? Unlike my Chief of Staff, which show patriotic Americans concerned about illegal and massive Election Fraud in 2020, I say bad things would be revealed.”


In 2020, prior to the presidential election, Senators Ron Johnson (R- Wisconsin) and Chuck Grassley (R- Iowa) released documents listing the declassified names of Obama-era officials who were part of a growing list of those behind what would come to be known as “Spygate” and the “unmasking” of former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Popular meme

The List included:

former Vice President Joe Biden

President Obama’s Chief of Staff, Denis McDonough

former FBI Director James Comey

former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper

former CIA Director John Brennan

former Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power

It is now clear that Barack Obama knew even though he was not originally directly named in 2020.

The Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by Sen. Lindsey Graham, held hearings on Spygate, Crossfire Hurricane and as well as issues related to unmasking requests made by Obama officials against General Mike Flynn.


“It was the greatest political crime in the history of our country,” President Trump said at the time. “If I were a Democrat instead of a Republican, I think everybody would have been in jail a long time ago, and I’m talking with 50-year sentences. It is a disgrace what’s happened. This is the greatest political scam, hoax in the history of our country.”

“People should be going to jail for this stuff and hopefully, a lot of people are going to have to pay. No other president should have to go through, and I’ll tell you, Gen. Flynn and others are heroes, heroes, because what’s happened to them. They weren’t after Gen. Flynn. They wanted him to lie about me. Make up a story.”

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What is the ‘Devolution’ Theory and is it Trump’s Reality?August 5, 2021In "History"

Trump’s Message About Arizona’s Attorney General’s Lack of IntegrityApril 19, 2022In "News Legit"

Secret Germany Raid Reveals CIA Ties to US Election FraudNovember 14, 2020In "Crime"

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 When Truth is a Threat

Biden, ‘Big Climate’ & DC Collude: Hoaxes For Profits 

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April 29, 2022 at 5:40 pm

They need to “burn baby burn”. When we take back the Congress and Senate, we need to investigate all of them right away. They are waiting for the statute of limitations. We need to go after them right away.

Liked by 2 people


Texans Jack & Dodie

April 29, 2022 at 8:58 pm

Exactly. Hopefully some of the RINOS will not be around.

Liked by 1 person



May 2, 2022 at 7:51 am

Lock ’em up!

Liked by 2 people


Dawn Pisturino

May 2, 2022 at 10:23 am

If the DOJ refuses to do its job, we have to get rid of the people obstructing justice. There is a real flaw in the system when we can’t even get rid of the people who are corrupting the federal government. Do we have to start paying for privately-funded investigations? I don’t see any other avenue.

Liked by 2 people


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Regrettably the USA has MUCH crime - a huge criminal underworld! 
 #ElonMusk and #JeffreyEpstein #SittinInATree Both Sex Cultists and part of the criminal, depraved Elite! 

Posted 5/22/2022 

Pitstop of Information
June 2022

     Send tweet string to sundar pichai:

1. 6/15/2022
Someone manipulated my blog recently, this past week! They moved my favicon, promoting Scotty Kilmer's CarKiller App - to my Blog Title!

2. I changed my title; and I had to change my Favicon  to "Thank You" yet this is the message I still get:
This site can’t be reached

Check if there is a typo in

It did not say "probe_finished until today" I don't know what that means

4. Nobody can view my blog. Not even me! Yet I can edit it. My domain is paid for. Please see to it that's fixed. I don't know if it was someone at Motorola,Mint Mobile, or Blogger who nefariously changed my blog settings.
Thank you for your time and attention.

1.    6/15/2022
#AskScotty @Scottymechanic
The favicon on my was corrupted -I bet by CIA! You can't view it now.They changed the title,from  Fallontalon
-to Ask Scotty w his car killer app

2.  My blog is a hobby which I created to give research a chance.

3.  My domain is paid - not due It's set on Autopay. $12/yr
I pull up
Suggested names
And get this:
Domain name is unavailable.

4. Because it's already my domain! I hope Mr. Pichai will have them restore my blog😁🧡
Recent blog project: added Titanic notes on Thunderflower blog 

Unavailable is available.

$12/year$12 per year


Blog address

Custom domain

Fallback subdomain

Redirect domain to

    Why did they give me the option, then??? My domain is - it's set on Autopay for every year. It's not due!

  Yet it says this when I select redirect to, which is my full domain!
Save Failed

You have not been authorized to use this domain. Please follow the settings instructions.



Buy is available.

$12/year$12 per year

Buy is available.

$12/year$12 per year

Buy is available.

$15/year$15 per year

Buy is available.

$12/year$12 per year

Buy is available.

$14/year$14 per yearMore secure

Buy is available.

$12/year$12 per year

Buy is available.

$14/year$14 per year

Buy is available.

$20/year$20 per year

Buy is available.

$40/year$40 per year

Buy is available.


- all blog posts should be here but my most current ones may not have been added yet. I do my best to keep up, though this is 100% hobby. Copy what you want, share as your own statement.

Alphabetized Table Of Contents

@TMobile @sundarpichai  #WhatsWrongWithInternet
1. My blog is disrupted with popups frequently! You won't find it using this account. AI is used as a spy weapon, that's why. Look up #MindsOfMen by @truthstreamnews

2. Right after that, I get the message that DELETES everything I had not saved - same thing happens frequently. I blocked Ryan Hall Y'all account and that's when it began. It only provides more support that my theory is true: he's a CIA operative, William Paul-Rand Paul's son.

@Amtrak Toot! 9:24pm EST  Just heard the train 🚂 in New Haven,CT - it's either you or @MetroNorth 9:26pm  Which choo-choo does toot-toot? BTW #ChooChooStory (Chipmunks in China🥰) I don't get out much 🤗#RIPBrittanyInfinger #SunriseCT

