Kemper Insurance

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(It is not up to date, sorry. This is a hobby. Copy what you want. Make it your own words)  


I was hit head on by a sander truck weighing 20 tons.  A multimillionaire attorney isolated my mother when I was in ICU, telling her she should sign the lawsuit because I am not likely to live.  For some reason my mother kept telling people she prayed I would die after that.  Most likeley having spoken to relatives like my uncle who stole my SSN and used it to purchase a SECOND luxury car and ruining my credit, saving himself thousands of dollars in taxes and tariffs.  Things are a bit convoluted.  The attorney, Frederick Kendall, preyed on me while I was in a room by myself because people had to whisper due to the severe head injury I had.  His bipassing security and hospital professionals set the pace for this case, which placed me at the bottom of the barrel.  I was not compensated for wages.  Instead, he rigged the cheap employment insurance for temporary disability and said that was all I would get.  His motive was to disrupt my life all the more as "punishment" for telling a local sex trafficker to leave me alone, he was a pig.  And they humored themselves all the more by erecting a restaurant named "Pig's Ear" right where the sander truck driver tried to murder me for the organized criminals, probably CIA.  

The basic points I am sharing is that all documents were KEMPER INSURANCE up until a certain year in which they began FRAUDING - when they were successful in getting me forced out of my apartment and have no one to help me because they ISOLATED me - all to manipulate their continues coverup of crimes - which was exposed in Minnesota when I won an arbitration case - yet all the money due me was stolen and/or frauded. I had to move to the East Coast,my only option - and the brother I had was most likely deceptively doing things to get me out of Minnesota - with my dishonest uncle, retired major in the USMC, obvious multimillionaire, working in the background - no doubt a CIA operative through military black operations. All serving himself! 

It didn't matter I won the arbitration! I never got my money! And despite getting a Post Office Box right away when I got to New Hampshire, they enjoyed sending mail to my brother's home, which literally smelled like a barn when I got there. He lied about everything, having room for me. All his cats had worms - each cat for each kid. In a house made for a family of no more than 2 kids! It was a total nightmare - and quite possibly they even sent my check to his address. I have nothing to do with him. Many of my possessions were destroyed or stolen at that house before I could get them to a storage unit. 
I won the arbitration but didn't get the money in the 1990's. Hillary Clinton was senator, preparing for September 11, as one of the mass murderer planners.  Over $500 due me! To reimburse me for the chiropractic care I got. I wouldn't have been evicted for being just $200 short to pay rent timely if my mother had not  refused to give me a temporary loan! She resented my achievements and made things so much more difficult, as a competition for attention. Her social skills were in control when attending a church which I couldn't go to due to the 40-mile drive and trauma I had in 1978. 

Reference to KEMPER INSURANCE - frauded years later! 

This was particularly CRIMINAL - giving this criminal - run state - Connecticut - my personal information without my permission! It's been hell living here! 
Barack Obama did away with all insurance departments and converted them all to Dept Of Economic Security - to evade the law on long-standing fraud issues and more!  

    And of course, rolling out OBAMACARE - the largest fraud Obama committed - costing the USA trillions of dollars! With insurance departments out of the way, he figured he could commit crime after crime in insurance fraud and there would be no accountability! 

Did they pull this illegal chain of custody shit when I had to move to New Hampshire after losing my apartment in Minnesota - which was all organized crime manipulating my life to cause that to happen --NO!  
Connecticut is a hellhole to live in and I only recommend it to live in to the people who have harmed me in my life!  Let them rot in hell too! I am stuck! I cannot afford to do anything else! The FBI agent I could rely on is no.longer reachable. They took his phone down in 2022 just after I left him a voicemail about the politicians obscunding federal funds belonging to Medicare - giving them to the states,then converting it to Medicaid - all such a horribly corrupted manipulation - no doubt organized by Barack Obama in the background! 

All completely illegal! 

This began the fraud in company names, and more - and most likely using pay to play schemes -wgen I have always been the victim which they wouldn't do a damn thing for except harm me!! 

