September 2024

 Link for this blog post:


(But not up to date; this is a hobby. Copy what you want) 

My father was an MP in Hiroshima, the day USA bombed Nagasaki even though Japanese were surrendering. They began attacking and my father saved the crew in the jeep but almost lost his leg. His knee was filled with shrapnel. He received a purple heart. He was 15, having marked up his birth certificate to appear older to get out of the abusive foster home. He was an orphan, his mother died and his father was an alcoholic. Many days he'd come home with such sore feet. Though doctors claimed he was flatfooted, I consider that a lie to make him suffer from such sore feet having no arch support. He gave his all for his family - with little appreciation and much taking advantage of. War is hell. War is profit, which is why USA keeps inciting war as much as they can,claiming they are policing the world. All fake! 

Reference Links so far:

      It should have 09 for the month😀 I created it September 1. But when I verified the working link, it had 09 for the month. 

   Posted 2/16/2024. 6:12pm 

This month 's theme: WOW
                                        Weapons Of War 
Posted insert 9/5/2024

And Google jumps right in to assert it's fake authority! 
I tried to donate $5 to Crux channel....they block it because they want to force me to use GOOGLE PASSWORD MANAGER 
which means These unknown people are forcing us to let them control our privacy - those criminal f*kheads! 
See the image they assign as a demented way to entice me..which is psychopathic! 


WTF - celebrate my third super sticker? How about celebrating MYOB 
Mind your own business, YouTube! Technocracy! 

No, YouTube, you cannot manipulate my account by getting my password! 

I have never been bothered like this,I just enter amount and that's it. Like they admit, I made three prior superchats. This is all Cyber Crime, fraud! 

Posted insert 9/5/2024 (above) 

First and Worst weapon: 

Media lies 
I'll be back ... 

USA Military Commander wanted to hit Japan with FIVE ATOMIC BOMBS! 

Pasting the tweet would not work and this damn cyber crime will not stop!  They took the keyboard off - all to abuse me and keep me from uploading my screenshots - after all, they enjoy altering videos and my screenshots would prove what frauds, what cowards they are pushing buttons as a weapon! 

They also do not want me to paste the link!  

His name was Col.Tibbets 
Consider wordplay ....was that his real name - were they trying to mirror Dallas police officer TIPPET, who was spitting image of JFK- and was murdered by CIA just so they could switch bodies in autopsy?

CIA convinced Lee Harvey Oswald that Officer TIPPET was forming a coup against President JFK - since Oswald lived in Russia with his Russian wife, he took their word for it...and meantime NOW...
My blog post was disrupted by cyber criminals! Probably CIA cowards! 

If you don't think this country is a huge mess, you don't care to know the truth! 



Second weapon of war:



THREE? They surrendered after one, still were attacked! Melting people - many to ashes! The landscape was poisoned, synthesized. #WW2 #AtomicBombs

My blog post was disrupted by cyber criminals!
My blog post was disrupted by cyber criminals!
My blog post was disrupted by cyber criminals!
My blog post was disrupted by cyber criminals!

My blog post was disrupted by cyber criminals!

I had to connect my keyboard  because this damn phone is being hacked by the cyber ciminals who should all be taken out of society!!!!!!!!!

It is 3am - i get so sick of these cyber criminals! 
It jumps to all this BS - to manipulate and abuse power!  They are also remotely messing with my electricity in my apartment! 
3:12 am

          now this! 
And they continue to abuse me with a Google Voice To Text which is obviously cyber crime because they will not remove it! 

If you think it's safe I have a bridge I want to sell you. People are dying from dangerous Teslas and more. Decide for yourself. 


     Could Mass-murderers make their victims disappear like "magic"? #CIACoverup

Any chance we can make the mass murderers disappear? Personally, I don't believe in alien abductions; NAZI technology is hidden


Posted 9/3/2024 

     (Insert 11:13pm) 

        Also <insert> 9/19/2024 
   Note, My Settlement for life was swiped up by a state across the country - Chicago, ILLINOIS! It occurred in 2014! Same year Colin Powell led a team of military people specializing in NBC to dispose of the nuclear weapons that Saddam Hussein DID make - for CIA - covered up by scumbag political parasites to US Gov - like GW Bush - who got Media to run a slander campaign against Colin Powell to force him to resign! 
Which pissed off OCraphead Obama - The one eyed, one eared flying purple cocaine and people eater (I know, none of us are perfect 😀) started funding billions of dollars a year to Ukraine NAZI terrorists 
2014: The New York Liquidation Bureau refused to speak to me about the fact they illegally moved my New York insurance claim to Chicago ILLINOIS Office of Deputy Receiver - completely illegal! I have never even been there! Let alone lived there or was hit head on by a New York State sander truck there! 