On The Real Future Of Work

     The History Guy - USS Tennessee warship
My response comment:
 @Charlie's Schroedinger  So you dodged the Kuwait bullet. The highest casualty incident was FRIENDLY FIRE. The Division Artillery barracks was bombed! I regret ever sending a letter to Andy Rooney titled "Are My Friends Going To Be Killed?" Bush obviously rigged it! I didn't vote for GHW  Bush, yet softened up to him living in such a corrupted place - Connecticut - yet coming to the realization that this corruption has been fueled by Bushes, who used to live here! And JP Morgan was born in Connecticut. He and Bruce Ismay sank the Titanic with CPT Smith's help. No way in hell did spineless Smith die, and this was MODUS OPERANDI for White Star Line. In fact, they had such a bad reputation, Titanic was 1,000 passengers short of being at capacity, even though Churchill rigged a huge coal strike to deplete coal resources and help Titanic. In fact, they probably only had enough coal to get where they made Titanic sink!
Ice cutter ships prevented them from being harmed by icebergs! Titanic was designed with its own cutters in front too. Why did Smith order full speed ahead 10 miles before supposedly hitting an iceberg? He locked 1,000 people in the lower floors by activating the electric seal tight doors! Then there were explosions, obviously to burn them to ashes - and I bet a submarine hit them with a torpedo! Many passengers testified they heard a lot of explosions, yet just like when Americans mass murdered in September 11, 2001 - their testimonies were suppressed! The damn government still covers up that fact - being co-conspirators! These mass shootings are rigged! Either completely fake like Sandy Hook Shooting was (Adam Lanza didn't even exist!) or using MIND CONTROL - and just like the deliberate mass killings in USA the politicians are profiting in MANY

I believe this was a REMOTE attack probably by lasers! NAZI symbol is fascinated with Fans/propellers! That's probably one of the mechanisms used to sink #Titanic!

Most recent, but Frauded, podcast: First 20min, #CIGNA Fraud. It was spliced! Over an hour on #Brittany #Infanger after this! Over 2hr audio
I didnt combine these-NEVER has Anchor allowed me to go over an hr-I had no choice: delete or publish.

Posted 6/4/2022

I've been a great customer, they don't respond by adjusting my rent & taking off nefarious insurance charge! They obv'y had my notebook harmed & it took several hours to get back to where it once belonged, with my Gmail at least! (Video)
@storquest_sucks #SunriseCT

For those who like my #SunriseCT tweets, #ThisOnesForYou
PS @PaulMcCartney is on tour now! 🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵🎼 @FallonTonight  #BeKind

@USCCA - #MichaelJackson said Nothing about being apposed to self defense. He said, "Instead of loving our kids more, they install metal dectors in schools" #TheyCauseTheProblem then charge $ to fix it! #ActsOfTraitors
#September11 #SandyHookHoax #ParadiseCA #Titanic 

Posted 6/6/2022

No! Ukraine NAZIS are NOT winning! #NATO #UN and #USA continue to fund terrorism! Even sending military to aid and abet NAZIS!

CHANNEL which considers massacring people like Hitler
A day at the park!
Ukrainians we're surrendering - so NATO and other CRIMINAL OPERATIONS have gone in there with obvious mafia to outnumber the Russians!
How can they be allowed to continue these crimes?!?

Posted 6/6/2022

The Commonwealth is indeed a great force in the world 🌎
Happy Jubilee @ElizabethUKRPG


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Globalism and Brief History of Ukraine

This is the irony of today’s globalist ("western") Ukrainians: They ignorantly point the finger, stating that Russia wants to draft them into a new Soviet Union. Such a laughable and ridiculous accusation will never gain any respect from Russia, not only because it is modern Ukraine who still carries the torch of Soviet ideology of ecumenism...

Mar 5, 2022 | 1240 words  1,348  1


TIP JAR - If you liked this article, please donate to Russian Faith.

Remember the Plandemic? Remember how the American globalists were so crazy about it to the point of manufacturing deceptive statistics, videos, and even hospital manipulations? They ran it to the point of near failure where their media blitz machine simply just ran out of juice. But there was already a second line of defense ready to roll into the battle.

It was only a matter of time where they could switch the narrative and point their cameras to this new scenario and boast about their new social justice badges, feeling sanctified with their god. It is now the latest philanthropical effort to “support” western Ukrainians.

Who are these People?

So, who are these “Ukrainians” that hate Russia so much? Well, they were created by the communist leftovers of the Soviet Union. Prior to the communist takeover of Russia, Ukraine was the very cradle and borderland of Russia.

Kiev, Ukraine, is where Prince St. Vladimir baptized his Nordic people along with many pagan tribes such as the Slavs (who likely made up the ancient majority), as well as fragments of the Scythian tribes, into the Orthodox faith and culture. From Kiev, this new great Christian people began calling themselves “Rus.” This term means “men who row”. This is because the leaders of the people in Rus at that time where the Vikings who were expert sailors.

There is a new exhibition in Moscow’s Red Square that shows the ancient artifacts of these Vikings, as well as digital maps of how they rowed through many complex rivers to get to the land of Ukraine. After they established their community in the now-called land of Ukraine, they rowed to Constantinople (now called Turkey) where they found the Orthodox faith. St. Vladimir is recorded as saying,

“And we went into the Greek lands, and we were led into a place where they serve their God, and we did not know where we were, on heaven or on earth; and do not know how to tell about this. All we know is that God lives there with people and their service is better than in any other country. We cannot forget that beauty since each person, if he eats something sweet, will not take something bitter afterwards; so we cannot remain any more in paganism.”

After a few hundred years, the neighboring Mongolians became aggressive through their conversion to Islam, and began attacking Rus. The people of Rus then expanded east to protect the lands closer to the Mongols, which evolved into a new capital: Moscow. From there, with Kiev, Ukraine, Rus became an Orthodox empire. Kiev remained a prominent place of spirituality, and because of the rich soil and warmer climate, a capital of agriculture. The majority of the region was filled with peasants for the labor. They never established their own high culture and language, only borrowing from the Moscow region (see The Russian Empire by Andreas Kappler, Ch 6). 

Soviet Persecution and Soviet Ukraine

In the early 1900s, western governments began funding a rebellion in Russia through the means of global ecumenists. Lenin was raised up, all of Russia was taken over and eventually renamed the “Soviet Union.”

After the Soviet Union began dissolving in the beginning of the 21st century, the Soviets decided to leave certain countries with some autonomy, such as Ukraine, so as to not officially be considered a part of the new Russian Federation.

This is the irony of today’s globalist (western) Ukrainians: They ignorantly point the finger at Putin, stating that he wants to draft them into a new Soviet Union. Such a laughable and ridiculous accusation will never gain any respect from Russia, not only because it is modern Ukraine who still carries the torch of Soviet ideology of ecumenism, but also because of the fact that Putin has done what probably no other leader has EVER done in the history of Christ’s people. He has built TENS OF THOUSANDS of Orthodox churches in Russia. No one does this by accident or compromise. Anyone who knows about how nations are established, knows that temple building comes first, then culture is built off that, including military. For those of you who do not know, Orthodoxy is radically opposed to communism, hence all of the churches that the Soviets destroyed and tens of thousands of the Orthodox that they killed and enslaved.