That includes getting a doctor to tell me I had epilepsy from the grad injury. I had seizures - which was an outright lie! Kemper Insurance now had me where they wanted me - doors up with phenobarbital and easier to manipulate! I broke away from it after three years of even more hell! I never had any seizures and hated the crap they forced on me! I saw a neurologist in Canada, not telling him I stopped the meds three weeks prior! He said the EEG was normal, bla bla bla and I was obviously talking the right amount of medication. I told him I stopped it 3 weeks before and unfortunately he rigged a letter to alter what he told me! 
Nevertheless the EEG report couldn't be changed. He seemed like an honest doctor yet their loyalty to the AMA takes precedence! How dare me to expose their corruption! 

And Kemper Insurance had another black eye! Money was no object if they could hurt me more! Yet they wanted nothing to do with paying for real problems! 


My settlement included health coverage for life from the attempted murder by Perry Hyde.  That was due to thanks to my father intervening -he said they took advantage of me, fully knowing I was going through trauma and refusing to get me any help for that because the attorney was a boldfaced liar! I settled out of court because of the isolation,the disruption, the torment, and not one penny in reimbursing my lost wages, giving me as little as possible,yet getting siblings to tell me I was lucky to have that successful attorney, which made me realize they would never care about my rights. They were spoon-fed. 

You see, the depraved attorneys figure two things:  1.  Feed the corruption and to hell with me  2. Plan B:  If my rights are supported and they are exposed, they would get PUBLICITY which is a magical way to make money in this country - make a movie, be part of media spin, etc.  Barack Obama savored that kind of attention and lived off his lies.  

I would not feed into their depravity.  I just wanted my rights.  It didn't matter that I was almost murdered.  It didn't matter that my brakes were disabled by someone before the truck slammed into me; and to further that they made sure my brother in law could not inspect my car since he was an excellent mechanic and would soon be back to working for the USA Gov. Most importantly he was an honest, moral person who lived just the opposite of the depravity of the attorneys and what my father brought me up to be.  Yet as far as standing up to the corrupted attorneys, forget it. My father was the only one who did yet they arranged for him to get large contract deals - and I just said there was no conflict of interest plus my father was in danger of being hurt by this corrupted underworld. 

My mother signed a $750,000 lawsuit.  Damn, I lived.  So to punish me for that, they turned around and made the case a NO-FAULT case, which means neither myself or Perry Hyde was at fault.  Did I know they did that?  Of course not! 

In order to get No Fault insurance, my attorney has to request it. Yet he lied to me and said the insurance company made it no fault on their own! Had I demanded a complete copy of the file, I may have been able to see what he did, but he may have frauded the file and kept it out - and Kemper Insurance was conspiring - after all, using National Grange as the defendant insurance - actually was more fraud, more crime! They were not an auto insurance! 

 And here there was a lawsuit for $750,000 - but I needed to die!  The alcoholic neurologist tried to speed that along by moving me out of ICU despite the fact I was not conscious.  The few things I did say made no sense yet my brother insisted I was fine, going along with the doctor, who actually compromised my safety and caused blood clots to move to my head!  I had so many blood clots, which is a normal process of healing when your bones are shattered and you have several broken ribs, a severe neck injury and though the head injury was closed, it was very severe and my head was swollen from hematoma.  I was just fortunate that the dirtbag neurologist was not on staff at the time he caused blood clots to move to my bleeding head.  The ortho doctors rushed me to the operating room and did an artiogram.  They would not discuss with me what they did.  After all, it was the neurologist's fault!  


The following was faxed to the office of Special Deputy Receiver in Chicago, IL just a few days ago.  As I am recovering from the flu, I decided to type what I sent them as I try to "rest".  I had to type it while sick and there is absolutely "no rest for the weary".  

They frauded my insurance case from KEMPER INSURANCE





To take the heat off the Kemper frauds. And no doubt plenty of pay-to-play was involved.  