The OsD had a large box of copies I printed along with the electronic version of my "objection" which was completely frauded, pulled out of record and my flash drives were stolen at the NYU Langone Doctor's office when I was having a female check-up. I didn't realize it was stolen until I got to my next destination, the train station. I called and they said, "we don't have any lost and found" 
Not even caring about my 1 T flash drive which cost $250 plus all my files were on it! The other flash drives were a collection of what was in my 1T flashdrive! 

Cyber crime: 

Cyber Crime: 
Cyber crime: 

Ten years after they get my claim telling them among other things, they have no jurisdiction! My policy was the claim number and the policy was KEMPER INSURANCE, which still exists as a company! Subrogation Dept was moved to Texas and I spoke to them when OCraphead Obama had NYS send me a frauded action letter that my insurance was being liquidated! I didn't have a car! The insurance was cancelled! The claim was my policy number, not the underwriting number! Which makes no sense! That was probably a fraudulent number altogether! An underwriter may use a document number for filing purposes only! They destroyed my car and almost murdered me as well! 

My call to the fraudulent office of Special Deputy Receiver in Chicago IL when I never even been to Illinois! 

This is cyber fraud: one of my siblings kids, I thought! Some would never have anything to do with me because I had to fit in the so

info. She only gave them the balance rather than a ledger of payments. She Actually stopped working there and that was not any relief to me. They gave me the ledger, I submitted it and requested 

I didn't keep saying "uhm" and there are other problems with this! But it is an idea of what I said, not that it makes any difference to anyone, probably. 

I never got my money from winning in Minnesota - it should have been over $500. One problem was the chiropractor secretary frauded the insurance 

I further explained but it was all deleted by the cyber bastards. This is all I am doing now. It's all such pure hell! 

And Barack Obama gave $500,000 FREE MONEY to my younger brother's business - to reward him for treating his own dad like shit and cheating me out of $30,000 (quit claimed to him so he could build his equity and get a higher loan, promising my father he would get the money from the sale of ut but instead my brother get a new car and had a third kid - which Fed his wife who had cheated on him) which was my original investment in my store, which I only owed $10,000 to payoff, which pissed off the locals because i worked hard and was honest! My mother stole my winter job -which the local priest assured me was mine every Fall/Winter when my store was closed! And my mother had the nerve to say I hurt that priest's feelings telling people he lied to me and ran the dagger further by hiring my unreliable mother! She only lasted long enough to run me out of town, with not a Penny! She quit because she said she broke her finger at home and it was "too much" I had been employed two years. Planned a third, but the priest told me I didn't fit in the town and should leave - obviously paid off to do that, by probably the family of the one who raped me or his special sperm bank-in-arms who would screw a tree if he could - that family -- neither of which I dealt with on a personal basis. Peace was my only focus, besides running my store, which I actually changed my mind to purchase after giving them a purchase offer. But he said he would sue me if I didn't buy it and I already experienced the complete lawlessness of a multimillionaire attorney who destroyed my rights and conspired with the one who tried to kill me for the sex trafficker who probably worked for CIA! 

And recently, Ten years later - the office isof Special Deputy Receiver decides to rule on the Lifetime lawsuit settlement, converting to an insurance claim under a fraudulent title, since my policy was Kemper Insurance, not Lumberman's! They were just the insurance writers! 

Obama created new laws and as many times I emphasized the new laws cannot apply to my lawsuit or alleged insurance claim which they kept open - just made them that more aggressive to me, anxious to get rid of me! 

The letter was in my mail last week in August 2024- I just happened to be alive still even though the maintenance supervisor tried to kill me 7-2-2024, which falls on same date Amelia Aerheart was declared dead,missing after flying over the Atlantic Ocean. A great opportunity to open a eulogy for publicity, since I was a great admirer of her life. My father had a restaurant at the small local airport. While my younger brother stayed home and watched TV. It never bothered me until he became controlled by the sperm bank who tried to get me to have sex with him with even a girlfriend who was pregnant. And he coaxed my brother to make him best man at his wedding.  I turned him down; he befriended my younger brother and the social playing continued! 

