Behold A Pale Horse
Behold A Pale Horse
I created
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so you have search options (chronological using blog setup, or alphabetical using my list)
I will do my best to keep it up to date.
Copy notes as you see fit. This is public information. To save you time😁
UPDATE 10/17/2021
(Formerly appleofmyeyes, but the Senate Judiciary nefariously took it down to cover up Kavanaugh's crimes, which I. Tweeted to them FOR CONSIDERATION!)
This blog has over 220 blog posts - all should be listed in TOC
under construction...
By William Cooper
Look up the story of CRAZY HORSE - for inspiration, to carry us through this rough ride!
Copy my notes, listen to the three hour audio - it is packed with useful information about what is really going on!
UPDATE: FIND MY BLOGPOSTS ON New World Order Of Barbarians
created one on this blog in September or October. This phone is not note-friendly. I had ab excellent notes app on it abd all of the sudden it was plastered with abusive ads. I had to take it down.
I'm trying to finish my Judicial Complaint. Once These notes cover the whole 3hr audio, this paragraph will be DELETED. 17Aug2021
🙁😱🙄 I am not done yet and am sorry. I had to juggle a number of things.
I'll work on finishing asap. 27Aug2021
Notes appear to be missing...I shall return - phone needs charging ....
Behold A Pale Horse
Revelation 6:8
My Notes
Sequence of Events in Life
God has his hand in this
Conspiracy To Control The wanted outcome of the future: The Devil's Chessboard
Wars are regularly scheduled
Civil War may be the only solution!
Created to devise their NWO
Most people want to kill others to get them out of the way
People are unprepared
Politicians manage security. Crimes. Benefits of science, education
The Nation Womb concept
Police - attorneys - judges
Generals are industrialists
Docile SubNation
Political Nation - eventually devoured by Docile SubNation
Social Schemes of Intimidation
The Draft
Father Figure - Forced to Conform
Women demand Security
Military = Patriotism
Women with newborns - easy to condition
Childcare Centers - to detach from parents
Blackmailing, Extortion fathers
Cattle concept - family members are beasts of burden
Orphaned children - single welfare mothers
Death of Freedom
Be prepared to fight - distorted concept of Liberty is being implemented
Join USCCA,the cost is modest 🥴
Brotherhood Of The Snake
Teaches Luceferianism in deceptive manners; social engineering
"For the benefit of all mankind"
Exclusivity of Membership
Valuable Functions of Nefarious COMMUNICATION
Initiations - bootcamp
Bonds members together
Neophyte - "reborn" concept
Political, Social action of member
Adepts - are the leaders
Commanders' Goal takes precedence
Careful Selection proceeds secretly
Reflects the true secret purpose of the group
Initiations are to determine who can and cannot be trusted
Who becomes an ADEPT
The MYSTERY or MOTIVE is to teach religion is just a mere method to control the masses
KNOWLEDGE is their only God
Man will become God - concept is taught as a truth
Man's desire to be one of the elect
No power on earth is able to lessen and destroy
Gives them political base and lots of clout - "I belong to the elect"
Reasoning - garnered by facts
Like sheep, the students are taught in a Shepherd concept
Teachers, Leaders are the "Illuminated Ones"
Cults of Methonia....
( At about 24 min)
MASONIC Concept of NEW LIFE ritual
Reference to the LION
Grip of the Lion's Paw
Three Degrees
Seven Rungs
All-seeing EYE
Rushonea - Illuminated One
Achieved through
1. Abolition Of Private Property
"Community" Concepts introduced
2. Nation of Nation States
3. Illumination came from the Supreme Being - desired a perfect class of men and women to carry out a direction of the world
4. Plan to reshape the social system of the world
a. Taking control of countries one by one
b. Reaching the 4th degree, one can communicate with directly to the unknown supervisors
- imparted knowledge to initiates throughout the ages
Wisemen will again recognize the Brotherhood
Echo of the NAZI party... Stopped at 26min51 sec
I will try to resume later but have a personal project I need to complete, JUDICIAL COMPLAINT
Book by Harvard Professor: Crisis in a Democracy 1970's
Order Of The Quest
aka The Jayson Society
Member of "The Elect" was considered a priveledge
CFR is a private org who are the most powerful political group in USA (Harvard, Yale - members of The ILLUMINATI, ch 322) GOAL: NWO
Roosevelt belonged to CFR
Bilderberg Group
Prince Bernard with help of CIA brought them to CFR - members of Illuminati, other SECRET SOCIETIES. Bernard claimed "Christ was his ancestor"
Book: The Secret Destiny Of America - by Manly P Haul
Plan To Suspend The Constitution
PA, VA, WV, MD - locations
Most likely this is a DUMB:
Mount weather / Controlled Operations / Continuity Of Gov Program - held DOCIERs on over a thousand people (aka Targeted people bc they're against the NWO)
built by Feds "Federal Preparedness Administration" FPA
Located in Bluemont, VA
Used its tools to create Cuban Crisis, involved with planning JFK murder. Crohnan was in charge of FPA.... Executive Order 11490. Signed by Nixon 1969. Superseded JFK's 1962 order.