Office of the Special Deputy Receiver

Representing Ann Gillespie

Acting Director of Insurance 

State of Illinois

                                       JACOB STUCKEY

                                      SPECIAL DEPUTY


222 Merchandise Mart Plaza Suite 960

Chicago, IL 60654


Mailing Date:  Agust 13, 2024

XXXXMy name

XXXX My address

RE:  Lumbermans Mutual Casualty Company, In Liquidation (the "Estate"}

Recommendation for Disallowance of Claim 

Insured:    xxx My Name

Claimant:   xxx My Name

Claim Number:  xxxLS (this was KEMPER, THEY FRAUDED IT)..... -00001)

DATE OF LOSS:  1-05-1978

The Liquidator has evaluated your proof of claim and supporting documentation.  Based upon that review the Liquidator is recommending that your claim be disallowed and barred from participating in any prorated distributions of Estate assets that may be made at priority Level "D" of the statutory schedule of distribution, 215 ILCS 5/205 (1)(d).  The Liquidator's recommendation is based upon the following information from your proof of claim and supporting documentation, as well as other information available to the Liquidator:

RE:  01/05/78 auto accident that occurred at approximately 8 am in Lyme, NY which resulted in your injuries and PIP/No Fault claim against your auto policy and your timely filed proof of claim form for an unstated amount in the liquidation proceedings of Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Company,j formerly known as Kemper (LMC)

    FRAUD! Kemper Insurance is still an auto insurance company! 

Your claim was sent to the New York Liquidation Bureau (NYLB) after the 05/10/13 date of LMC's liquidation for consideration. 

NYLB told me their office closed! I could only contact the OSD in Illinois! There was no more Insurance Department for the state of New York! 

 The NYLB assumed responsibility for your claim and the payment of all future PIP / No Fault benefits that may be owed to you.  

I requested to be reimbursed; they instead sent a check without my knowing to Pap, who was the shoe repairman, who charged me less due to insurance fraud! Pap told me he got a check, otherwise I wouldn't have known! 

The last payment made by the NYLB was for $42 to Kelly S. Cobbler on or about 4/17/14. FRAUD : they told me their office no longer would exist! And OSD never said the contrary despite my documenting that!  Since that time, they have not received anything further from you but would still be responsible for your claim.  

As a result, there is no liability to the LMC estate for this matter and the Liquidator is recommending that your claim be disallowed and barred from participating in any distribution of estate assets that may be made.

What a lie! Also, three pairs of my orthopedic shoes were stolen out of my apartment! I only had sneakers I could wear. Nothing else had a lift or arch supporting! I have plantar fascitis and tarsal tunnel syndrome - both very painful along with suffering from no lift on my shoe for years. The NYLB was using their funds in Pay to Play circumstances, not informing me of what they did with the money!And then telling me their office eas closing! 

Please note that the disallowance of your claim against the LMC estate will "not" affect the obligation of the NYLB to continue to handle and pay future benefits that may be owed to you.  Should you have any questions concerning the NYLB's responsibility for your claim you may contact them at 212-341-6793.  The liquidators denial of your claim on behalf of the Estate in no way jeopardizes or changes your claim currently being administered by or on behalf of the Guarantee Fund.

If you agree with the Liquidator's recommendation for the disallowance of your claim as set forth in the above paragraph, then you need to take no further action.  The Liquidator will present her uncontested recommendations to the court supervising the liquidation proceeding the "Supervising Court" for its approval.

If you disagree with the Liquidator's recommendation for the disallowance of your claim as set forth in the above paragraph, then you must submit your written objections to the Liquidator within 60 days from the mailing date of this Notice of Determination.  You may submit your written objections either by US Postal Service, email, facsimile or courier service.  An objection shall be accepted as received by the Liquidator on the earlier of the date it is postmarked, receipted by a courier service, or is physically received by the Liquidator.  Your written objection should be made on the attached form and sent to the Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Company, In Liquidation at the above address.  If you prefer to send your objection by email, the following address should be used:  Finally you may also fax your objection to 312-836-1944.