Pictures were just altered and deleted by cyber crime! 9/19/2024 2:28pm 

 Having no real knowledge of my circumstances because they frauded records for Obama the cocaine craphead who was screwing and murdering anyone to pay for his crooked Obamacare which I would never agree to, so he stole my retroactive social security covering two years and social security had no explanation for that fraud either! 

And that was when IRS stopped preparing taxes for people with less than $30,000/year incomes! More chance for Obama to fraud, aka "Cook the books"

Couldnt these #MissingPersons #FakeDeaths be from #InsuranceFraud? I was a victim of insurance fraud by my #KemperInsurance agent, conspiring w the attorney who took my case when a 20ton truck deliberately ran into me. #AccountabilityMatters

(End of insert) 

More pictures from that video.... including reference to the ship 

The ship was MARY CELESTE...

.... This should be a reminder to keep your loved ones safe. πŸŒžπŸ™πŸ•Š️🌎 

"Dead Men's Secrets" reveal technology made in history that hundreds of years later other men took credit for.

The New World Order Of Barbarians explains the Illuminati/NAZI and even factions of the Freemason's who are Illuminati members - emphasizes this is real. Not a movie yet clearly produced through social engineering like it was a movie. 

Be aware, don't compromise yourself. And DON'T BLAME YOURSELF FOR SOMEONE ELSE'S NEFARIOUS ACTIONS. 

They can use forces to make you fall, make your coffee cup fall onto your baby while calling you on the phone. If you suspect something, do something different to avoid that circumstance again. DO NOT ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE SOCIALLY ENGINEERED! 

You may have made a mistake; then again other technology may have caused your ladder to fall out from under you and so much more! The best defense is a good offense. They may criticize Britain for having public cameras all over yet indeed it saves lives! 

Decide for yourself. 

Posted 9/3/2024 


Were fundraising frauds making money hand over fist? 

Along with insurance fraud! 

And the young woman who disappeared...did they sue the Bennington college or were students insured for accidental and life? Did parents rejoice "bringing home the money shieves"? 

Was the disappearing the perfect crime to fraud? 


These pictures are not in order with the video..... FYI 

They pull the same thing about a headless horseman in Cape Vincent, NY - yet I was always assured it was a silly story that went along with Halloween πŸ‘»πŸŽƒ - virtually every place in USA has stories like that. They did in Minnesota. They were Halloween favorites. Taking fiction to a nonfiction level is intent to cover up / deceive to commit crimes! 

Were any of them kidnapped for money? Was kidnapping an unsuccessful way to cheat people? 

Also consider the CIA's trafficking business! They have been known to be the largest sex traffickers in the world. Children get sold and or abducted...these stories may be a take the light off many missing children! Johnny Gosh was obviously sold by his parents. As Ted Gunderson gave his parents the benefit of doubt, he was poisoned with arsenic as he was putting the behavioral pieces together, realizing his parents were the heart of the problem. He severely bled out, has several transfusions in the hospital , as well as other treatment, and died a few months later due to irreversible damage to his organs. The same attorney who won the million dollar case for Johnny refused to collect, which is breach of his duties, etc! A CRIME! And deFrank actually became a senator through obvious election fraud!  Think his first name was John. Nobody bothered him despite being the most likely who poisoned Dr. Ted Gunderson, retired FBI section chief. He was a CIA agent! 

Consider how Life Insurance became a huge business.....

The first known life insurance policy was issued in England in 1583. However, many of the insurance companies that offered life insurance failed because they lacked the tools to assess the risk involved. 

Posted 12:26am 

I am not finished watching this video yet so ther may be more... 

I Hope some interested researchers can use this as a basis of crime investigation in the REAL star tech World as opposed to STAR TREK! 

  All my notes and pictures were erased by ORGANIZED Cyber Crime! 
They pushed me out of this tab and did this - it is now 12:46am ...Just 10 minutes after 12:26 I posted more pictures! Because they hit a nerve! Modus Operandi!

The body was not there when they searched for her yet her body was placed there when they returned! 

They did the same thing in New Haven CT - regarding Annie Le 's murder! And I explained the whole thing, and some Cyber asshole deleted it and pushed me off: 
To this tab: 

And these are the screenshots I took just 10 mins after the prior notes: 

Cyber Crime plays a continuous roll in covering up crimes, especially for CIA operations! 

It is 12:57 am and I need to take a break from this. I will hopefully finish it tomorrow -today...later today. I wasn't feeling well today but like Carol Burnett said, 
I saw this in the window and couldn't resist (Went With the Wind skit) ....

just putting dinner humor in this very horrible truth bomb. 