FEMA - created to take over local, state, Federal Government
Planned Holiday to create a takeover; Thanksgiving
Consider Hurricane Sandy, Sandy Hook Shooting (Which was a huge criminal FRAUD operation. Nobody died. Adam Lanza didn't exist)
Adam Landa was a NAZI celebrity!
Continued notes
At about 26:58 min
NAZI Party
Communist Party
Extreme Right
Extreme Left
All have leaders from a small group of men who have been Illuminists., Members of The Brotherhood
They may have been or be members of the Christian or Jewish Religion - only to further their own ends. They are Lucuferians. They've used nationalism to further their cause. They seek economic and full power.
They seek control of the majority of wealth, natural resources, manpower of entire planet - creating a Luciferian Socialist Totalitarian State. They seek to eliminate all Christians, Jews, Atheists.
Degrees of Initiation
😛order Of The Quest
The Jayson Society
Knights Templar
Knights of Malta
Knights of Columbus
Ancient and Mystical Order of --
Communist Party
Executive --- 28:53 min
-- Of Counts and Measures
Brotherhood of The Dragon
Royal Institute Of International Affairs
Trilateral Commission
Council Of -- 29:08min
The (Open?) Secret Society of The Vatican
-- Trust 29:13min
Skull & Bones
The Order
They are all the same and all work for the same ultimate goal., A
Many disagree on who will rule this NWO and that is what caused discord among them.
Trilteral Commission is an Elite Group of 300 people
🧡My note: don't buy the book by Jonathan Talbot, it's a CIA psyop. Title: The Committee Of 300
He doesn't even tell you who the hellthe 300 are!
He also doesn't admit they are the Trilateral Commission!
He's a total weirdo anyway. A cultist. I watched some of his videos and they're hideous.
The Trilateral Commission is a group of intellectual decision-makers of the West, North America, and Japan.
It's a private agency that works to build up political and economic power among the three regions. Its brand design is
New World Order
A key to the danger presented by the Trilateral Commission is it's seminal piece written for them by
Harvard Professor Samuel P Huntington - mid 70's
He recommended that Democracy and Development be discarded...
Book: Crises in Democracy 🖤
"We have come to recognize that there are potential, horrible limits to economic growth. There are also potentially limits to the -- of
political Democracy, a
government which lacks authority
will have little ability short of cataclysmic crises as it poses on its people
the sacrifices which may be necessary
Look at the CFR. Many members never serve on the Executive Committees. They never go through any initiation of any kind. They are, in fact, the power base and are used to gain a concensus of opinion. The majority are not really members, but are to feel as if they are.
In reality, they are being used.
And are unwilling or unable to understand. The Executive Committees is an
inner core of intimate associates -
Members of a secret society called
Devoted to a common purpose
The members are an outet circle
Patronage and social pressure. That is how
Rockefeller gave Kissinger a grant of $50,000 in the early 50's - a fortune in those days, and made dear old Henry a member of the CFR. Anyone in the outer circle who does not know the mark is summarily expelled and the lesson is not lost to those who remain. Do you remember the human desire to being a member of the Elite Group?
That is the principal at work.
The CFR has been the foremost .......32:41 min
Plank of America's Foreign Policy for more than half a century. (since 1970's when Bill Cooper wrote this book, so tack on 40 years! )
CFR is a private organization of Executives and political scholars and political leaders that studies global problems and plays a key role in designing US Foreign Policy.
