Ebrahim Raisi Murdered by Terrorists

Link For This blogpost https://motherearthtoo2022.blogspot.com/2024/05/ebrahim-raisi-murdered-by-terrorists.html?m=1 Theres another blogpost also: https://neemtreebark.blogspot.com/2024/05/ebrahim-raisi-great-leader-in-iran.html?m=1 TABLE OF CONTENTS https://thunderflower2021.blogspot.com/2024/02/table-of-contents-premier.html?m=1 I will return to this. I am very ashamed of my country, USA Blinken was obviously involved with this terrorist plot when he went to Ukraine! Yet the only recognition he got was for playing guitar for Zelensky! Obviously to sooth his conscience as he plots the terrorist act! ⭐🌻⭐🌻⭐🌻⭐🌻 I need to get some sleep - it is 5:14am and I have been up.all night😓 So many great leaders have been murdered! 🌻⭐🌻⭐🌻⭐ Duran Locals Blog is MISINFORMATION to keep spinning lies, to incite a world war and feed military industrial complex! They blocked me from commenting, lying about not paying! I have proof ...