I want to resume here, where I stopped, at 24min


Mariah Zakarova, spokesperson for @mfa_russia
Something is disrupting translator. Most likely Cyber Crime. I will reopen this later. I would have listened to Livestream. Thank you. πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί It is fixed now😁 #IStandWithRussia Take down #NAZITerrorism

Posted 9/4/2024 

2:52am EST 


Posted 9/5/2024 

5:53 am 

Did President Biden serve in the armed forces? 

The answer may surprise you...

Good Grief, So "Muskavite' is dropping his administration bc Zelensky has lost his administration? Is this some kind of head trip? Social trick? Act? 

Posted 9/6/2024


Why did Sakamoto-Q bc so popular in USA? Was it in the name? Q is a CIA code. Even to this day-contributes to #OrderOfBarbarians #Illuminati agenda #DecideForYourself 

"Q" "Q-Anonymous" promoted social engineering to cover up Americans planned #Sep11 

Posted 9/6/2024

Trump the career criminal married to transgender Melaniah - whose before pictures show him as a man -- will get pardoned by Transgender Kamala, which is probably a reversal of some cult curse, WTF. 

     ALAMAK SIRrah

   Remember Sirhan, Sirhan? Accused of killing RFK? 

We have nothing but "Danger close" when it comes to the election! I'm not voting! 

@KremlinRussia_E @mfa_russia  - is Russia taking a stand? They emphasized they don't interfere with USA Elections. Could they be making exception to have a successful election? After all, look at Ukraine - no govt now! But USA says Ukraine is winning when their pants fell down!

@mucVALdR6M46986 -  wrong account 
Teddy ran away from @mrbeanwifteddy and is now visiting Mr  Rice 🀣 #NorthKorea and @KimJongUnique @RoyalFamily

@Mucuva @PDChina
Teddy ran away from @mrbeanwifteddy and is now visiting Mr  Rice 🀣 #NorthKorea and @KimJongUnique @RoyalFamily

Posted 7Sep2024

How can we get transgendering off the table? The weapon of #MindControl has to be applied here. Shouldn't Transgendering be made illegal? It is mutilation of a person! #CrimeAgainstHumanity 🌞 



My opinion, TRANSGENDERING is a crime against humanity! 


#SunriseCT - Twitter 

My comment (I entered 3 or 4 total) 
I was preparing a comment with some resources and YouTube popped up that THIS Video was taken down, yet still shows in my history!

I am posting a number of screenshots on this blogpost: 

Now I will post screenshots of pages from another blog, 
http://publiusroots org 
(See my table of contents) 

Update: They have been using airguns to pump in the garbage files with maggots recently. I'm sick with the flu, which makes it even more stressful! I have had to spray the kitchen many times using rubbing alcohol. I clean all surfaces with Clorox and Dawn. I use Lysol on the floor. /9-19-2034 4:07pm 

The video was still available yet this popped up on my screen by hackers! 

Posted 9/8/224
5:24am - I'll be back to make comments, especially due to someone hacking my notes to alter facts. You should notice contradictory statements but whoever reads this may be tired from working all day. I will do this asap. 

Tweeted response to May 11 tweet...

Don't forget that over 400,000 Ukrainian men left the country to dodge Zelensky 's draft; and he's pulling in young men to join his terrorists.


Posted 9/8/2024 

-    BEST Anti-war weapon: Delicious, Healthy Food πŸ˜‹

This could be the best #FarmersMarket in the world 🌎 in @Russia



Inside Gorbechov 's USSR.

    BTW, Reagan took Colin Powell out of his command physically, ordered him to be NSA in the white House, while he was still in uniform. Colin Powell wrote about that in his book. He had to follow orders - and they paid him for both positions! He knew how crooked they were in the White House. All he wanted in life was to make the world a better place with whatever talents he had. RIP, Sir - such a fine leader and his son Michael is a chip off the old block! Michael was the best FCC this country ever had - and that is why Bush pushed him and his father out of the White House. Colin Powell wouldn't agree to a war! John Bolton, who obviously got the military explosives that were used in the drones that hit the WTC bldgs, was preoccupied with inciting a war with Cuba! Most likely as a distraction from what they did to the Middle East, blaming them for 9/11, when they caused it! 