Questions, comments, and inquirieies should be sent by email to, or you may telephone us at 312-836-9500.  In order to facilitate our handling of your communications, please reference your claim number (WHICH IS BY THE WAY, FRAUDED SINCE THAT WAS NOT MY CLAIM NUMBER!) on all future communications.  Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Company, In Liquidation

By Tracy Meyers

C;laims Supervisor 


Please note, I noticed some typos in the text yet it doesn't take away from the purpose of my statements and I will correct them when time permits. --9/24/2024 


**Contrary to the title, this was an UNDOCUMENTED "form" with no cited laws, bamboozeled by the fraudulent Obama Administration, based on a NEW YORK STATE insurance lawsuit - not a damn thing about Illinois, across the country but where Obama started his career of crime as a fake attorney, fake senator, who got a Nobel Peace Prize for not doing a damn thing but be connected with organized crime!  

NOTICE OF MAILING DATE:  August 13, 2024

RE: Lumbermens Mutual Casualty company, in Liquidation

Insured:        xxxxxx ME

Claimant:    xxxxxxME

Claim No.     (changed from KEMPER TO "LS" which is outright fraud!  LS-.......-00001)

Date of Loss:   1/5/78

Recommendation:  Disallowed at Priority Level (D)

If you agree with the Liquidator's recommendation, then you need take no further action and there is no need for you to return this objection form.  

If you do not agree with the Liquidator's recommendation and wish to object, then you must submit your objection within 60 days from the above-referenced 'NOTICE MAILING DATE".  Your objection must be submitted in writing (ie, spoken objections will not be considered), preferably using the submission form (if you choose not to use this submission form, please reference your claim number (AGAIN, THIS IS A FRAUDULENT NUMBER!) to facilitate the proper handling of your objection).  You may submit your objection by: (i) United States Postal Service to 222 Merchaandise Mart Plaza, Suite 960, Chicago, IL 60654.. (ii) courier service to Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Company c/o Office of the Special Deputy, 222 Merchandise Mart Plaza, Suite 960, Chicago, IL 60654.  (iii) email to; or (iv) via facsimily to 312-836-1944.  Your objection will be considered to have been received by the Liquidator on the earlier of the date it is: (i) postmakred, (ii) receipted by a courier service, or (iii) actually received by the Liquidator.  

Any additional documentation you wish to be considered as evidence in further support of your claim must be submitted along with your written Objection.  

State the reason(s) for your objection (attach additional pages, if necessary):

Agree to what?  There is no substance to the statement which this office makes 10 years after I submitted a claim.  They had no legal right to my file - that issue was not even argued!  I request a copy of the file I submitted supporting the complete disregard in abiding by lawas that were in effect when I was nearly murdered for a sex trafficker on 1-5-78, having strategically been called to work.  The insurance report even indicated that it was an at-fault crash - the sander truck with a spotter on a clear day when roads were bare deliberately slammed into me when I was just driving on myu side of a no-passing highway!  Send me the file I so meticulously prepared as well as scanned and gave you an electronic copy of as well!  Ten years gto by so you can fraud more!  But I wasn't supposed to be alive!  In fact the day after I timely submitted a claim, which was ridiculous since "you" have no damn right to a NYS insurance OPEN CLAIM WITH LAWSUIT SETTLEMENT, I was almost murdered again!  My grade 4 hamstring tear was all that resulted.  I suffered malpractice as another attempts to make me die!  *See continued page*

Continued Page 3
Date 9-20-2024

The insurance report indicated it was at fault!  The picture determined it was the fault of the sander truck driver who was insured through National Grange - which is not / was not een auto insurance - a violation of No Fault Law!  Both parties have to have auto insurance - yet if a driver at fault is not insured they apply the No Fault Insurance so the victim may get up to $25,000 (1978)

That was certainly not my circumstance!  I had a crooked attorney who sleezed his way through everything - tried to make me attend a college in Pennsylvania saying it was free because I wa so badly injured by refused to have me processed elsewhere!  Not ever caring about the fact I was nearly murdered!  Even when the driver laughed at the pre-trial hearing - I had to defend myself!  So I asked him if he was tryng to murder me - because he got such humor 

Continued Page 4
Date:  9-20-2024

out of it all!  My attorney then spoke up to defend this driver!  All of that info and much more was meticulously submitted to your office, whih really had no damn right to any of my personal information & instead enjoyed exploiting me since I did not die from that hitman who just watched me like an arsonist watches the fire they cause!  Police deleted the case report I made right at the train station!  I was in such great pain yet the paramedics told me I had to wait for police to report that guy.  The officer who took my info left the bldg - without checking with the conductor or the official who manages the video system! 