Many American globalists do know that the Soviet-created Ukraine is completely on board with western globalism in all of its glory, including some of the most perverted sexual preferences of the anti-traditional family model. Now, this blasphemous model of family that we see St. Paul the Apostle condemn in his letter to the Romans, is not the essence of the Soviet-based people of Ukraine. It is merely a symptom of a much more deadly virus: ecumenism. Ecumenism is the heart of the Soviet and western belief. All spiritual paths lead to the same god, they believe, whether it be Paganism, liberal Judaism, Islamic, Buddhist, Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, etc. This is the so-called “novy sovetsky”, the New Soviet Man. This was a new type of person to the Soviets. It was to be a “neutral” person with no gender or religious dogma.

UPDATED NOTES: 1. Biden, Obama, and other US politicians have funded a schism within the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The very liberal ecumenist bishop of Istanbul (AKA, Ecumenical Patriarch) has accepted this globalist mission of the US to help accomplish this schism. They had to take out the spiritual pillar of the Ukrainian community before launching a civil war (2014 - see movie Ukraine on Fire - YouTube) and inviting liberal NATO to take over the country.


You can thank the Organized Criminals of Obama Administration for this, 2014 - after he frauded the economy over $1Trillion from the fake #SandyHookShooting and Man-made #HurricaneSandy erecting hundreds of Transgender clinics!
"Ukraine on Fire" 🟨🟥🟨🟥🟨🟥 Copy my notes before you watch and make  notes of your own.I will type what I have now.Stopped at 39min. I hope to make more, continue notes . It is a separate blogpost,  titled Ukraine on Fire.on Publiusroots blog.  

I will share that link here: 


2. Obama, Biden, and other US politicians have also funded the Neo Nazis for Ukraine. Some think this is absurd since Ukrainians now have a number of Jewish leaders including the current president, Zolensky. Neo Nazis are far more advanced than the Nazis of WWII. They will join a lower ranking enemy who has a common enemy that is higher ranking, all for the Nazi's long term goal. Yes, eventually the lower ranking enemy will be fought against, but the main concern is here and now, a bit like how many corporations attempt to out run the competition by climbing the stock market quickly. They will make sacrifices, even though they will have to reap them later. Who is this common enemy of the Nazis and Ukraine? Many, including Russia, and Orthodoxy in general.

The New Globalist/Modern Man

Folks, the novy sovetsky person is repackaged today as the liberal, the globalist, etc. It will soon have a universal name that will attempt to overtake the Christians. It is not a time to fight as much as it is a time to prepare both spiritually, intellectually, and economically. We must become sustainable, agrarian people, who are not dependent on the globalist trade system. We must become communal people who stick together and support each other in both spirit and practicum.

The current crisis in Ukraine is one of a "Great Reset", as they call it, and western Ukrainians are at the forefront of it all, primarily because they are not only the spiritual root of Russian, but also a physical gateway to Turkey and much of the east. The devil wants Ukraine like no other nation right now, and the current US presidency and media is fostering it all.

Link of prophesies regarding Ukraine:

Take action! Resist the assault from the rainbow mafia:

Russian Faith Website Attacked by Pro-LGBT Megacorporation - Help Us Fight Back!

Who works for Russian Faith? Click to see our photos:

Meet the Team - Russian Faith Now in Seven Languages!










Bahasa Indonesia









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A Prayer for Russia - A Beautiful Prayer and Wonderful Video

RF Staff  855  1


Russian Christian Activists Start Nationwide Petition Drive, Demand Putin Dismiss Gov't Over Covid Tyranny

RF Staff  2,456  5


Russia Is Open to US, EU Tourists & Getting a Visa Is Easier Than You Think

Russia Insider  2,412  1


US Orthodox Priest, Wife, and 8 Children Move to Russia (Rostov-the-Great) - Interview

Fr. Joseph Gleason, Artemy Schmidt  20,097  49


Russia's Brilliant Realist Art Academies Open to Americans - Glazunov Academy (Photos, VIDEO)

Charles Bausman  1,282  0


Top Russian Bishop: Global Elites Trying to Destroy Image of God in Humans, Russia Faces 'Historic Decision' (VIDEO - Subs)

RF Staff  8,051  2

On Fire

18 Orthodox Churches and Monasteries of Pennsylvania (Photo Essay)

 691  0


Russian Bishop: QR Codes Make a Quasi-Religion

Taisia Lazarenko  438  0

Every Year, 40,000 Russians Walk 92 Miles to Honor Saint (VIDEO)

Ruslan Ward  1,218  2

Russia Is Getting Out of Debt, Just Like Christianity Teaches

(RT)  807  4

Listen To Magnificient Russian Orthodox Christian Chant - Psalm 51

RF Staff  1,486  1

Leaving Moscow for Provincial Churches, Wooden Huts & Tranquility (PHOTOS)


Russia's Badass Monument to Tsar Ivan the Terrible

 509  0


Russian Orthodox Christian Priest Brilliantly Explains "Why I Never Go to Church" Phenomenon

RF Staff, Archpriest Andrei Tkachev  738  0

The Orthodox Church Is Standing in the Way of the New World Order

Hieromonk Ignaty (Shestakov)  1,893  1


Epic Prayer Sung During Lent: “We Bow to Thy Cross, O Lord, and Glorify Thy Resurrection’

 845  0

The Power of Sincere, Repetitive Prayer

Fr. Silouan Thompson  470  0


Fr. Seraphim Rose's Historical Tape Was Just Released to the Public: Lecture on St. John's Theology

Fr. Seraphim Rose  1,053  1


Contraception Destroys the Individual, Family and Nation - Popular Russian Priest (Smirnov)

RF Staff  1,568  1

Moscow Greenlights New Futuristic Orthodox Church Building (PHOTOS)

 1,527  71

Billionaire Says US on ‘Classic Path’ to Civil War

 505  0

We Believe the Saints in Heaven Pray for Us - It's in the Bible

Fr. Joseph Gleason  1,063  55


Catholics and Russian Orthodox Join Forces to Help Christians in Middle East

Eva-Maria Kolman  668  8

KFC Bans Homosexual Topics from International Sports & Music Competitions

Fr. Joseph Gleason  1,180  3


'The Sinner' (Genrikh Semiradsky, 1873) - GREAT RUSSIAN CHRISTIAN ART

Genrikh Semiradsky  642  0

Taliban Going Door To Door Seeking Christians, Searching Through Phones For Bible Apps: Report

Jon Brown  1,300  1

Russian Girls Brilliantly Sing Old Love Song

RF Staff  1,795  4


Christian Husbands, Ditch the 'Honey Do' List!