One of my comment/responses: 
Hon. Colin Powell, then US Army General of 60,000 troops in East Germany, actually made friends with officials in Soviet Union and Germany. They wanted peace and prosperity. They were not NAZI-Illuminati like thousands, probably tens of thousands in USA were since USA brought in thousands of murdering NAZIS after WW2! When you understand the Satanic strategy and watch documentaries relating to WW2, you realize how much the devil's chessboard was in place, particularly with the organized crime of CIA. The 1999 BLACK's Law Dictionary defined License as permission to do what would otherwise be a crime! Who licensed GW Bush to mass murder over 3,000 people? There could have been 6,000! Bodies were definitely burned to ashes! And that is why lifetime Democrat Donald Trump got tons of laser weapons five months before he torched Paradise CA using BLaCKwater, owned by USGov-Made billionaire Eric Prince who was brother to Amway billionaire and total idiot Secretary of Dept of Ed (she only had a bachelor's degree in sociology πŸ₯΄) Betsy Wetsy Devos. And Trump claimed it was a "wildfire" fire-fire-fire..."You're Fired!" See the demoralizing behavior? And Trump is a pathological liar and rewards pathological liars!Yet my apartment gets vandalized all the time and all my possessions were stolen by Storequest even though I paid for my rental unit timely each month! I filed a lawsuit -they didn't even appear, which is automatically a default judgment in my favor - but it wasn't! This state is nothing but organized crime! Run by the most corrupted attorneys who file pro hac vice to evade taxes and fudge their books! Pro hac Vice means they operate out of town and are given permission by the court ONE TIME to represent a case in Connecticut! The FBI agent I knew and I expect others on the force took the Stillman Law office down because the damn judges in this local court system only allowed this crime! They sued me for medical services FOR AMAZON! Jeff Bezos is corrupted as hell, just like all the other Technocrats! The one who has acted stupid, Mark Zuckerberg, is actually the brains! He is really Robert T Morris, who destroyed tens of thousands of computers in December 1988 - as Reagan and GHW Bush rolled out the take down of the Soviet Union! But they can have their own enterage/Commonwealth and Britain has its Commonwealth. The Monarchy are really the ones who have saved Britain economically and SOCIALLY. King Charles is an amazingly intelligent and kind man. He believed he married who the public were excited about, FAKE virgin Diana, programmed MTW Transgender by Rothschild's. A very tough situation when he realized Diana was a tranny on their wedding night! God has carried him through because he is indeed a very fine Monarch! Yet the Monarchy are shock absorbers for the evil that permeates society. Diana was never killed! Dodinal Fayed only wanted to marry Diana to hook up to the wealth and power of the Monarchy! He was a Suni Muslim. That's like a mafia Catholic. Kashoggi, his father, lead a very criminal and depraved lifestyle. And he was partner in crime with Onassis, for instance. Onassis was who MTW Transgender Jackie Kennedy married. Jackie shot JFK in the headband rushed to get on the limo to smear the blood so it could not be determined that the shot came from "her" CIA a$$! Yes Jackie was CIA and JFK made a deal with the devil and in return they followed through with their promise to make him President!
Lee Harvey Oswald was happily married to a Russian woman, living in Russia. So CIA tapped him and lied about the need to kill officer Tippet in Dallas because he wanted to destroy JFK in a planned coup. Officer Tippet just happened to look like JFK. Oswald realized he was deceived but the CIA got him arrested and blamed. The Mafia attorney was allowed to prance along with media, armed with a gun even though police were taking Oswald to the police station THROUGH A CRAFTED TUNNEL so nobody could see! Except the liars, of course! They wanted tippet's body to replace JFK's in autopsy so it would be reported that he was killed with one bullet. And who pushed that obe-bullet Bs even though he knew better? Many did, but I am thinking of fake Dan Rather - who also helped GW Bush cover up September 11! 

It is all pay-to-play! That's probably why the Technocrats named the source for apps as a play Store! 

29-yr-old COL TIBBET was the one who dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki!he actually wanted to drop FIVE in total! 

They love to play with words and names! For one thing, it makes a game of it and soothes their lying - a$$ consciences! 

 Feel free to check out my blog posts. The link should be in "about" on my channel. Unfortunately this phone doesn't have a notes app and when I uploaded a really good one, Google Play store loaded it with abusive ads that disrupted it's functioning AND returned my money which I paid for that app, for lifetime use! All complete cyber Crime! And that is what the technocracy 😀 is made of! I uninstalled that app which they turned into a cyber crime
 weapon. My blogs are a hobby. Not
 monitored or monitized - Copy and
 share what you want. Hopefully the
 good wolf grows and the bad wolf
 starves to death. πŸŒŽπŸ™

The Cyber Criminals are doing all they can to disrupt my blogs, so I suggest you copy and save what you agree with ASAP. 