I was refused treatment aat the hospital!  My leg turned black over two weeks!  The church I attended was only about 3 blocks away.  They had a food pantry.  The pastor refused to have anyone bring me any food despite the severe injury!  Corruption feeding corruption!  And he was a member of the LBGTQ crap.- added note, not on original 
Send me your file!  



REQUESTOR:  ......

RESPONDENT:  Office of the Special Deputy Receiver, 222 Merchandise Mart Plaza, Suite 960, Chicago, IL 60654


1.  I -------, am the Requestor, since I have requested a full set of the file which this aforementioned office claims to have and ruled on recently - on files they have had for over ten years!
2.  The company that I paid and was my legally binding insurere was KEMPER INSURANCE.  The insurance agent was Norman Cass.  His office was located in Syracuse, NY, which was very unfair since I took the policy out in Watertown, NY and my father made several trips therre beause he worried about my rights. 
3.  At some point your office claimed I was thereafter insured by American Motorists which was false.  ISURANCE CANNOT CHANGE AFTER A CAR IS TOTALED.  The insurance policy, in fact, was claosed, with the claim remaining open using the policy number.  
4.  I realize this is all JP Morgan/Chase Bank money juggling, which only supports the deliberate corruption since that bank is a very corrupted bank.  Checks issued to me were far and few between and of very low amountss.  They were sent to me from Chicago, IL for Kemper Insurance in New York.  The Checks were titled as KEMPER INSURANCE.  At some point, American Motorists was included in the title yet I wa told it wa a shared account with Americqan Motorists and had no affect on my claim.  
5.  Lumberman's Casualty was only the underwriter of my insurance policy.  They were owned by Kemper Insurance!  They only carried property and casualtyu insurance servcices.  only in 

2014, supposedly they acquired American Motorists, which was actually a sister-company and that business activity seemed very sketchy.  Yet is had no bearing on my open claim with closed insurance.  Kemper Insurance waw still an ative auto insurance business and only if they were dissolved could another company take over an open claim with closed insurance policy due to insurance regulations and procedure as well as simple logic. 
7. (note, there is no paragraph 6)  No one ever notified me that Lumberman's were taking over my settled claim.  It would have been a completely illegal thing for them to do.
8.  No New York State auto claim that has also beenn settled can be transferred across the country legitamately!  It is fraudulent!
9.  Kemper Insurance remains an active auto insurance company in New York State.
10.  Lumberman's Casualty and Property was not even auto insurance. 
11.  When your office reviews insurance circumstances, it is your responsibility to ensure the circumtances are legitamate!  That the apples are apples and oranges are oranges! In this case, they are not and your placing round pegs in quare holes could not be more obvious.
12.  The only way my settled claim couild be passed ovewr to another insurance company would be for that insurance company to acquire KEMPER INSURANCE, which never took place!
13.  YOu people know all this!  You can access the laws that were in place much easier than I, who suffers from being disabled by this horrific car crach, which disabled me and I got no rights!  Attorney Frederick Kendall was socially engineering my life, including training my siblings to claim they were the ones who suffered, more than I did, and deserved to be paid!  Despite the fact I hardly saw any of them unless they needed something,  like two sisters did and during my only vacation in over a year, I brought my younger brother with me to New York City and Canandaigua to help them both.  I returned home and the stalking sex trafficker called me.  I told him to leave me alone, he was a pig.  I was then woken up very early in the morning by my mother who insisted I go to work as if I owed them, rather than be considerate of my need to rest from studies and get settled in this new house they moved to.  My car was facing the street.  I pulled out and three miles later I was hit head on by the 20 ton truck by a driver who was working a second shift even though the roads were bare