Fr. Joseph Gleason  3,968  18

Femininity: Celebrating the God-Given Differences Between Men & Women

John Varus  1,877  2


Modern Science and Its (Continued) History of Violence Against Free Will

Dn. John Dear  443  0

DECREE: All Bishops in Ukraine Now Must Report to the Patriarch of Constantinople  1,334  4

Raw Footage (1986) of the Holy Men From Russian Bestseller 'Everyday Saints'

Michael Tare  3,052  1

Popular Russian Politician Punished for Carrying Icon of Tsar Martyr Nicholas II

Paul Gilbert  1,082  2

Why Call Priests "Father"? Didn't Jesus Say Not to Do That?

Fr. Joseph Gleason  3,393  7


Eminent Orthodox Christians Speak Out Against Compromising the Faith for COVID Restrictions

James Perloff  1,758  0

Viganò: Considerations on the Great Reset and the New World Order

Carlo Maria Viganò  975  4


The Greek Bishops in America Are Dead Wrong on the Jab

 650  1

Canada’s Spiritual Crisis: A Report from the Front Lines

Archpriest Geoffrey Korz  698  2

Only Monarchy Can Save Russia - Restore It! - Canadian Bishop Gabriel

Bishop Gabriel and Br. Nathanael  1,730  14

8 Myths About Last Russian Tsar Meant to Defame Him: #2 - The Coronation Stampede

Ruslan Ward  2,510  3

Greek Bishop Banned 14 Unvaccinated Priests from Ministry, Believers Called that a "Satanic Measure"

Elena Konstantinova  424  0

Constantinople's Century of Domination over the Modern Church

RF Staff  614  0


May 3 - St. Nikolai Velimirovic - Author of the Prologue of Ohrid

RF Staff  498  0

Putin Scores Direct Hit on Globalist Perverts in Blistering Speech - Analysis

Boyd D. Cathey  1,083  1


WATCH: Family Of Ten Moves From America to Russia - TV News Story

(Vesti)  1,082  3


Coronavirus and the Triumph of Orthodoxy (What Saints Said & Bishops Tried to Hide)

Fr. Josiah Trenham  3,189  29

Two Different Gods: Roman Catholic Trinity vs. Orthodox Trinity

Fr. Joseph Gleason  1,177  3


'Burning the Christians' (Genrikh Semiradsky, 1876) - GREAT RUSSIAN CHRISTIAN ART

Genrikh Semiradsky  624  1

Modern Judas Supports False Brethren in Ukraine

Fr. Zechariah Lynch  1,591  6

Moscow Theological Academy Now Offering Online Program in English

 490  0

Russian Faith - News Site About Russian Christianity Announces Launch

David Curry  1,381  2

Dostoevsky: Russia’s Mission is to Bring Salvation to the World

Mark Hackard  1,405  3


How Christians Can Take Back the Modern Culture - A Letter From the Editor

Fr. Joseph Gleason  9,196  8

King & Queen - A Christian Marriage is a Patriarchal Community

Mikhail Smirnov  1,438  2


Russian Christian Activists Start Nationwide Petition Drive, Demand Putin Dismiss Gov't Over Covid Tyranny

RF Staff  2,456  5


Large Family Flees Germany, Receives Asylum in Russia

(Vesti)  3,775  21

From the Archives

Profile of Russian Tycoon's Big New Christian TV Channel in the FT (Konstantin Malofeev)

Courtney Weaver 596  0 Nid: 925

Russian Church Replaces Rome as the Center of Christianity?

Iben Thranholm 1912  11 Nid: 930

Russian Church Would Love to Ban Shopping on Weekends 364  2 Nid: 992

Join Head of Russian Orthodox Church in US on Pilgrimage to Holy Places of Russia 385  0 Nid: 941

Miracle at Tsypino: The Resurrection of a Russian Wooden Church

Professor William Brumfield 245  0 Nid: 975

Here's Why Russia Might Soon Outlaw Halloween Altogether

RF Staff 3159  11 Nid: 919

Orthodox Churches in America Sending Aid to Residents in Eastern Ukraine 247  2 Nid: 892

A Brief Account of a Russian Monastery Outside Seattle

Chris Hoke 803  0 Nid: 889

Before and After: The Amazing Restoration of Russia's Churches and Cultural Heritage 3329  3 Nid: 959

Christian Curriculum Introduced in 30 Moscow State Schools 344  1 Nid: 906

THE PREVIEW BY David Hoffman professionally Emphasizes what's important in this interview.   #VietnamVoices #Vietnam
"Magnificent Vietnam Green Beret Tells What Happened To Him" on YouTube - 

#Ruger4Life on YouTube  #ColdWar2022 #PeaceBeginsWithMe
#DepravityHasNoPlace #BePreparedForTheWorst
"Innocents Will Suffer! 😡" on YouTube -

          A Little Neem tree Humor 🌳 
@FallonTonight - this is called the Tree pee dance
"In keeping with tradition, #EddieRedmayne demonstrates a move from #FantasticBeasts! #shorts" on YouTube -

#ThisIsWhy! 3 1/2 hr video 
#NAZI #Invasion #UkraineCivilWar #RussiaIsJustified #WarIsHell
"Soviet Storm. Documentaries. All episodes from 1 to 4. History of Russia. War Film. StarMediaEN"

Posted 4/8/2022 - the lettering size keeps changing.  THE IMPORTANT THING IS YOU CAN READ IT. 

Where was Russia getting money to recruit spies from other countries? That's what I'd like to know. 

    Consider the trillions of dollars that Bruce Ismay and JP Morgan made by Sinking Titanic.  

    This 4min video touches upon Philby - see notes, comments! 

     One comment Emphasizes to search Philby 1955 for Unfiltered press conference 

    I bet he was involved with inciting WW2 

    I wonder how many agents in USA and Britain were actually helping NAZIS 

     Did Philby defect because he was against the PM minister supporting NAZIS? 🤔 

....more notes to come...

Posted 5/13/2022 

Did YouTube steal the poem I wrote and shared here? Now it is gone! I WILL ADD IT AGAIN. 