Both chapters of Illuminati
Chapter 322 of the order
Skull & Bones of Yale
Scroll & Keys of Harvard
Order Of The Quest
aka The Jayson Society
CFR is an offshoot of the British Institute Of World Affairs. Goal: New World Order
🧡🧡🧡🧡. My notes
(They changed British - to Royal probably to pin blame on Buckingham Palace!)
It started off on the right foot.1920, Lord Robert Cecil was chairman - he also chaired League Of Nation's, which US refused to join,starting a United Nations, which we all know is greatly corrupted and run by USA.
They almost collapsed but Ted Turner gave them $1billion.
CFR grew to be very CRiMINAL in nature.
INSERT 💙🌸♥️💐💙🌸♥️💐
By William Cooper
Rev 6:8
Notes appear to be missing...I shall return - phone needs charging ....
Behold A Pale Horse
Book by Harvard Professor: Crisis in a Democracy 1970's
Order Of The Quest
aka The Jayson Society
Member of "The Elect" was considered a priveledge
CFR is a private org who are the most powerful political group in USA (Harvard, Yale - members of The ILLUMINATI, ch 322) GOAL: NWO
Roosevelt belonged to CFR
Bilderberg Group
Prince Bernard with help of CIA brought them to CFR - members of Illuminati, other SECRET SOCIETIES. Bernard claimed "Christ was his ancestor"
Book: The Secret Destiny Of America - by Manly P Haul
Plan To Suspend The Constitution
PA, VA, WV, MD - locations
Most likely this is a DUMB:
Mount weather / Controlled Operations / Continuity Of Gov Program - held DOCIERs on over a thousand people (aka Targeted people bc they're against the NWO)
built by Feds "Federal Preparedness Administration" FPA
Located in Bluemont, VA
Used its tools to create Cuban Crisis, involved with planning JFK murder. Crohnan was in charge of FPA.... Executive Order 11490. Signed by Nixon 1969. Superseded JFK's 1962 order.
FEMA - created to take over local, state, Federal Government
Planned Holiday to create a takeover; Thanksgiving
Consider Hurricane Sandy, Sandy Hook Shooting (Which was a huge criminal FRAUD operation. Nobody died. Adam Lanza didn't exist)
Resuming 24Aug2021
At 32 min
Members of the Elect
(We also refer to them as Elite) "That is the principal at work"
The Council on Foreign Relations
Foremost flank in developing Foreign Policy for more than half a century
Private org: busines ppl, scholars, politicians ELECT GROUP from
Skull &Bones - Yale
Scroll & Key - Harvard
Order Of The Quest - Jayson Society
Both secret chapters of the Illuminati, Chapter 322 of the Order
1921- joined Royal Institute of National Affairs
Funded by: JP Morgan, Carnegie Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation, and other WALL STREET BANKING INTERESTS.
Contrary to the title, The Monarchy are SET ASIDE! The RINA is The Chatham House - they CONTROL USGov
Chatham House, also known as the Royal Institute of International Affairs, is an independent policy institute headquartered in London. Its mission is to provide authoritative commentary on world events and offer solutions to global challenges. It is the originator of the Chatham House Rule
The institute receives income in the form of membership subscriptions from its approximately 3259 individual members and 354 corporate members comprising private companies, governmental departments, embassies and high commissions, universities and academic institutions, media organizations and NGOs.
For years, its members have infiltrated the entire Executive Branch, State Dept, Justice Dept, CIA, and the topranks of the military. Every Director of the CIA has been a member of the CFR. Most Presidents since Rosevelt have been members. The members dominate the press. And most, if not all, America's top journalists are members.
The CFR does NOT conform to GOVT Policy. The government cinforms to CFR policy. President Eisenhower selected 6
From his Executive Branch (already members of CFR) to sit on the panel called
MAJESTY Twelve, aka Majority Twelve for Security Reason.
They control extraterrestrial information projects.
Total membership of MAJESTY TWELVE was 19, including Dr. Teller and members from the Jayson Science Group. Again, ...all this information depends on the existence of aliens.
(I would say another element would exist, not REQUIRING aliens - the element of lying)
CFR forbids note taking or publishing of its minutes. Members that breach silence are terminated.