🌞Posted 9/8/2024 

--This translation is a mockery.
"If you kill me; I will kill you"

Posted 9/11/2024 

My clipboard was disrupted and the bastards deleted all my notes! It's pathetic that the only reason you need a new device is because of the corruption by Technocrats! 

Gboard is malware! They hack my keyboard, making it dysfunction and more! 

They deleted my comment, scumbag criminals! 

Reminder πŸŽ—️
Americans mass murdered Americans on September 11! And these same
 bastards made it a

September 11, 2024 
7:00 am 
Yet I had to keep repeating this comment because the Cyber bastards deleted it! 


Reminder: Americans mass murdered Americans on September 11!!!

Posted 7:00am 

See future updates on my blogpost #DDay - copy what you want, share it. Make it your own words 🌞 🌞 #SunriseCT

Hot Topic recently! 🌞
Normandy invasion! 

Posted 9/12/2024

My comment was cut off on Twitter 

No negotiations with terrorists! Zelensky stepped in and ramped up the NAZI terrorism! 

Notice how CYBER CRIME cut off my comment regarding asking if China can intervene! @mfa_russia
I got sick when this MEDIA claimed Zelensky remained steadfast! #StopNAZITerrorism

Does anyone else care there's no translation-or do you just have your bot soldiers commenting? How about Blinkin playing his guitar instead to humor us?
WTF @mfa_russia

The West generally consider their own military EXPENDABLE - they should walk out! Choose peace, not corrupted foreign policy! The best defense is a good offense - walkOut! Take down weapons!
#SunriseCT 🌞9/13/2024 

Posted 9/13/2024 



@MarthaStewart's stylish touch is one of a kind. I don't have the poached egg down 100% but it's much better and a reminder that we don't have to compromise ourselves, no matter what our budget is. ....what happened to the link? 😬

Get your motor running 😁 🚴🚳Enjoy this 2hr trip in NYC πŸŒΊπŸ’― 
They are removing links now! 
I have to go back and find it ! 


The method is #CookingTheBooks
Both Obama and Trump illegally printed trillions of dollars with help from Timothy Geitner! The. US Gov is run by organized crime! #DecideForYourself

I stand with Russia ❤️❤️πŸ€—πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί

NATO has become a vicious war-weapon for crooked politicians - Not a freaking treaty organization! If President Putin has to destroy these spineless liars, so be it! They are a criminal organization violating humanity!

Posted 9/13/2024 

@GeologyNick Today's Topic is Yellowstone Hotspot as it relates to Idaho with Karin Sygloth located in France!

Here are a few screenshots - my phone was jumping all around like a Mexican jumping bean. I will watch it later. 



@Scottymechanic says modern alternators will hold up to a more ppowerful battery.Go for it. P


@Chinagovt It's just constant cyber crime in USA! The Technocracy help themselves, invade my devices and manipulate all they can! I never gave them permission to steal my data! "Shared Files" by #Motorola is a cyber crime!

Posted 5:12pm 

Secret 🀫There are more than three πŸ˜„



Neither the Soviet Union or Japan could be subverted. So USA penetrated! Political rape including mass murder! 

Posted 9/16/2024 


VIDEO/ride with border patrol officer of NYS

My comment

The police officer is spoon-fed by crooked Trump followers! Trump has mass murdered at Paradise, is a pathological liar! Erroneously fired the best people in his administration because HE was facing charges because he's a very evil person, violating law after law! Pissed off James Mattis had the CIA opinium factory in Afghanistan destroyed, when Mike Pompeo became a drugglord when he became CIA director - no problem since he was involved in causing many plane crashes through the CIA front Thayer Aerospace - this police officer is only concerned with job security, play-to-play and that defines North NY! 

Bill Clinton, who is half brother to GW Bush, defected to Canada to evade the draft! He is one month older than GW Bush which is why GW is not a Junior! Clinton thereafter went to Moscow, Russia to attend their university, and further evade the draft. Money is no object when your father's a CIA man like GHW Bush was! 

He's not fighting crime: he's saving his time! 

Job security! 

People have illegally crossed the border for decades! Ever since it was made illegal! Organized Crime was very prominent! 

Huge drug busts occurred decades ago, including large 18 wheeler (tractor trailers) 

They are either reading frauded records or or just lying about it all. Nevertheless, the townspeople would share this reality if they have roots there! 