#CarlosSalazar #Shorts 

 "TITANIC 🚢#flute #panflute #hermoso #lago" on YouTube -

😍     This is my Dream: 

 Home Of The Brave - Land Of The Free

Those Who are Brave make this their Home 🏡 

Those Who are Free live on - Beyond 

For each One's  spirit enjoys The Sound 

Of Triumph - of Victory - of Being on Solid Ground 

We've Found what pleasure is 

We've found what happiness is 

For it is living for the sake of Truth

Living for the sake of making things Right 

The Brave fight for those things 

The Brave work for the Truth 

The Brave face the sky - face the water-face you and I

The Brave's Time Clock ticks on its own

And when all is said - when all is done 

The Brave enjoy making the Land Of The Free - One 

One Country that nourishes - One that flourishes

One country that makes Freedom Ring

Which is The Sound to be enjoyed

Which is the Ground that makes us Solid .   (THIS BLOG)

  POSTED 5/21/2022 😁


This happened  Sunday 6/5/2022


I enjoy watching Wuauquikuna brothers music, but don't speaka Spanish. So recently when Luis Salazar was speaking it sounded like he said "stinky bomb" 🦨 and I started laughing till I cried after hearing Fabian say the same phrase. It could have been about a farmer's market for I knew! 😁 I shared it in a DM on Twitter, to my "besties" ...Twitter obviously picked it up and tried to block me from donating to Luis the next week. I managed to override their tricks but when I tried to donate to Fabian, I wasn't successful overriding. Yet I easily donated to Raimy - using the same device - the tablet that the CIA dentist stole from me and I got back - probably the FBI agent I left a message with got it back for me. 

They stole my flash drive case last time I was in NYC - for doctor appointments. I still hope this will get returned to me. Considering I was stalked by a previous boss the time before that, I'm quite creeped out. He didn't try to speak with me

Posted 6/6/2022

@truthstreamnews @mfa_russia
#WhatAreWeFightingFor #WarIsHell #FollowTheMoney #NaziUkraine
#Swastika - akitsaws
- video 1 of 2  from movie on Brittanica 
Video 2 - emphasis on the propeller - why are the NAZIS fascinated with the #BigWheelKeepsOnTurnin 🎵🎶 #Titanic reported no explosions but split in TWO/Twins? This ship capsized instead of sinking straight down - lower deck was filled with water. #Strange #Riddles #WhatsNext

Posted 6/6/2022

   Homeland Security tweets his location - real smart! 🙄
    My tweet
Great, Mr. Classified.Are you trying to drum up business by saying that? How about going to Ukraine, since @mfa_russia #RussiaIsJustified and there's enough USGov ppl falling over each other as it is. Ever heard of #SEIGE or #CommomSaw - maybe they're needed to feed Wall Street.
Tweet to @CarrieB
How about taking a long cruise off a short pier for starters, and go #TrollinDownTheRiver #DontMessWithMyTootToot
@RealDutchsinse @FallonTonight @theroots #ThankYouNotes to CarrieB who cb a troll 🏆 of the year - use your talent to go after the NAZIS in Ukraine incl Zelensky
My tweet

       What happened to my blog?
@sundarpichai @Blogger
copy: @USCCA
Why is my blogger account domain blocked even though it's paid for? This is very annoying to say the least! I have to fight a lot of corruption! Here is my new of my blog posts: Behold A Pale Horse

Taiwan Belongs To China!
Hong Kong belongs to China!
Singapore Belongs to China!
China will protect them from US warmongers!

Taiwan Belongs To China! 
Hong Kong belongs to China! 
Singapore Belongs to China! 
@China protects them from US warmongers! I believe USA-CIA murdered Ambassador #DuWei in #Isreal 
Posted 6/12/2022

@sundarpichai @Google @gmail #WhatsWrongWithInternet
1. Stop sending "Got It" bull$hit to #SelectedAccountsOnly showing #Fraud #UnfairBusinessPractices #Manipulation There's #NoAgreement! There shouldn't be bc #IAlreadyAgreed #ChangeAgreement = #CreateANewApp #StopTheFraud!
    Pics (2)
2. #StopTheFraud
ALL Gmail accts
are supposed to be serviced the same damn way!
You cannot TARGET ppl!
You cannot use your service as a weapon!
The "Got it" bull$hit is nothing more than a nefarious secret code 4 depraved technocrats!
@bobforgovernor @jeffsessions
3. @Twitter is pulling this $hit also! SELECTING accts, attaching #GotItBullshit on them! That's not even any acceptable agreement! Instead, #YouAreTheMaster #WeAreTheSlave #USAisNOTFree! #WashingtonDC is a #CesspoolOfCorruption - ppl, #PassThisOn if you agree! #CIATerrorism
     Separate 2min video attached because of the depraved technocrats hacking my device!
   It's my IP address!
IP=Intellectual Property
6. Summary - video 24min is now BLOCKED by the tech crooks! #KnowTheEnemy! I made this video to show short clip of my struggles! I will try to record this on my
Account! See if the recent recording was issued on 6/13 - feel free to listen to any of it.

Posted 6/12/2022
      Tweet String
6/13/2022 @TruthStream
1. WhatHappened 2my Blogger Autopay Acct  Why can't it be viewed? Is this more corruption on internet? I can't access my Gmail


2. Got IT - is a psyop!
IT is not God! They are not our masters. We are not their slaves! I have a right to be angry! Google requests a screenshot - they manipulate the screenshot so their stupid jargon is removed-on SELECTED accts only- implementing socialism is treason!
3. "GOT IT"

I've got this thing
Gonna blow your mind
Pulling your string
Helping you unwind

You want to know
But it can't be taught
You want to steal
'Cause it can't be bought

I got this thing
Gonna tie your tongue
Step in my ring
You'll be out round one
You want to feel
But you got no touch
You think it's love
But you think too much
I got it
I got it
I got it
I got this thing
Gonna break you down
You're crumbling
Till you hit the ground
You wanna try
Come and have your taste
This thing won't stop
'Til you can't be straight
I got it, I got it, I got it, I got it
I got it, got got got, I got it, I got got got
I got it, I got it
I got this thing
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Gongol Samantha Lee / Lloyd Jeremy K

PS: it's bullshit!
I won't do it!
They block my account because of it!
I want to spit!
THEY want to hit!
They don't own us one bit! 🐎

Many thanks to #Dominique 🤗👏 #Dominiques for her help & Understanding today! 6/13/2022
She knows I didn't hang up, too. It was hacker, probably CIA Terrorists!

Posted 6/13/2022
2+hr meet and greet
The Truth about Russia-Ukraine #MilitaryAction #USA are the nefarious ones declaring war, especially#JenPsaki viciously said "We're gonna crush Russia" and more!

Intent is obvious! They want a world war! NATO wants to cover up their funding terrorists. USA wants to cover up their $billions 💰 funding terrorists, most recently, $48B! To Ukraine NAZIS! @truthstreamnews @mfa_russia @RussianEmbassy @ElizabethUKRPG @EbrahimRaisi2 @XiJimPing

@sundarpichai @Blogger Why can't I access viewing of my account domain? I've not been notified of any changes! It was set up on Autopay! Nobody can view it! See video attached. I don't know why audio is muffled in sections 6/17/2022

#RegisTremblay's guests include #WhatsGoingOnWithUkraine
Get this book if you can!
The Doomsday Machine #SunriseCT

Posted 6/23/2022

LaToya Jackson gives respect to her father, RIP
    My comment:
Her father was abusive to #MichaelJackson yet if media hadn't wedged themselves I believe that relationship would have healed. His father would have been remorseful. How can one be remorseful with media shining their depraved lights on them - they had to be defensive instead.

