US Commonwealth?

US Commonwealth? Link to this blogpost They changed the link - disrupting the spelling 😤 SSNAZI Commonwealth Is the Mariana Islands where the stewardess saw all the bodies piled in an industrial dumpster after USA mass murdered US citizens on September 11? No Boeing hit the WTC buildings! They couldn't penetrate the buildings plus they have *AUAP, which cannot be turned off! *Automatic Uninterupted Auto Pilot The dirtbag Technocrats disabled my blog by completely disabling the phone I created that domain on! I purchased another android to set up and access the domain and that was disrupted! Because they illegally enter and vandalize my apartment all the time, it is very difficult - very stressful - to leave! I have a federal poverty level income! #OperationBully by a landlord who owns this $2.2 billion building with three mor...