This is hype to help Trump the murderer

    General Solemeini, victim! 

     Paradise CA - mass murder using the laser weapons he got without James Mattis ' endorsement 5 months before he torched Paradise CA! Jake Morphonios reported it! Showing the purchase and receiving documents -tons of laser weapons! And he kept saying, "I wonder what he will use them for" .. 5 months later Trump mass murders and destroys Paradise! And what does MORMON Jake do? He clams up and deletes that video! No doubt his church ordered him to, just as they were covering up for Warren Jeffs! 

Trump is a sabatoger - liar - completely engrossed in organized crime! A Traitor to USA! Congratulations Officer - you for the profile of many these days, who have been carefully selected for your gift of grab! Grabbing lies rather than being just! That went out the window many years ago in that area! 

The one accused of killing MLK was in Canada, which is is where his crime hangout was - he didn't kill MLK. He wasn't even there! The criminal underworld used JAMES EARL RAY as a stooge! A front for deceiving the public! A Blackman dressed in a police uniform did! Dressed like the Blackman who always patrolled the area but he was ordered elsewhere that day! That never happened! This probable black panther, Vietnam Sniper, got MLK because he believed that MLK was encouraging everyone to hate Vietnam vets! MK Ultra was in force by CIA and the New World Order of Barbarians was in force! Doctors were rolling it out to get their staff to go along with it all! Dr. Dunnegan relayed what Dr. Lawrence Day relayed to staff in 1969. This shit is real and officers who are a part of that "system" have job security! 

🟒 constant cyber crime on my phone! 

Did Elon Musk delete my tweet? 

I didn't even type this! 

I will listen to Brian #ClearValueTax but not the Fed Reserve. The whole economic structure sucks. Rates are going to be cut. ✂️
Are populations going to be cut through more mass-murder?

Yuri Bezmonov Former KBG explained SUBVERSION tactics, which began thousands of years ago, as observed by Chinese philosopher Sunset - see my YouTube playlist. Copy what you want. 

Zelensky is murdering Russian POW's..war crimes are continuous! The only reason there's war is because USA has funded billions of dollars a year to Ukraine terrorists since Obama (2014) and then Trump! This country has been run by traitors! 

Posted 9/19/2024


        BOB AVAKIAN 🟒 Revolution 81 

I can't paste what I tweeted bc Cyber Crime deleted!
Search #BobAvakian
Search #Revolution81
Remember: God is the glue that keeps me connected to you! ❤️πŸ™πŸ•Š️πŸ₯°


Posted 9/19/2024

Time for a nap. I am still struggling with a flu. 

One more for the road.

Teslas - not testles! Frankly I consider this typical cyber crime to confuse the truth. Scotty is a no. 10 of 10 for articulation. 


#BeMyPumpkin 🧑
Best Pumpkin Recipes featuring #PumpjinOfTheYear @MarthaStewart🧑

This is Rand Paul territory....

Rand Paul lied about his neighbor... so this could be another Lie. What sheriff would even dare to shoot a judge right in public. If that happened, he was MK Ultra'd 



This Russian subway line has a section devoted to Geology! #ILoveRussia #TravelingWithRussell  @KremlinRussia_E

Posted 21Sep2024
8:07pm 😁


Based on what I learned about #Titanic, CPT Smith ordered the seal tight doors to be locked and over 1,000 low income passengers drowned to death and maybe killed from explosions of the boiler rooms. Someone deliberately opened the seal tight windows!



I recently realized just exactly what that meant, With God all things are possible. It is up to man to man to make the most of it. The original translation is even deeper. I am sorry I can't think of that literal translation now.But having my father be poisoned by a paedophile priest and experiencing so many other heartaches, I wondered how we can see God in these situations. Children that are assaulted, even murdered - which is going on so much in Ukraine by Zelensky that more civilians have been killed than military. The literal translation said it all! I am so sorry I can't think of it now but the feeling I got was tremendous. It was the assurance that God never leaves us and through all things in life,God is there. Love is there. Man is given freedom to choose. It is like seeing a rock every day and then finding out what that rock is made of and how it came to be. I know I had shared it in my blogs but my goodness, I have a lot of blogposts now. I think the literal translation was made by a Jewish authority. Probably a rabbii. And God has a sense of humor! Your baby was born on July 4 in Russia  - so funny! Thank you for sharing these videos and I hope for those who can settle in Russia, they will indeed be off to a great start. ❤


Soon, Russia will beat Boeing in world trade with the world's finest engineers in their country! I hope China collaborates! 