Goal of CFR: NWO
Remember, never worship a leader. If you do, you then no longer have ability to recognize deception.
BUILDER-Berg Group
Created in 1952; named after the hotel where its first meeting took place in 1954. The man who organized it was
PRINCE BERNHARD of the Netherlands
(who decides on Nobel prize winners?)
He had the power to veto the Vatican's choice of Pope it selects. Prince Bernhard had this power because his family, the Hapsbergs, are decended from the Roman emporer. Bernhard is the leader of the BLACK family. He claimed descent from the House of David and truly say that he is related to Jesus. Prince Bernhard
With the help of CIA
Brought the hidden ruling body of the ILLUMINATI into public knowledge as the Builderberg Group. This is the official alliance that makes up the world government body.
Three Committees
13 members each - have to belong to the ILLUMINATI
1. Freemasons
2. Vatican
3. The Black Nobility
They work year around in offices in Switzerland.
Determines who they invite to the annual meeting and what policy and plans will be discussed. Every proposal or plan that has ever been discussed at an annual meeting of the Builderberg Group has come to pass usually within one or two years following the meeting. The Builderberg Group is directing the QUIET WAR that is being waged against us.
38:30min 🌸😱💐🤔🌸😱💐🤔🌸😱💐
Posted 24Aug2021
How can they wage war?
Manley P. Hall, 33d Degree Mason - probably the most renouned expert on these subjects, wrote in his book:
For More than 3,000 years, secret Societies have labored to create the background of knowledge necessary to establishment of an enlightened democracy among the Nations of the world. All have continued and they still exist in
Men bound by a secret oath to labor in the cause of world Democracy decided that American colonies planted the roots of a new way of Life. This Order was set up in America before the middle of the 17th CENTURY.
Ben Franklin spoke for the ORDER OF THE QUEST and most of the men who worked with him in the early days of the republic were also members.
Not only were many f founders of USGov Mason's, but they received aid in a secret 'August' body existing in Europe, which helped them to establish this country for a particular purpose known only to the initiated few. The members of the Builderberg Group are the most powerful finsnciers, industrialists, statesmen, and intellectuals who get together each year for a private conference on world affairs. The meetings provide an informal off the record opportunity for international leaders to mingle and are notorious for the cloak of secrecy they are held under.
40:20min 🙏📯🙏🎺🤘📯🙏🎺🙏📯
Posted 24Aug2021
Time: 9:54pm
I'll resume tomorrow 😊
The Headquarters office is in The Hague in the Netherlands. The goal of the Builderberg Group is a One World Totalitarianism and Socialistic Economic System.
Take heed,as time is running short.
The very fact that they meet in secret tells me that something is going on that I would not approve. Do not ever believe that grown men meet on a regular basis just to put on fancy robes, hold candles, and glad-hand each other.
. George Bush, when he was initiated into the Skull & Bones did not lie naked in a coffin with a ribbon tied around his genetalia and tell out the details of all his sexual experiences because it was fun. He had much to gain by accepying the initiation info The Order, as you now can see. These men meet for important reasons and their meetings are secret because what goes on during the meetings would I not be approved by the Community. The very fact that something is secret, there is something to hide. John Robeson wrote
Proofs Of A Conspiracy
In 1798: Nothing is so dangerous as a MYSTIC association. The object remaining a secret in the hands of the managers, the rest simply put a ring in their own noses by which they may be lead about in pleasure, and still panting after the secret they are the better pleas, the less they see of their way.
A mystical object enables to shift his ground as he pleases. and to accommodate himself to every current fashion or prejudice. This again, gives him almost unlimited power - where he can make use of these prejudices to lead them by truths. He finds the already associated by their prejudices and waiting for a leader to concentrate their
strength and set them in motion.
... I'll be back 🌩️🌧️🌦️⛈️☁️🌩️🌧️🌦️⛈️
I hope to finish by Saturday, 28Aug2021. Wish me luck. I'm playing hooky by watching Clark Family Creative
And Wuauquikuna brothers - Carlos
Salazar just uploaded.
OMG - so sorry...I haven't resumed notes for a few of my blog posts like this one ... Zeitgeist
are a couple more I haven't finished. I have had some personal setbacks. The Death of Colin Powell, American Hero, was one of them.
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