and it was a sunny day.  They erected a restaurant named Pig's Ear where he tried to kill me!
14.  You people know all this!  YOu can access the laws as well. But how much of the file has been frauded in ten years?  
156.  Something Obama did frequently, including causing convenient personneel files to all burn at at the main military filing locations in the country - St.  Louis, MO - where Lavena Johnson grew up and joined the military to be a patriot out of choice, since she could have done what she wanted.  Her father was a successful doctor.  She was raped and murdered in her barracks/BARACK - no doubt a Statanic ritual and Obama refused to admit what happened to her.  Instead made up lies about her committing suicide!  Her father examined her body carefully because thingws were not adding up and he realized she wa raped and shot in the back of the head with a shotgun!
16.  Though this concludes my statement, it does not clclude all the fraudulent crime I have been subjected to - not getting my rights - and violating me ervery step of the way as if they had to teach me a lesson about going along with organized crime!  I wwill never go along with organized crime!  It is a disgrae that so much of it exists in this country!
17.  Regarding the existence of the NYLB, I actually went to the building that was supposed to be that offie; instead I was told that office no longer existed since Barack Obama did away with all Insurance Departments and created instead a Dept of Economic Security with Benjamin LWSKY IN cHARGE.  He gave awards to Lawsky for circumstances such as suing Paris, France for supposed improper monetry exchange with trading with Iran of all places - when Obama had claimed that Iran had been always getting the short end of the stick and deserved to be compensated by the Iran Deal, which he deliberately sabatoged with Donald Trump going along with it.  The only person I could speak to was from the Workers Comp Office.  I told him I did not go to NYC on my dime all to be treated so unfairly like that.  I had called that office before.  So where were the people in the office?  Again, they insisted the office no longer existed!  I went there when I wa able to get around since I had a badly torn hamstring for months =- torn the day after I submitted the OSD claim to your office, and called for confirmation you received it through email.  

18.  Aforesaid statement of 4 pages has been prepared by me,.......  I am over th age of 18 and I believe in the power of oath.  



REQUESTOR:  .........



Your office has sent me an informal, undocumented decision on an insurance file you erroneously acquired from the State of New York over ten years ago; at no point showing any legal chain of custody - only making statements about barack Obama; who is in fact the most incompetent attorney that hit this planet and should have had his license revoked, particularly since he substituted his incompetency with unlawfulness. 

I want proofs of chain of custody.  Who sent you the file, proof that this office had legal right to my file, until it shows it originating from the Kemper Insurance Office.  That is what chain of custody is!

I also want every single document on this file.  I sent your offie voluminous pages along with a scanned electronic copy.  I want everything I sent; everything anyone else sent; as stated above referencing chain of custody. 

I suggest you don't try to get me murdereed again because you will not get away with it!

Respond to my requests with assurance of when you will be delivering this file to me.  Also allow me time to review the documents so I may append to the OBJECTION SUBMISSION FORM which, by the way, is a haphazard title with no actual legal effect - particularly since there is no document number and no cited laws or regulations on the document.  How handy! 


I realize that "playing house" was all that the Obamas did, along with hijacking the nation as traitors like the other Presidents before and after Obama.  And Michelle Obama's being a transgender has always been a distraction for the White House, particularly since "he" had his penis and on several occasions had "wardrobe malfunctions" when it was erected.  He completed the transgender journey despite Obama preferring that part of the anatomy to remain sine he is gay and whatever else suits his fancy  Of course, general consensus is that is supposedly none of our business and he can have sex with a rok if he wants in this "free country".  NOT AS PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.  IF HE CLAIMS HE HAS A WIFE, SHE SHOULD BE A WIFE, NOT A HALF-MAN, HALF SYTHETIC WOMAN.  This does not reflect the will of the majority in this country.  And that does set the pace for my rigthts - which of course do not matter because organized ceime rules in this country!

Regulations are just word, after all.

So my question is, are you going to wait another ten years to fulfill my request? Maybe you can get my crooked landlord to send the maintenance supervisor back to my apartment while I am taking a bath, beak in using extreme force, breaking my inside latches, and this time carry out the assault and murder plan before he is ordered out of my apartment by a federal agent!  After all, it is a free country!

This is what happens when corruption gets pancqked over corruption! 

Prepared and signed,




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