Native Peoples Notes

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Incase you want to see my tweets and more....

<Insert> Intriguing source I just learned about: 

NEMUS is another crime-fighters org on Internet.

Posted 2/17/2024 <End of insert >

When I see videos or articles on Native Peoples, I will share them here when I can. This device has been compromised but I hope the changes I made will fix the problems. 

Thousands of years ago, there was a fauna that no longer exists. Certain animals became extinct in the #Amazon
Like mastadons and horses

This is one of the several problems - my service provider on two devices attached its app on this phone without my permission. They have been hacking it, obviously. Turning internet off, causing it to lose charge - it's only at 22% even though throughout this video I've had it plugged in. Illegal invasions in my apartment may have also been opportunity for hands-on manipulation. One of my phones is missing - and Google is not allowing me to change the password so they can't access my account. I'd like to think it is the FBI agent I've greatly trusted through the years but FBI took his phone down last year and I don't know where he is. The FBI wouldn't even tell me he's okay. The last message I left was about politicians obscunding funds - the states are siphoning from Medicare. And they created a Medicare Part C which is MEDICAID! They say it's vision and dental to entice you. Call a dentist and ask them if they have ever processed it - that's because it's MEDICAID = obscunding funds and forcing you to stay in the state you live in, despite being corrupted as hell like Connecticut! They want to crash Social Security! GW Bush tried that by trying to take the money and "invest" to support criminal businesses. 

Subject: Ku Klux Klan

What was it derived from? 

My conclusion: an obvious Freemasonry/illuminati agenda 

I watched a very interesting documentary on YouTube about them, who uses the cone heads - even the British use cone headdresses for ceremonies - they don't represent racism - they don't represent SUPREMACY. 

I I need a nap .. The stress I have is immense from long lasting corruption. 

a.  Ku means something in Hinduism, Sanskrit, the history of ancient India, Marathi, Hindi, biology. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.
b. Here's a little more: Ku (ΰ€•ु) represents the number 1 (one) in the “word-numeral system” (bhΕ«tasaαΉƒkhyā), which was used in Sanskrit texts dealing with astronomy, mathematics, metrics, as well as in the dates of inscriptions and manuscripts in ancient Indian literature.—A system of expressing numbers by means of words arranged as in the place-value notation was developed and perfected in India in the early centuries of the Christian era. In this system the numerals [e.g., 1—ku] are expressed by names of things, beings or concepts, which, naturally or in accordance with the teaching of the Śāstras, connote numbers.

2. Klux
a. Origin of the name. The name was probably formed by combining the Greek kyklos (κύκλος, which means circle) with clan.

I will probably add more when I resume.

Posted 4/6/2023

Livestreaming Today, Luis Salazar



Grandfather Wally of #NavajoNation  has 4min discussion on the sacredness of Blanca Peak
Blanca Peak Mountain
   Blanca Peak is the fourth highest summit of the Rocky Mountains of North America and the U.S. state of Colorado. The ultra-prominent 14,351-foot peak is the highest summit of the Sierra Blanca Massif, the Sangre de Cristo Range, and the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. Wikipedia
Elevation: 14,326′
This mountain is largely made up of a granitic batholith dated to 1.7 billion years old, or during the late Proterozoic. This rock has been metamorphosed into metagabbro and gneiss. There is some younger Miocene and Oligocene (~25 millions years old) felsic dikes that run through the older rock.
Posted 5/17/2022 
     Navajo Nation 
The beauty way path is not an easy one, yet indeed the most joyful πŸ₯°

Posted 5/22/2023

Video 1of4 - Nick and Randy

Link for this blogpost witb Moses Coulee Notes:

But they deleted them! I have to recreate it. This phone does not allow a decent notes app! I just post right on to my blog when I want to share something. 

Video 2of4 - Nick and Randy?

Video 3of4 - Nick and Randy ?

Video 4of4 - Nick and Randy?



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