This is another example of how USA is imploding on itself! Losing airplane business from Russia, which will develop even better aircraft! And I hope a few Former Boeing employees joined your force bc they lost popularity.


I hope these screenshots are useful. Most  The screenshots are examples of why.  they aren't in the same order I took them in.the Android anarchy seem to be enjoying pulling that trick and I have been sick with the flu.  I encourage you to  read comments on this video.  

Get this FREE App! Learning a new language can be that easy. Did you know King CharlesπŸ’™πŸ™πŸ‘‘ has learned at least 7 languages?

Good for Russia!!!!πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί❤️

My comment: 

Japan is slave to USA. Col Tibbets was the pilot who bombed Japan in Hiroshima and Nagasaki - taking off from the Japanese island which USA massacred tens of thousands of citizens! This was all premeditated mass murder and Colonel Tibbetts wanted to drop 5 atomic bombs on Japan! They even had a third one lined up yet had much opposition since Japanese surrendered when he bombed Hiroshima; but he bombed Nagasaki anyway and because of that The Japanese began fighting again and the military were split on what to do since they didn't want anymore massacres but they didn't want to give in to the corrupted foreign policy of USA. Japan became a pivot point for USA to attack China - right now China is suffering many floods in their country. May God strike dead the ones who caused this!

My concern is that USA ipsychopathic politicians are so obsessed about using Japan as a pivoting point AGAINST China, that they want to manipulate Japan at any cost! 

I hope the finest geologists in England may be able to assess this to determine if it was geoengineered which is a #CrimeAgainstHumanity

This is cyber crime! They put this crap on my screen and block everything! I had to do a hard reset! 

I disabled Google Assistant - so they hit me with this,ba$tards! 

On a lighter note 🎡🎢

Shows us the biggest market in Germany - Metro in 15min video πŸ‘ Everything is wholesale.


"I'm Bai People" 😁
@FallonTonight Bye Bye, Bai


      Dutch and Russians are family

This is interesting history 
I will share the video he made comment on...

Posted 9/28/2024 

This is a well-articulated ceremony for those who know Chinese PinyanπŸ‡¨πŸ‡³. No English translation. I wish I could watch but I have work to do.


The global elites will use people and throw them away! They are the ones who ultimately need to be stopped. The horrors going on in Palestine are caused by terrorism, and that includes CIA! CIA murdered Netenyahu's brother during a most - likely rigged hijacking! 

What we need to see is the right and wrong of this, and not be hung up on "fixing" PM Netenyahu's behavior. This needs to be determined by experts. Nevertheless

Consider the timing! Russia remains strong from being invaded by Ukrainian terrorists since 2014! These Barbarian globalists want more murder and mayhem so they pick on the weakest and most in the news so they get attention : PALESTINE! 
And they have ramped up violence in Syria! They don't have their war-toy #WOMD because in 2014 Colin Powell lead the team to dispose of the tons of nuclear weapons that Saddam Hussein made for CIA! 

The isreali military are nothing but sacrifices for the global elites! How many truly believe they do the right thing? 

Colin Powell and General Schwarzkopf were against the Kuwait War. I spoke to Colin Powell before the Operation Desert Shield turned into Desert Storm. They followed orders. Yet the "One for all" was not for the "All For One" The "One for All" - was only for his global cabal! And the "all for one" were just considered collateral damage! 
RIP, Sir! You died too soon! 

Colin Powell and General Schwarzkopf wanted PEACE - his son Michael nearly died from what I consider a rigged jeep accident. He had to have 16 surgeries! 

Colin Powell and his wife were almost killed from a plane crash. What saved them was the pilot - and he made sure before he got on that charter that he knew the pilot. That pilot landed the plane with no engine! Both of them went out! Blancolirio Channel has described how THAT can be done but it certainly takes great skill and nerves of steel!  
He didn't candycoat it!

Hello! πŸ€— life sucks right now due to another illegal landlord eviction. I am up still - pushing 4am!

Posted 9/30/2024 

Over a million views in a few hours....all it is is blah blah blah blah blah politics....get your Alka Seltzer out.


For October: Let pizza begin with me ; 
Vivi las Vegas 🎡🎢🎡🎢😳 and other odd couples; what floats your boat? .....
Copy what you want and make a better blog - real em in and please don't eat the daisies. 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼


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