November 2022

ELECTION MONTH #SunriseCT I just posted a resp tweet here about New Haven keeping # HousingCodes secret codes! Twitter either removed it or hides it so I can't retweet it! Both searches are rigged! Searches on Twitter are rigged to keep my tweet from being accessible! @ BlancolirioYT @ GlenAndFriends @ SWFgowildlife # MartinTyner @ bobforgovernor @KingCharlesIII_ @ XiJimping @mfa_russia @ EbrahimRaisi2 @gpovanman My concern is There is a group of people CAUSING plane crashes and profiting-as they profited on #Titanic # September11 and many more! A whole lot of notes are missing here.. This phone is being f*k'd up! Fascinating view!!! Thank you for sharing @GaryHershorn Gross and typical! They illegally enter my apartment, put garbage in my refrigerator, unk open food items in my cupboard, which I throw out! This rotten garlic was on top of my fresh garlic! They never changed the lock to my apartment when I move...