Explains what Television Hypnosis has been #KnowTheEnemy - Don't Feed the bad wolf. 🐺

God save the Queen 👑

LOL, So the press can see it, Her Majesty doesn't matter... She who laughs last, laughs best - God Save The Queen 👑

Two hot mamas! 🎵🎶🎵
Kelly Clarkson and her mother-in-law
Reba McIntyre 😍

Posted 7/1/2022

Pitstop Of Information 

July 2022 

These are people who broke off from society. Yet they create a weak dynamic for themselves, which gives them no voice. This film gives them voice and we must learn in our own lives: You're either part of the solution, or part of the problem. 

Comments r off so we can't whisper those three little words: FALSE FLAG EVENT! GoFundMe is freaking CRIMINAL-frauds! The spineless media won't take comments.TooBusy seeing themselves in mirrored camera!
Today is brought to you by #FrenchFries with @MarthaStewart

Thank you #RightToSmile for your encouragement to see #GroupHealthDental - I'm working on a solution to be their patient! Meantime, this @RightToSmile has lots of encouragement #SunriseCT 

@PaulMcCartney What a jam! The Carol Brunette Show Official #SgtPeppers are in season 😁 @LTHomestead @Fallontaylor__ #MattMillsReining @TruthStream @reallygraceful 

Posted 7/5/2022 

@mediamonarchy @truthstreamnews @gpovanman @EbrahimRaisi2 @XiJimping @joeimbriano777 @RealDutchsinse @LTHomestead  - 
1. Film: 
Pls remind public #WarIsHell #MilitaryIndustrialComplex is funded much by crime $ #CIA = terrorism #Foreign and #Domestic 
2. The Kuwait "War" was incited by CIA! Colin Powell was against using US military like Taliban,funded by Then-Saudi Corrupted Govt! Colin Powell 's intelligence located a Nuke factory in Iraq. It was created &funded by CIA! The nukes were found in Syria 2014.Thx to #ColinPowell 
3. This criminal underworld of politicians and bureaucrats are murdering as many patriots as they can! Destroying #FoodProduction #Healthcare #DentalCare #Eyecare - using these services as weapons! 

#GeorgiaGuidestones Discussion by @truthstreamnews
7/8/2022 #WeHateToSeeYouGo #HahaWeWishYouWere...gone! Go on, git!

Posted 7/8/2022

 Ten best Korean foods
Street vendor prepares them 😋

#CarlosSalazar of #Wuauquikuna Brothers @wuauquikunaoff1 livestreaming #NativeMusic #ToCalmYourSoul and if you miss it, #WatchReplay 💛🤗

    Tweeted 7/10/2022 

You don't have to come to my door! I'm voting for #BobStefanowski - as long as my apartment isn't burglarized again on election day! My landlord never changed my keys and say "You can trust us" as reason at the hearing they tried to evict me! I still paid rent for all that time! 

     (That happened in 2016 - life here has been constant survival) 

It's just too bad military are seen as nothing but sold-to-die soldiers by political parasites that steal $, obscund funds, etc from USGov! Colin Powell was doing great in E Germany as General of 60,000 troops - and Reagan ordered him to the Whitehouse to crash Russia's economy! 
    Resp Tweet: 
Speaking of #MakeItStop - stop your ignorance, supporting the depravity that runs this this cesspool of corruption state! They helped #PhilGiordano bc CEO of CIGNA secretly - he just had obvious plastic surgery on his eyes - &goesBy the name

    (should be #DanCordani 7/27/2022) 

 #DanCorderi! CIA/Skull&Bones Job! 
I had to pay an Ave of $200/month for my studio apt in New Britain, CT yet my neighbor blasted A/C &heat all day long &only was charged $40/month! The utilities system is so corrupted! I appreciated my neighbor telling me. The elderly man below me usually kept everything off! 
And $10K was probably a drop in the bucket - he probably made ten or more times than that in favors, bribes. #WhereTheresSmokeTheresFire 
There are media propagandists pushing for Scotland to pull from Britain. OMG, it's the DEVIL'S Chessboard! Donald Trump owns real estate in Scotland - and a well known British Boogie-Woogie pianist (first name Brendon, I think) who often says "Don't Bash The Piano" - seemed to have an abandoned convent handed to him! Here he had just emphasized he was staying near home as his daughter needs a chance to grow up. He never mentioned even thinking about moving. He said he was content where he was. Maybe he's been mind controlled. It was more than I could figure out. I unsubscribed and blocked his channel. All I could think of was, Trouble was brewing! 

Regis Trombley interviews/discusses with guest
     (Is this video altered by AI? -it makes no sense)
This man being interviewed is talking in circles on almost every aspect. ie, Russia can't stop their mission with Ukraine, then "Let's stop Russia before they defeat Ukraine" ... He's too embedded in the corrupted Foreign Policy which is Depraved, Deranged, and outright Dopey. China is a threat to Russia is laughable. They have a Shanghai -China trade and completed a bridge to easily access each other's nations!

Posted 11July2022 

Well, Actually, I consider Princess Anne to be a most magnificent woman, leader. ❤️💯❤️💯❤️ But the Monarchy has been attacked by political crooks for decades - consider that when you think of them. Diana was a Spencer-part of Rothschild family. Winston Churchill was a Spencer and his mother was American = double trouble. Diana did a great job acting like a woman long enough to convince Charles she was in love with him and a virgin. Boy oh boy - did he get a shocker on their wedding night! If he inulled the marriage, or divorced her, he would lose title to the throne, which Prince Phillip and Queen Elizabeth were preparing him for. Laws changed but it took years. 

      Michael Jackson

Many think Michael had plastic surgery to look white. He had to have it bc of the PepsiCo fire attack, then due to one or more plastic surgeons - there is a depraved underworld that care nothing about really making a living. They TAKE livings!  #JacksonFamily @latoyajackson 
We DO have #ClimateChange as a natural process; #WeaponizedWeather #Geoengineering sb stopped! @RealDutchsinse @N8_Snyder @reallygraceful @Fallontaylor__ @truthstreamnews @mediamonarchy @BlancolirioYT 

We do have another Obama-Biden office IF this is real Biden. I think he's a clone or lookalike. To be President, one has to be a traitor to USA. That has to stop! Stop the #Satanisn! KAMALA backwards means god-woman; K Harris is a MTW Transgender, like #MichelleObama 

       WTF is This Alliance Crap - replacing businesses? It's clearly illegal!

