June 2023

Link for this blog: https://motherearthtoo2022.blogspot.com/2023/06/june-2023.html?m=1 💥 TABLE OF CONTENTS https://thunderflower2021.blogspot.com/2024/01/table-of-round-tents.html?m=1 💥 What Day is Today? https://nationaltoday.com/what-is-today/ Happy SAVE OUR SHIP Day ....and don't forget about the movie: Hostile Waters, when Russians were attacked , and preserved their nuclear sub so they not only survived but the submarine did not leak nukes! We have a lot of ships to save - Prof Sal Mercogliano created his channel to keep us informed on What's Going On With Shipping https://youtu.be/5ve4GVAYrdQ Many of us tell him we're so glad he did! Feel free to copy anything from my blog posts, share. Make it your own statement. Also subscribe to SCOTTY MECHANIC channel https://youtu.be/5NLUD61xIUQ Don't Forget: Scotty live streams Thursday, at 1pm EST - 12pm Central - 11am Pacific - t...