A To Z Geology 2024

 A To Z Geology Cascades 2024 - 2025 

Link to this blogpost: 


Table of Contents: 

(It is not up to date, sorry. This is a hobby. Copy what you want. Make it your own words)  you should be able to use the search bar which Blogger added πŸ₯° Thank you Blogger...



Reference links, as I come across them:

🐸Hello, from Jeremiah 


      Insert 3/21/2022: 

I created a blogpost to share @GeologyNick / Professor Nick Zentner's  lectures from home, and then some ....but I've been goofing off and haven't done much with it yet. It's on my PubliusRoots blog. 

nickzetner.com - most important πŸ‘

Prof. Nick Zentner
817 E 3d Ave
Ellensburg, WA 98926-2451 


This is a weird one that needs cleaning up. ..https://motherearthtoo2022.blogspot.com/2022/09/weather-and-geo-reports.html?m=1


Reminder: I will upload 30 at a time beginning with beginning but can't promise they'll be in chronological order. I never get them in order anymore and they don't send me flowers 🌺 🌹 either...😁 probably because I just happened to make the last bunch, first and blame them 🀣🀣🀣🀣 When I upload pictures, I started selecting the last ones first to rearrange what used to be in order. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. 🀣

It just deleted one 😀


I'm so popularπŸ₯ΊπŸ€”πŸ™„πŸ˜€πŸ₯±Atty WTF called and asked me to call him about a Dec 7 accident. Obviously he didn't want me to block his damn number. 


'And this rock said, 'It's HARD to be humble when you're perfect in every way" : from the STONE AND THE RESTLESS 😬 

Everybody got out of the chat pool on my phone....
Gee, could it be from the invasive YouTube ads that invade without permission? πŸ˜€πŸ€” BTW, Social Security is being commercialized so medical facilities can deny your Medicare Advantage or other BS plan .. Don't agree! They are also adding Medicaid to the menu... don't agree! 
Thanks for being a pain in the wazoo, ad, I wouldn't have mentioned this 😝πŸ₯΄


The Beginning - because I posted it upside down πŸ™ƒ

Ridge Migration Again πŸ€—

I am posting all screenshots now, About 30 at a time😊
--12:36pm EST 
In Loving Memory of my cat Frosty πŸ’™ I took the picture so it was the best angle I could get while she played with my eyeglasses πŸ€“ 
Frosty was poisoned when I wasn't at home. An illegal intruder dumped my nail polish down her throat, leaving the bottle out to brag.  She was 9 years old. Probably a Satanic Ritual. This state has churches of Satan. My bldg was documented as being owned by "MEPT Chapel" and they claimed to be nonprofit and this was a type of commune - they solicited for donations. The recent transaction is this $2.2 billion building was allegedly sold November 2022 (with no closingπŸ₯΄) for $160million - several media sources like New Haven Independent 's bot "Thomas Breen" reported the same thing. ..with a $89billion mortgage! 
and the beat πŸ₯ goes on. πŸ€‘ 

Her face wasn't pushed in like this one but she looked like this otherwise. She could jump like a rabbit. She was a Persian tabby. Persian is rooted in Iran. Someone abandoned her when she was a kitten and she jumped in my car when I went to the grocery store. 

I will enlarge all pictures when I have them all uploaded. The technocrats delete what they can do I need to load asap. 

Next 30:


Next 30: 

Next 30: 

Last 34: 



I shall return! 

Ewww...I tripped up the featuring picture:

I have to move these notes back up to the top - or copy them ...I don't know why they got bumped here . --11Jan2025

Table of Contents 


Reference links, as I come across them: 

This one was cyber-attacked: 

I'm all done crying about that .....😀

Nick Zentner Geology 

Most Important:


Link to this blog post: 

Already provided at top 

Reference links, as I come across them:.blogspot.com/2023/05/nick-zentner-geology-101-and-more.html?m=1

      Insert 3/21/2022: 

I created a blogpost to share @GeologyNick / Professor Nick Zentner's  lectures from home, and then some ....but I've been goofing off and haven't done much with it yet. It's on my PubliusRoots blog. 


I found these in my travels..GEOLOGY

Prof. Nick Zentner
817 E 3d Ave
Ellensburg, WA 98926-2451 


This is a weird one that needs cleaning up. ..https://motherearthtoo2022.blogspot.com/2022/09/weather-and-geo-reports.html?m=1


These aren't in order....I can only do one at a time to put the in order. Why, 😢 idk 😐 

I will just upload the chat and maybe it will be useful ⛄

Operation SKNOW😁⛄

The End ⭐


I need to backtrack! I had a court document to prepare and submit that day. Which BTW, sucked! I'm not an attorney and this is no joy ride. So glad to be a Zentner. 😁 

This is a repair job because CYBER CRIMINALS messed with the other blog post and for the safety and security of curious visitors, I unpublished it in case it was hit with a virus . 


Happy Saturday from #GeologyNick blasting through the mystery of Combo soap opera of

I took pictures of lots of comments - what a blast it is to be on the Livestream! So many of us of all levels amazed about this rockin' and rollin' 

Here's a little thought: stopthecrime.net with Deborah Tavares....One of the things she's emphasized is that CA is loaded with fresh healthy water aquifers which are not tapped into and instead they keep recycling polluted water. She has also claimed oil is NOT a fossil fuel....it was created by the earth..The fact she's on odycee is a red flag because personally I think Odycee is run by CIA operatives like Q-Anon people...well,just thought I'd throw that out there...

Could water play a huge part in this activity including subduction? And when the rivers reversed direction,could the subduction have been influenced? 

Here we go...I doubt they will be in order because that's what Whoever Tube is causing - idk who it is; all I know is it wasn't like this but now it is...

Next 20....

Next 20....

Next 20...

Last batch a little more than 20...

I should have started first to last so last would be first and maybe in order  😬

I will see if I can do at least H before I rest from this ..


Here we go...

Next 21...

Next 21...

Next 21...

This phone is head tripping me! 

Last batch, more than 21...


I'm going to see if I can do G....

G. More Break-off MAGMAS 

Now, I don't think I got any chat stuff; I'll be lucky if I can find the pictures I did take....

I'm stuck ...

RIP 399...

Well, anyway my pictures are all jumbled from here on out....all I can do is move forward and maybe the screenshots of chat will be a reference to some. ... I am not going to publish that other blog post. I don't know how to fix it and that's all I can say ..


She's what makes Nick Tick! The Liz of his life ❤️🍻 #MoonshineCT 

F - 

Here's a commercial for the hell of it....

I'm so hungry for Vinmans Bakery right now! 

Oatmeal, milk, eggs, banana, apples,flavoring! Very healthy and tasty! And try veggie recipes: carrots eggs, cheese...and more #SunriseCT  #MoonshineWA

Julia Bharat channel 

You think I'm nuts? Just look at what I'm eating... #SunriseCT

I wonder if squirrels give vibes...


E - 

Ok, ok, I can do this. I will make lemonade with these lemons πŸ‹ πŸ‹ πŸ‹ πŸ‹ πŸ‹ πŸ‹ πŸ‹ .... I'll be back...


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