There's a 
Dental Alliance
Now I see a 
Greater Fort Lauderdale Alliance 
(For Pilots, claiming business is booming in their ads) 
WTF - are they cults? Do they pay taxes? I bet it's another way to break down economy! 
#ProbableCauseChannel @SWFgowildlife @GlenandFriends 

Posted 7/11/2022 - verify 

I hope Craig feels better, LOL 😂 

Tweet Response 
I agree. Ads YouTube uses outside of YouTube TV are so invasive. Videos should have spaces for ads. I don't like spy features that know where you're positioned. Do we spy on them? Agreements are ORDERS, DEMANDS. They don't have to reciprocate! #WhatsWrongWithInternet 

Resp Tweet
To @Michelledothsay 
"God doesn't give us what we want, he gives us what we need" - unk source but makes sense @Fallontaylor__ @reallygraceful @truthstreamnews 

@XiJimping - A woman disrupts government security, could be weaponized or used as a distraction - and she wonders why she's arrested after being ordered to leave?How Christian is she? She doesn't represent how I believe! @truthstreamnews @mediamonarchy @ElizabethUKRPG 

@bobforgovernor Why isn't Joshua Murray of New Haven in the case lookup? I consider this a fake story! @USCCA 

@SDState tweeted it's IcecreamDay 
My response: 
Wow, It's also the day Carpathia ship sank @mercoglianos I suppose in both cases there were alot of I-screaming @FallonTonight @jimmyfallon @GeologyNick @BlancolirioYT 🍦

The Native Americans were wiped out in Florida AFTER they got their land - then the government took it back. They still act like they consider #DishonestyTheBestPolicy 

What about the laser weapons Trump got 5 months before he set #ParadiseCA to fire 🔥 - and now Spain is in fire! Ask CIA how many of them are terrorizing with THOSE ASSAULT WEAPONS! @truthstreamnews  

@shanghai2188 @mfa_russia @Russia @RussianEmbassy @EmbassyofRussia - STOP THE PROPAGANDISTS! @PresidentPutinm is being a fine, brave leader - and who outsmarted the NAZIS? History is repeating itself! Only this time Russia will be THANKED, HONORED! 

This film is telling me how the PM Political Machine and #BruceIsmay #JPMorgan (with Irish ties which weren't smiling) made huge money, some have said over one trillion back then, when #Titanic was sunk @truthstreamnews

The Mormon Church Claims William Warren are great pioneers of USA, taking their "company" across the country to Utah. OMG 😳 Their company was their polygamist clan, of course. 

    They don't acknowledge this is  globalist-economist with phD, Michael Hudson, who speaks at 40 min
    Search #Superimperialsm 
Roy Ovid Hall sought laws to hold accountable this financial corruption on paper - politicians said "We're a Christian Country; they're errors and omissions" WTF - not agree with by Michael Hudson!
Economist John Christenson ---- shares good info too! Tax evasion, offshore accounts, etc. 
     Corrupted Elites - what they don't mention at 35min is when Hillary Clinton murdered General Mohamar Kadafi, leader of Lybia, then stealing all his wealth using CIA, who   murdered #AmbStevens &spread propaganda about the ppl.of Lybia tortured him.

     Correction: Lewendowski was AG,but was made  first Director of Economic Security - they did away with Insurance Dept bc their fraud was catching up with them! - 7/27/2022.

@XiJimping @PMOJapan @shanghai2188 @EbrahimRaisi2
The film mentions Tax evasion in Paris - AG of NY won a multi billion dollar lawsuit accusing Paris of not adjusting proper monetary exchange when trading with Iran! #ObamaAdmin 

The Creation Of Credit and the evil mystery behind it. Real money in #Superimperislism is NOT created by production - Andy Hornby of @AZDA and more  @PepeEscobarM @Scottymechanic 

@USCCA - Cologuard/Exact Sciences CEO is an actor who lead the insurrection at The "Blight House" - why is there no accountability? #Article7 

     World War G
    William Warren Group - founded by FLDS polygamist cult. Leader, Warren Jeffs is in prison for life for being a rapist an molester - like fake Dan Cordani who is really Phil Giordano, fugitive from justice!

What is World War G? World War G Merchandise ... man steals R2 droid at Walt Disney World, Lego Bowser, Pussy Island, Yu-Gi-Oh creator found dead, ...
World War G - Funny Or Die

Jun 27, 2013 — The whole world will be infected. The whole, fabulous world. ... World War G. Andy Maxwell, Ally Hord, Funny Or Die June 27, 2013 ...
🦋 › ...
    Yeah, that describes Washington DC pretty well! 

World War G - Monster Island Buddies Wiki - Fandom

World War G is the 100th episode of Monster Island Buddies and the 11th and final episode of Season 8. ...
Episode Number: 100
Yu-Gi-Oh! tells the tale of Yugi Mutou, a timid young boy who loves all sorts of games, but is often bullied around. One day, he solves an ancient puzzle known as the Millennium Puzzle (千年パズル, Sennen Pazuru), causing his body to play host to a mysterious spirit with the personality of a gambler.

Illustrated by: Kazuki Takahashi
The Yu-Gi-Oh! (遊☆戯☆王, Yūgiō) manga ran from 1996 to March 8, 2004. It was created by Kazuki Takahashi, and was one of ...

Release date: March 6, 1999

No. of volumes: 38
Produced by: Toei Animation
Publisher: Shueisha
Freedom Of Choice ??
Consider this video ... 

Just bc this man says #NikolaTesla says 3,6,9 have power as numbers - doesn't mean it's true! Who made numbers? MAN, as a means to survive. They cannot be GOD. They are used as MIND CONTROL #MindControl 

@FallonTaylor3 - who knows, this cb a new dimension of #Pride2022 by #ShowingYourColors  


When watching this, consider 
#MindControl #Causes #Effects #Intent "Soak into your brain" he says #justsayin 

The Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Numbers

1hr lecture on history of numbers

The history of electricity

Electricity is breathed in through the nose? I just woke from a nap and heard this 
    *How much natural conductivity is in the frog?

#BigGrantSearch is a #USGov #FreeMoney offered and yet the pay #BigMoney to a 3d  party to advertise &more = WTF-they say reason is bc "Your bank isn't telling you" WTF My bank processes disputes bc the USGov doesn't do their job. @TDBank_US After all, they're too busy frauding  

I've heard this before, that Pharaoh was brother of Moses - I think #ReligionForBreakfast or #LetsTalkReligion @history_yt 

@Scottymechanic - this artist is #ScottJacobs in #NorthDakota and he rev'd his engine on this one. Guess what - it was his social media I learned about Scotty Killer 🤗💛😁💯 Great minds run in the same path!  

Storquest FRAUD
    COVID is FRAUD! 

Just after 43min, I was surprised he referred to NAZIS as "German Juggernauts"bc I follow a channel that does free landscaping for people and says his many subscribers keeps this charity of his business, "The Juggernaut" going.
@gpovanman - one of those leaders of the Insurrection is an actor and CEO of medical company #ExactSciences #Cologuard #Wisconsin @USCCA  

Jim Rickards 
Bidens Order 14067 
Sinister - ttl control of all US Citizens-54min documentary - WTF, changed to 2min!
 2min warning is prob fake - CIA;  huge indicator  

Democrats' Reconciliation Package The 'Biggest Climate Action In Human History'

The deal Democrats struck late Thursday includes a historic $369 billion in clean energy and climate investments, but also requires new oil and gas leasing.


Chris D'Angelo

Jul 28, 2022, 03:30 PM EDT|Updated 4 hours ago
I took a screenshot because it won't let me share the article untilI give them my password 🔑 WTF 

Democrats' Reconciliation Package The 'Biggest Climate Action In Human History'

The deal Democrats struck late Thursday includes a historic $369 billion in clean energy and climate investments, but also requires new oil and gas leasing.


Chris D'Angelo

Jul 28, 2022, 03:30 PM EDT|Updated 4 hours ago

Content loading...

The climate and clean energy provisions in the surprise reconciliation package Democrats announced late Thursday are far smaller than the $555 billion in climate spending eyed in the initial “Build Back Better” plan that President Joe Biden unveiled last year.

Still, at a whopping $369 billion, it would be the most significant investment the U.S. has ever made to confront fossil fuel-driven climate breakdown and its mounting impacts.

“This will be, by far, the biggest climate action in human history,” Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) said in a statement shortly after Democrats struck the deal. “The planet is on fire. Emissions reductions are the main thing. This is enormous progress. Let’s get it done.”

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said it will be “the greatest pro-climate legislation that has ever been passed by Congress.” And in Thursday remarks at the White House, Biden called it “the most significant legislation in history to tackle the climate crisis and improve our energy security right away.”

So you call being FORCED to stay home when the death rates have ALWAYS been lower than birth rates - Pro Choice? You need a proctologist to remove your head! Coronavirus Notes


          Why can't be viewed? I paid for it the annual domain cost April 2022! 

 @sundarpichai  B4 I got messages my blog wasn't viewable bc I spelled it wrong. I stopped using Mint Mobile, & removed my Gmail acct, then added it back but NOW it says isn't connected - this is #CyberCrime - pls help 
(My laptop was cyber attacked too) 
    Sent 4 tweets similar to this 7/30/2022 

#WhatsWrongWithInternet - Corruption! Why the hell does the internet provider get away w disrupting my blog so it can't be viewed? I paid for the domain! It was pd in April 2022 as annual payment! It's like internet rape! They're are all like Epstein!  
Who the hell is 
Save America
PO Box 13570
Arlington, VA 22219
Operation Save America (formerly Operation Rescue National) is a fundamentalist Christian conservative organization based in Concord, North Carolina, ...
Save America is a leadership PAC created by I M P E A C H E D 
President Donald Trump (R) on November 9, 2020, following the 2020 presidential election.

Year founded: 2020

Founder(s): Donald Trump

Type: Leadership PAC

WTF, another "founder" 
Michael Holmes - Founder & CEO - - LinkedIn
     🔥Is he even a real person? 
Founder & CEO of Writer, Artist, Video Production Specialist, Human Rights Advocate, Geopolitical Analyst. · About · Activity · Experience.
And THIS person says SHE'S in charge, WTF  - I DON'T USE Linkdin- however it's spelled. They add ppl who are up to no good - on your acct! It's without your permission. 
Susie Wiles - CEO - Save America Leadership PAC - LinkedIn
Leadership PAC - LinkedIn

"Currently, I wear two hats. I'm the Jacksonville managing partner of Ballard Partners, Florida's largest government affairs firm"
      The US gov should NOT have a firm that takes care of "government affairs" - this is illegal! Trump is in Florida stirring up trouble!
@truthstreamnews Why aren't people seeing through the political $hit? Trump is in Florida stirring up trouble! They have Elites blocking view of my blog to suppress their BS! I paid the annual fee for the domain in April,have the receipt! 😡  31July2022

@bobforgovernor Did you see that #StrongerCT 🦨🦨🦨🦨🦨 ad? They direct everyone to CT.Gov after saying BS about your campaign! #CrimeMoney is what keeps this state above water. They go to Obama and say "You owe us for lying about #SandyHookShootingHoax"  

Safety - not LUXURY. How much state money is given to medical contractors, for instance? *Create The Problem *Solution Is Money for conspirators *Pay To Play's  
Really Graceful and Truthstreamnews channels emphasize Bill Gates owns the most farmland in USA now! This is such a dangerous circumstance! Also, they use technology to HARM FARMS because of the power of internet, use of microbots, etc! 
@SSLFamilyDad #SSLFamilyDad 
I wonder if they @LTHomestead may be able to tap in an aquifer on their land. Minnesota has great water that's limitless because of that. Check with local geologists at universities!
These tweets are either trolls for media or have their heads up their asses! 
👿 Accusing Prince Charles for "accepting" $2million = WTF 
My response: WTF! 
1. USA got Billions of dollars from the Bin laden Construction Contractors! 
2. The Middle East had nothing to do w  #Sep11! Americans mass-murdered Americans! 
3. No Boeing 747 was even capable of ramming either WTC bldg-programmed to never drop altitude, etc! 

A very full and productive year, focused on peace and taking care of #MotherEarth ❤️RIP #PrincePhillip Thank you @PrinceCharles_A &lovely 😍 Camilla 🤗💛 - the Monarchy has been the face of England & also first to be attacked bc they stand up for England. 👑 @ElizabethUKRPG  

     And what information are the military "intelligence" relying on? Maybe from "Mary Mary Quite Contrary" 
      @RussianEmbassy - so media use heresay to #TellTheWorld what's going on with Ukraine and even professors like @mercoglianos accept it as fact -never admitting the civil war began when Obama incited it years ago #OnCIATerms  #HowDoesYourGardenGrow #NaziUkraine @gpovanman 

Posted 8/1/2022 


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